13,618 research outputs found

    Calibration and Validation of A Shared space Model: A Case Study

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    Shared space is an innovative streetscape design that seeks minimum separation between vehicle traffic and pedestrians. Urban design is moving toward space sharing as a means of increasing the community texture of street surroundings. Its unique features aim to balance priorities and allow cars and pedestrians to coexist harmoniously without the need to dictate behavior. There is, however, a need for a simulation tool to model future shared space schemes and to help judge whether they might represent suitable alternatives to traditional street layouts. This paper builds on the authors’ previously published work in which a shared space microscopic mixed traffic model based on the social force model (SFM) was presented, calibrated, and evaluated with data from the shared space link typology of New Road in Brighton, United Kingdom. Here, the goal is to explore the transferability of the authors’ model to a similar shared space typology and investigate the effect of flow and ratio of traffic modes. Data recorded from the shared space scheme of Exhibition Road, London, were collected and analyzed. The flow and speed of cars and segregation between pedestrians and cars are greater on Exhibition Road than on New Road. The rule-based SFM for shared space modeling is calibrated and validated with the real data. On the basis of the results, it can be concluded that shared space schemes are context dependent and that factors such as the infrastructural design of the environment and the flow and speed of pedestrians and vehicles affect the willingness to share space

    Generative theatre of totality

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    Generative art can be used for creating complex multisensory and multimedia experiences within predetermined aesthetic parameters, characteristic of the performing arts and remarkably suitable to address Moholy-Nagy's Theatre of Totality vision. In generative artworks the artist will usually take on the role of an experience framework designer, and the system evolves freely within that framework and its defined aesthetic boundaries. Most generative art impacts visual arts, music and literature, but there does not seem to be any relevant work exploring the cross-medium potential, and one could confidently state that most generative art outcomes are abstract and visual, or audio. It is the goal of this article to propose a model for the creation of generative performances within the Theatre of Totality's scope, derived from stochastic Lindenmayer systems, where mapping techniques are proposed to address the seven variables addressed by Moholy-Nagy: light, space, plane, form, motion, sound and man ("man" is replaced in this article with "human", except where quoting from the author), with all the inherent complexities

    Forecasting Recharging Demand to Integrate Electric Vehicle Fleets in Smart Grids

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    Electric vehicle fleets and smart grids are two growing technologies. These technologies provided new possibilities to reduce pollution and increase energy efficiency. In this sense, electric vehicles are used as mobile loads in the power grid. A distributed charging prioritization methodology is proposed in this paper. The solution is based on the concept of virtual power plants and the usage of evolutionary computation algorithms. Additionally, the comparison of several evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithm, genetic algorithm with evolution control, particle swarm optimization, and hybrid solution are shown in order to evaluate the proposed architecture. The proposed solution is presented to prevent the overload of the power grid

