1,633 research outputs found

    Preteens\u27 Engagement With Interactive Technology: Implications For Face-To-Face Interactions And Social Distancing

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    Interactive technologies are widely accepted as important communication tools. This said, they may not function the same way for all age groups. Preteens, for instance, spend a considerable amount of time with media devices, however their interactions involve little social content. Therefore, for preteens, engagement with technology may create a social disconnect. This can happen in at least two ways. 1) Interactive technologies may displace face-to-face interactions with individuated screen time. 2) Interactive technologies may create social distance by making individuals independent of other people and devices. To address the social correlates and the situational consequences of interactive technology use among preteens, the present research utilized survey and experimental design. Results of the survey indicated that preteens who spend more time with interactive technologies have fewer face-to-face interactions with their family members and friends. Experimental findings of this research provided preliminary support for interactive technologies potential to bolster social distance. Specifically, it was found that priming interactive technologies increases children’s preference for solitude, as evidenced by less willingness to engage with another child on a collage task. Analyses also demonstrated that children from individualistic cultures who hold independent self-construal are more susceptible to the social distancing effect of interactive technologies, than children with collectivist background, who have interdependent self-construal. Results of this research help address pediatricians’, developmentalists’, and parents’ concerns regarding social consequences of interactive technology use for children. The significance of findings for social development, family dynamics, education, and research design are discussed in detail

    Investigating the Moderating Effect of Massively Multiplayer Online (MMO) Games on the Correlation Between Flow and Game Addiction: A Meta-Analysis

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    The flow theory of addiction suggests that the psychological flow state and addiction are positively correlated. However, based on 23 empirical studies involving 6,772 subjects, our meta-analysis shows that this relationship is significantly weakened in massively multiplayer online (MMO) games. Our results suggest that game genre, which is often overlooked in existing theories, warrants more attention in future research on game addiction. For game developers, our results suggest that it is particularly important for non-MMO games to provide a good match between game challenge and player skill level, which is essential to the flow experience. As MMO games have been reported to be more addictive than non-MMO games, future research should also investigate the unique characteristics of MMO games that cause addiction in this game genre

    The effects of community on wellness: An exploration of utilizing community to address loneliness

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    The subjective experience of loneliness is a growing public health concern that is deserving of the attention of mental health professionals. This project offers a review of current literature necessary for conceptualizing and understanding loneliness, and provides evidence for the positive impact of finding community in fostering acceptance and sense of belonging for lonely individuals. Research on possible responses to loneliness are explored, as are cultural influences and the implications of connection through the use of technology. Finally, the responsibility of mental health practitioners in addressing loneliness is examined, and suggestions for prevention, advocacy, and treatment are discussed

    Standard and Innovative Strategies in Cognitive Behavior Therapy

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    Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is the fastest growing and the best empirically validated psychotherapeutic approach. Written by international experts, this book intends to bring CBT to as many mental health professionals as possible. Section 1 introduces basic and conceptual aspects. The reader is informed on how to assess and restructure cognitions, focusing on automatic thoughts and underlying assumptions as well as the main techniques developed to modify core beliefs. Section 2 of this book covers the cognitive therapy of some important psychiatric disorders, providing reviews of the recent developments of CBT for depression, bipolar disorder and obsessive-compulsive disorder. It also provides the latest advances in the CBT for somatoform disorders as well as a new learning model of body dysmorphic disorder. Two chapters on addiction close this book, providing a thorough review of the recent phenomenon of Internet addiction and its treatment, concluding with the CBT for substance abuse

