115 research outputs found

    Evolving temporal fuzzy association rules from quantitative data with a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm

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    A novel method for mining association rules that are both quantitative and temporal using a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm is presented. This method successfully identifies numerous temporal association rules that occur more frequently in areas of a dataset with specific quantitative values represented with fuzzy sets. The novelty of this research lies in exploring the composition of quantitative and temporal fuzzy association rules and the approach of using a hybridisation of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm with fuzzy sets. Results show the ability of a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm (NSGA-II) to evolve multiple target itemsets that have been augmented into synthetic datasets

    Web Usage Mining with Evolutionary Extraction of Temporal Fuzzy Association Rules

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    In Web usage mining, fuzzy association rules that have a temporal property can provide useful knowledge about when associations occur. However, there is a problem with traditional temporal fuzzy association rule mining algorithms. Some rules occur at the intersection of fuzzy sets' boundaries where there is less support (lower membership), so the rules are lost. A genetic algorithm (GA)-based solution is described that uses the flexible nature of the 2-tuple linguistic representation to discover rules that occur at the intersection of fuzzy set boundaries. The GA-based approach is enhanced from previous work by including a graph representation and an improved fitness function. A comparison of the GA-based approach with a traditional approach on real-world Web log data discovered rules that were lost with the traditional approach. The GA-based approach is recommended as complementary to existing algorithms, because it discovers extra rules. (C) 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved

    Temporal fuzzy association rule mining with 2-tuple linguistic representation

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    This paper reports on an approach that contributes towards the problem of discovering fuzzy association rules that exhibit a temporal pattern. The novel application of the 2-tuple linguistic representation identifies fuzzy association rules in a temporal context, whilst maintaining the interpretability of linguistic terms. Iterative Rule Learning (IRL) with a Genetic Algorithm (GA) simultaneously induces rules and tunes the membership functions. The discovered rules were compared with those from a traditional method of discovering fuzzy association rules and results demonstrate how the traditional method can loose information because rules occur at the intersection of membership function boundaries. New information can be mined from the proposed approach by improving upon rules discovered with the traditional method and by discovering new rules

    Learning lost temporal fuzzy association rules

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    Fuzzy association rule mining discovers patterns in transactions, such as shopping baskets in a supermarket, or Web page accesses by a visitor to a Web site. Temporal patterns can be present in fuzzy association rules because the underlying process generating the data can be dynamic. However, existing solutions may not discover all interesting patterns because of a previously unrecognised problem that is revealed in this thesis. The contextual meaning of fuzzy association rules changes because of the dynamic feature of data. The static fuzzy representation and traditional search method are inadequate. The Genetic Iterative Temporal Fuzzy Association Rule Mining (GITFARM) framework solves the problem by utilising flexible fuzzy representations from a fuzzy rule-based system (FRBS). The combination of temporal, fuzzy and itemset space was simultaneously searched with a genetic algorithm (GA) to overcome the problem. The framework transforms the dataset to a graph for efficiently searching the dataset. A choice of model in fuzzy representation provides a trade-off in usage between an approximate and descriptive model. A method for verifying the solution to the hypothesised problem was presented. The proposed GA-based solution was compared with a traditional approach that uses an exhaustive search method. It was shown how the GA-based solution discovered rules that the traditional approach did not. This shows that simultaneously searching for rules and membership functions with a GA is a suitable solution for mining temporal fuzzy association rules. So, in practice, more knowledge can be discovered for making well-informed decisions that would otherwise be lost with a traditional approach.EPSRC DT

    Uncertainty Management of Intelligent Feature Selection in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSN) are envisioned to revolutionize the paradigm of monitoring complex real-world systems at a very high resolution. However, the deployment of a large number of unattended sensor nodes in hostile environments, frequent changes of environment dynamics, and severe resource constraints pose uncertainties and limit the potential use of WSN in complex real-world applications. Although uncertainty management in Artificial Intelligence (AI) is well developed and well investigated, its implications in wireless sensor environments are inadequately addressed. This dissertation addresses uncertainty management issues of spatio-temporal patterns generated from sensor data. It provides a framework for characterizing spatio-temporal pattern in WSN. Using rough set theory and temporal reasoning a novel formalism has been developed to characterize and quantify the uncertainties in predicting spatio-temporal patterns from sensor data. This research also uncovers the trade-off among the uncertainty measures, which can be used to develop a multi-objective optimization model for real-time decision making in sensor data aggregation and samplin

    Machine Learning-Driven Decision Making based on Financial Time Series

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    A Review of Rule Learning Based Intrusion Detection Systems and Their Prospects in Smart Grids

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    New Approach for Market Intelligence Using Artificial and Computational Intelligence