    Rules of Emergence — Generating and Curating Creativity

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    This Bachelor’s thesis discusses the relationship between generating and curating in the context of artistic activity. In this context, generating refers to processes and systems used in generative art and generative design. Curating refers to the traditional profession of producing exhibitions, and to the contemporary definition of curating as a universal act of selection and evaluation. The objective of this thesis is to introduce the processes and methods used in generating and curating, and to expose the creative potential emerging from the combination of these practices. The research analyses and compares contemporary discourses of generating and curating, and presents examples of modern generative and curatorial practices. A joint framework is proposed which illustrates the interconnection of generating and curating. Theories of creativity by Deleuze and Boden & Wiggings are accommodated in the framework to demonstrate the potential of the synthesis for emergent outcomes. Despite the apparent discreteness of generating and curating, they in fact share many characteristics, both practical and conceptual. They both require the definition of a rule, which determines the curatorial or generative process. In generative design or art, this rule is an algorithm or some other formalisation of an action, in curating the rule is the selection criteria of the collection. Both in generating and curating, the agent creates the process instead of designing directly the product. Generating requires curating in evaluating and selecting the outcomes, as curating depends upon generating in forming the collection according to the selective rules. Deleuze’s concepts of ‘virtual’ and ‘actual’ capture the emergent properties of generating and curating: the rules define the ‘virtual’ cloud of possible outcomes, from which the perceptible products are actualised. Thus, generating and curating both supervene on and contain each other.TĂ€mĂ€ opinnĂ€ytetutkielma tarkastelee generoinnin ja kuratoinnin suhdetta taiteellisen toiminnan nĂ€kökulmasta. Generoinnilla tĂ€ssĂ€ yhteydessĂ€ tarkoitetaan generatiivisessa suunnittelussa ja generatiivisessa taiteessa kĂ€ytettĂ€viĂ€ synnyttĂ€viĂ€ jĂ€rjestelmiĂ€ ja prosesseja. Kuratoinnilla puolestaan tarkoitetaan sekĂ€ perinteisessĂ€ museokontekstissa tapahtuvaa nĂ€yttelyiden koostamista, ettĂ€ yleistynyttĂ€ mÀÀritelmÀÀ kuratoinnista universaalina arvioinnin ja valikoinnin prosessina. TĂ€mĂ€n tutkielman tavoitteena on esitellĂ€ lukijalle generoinnin ja kuratoinnin prosesseja ja kĂ€ytĂ€ntöjĂ€, sekĂ€ osoittaa nĂ€iden konseptien yhdistĂ€misestĂ€ kumpuavat luovat mahdollisuudet. Tutkielmassa analysoidaan generoinnin ja kuratoinnin nykydiskursseja, sekĂ€ esitetÀÀn esimerkkejĂ€ moderneista generoinnin ja kuratoinnin praktiikoista. Tutkielmassa ehdotetaan nĂ€iden diskurssien pohjalta luotua viitekehystĂ€, joka havainnollistaa generoinnin ja kuratoinnin yhtymĂ€kohtia. Viitekehykseen liitetÀÀn myös Deleuzin sekĂ€ Bodenin ja Wigginsin teorioita luovuudesta, joilla todistetaan synteesin potentiaalia emergentteihin ratkaisuihin. Generointi ja kuratointi jakavat monia ominaisuuksia sekĂ€ konseptuaalisella ettĂ€ kĂ€ytĂ€nnöllisellĂ€ tasolla. Molemmat edellyttĂ€vĂ€t sÀÀnnön mÀÀrittelemistĂ€, jonka mukaan kuratoiva tai generoiva prosessi muodostetaan. Generatiivisessa suunnittelussa tĂ€mĂ€ sÀÀntö on algoritmi tai muu toimenpiteen formalisointi, kuratoinnissa kokoelman valintakriteerit. SekĂ€ generoinnissa ettĂ€ kuratoinnissa tekijĂ€ suunnittelee prosessin, sen sijaan ettĂ€ suunnittelisi valmiin lopputuloksen. Generointi vaatii kuratointia lopputulosten arvioinnissa ja valinnassa, samoin kuin kuratointi edellyttÀÀ kokoelman muodostavan sÀÀnnön generatiivista toteutusta. Deleuzen kĂ€sitteet ”virtuaalisesta” ja ”aktuaalisesta” kuvaavat generoinnin ja kuratoinnin emergenttejĂ€ ominaisuuksia: sÀÀnnöt mÀÀrittelevĂ€t ”virtuaalisen” joukon mahdollisia lopputuloksia, joista havaittavat tuotteet aktualisoituvat. Generoinnin ja kuratoinnin voi ajatella sekĂ€ sisĂ€ltĂ€vĂ€n ettĂ€ mahdollistavan toisensa