    Time Spent Gaming and Marital Quality: The Effect of MMORPGs

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    It is not known if, or to what degree, time spent playing massive multi online roleplaying games (MMORPGs) and adult attachment style affect marital quality. This study attempts to deliver a clearer image about the statistical links between MMORPGs and marital quality to better understand how MMORPGs can affect this relational area. Attachment theory is the theoretical model used in this study. The Hayes mediation analysis was used to answer the research questions. However, correlations were performed initially, to evaluate the suitability of the mediation analysis. The 240 respondents were selected using a convenience sampling approach, through the use of Amazon’s MTurk. It was predicted that adult attachment style would correlate with time spent playing MMORPGs and marital quality. Results indicated that the null hypothesis was rejected for the first three research questions (whether adult attachment style correlated with marital quality operationalized as conflict, neglect, affection, or intimacy; whether adult attachment style correlated with time spent playing MMORPGs; and whether time spent playing MMORPGs correlated with marital quality operationalized as conflict, neglect, affection, or intimacy. and was not rejected for the fourth research question (whether time spent playing MMORPGs mediated the relationship between adult attachment style and marital quality operationalized as conflict, neglect, affection, or intimacy). A professional, in practice, would benefit from knowing the research and acquiring the appropriate tools and resources that provide a competent understanding of gaming, specifically, MMORPGs resulting in positive social change

    A Web of Distortion: How Internet Use is Related to Cognitive Distortion, Personality Traits, and Relationship Dissatisfaction

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    Internet use is a growing trend among every segment of the population. There are many positive aspects of internet use, such as increased information sharing, communication, business opportunities, and education. However, excessive internet usage has been shown to have a number of deleterious effects on individuals, families, and relationships. Pathological internet use is a growing concern that can have numerous negative outcomes. This study has demonstrated the fact that specific types of internet use were associated with cognitive distortion, personality traits, and relationship satisfaction. Moreover, the number of hours of internet use by type was related to average, weekly, total number of hours of internet use. A difference was also found between users and nonusers of internet pornography. The findings from this study can be used to further develop screening instruments, inform clinical practice, and improve treatment guidelines so that individuals with pathological internet use can be identified and treated

    Bringing light into the dark side of digitalization : consequences, antecedents, and mitigation mechanisms