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    Small and medium sized retailers are central to the private sector and a vital contributor to economic growth, but often they face enormous challenges in unleashing their full potential. Financial pitfalls, lack of adequate access to markets, and difficulties in exploiting technology have prevented them from achieving optimal productivity. Market Intelligence (MI) is the knowledge extracted from numerous internal and external data sources, aimed at providing a holistic view of the state of the market and influence marketing related decision-making processes in real-time. A related, burgeoning phenomenon and crucial topic in the field of marketing is Artificial Intelligence (AI) that entails fundamental changes to the skillssets marketers require. A vast amount of knowledge is stored in retailers’ point-of-sales databases. The format of this data often makes the knowledge they store hard to access and identify. As a powerful AI technique, Association Rules Mining helps to identify frequently associated patterns stored in large databases to predict customers’ shopping journeys. Consequently, the method has emerged as the key driver of cross-selling and upselling in the retail industry. At the core of this approach is the Market Basket Analysis that captures knowledge from heterogeneous customer shopping patterns and examines the effects of marketing initiatives. Apriori, that enumerates frequent itemsets purchased together (as market baskets), is the central algorithm in the analysis process. Problems occur, as Apriori lacks computational speed and has weaknesses in providing intelligent decision support. With the growth of simultaneous database scans, the computation cost increases and results in dramatically decreasing performance. Moreover, there are shortages in decision support, especially in the methods of finding rarely occurring events and identifying the brand trending popularity before it peaks. As the objective of this research is to find intelligent ways to assist small and medium sized retailers grow with MI strategy, we demonstrate the effects of AI, with algorithms in data preprocessing, market segmentation, and finding market trends. We show with a sales database of a small, local retailer how our Åbo algorithm increases mining performance and intelligence, as well as how it helps to extract valuable marketing insights to assess demand dynamics and product popularity trends. We also show how this results in commercial advantage and tangible return on investment. Additionally, an enhanced normal distribution method assists data pre-processing and helps to explore different types of potential anomalies.Små och medelstora detaljhandlare är centrala aktörer i den privata sektorn och bidrar starkt till den ekonomiska tillväxten, men de möter ofta enorma utmaningar i att uppnå sin fulla potential. Finansiella svårigheter, brist på marknadstillträde och svårigheter att utnyttja teknologi har ofta hindrat dem från att nå optimal produktivitet. Marknadsintelligens (MI) består av kunskap som samlats in från olika interna externa källor av data och som syftar till att erbjuda en helhetssyn av marknadsläget samt möjliggöra beslutsfattande i realtid. Ett relaterat och växande fenomen, samt ett viktigt tema inom marknadsföring är artificiell intelligens (AI) som ställer nya krav på marknadsförarnas färdigheter. Enorma mängder kunskap finns sparade i databaser av transaktioner samlade från detaljhandlarnas försäljningsplatser. Ändå är formatet på dessa data ofta sådant att det inte är lätt att tillgå och utnyttja kunskapen. Som AI-verktyg erbjuder affinitetsanalys en effektiv teknik för att identifiera upprepade mönster som statistiska associationer i data lagrade i stora försäljningsdatabaser. De hittade mönstren kan sedan utnyttjas som regler som förutser kundernas köpbeteende. I detaljhandel har affinitetsanalys blivit en nyckelfaktor bakom kors- och uppförsäljning. Som den centrala metoden i denna process fungerar marknadskorgsanalys som fångar upp kunskap från de heterogena köpbeteendena i data och hjälper till att utreda hur effektiva marknadsföringsplaner är. Apriori, som räknar upp de vanligt förekommande produktkombinationerna som köps tillsammans (marknadskorgen), är den centrala algoritmen i analysprocessen. Trots detta har Apriori brister som algoritm gällande låg beräkningshastighet och svag intelligens. När antalet parallella databassökningar stiger, ökar också beräkningskostnaden, vilket har negativa effekter på prestanda. Dessutom finns det brister i beslutstödet, speciellt gällande metoder att hitta sällan förekommande produktkombinationer, och i att identifiera ökande popularitet av varumärken från trenddata och utnyttja det innan det når sin höjdpunkt. Eftersom målet för denna forskning är att hjälpa små och medelstora detaljhandlare att växa med hjälp av MI-strategier, demonstreras effekter av AI med hjälp av algoritmer i förberedelsen av data, marknadssegmentering och trendanalys. Med hjälp av försäljningsdata från en liten, lokal detaljhandlare visar vi hur Åbo-algoritmen ökar prestanda och intelligens i datautvinningsprocessen och hjälper till att avslöja värdefulla insikter för marknadsföring, framför allt gällande dynamiken i efterfrågan och trender i populariteten av produkterna. Ytterligare visas hur detta resulterar i kommersiella fördelar och konkret avkastning på investering. Dessutom hjälper den utvidgade normalfördelningsmetoden i förberedelsen av data och med att hitta olika slags anomalier

    Efficient Learning Machines

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    Machine learning into metaheuristics: A survey and taxonomy of data-driven metaheuristics

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    During the last years, research in applying machine learning (ML) to design efficient, effective and robust metaheuristics became increasingly popular. Many of those data driven metaheuristics have generated high quality results and represent state-of-the-art optimization algorithms. Although various appproaches have been proposed, there is a lack of a comprehensive survey and taxonomy on this research topic. In this paper we will investigate different opportunities for using ML into metaheuristics. We define uniformly the various ways synergies which might be achieved. A detailed taxonomy is proposed according to the concerned search component: target optimization problem, low-level and high-level components of metaheuristics. Our goal is also to motivate researchers in optimization to include ideas from ML into metaheuristics. We identify some open research issues in this topic which needs further in-depth investigations