    Painting in the light of digital reproduction

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    "The proliferation of digital photographs on the Internet is incomprehensibly vast. These images owe much to the categories and styles of traditional photography, yet often it is their unmediated low quality, in terms of selection, composition, and compression, which is particularly elevated to prominence by the new medium. The Internet represents a near infinite expansion of the mail-order catalogue, amateur snapshot or analogue video; a way of collecting visual information where the aesthetics of simple functionality or mediocrity is observed, as there is virtually no material cost involved. Photographers, filmmakers and painters have already trawled the found-image archive extensively. Gerhard Richter's encyclopaedic Atlas project or the photographic collections of Fischli and Weiss are clear examples of the artistic imperative to gather, filter and categorise pictures. Trying to develop taxonomies of images is like assembling a Thesaurus, where it is possible to cross-reference through every definition. Now it would seem that found images are all we have thanks to the Internet's primary function as consumer and diffuser of information, a generator of simulacra. Paradoxically, this infinite source seems to have more veracity due

    Interacting Unities: An Agent-Based System

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    Recently architects have been inspired by Thompsonis Cartesian deformations and Waddingtonis flexible topological surface to work within a dynamic field characterized by forces. In this more active space of interactions, movement is the medium through which form evolves. This paper explores the interaction between pedestrians and their environment by regarding it as a process occurring between the two. It is hypothesized that the recurrent interaction between pedestrians and environment can lead to a structural coupling between those elements. Every time a change occurs in each one of them, as an expression of its own structural dynamics, it triggers changes to the other one. An agent-based system has been developed in order to explore that interaction, where the two interacting elements, agents (pedestrians) and environment, are autonomous units with a set of internal rules. The result is a landscape where each agent locally modifies its environment that in turn affects its movement, while the other agents respond to the new environment at a later time, indicating that the phenomenon of stigmergy is possible to take place among interactions with human analogy. It is found that it is the environmentis internal rules that determine the nature and extent of change

    Distributed multi-agent algorithm for residential energy management in smart grids

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    Distributed renewable power generators, such as solar cells and wind turbines are difficult to predict, making the demand-supply problem more complex than in the traditional energy production scenario. They also introduce bidirectional energy flows in the low-voltage power grid, possibly causing voltage violations and grid instabilities. In this article we describe a distributed algorithm for residential energy management in smart power grids. This algorithm consists of a market-oriented multi-agent system using virtual energy prices, levels of renewable energy in the real-time production mix, and historical price information, to achieve a shifting of loads to periods with a high production of renewable energy. Evaluations in our smart grid simulator for three scenarios show that the designed algorithm is capable of improving the self consumption of renewable energy in a residential area and reducing the average and peak loads for externally supplied power

    Shift-life interactive art: mixed-reality artificial ecosystem simulation

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    This article presents a detailed design, development and implementation of a Mixed Reality Art-Science collaboration project which was exhibited during Darwin’s bicentenary exhibition at Shrewsbury, England. As an artist-led project the concerns of the artist were paramount, and this article presents Shift-Life as part of an on-going exploration into the parallels between the non-linear human thinking process and computation using semantic association to link items into ideas, and ideas into holistic concepts. Our art explores perceptions and states of mind as we move our attention between the simulated world of the computer and the real-world we inhabit, which means that any viewer engagement is participatory rather than passive. From a Mixed Reality point of view, the lead author intends to explore the convergence of the physical and virtual, therefore the formalization of the Mixed Reality system, focusing on the integration of artificial life, ecology, physical sensors and participant interaction through an interface of physical props. It is common for digital media artists to allow viewers to activate a work either through a computer screen via direct keyboard or mouse manipulation, or through immersive means to activate their work, for “Shift-Life” the artist was concerned with a direct “relational” approach where viewers would intuitively engage with the installation’s everyday objects, and with each other, to fully experience the piece. The Mixed Reality system is mediated via physical environmental sensors, which affect the virtual environment and autonomous agents, which in turn reacts and is expressed as virtual pixels projected onto a physical surface. The tangible hands-on interface proved to be instinctive, attractive and informative on many levels, delivering a good example of collaboration between the Arts and Science

    A Bio-inspired Nano-Agent Architecture for Intelligent Agents

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