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    As digital technologies permeate all aspects of our professional and private lives, digitalization causes profound changes for individuals, organizations, and societies. The use of digital technologies makes many activities easier, safer, faster, or more comfortable. In addition to many positive changes, digital technologies are also associated with numerous risks and side effects. The use of digital technologies might come along with severe negative consequences for individuals, organizations, and societies. The negative consequences can be triggered by various antecedents. In addition to identifying the negative consequences of digitalization and their antecedents, it is particularly important to develop appropriate mitigation mechanisms. This dissertation provides novel insights for IS researchers to better understand the negative consequences of using digital technologies. It contains a broad overview of the risks and side effects of digitalization and investigates related antecedents and mitigation mechanisms. To reach this goal, regarding research methods, this dissertation relies on the structured analysis of (scientific) literature and (expert) interviews as well as the analysis and interpretation of empirical data. Chapter 2 contributes to the research on the negative consequences of digitalization. Section 2.1 provides a comprehensive multi-level taxonomy of the risks and side effects of digitalization (RSEDs). Section 2.2 builds on Section 2.1 and is a substantial expansion and improvement of Section 2.1. The iterative taxonomy development process was complemented by four additional cycles. The final taxonomy comprises 11 RSEDs and their 39 subtypes. Both articles show that there is a wide range of risks and side effects of digitalization that need to be explored in more detail in the future. Chapter 3 focuses on the antecedents of digitalizations negative consequences. Section 3.1 sheds light on individuals concerns towards automated decision-making. The concerns are derived from academic literature and semi-structured interviews with potential users of algorithm-based technologies. Section 3.2 focuses on the evaluation of specific mHealth app features by potential users in Germany and Denmark. The study draws on survey data from both countries analyzed using the Kano method. Further, it comprises a quartile-based sample split approach to identify the underlying relationships between users characteristics and their perceptions of the mHealth app features. The results show significant differences between Germans and Danes in the evaluation of the app features and demonstrate which of the user characteristics best explain these differences. Both articles shed light on possible antecedents of negative consequences (i.e., user dissatisfaction, non-use) and thus contribute to a better understanding of the occurrence of negative consequences. Chapter 4 shows exemplary mitigation mechanisms to cope with the negative consequences of digitalization. Section 4.1 takes an organizational perspective and identifies data privacy measures that can be implemented by organizations to protect the personal data of their customers and address their privacy concerns. These measures were evaluated by analyzing data from two independent online surveys with the help of the Kano method. Section 4.2 focuses on an individual perspective by presenting the concept of a privacy bot that contributes to strengthening the digital sovereignty of internet users. With the help of the privacy bot, page-long privacy statements can be checked against previously stored individual data protection preferences. Both articles provide appropriate mitigation mechanisms to cope with users privacy concerns. These two examples show that there are a variety of ways to counter the risks and side effects of digitalization. The research articles included in this dissertation identify various risks and side effects of digitalization that need to be explored in more detail in future research. The two articles on antecedents help to better understand the occurrence of negative consequences of digitalization. The development of appropriate countermeasures, two of which are exemplified in this dissertation, should result in the benefits of digital technologies outweighing their risks.Da digitale Technologien alle Bereiche unseres beruflichen und privaten Lebens durchdringen, bewirkt die Digitalisierung tiefgreifende VerĂ€nderungen fĂŒr Individuen, Organisationen und Gesellschaften. Viele AktivitĂ€ten werden durch den Einsatz digitaler Technologien einfacher, sicherer, schneller oder bequemer. Neben vielen positiven VerĂ€nderungen sind digitale Technologien aber auch mit zahlreichen Risiken und Nebenwirkungen verbunden. Der Einsatz digitaler Technologien kann mit schwerwiegenden negativen Folgen fĂŒr Individuen, Organisationen und Gesellschaften einhergehen. Diese negativen Folgen können durch verschiedene Einflussfaktoren ausgelöst werden. ZusĂ€tzlich zur Identifizierung der negativen Folgen der Digitalisierung und ihrer Ursachen ist es besonders wichtig, geeignete Schutzmaßnahmen zu entwickeln. Diese Dissertation liefert neue Erkenntnisse fĂŒr IS-Forscher:innen, um die negativen Folgen der Nutzung digitaler Technologien besser zu verstehen. Sie enthĂ€lt einen breiten Überblick ĂŒber die Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung und untersucht die damit verbundenen Ursachen und Schutzmaßnahmen. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, stĂŒtzt sich die Dissertation forschungsmethodisch auf die strukturierte Analyse von (wissenschaftlicher) Literatur und (Expert:innen-)Interviews sowie auf die Auswertung und Interpretation empirischer Daten. Kapitel 2 leistet einen Beitrag zur Forschung ĂŒber die negativen Folgen der Digitalisierung. Abschnitt 2.1 liefert eine umfassende mehrstufige Taxonomie der Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung (RSEDs). Abschnitt 2.2 baut auf Abschnitt 2.1 auf und ist eine wesentliche Erweiterung und Verbesserung von Abschnitt 2.1. Der iterative Taxonomieentwicklungsprozess wurde durch vier weitere Zyklen ergĂ€nzt. Die endgĂŒltige Taxonomie umfasst 11 RSED und 39 Untertypen. Beide Artikel zeigen, dass es ein breites Spektrum an Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung gibt, das in Zukunft noch genauer erforscht werden muss. Kapitel 3 befasst sich mit den Ursachen der negativen Folgen der Digitalisierung. Abschnitt 3.1 beleuchtet die Bedenken von Individuen gegenĂŒber automatisierten Entscheidungen. Die Bedenken wurden aus wissenschaftlicher Literatur und halbstrukturierten Interviews mit potenziellen Nutzer:innen algorithmusbasierter Technologien abgeleitet. Abschnitt 3.2 konzentriert sich auf die Bewertung spezifischer Funktionen von mHealth-Apps durch potenzielle Nutzer in Deutschland und DĂ€nemark. Die Studie basiert auf Umfragedaten aus beiden LĂ€ndern, die mit der Kano-Methode analysiert wurden. DarĂŒber hinaus umfasst sie einen quartil-basierten Stichproben-Split-Ansatz, um die zugrundeliegenden Beziehungen zwischen den Merkmalen der Nutzer (z.B. Bedenken hinsichtlich des Datenschutzes) und ihrer Wahrnehmung der Funktionen von mHealth-Apps zu ermitteln. Die Ergebnisse zeigen signifikante Unterschiede zwischen Deutschen und DĂ€nen bei der Bewertung der App-Funktionen und zeigen, welche der Nutzermerkmale diese Unterschiede am besten erklĂ€ren. Beide Artikel beleuchten mögliche Ursachen negativer Folgen (z.B. Unzufriedenheit der Nutzer, Nichtnutzung) und tragen so zu einem besseren VerstĂ€ndnis des Auftretens negativer Folgen bei. Kapitel 4 zeigt beispielhafte Schutzmaßnahmen zur BewĂ€ltigung der negativen Folgen der Digitalisierung. Abschnitt 4.1 nimmt eine organisationale Perspektive ein und identifiziert Datenschutzmaßnahmen, die von Unternehmen umgesetzt werden können, um die personenbezogenen Daten ihrer Kund:innen zu schĂŒtzen und deren Datenschutzbedenken zu berĂŒcksichtigen. Diese Maßnahmen wurden durch die Analyse von Daten aus zwei unabhĂ€ngigen Online-Umfragen mit Hilfe der Kano-Methode evaluiert. In Abschnitt 4.2 wird eine individuelle Perspektive eingenommen, indem das Konzept eines Privacy Bots vorgestellt wird, der zur StĂ€rkung der digitalen SouverĂ€nitĂ€t von Internetnutzer:innen beitrĂ€gt. Mithilfe des Privacy Bots können seitenlange DatenschutzerklĂ€rungen mit zuvor gespeicherten individuellen DatenschutzprĂ€ferenzen abgeglichen werden. Beide Artikel beschreiben geeignete Schutzmaßnahmen, um den Datenschutzbedenken der Nutzer:innen gerecht zu werden. Diese beiden Beispiele zeigen, dass es eine Vielzahl von Möglichkeiten gibt, den Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung zu begegnen. Die in dieser Dissertation enthaltenen Forschungsartikel zeigen verschiedene Risiken und Nebenwirkungen der Digitalisierung auf, die in der zukĂŒnftigen Forschung noch genauer untersucht werden mĂŒssen. Die beiden Artikel zu den Ursachen helfen, das Auftreten von negativen Konsequenzen der Digitalisierung besser zu verstehen. Die Entwicklung geeigneter Schutzmaßnahmen, von denen zwei in dieser Dissertation beispielhaft vorgestellt werden, sollte dazu fĂŒhren, dass die Vorteile der digitalen Technologien ihre Risiken ĂŒberwiegen

