713 research outputs found

    Autonomous Overlapping Community Detection in Temporal Networks: A Dynamic Bayesian Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Approach.

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    A wide variety of natural or artificial systems can be modeled as time-varying or temporal networks. To understand the structural and functional properties of these time-varying networked systems, it is desirable to detect and analyze the evolving community structure. In temporal networks, the identified communities should reflect the current snapshot network, and at the same time be similar to the communities identified in history or say the previous snapshot networks. Most of the existing approaches assume that the number of communities is known or can be obtained by some heuristic methods. This is unsuitable and complicated for most real world networks, especially temporal networks. In this paper, we propose a Bayesian probabilistic model, named Dynamic Bayesian Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (DBNMF), for automatic detection of overlapping communities in temporal networks. Our model can not only give the overlapping community structure based on the probabilistic memberships of nodes in each snapshot network but also automatically determines the number of communities in each snapshot network based on automatic relevance determination. Thereafter, a gradient descent algorithm is proposed to optimize the objective function of our DBNMF model. The experimental results using both synthetic datasets and real-world temporal networks demonstrate that the DBNMF model has superior performance compared with two widely used methods, especially when the number of communities is unknown and when the network is highly sparse

    Dynamic Community Discovery Method Based on Phylogenetic Planted Partition in Temporal Networks

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    As most of the community discovery methods are researched by static thought, some community discovery algorithms cannot represent the whole dynamic network change process efficiently. This paper proposes a novel dynamic community discovery method (Phylogenetic Planted Partition Model, PPPM) for phylogenetic evolution. Firstly, the time dimension is introduced into the typical migration partition model, and all states are treated as variables, and the observation equation is constructed. Secondly, this paper takes the observation equation of the whole dynamic social network as the constraint between variables and the error function. Then, the quadratic form of the error function is minimized. Thirdly, the Levenberg–Marquardt (L–M) method is used to calculate the gradient of the error function, and the iteration is carried out. Finally, simulation experiments are carried out under the experimental environment of artificial networks and real net-works. The experimental results show that: compared with FaceNet, SBM + MLE, CLBM, and Pi-sCES, the proposed PPPM model improves accuracy by 5% and 3%, respectively. It is proven that the proposed PPPM method is robust, reasonable, and effective. This method can also be applied to the general social networking community discovery field

    Four algorithms to solve symmetric multi-type non-negative matrix tri-factorization problem

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    In this paper, we consider the symmetric multi-type non-negative matrix tri-factorization problem (SNMTF), which attempts to factorize several symmetric non-negative matrices simultaneously. This can be considered as a generalization of the classical non-negative matrix tri-factorization problem and includes a non-convex objective function which is a multivariate sixth degree polynomial and a has convex feasibility set. It has a special importance in data science, since it serves as a mathematical model for the fusion of different data sources in data clustering. We develop four methods to solve the SNMTF. They are based on four theoretical approaches known from the literature: the fixed point method (FPM), the block-coordinate descent with projected gradient (BCD), the gradient method with exact line search (GM-ELS) and the adaptive moment estimation method (ADAM). For each of these methods we offer a software implementation: for the former two methods we use Matlab and for the latter Python with the TensorFlow library. We test these methods on three data-sets: the synthetic data-set we generated, while the others represent real-life similarities between different objects. Extensive numerical results show that with sufficient computing time all four methods perform satisfactorily and ADAM most often yields the best mean square error (MSE\mathrm{MSE}). However, if the computation time is limited, FPM gives the best MSE\mathrm{MSE} because it shows the fastest convergence at the beginning. All data-sets and codes are publicly available on our GitLab profile
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