    Self-esteem and Social Media Dependency: A Comparative Analysis of Welsh- and English-Medium Pupils’ Perceptions

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    Despite not being officially recognized as an addiction, studies suggest social media dependency [SMD] retains similar traits as substance-based addictions and that adolescents are a group particularly at risk. Studies have shown significant positive correlations between SMD and depression, loneliness, and social anxiety. SMD has also shown a significant negative association with self-esteem. Research has yet to explore these relationships within a minority versus majority language comparative context, which is the objective of the thesis. The thesis used cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses (three equally-spaced timepoints over nine-months) incorporating quantitative and qualitative designs. There were 1,709 participants (Welsh/Bilingual-medium schools = 844; English-medium schools = 865) aged 12- to 15-years with a mean age of 13.61 years (standard deviation ±.933). All schools were State-maintained and located within Wales. At timepoint one, five Welsh/Bilingual- and four English-medium schools took part. Two Welsh/Bilingual-medium schools dropped out after timepoint one. SMD analysis (Chapter Four) showed a difference between school types but no difference between Welsh/Bilingual-medium attending first language Welsh- [FLWs] and English-speakers [FLEs]. The suggested reason for the difference between the school types was a marginalization of Welsh/Bilingual-medium FLWs’ and FLEs’ first languages within the social media and school environments, respectively. A difference in self-esteem (Chapter Five), depression, loneliness, and social anxiety (Chapter Six) scores was shown for FLWs and FLEs, also, with FLEs showing the poorer scores. The suggested reason was FLWs benefiting in terms of social identification processes and close affiliation to the Welsh language, culture, and community. Structural equation modeling [SEM] (Chapter Seven) indicated that first language mattered whenever SMD predicted self-esteem, depression, loneliness, and social anxiety. Longitudinal analyses (Chapter Eight) showed no difference in FLWs’ and FLEs’ SMD representation at low, medium and high levels over time, but a greater number of FLEs were represented at low self-esteem levels over time. Qualitative analysis (Chapter Nine) suggested FLWs identified a greater array of technical barriers to using Welsh on social media. In conclusion, the suggestion is an individual’s first language matters regarding self-esteem, depression, loneliness, and social anxiety, but not SMD. However, whenever SMD acts as a predictor variable, an individual’s first language appears to play a pivotal role

    Social Anxiety, Pornography Use, and Loneliness: A Mediation Analysis

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    Research has indicated a positive correlation between pornography use and loneliness; however, with only six published studies to date, more research is required. This study used the extant literature on the relationship between internet use and loneliness to inform the current study since internet use and pornography use are similar constructs, especially in individuals’ use of both to avoid negative emotions and social interactions. Further, social anxiety has been shown in the internet use literature to be a confounder in the relationship between internet use and loneliness, making social anxiety a major variable to consider in the relationship between pornography use and loneliness. This study sought to support the current literature by exploring the relationship between social anxiety and internet use and the relationship between pornography use and loneliness and extend the literature by investigating whether internet use mediates the relationship between social anxiety and loneliness. Additionally, as the relationship between social anxiety and pornography use has not be researched to date, the current study explored this relationship including whether pornography use mediated the relationship between social anxiety and loneliness. Lastly, this study measured whether avoidance moderated the relationship between social anxiety and pornography use. The results indicated that, as hypothesized, social anxiety and internet use were positively correlated, but that internet use did not mediate the relationship between social anxiety and loneliness. The results also showed, as hypothesized, that social anxiety and pornography use were positively correlated and pornography use and loneliness were positive correlated. Finally, the results indicated that pornography use weakly mediated the relationship between social anxiety and loneliness. The moderated mediation analysis was not significant for avoidance

    The Place of Self-Esteem and Social Life in Interactive Virtual Gaming: A Mixed-Methods Investigation into the Lived Experience of Pokémon Go Players

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    Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) has been incorporated in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11; June, 2018) following extensive research indicating that virtual gaming is addictive for many. Maladaptive play affects players’ social relationships and self-esteem in particular, and can lead to other mental health conditions. Meanwhile, PokĂ©mon Go (PG) was launched in 2016 as a unique game that leads players to venture outside to catch PokĂ©mon characters on mobile devices, encouraging interactions with others. Various writers assert that PG can deliver mental health benefits—although this has not yet been confirmed by substantive evidence. This study examined the perceptions and experiences of playing PG, from the perspectives of players themselves, emphasising any changes they may have experienced in their self-esteem and social lives as a result, while exploring its potential for maladaptive play. A mixed-methods approach was adopted, involving an online survey with over 100 PG players to establish player profiles and perceived changes since playing, using standardised scales and open-ended items, and semi-structured interviews with six players (examined using Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA)). The survey found that PG enhanced players’ social lives more than other games, though no change was measured in self-esteem and quality of social life from before playing (reported retrospectively) to the time of study. Most players indicated that PG was an active entertainment that improved social life, wellbeing and self-concept. The IPA found three superordinate themes: Social gains encapsulated players’ sense of being ‘a collective’ facilitating social interaction towards starting/strengthening relationships in a ‘blurred’ PG reality, where the real self had novel experiences. Psychological gains included improved mood, social skills and confidence, interpreted as greater self-esteem, through others’ recognition and achievement of goals, and increased activity, exploration or learning. Undesirable consequences included issues tied to the game (technological) or play (boredom, hazards) and its impact on work or relationships through compulsive play. While Counselling Psychologists may explore the game as a novel tool to help clients with social or relational difficulties, they should be mindful of its propensity to be addictive for individuals prone to pathological gaming with symptoms similar to IGD. More research is required to understand the factors associated with interactive games, with a particular focus on players themselves, as they explain their personal experiences (both positive and negative) of extensive game play
