6 research outputs found

    Local search pivoting rules and the landscape global structure

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    In local search algorithms, the pivoting rule determines which neighboring solution to select and thus strongly influences the behavior of the algorithm and its capacity to sample good-quality local optima. The classical pivoting rules are first and best improvement, with alternative rules such as worst improvement and maximum expansion recently studied on hill-climbing algorithms. This article conducts a thorough empirical comparison of five pivoting rules (best, first, worst, approximated worst and maximum expansion) on two benchmark combinatorial problems, NK landscapes and the unconstrained binary quadratic problem (UBQP), with varied sizes and ruggedness. We present both a performance analysis of the alternative pivoting rules within an iterated local search (ILS) framework and a fitness landscape analysis and visualization using local optima networks. Our results reveal that the performance of the pivoting rules within an ILS framework may differ from their performance as single climbers and that worst improvement and maximum expansion can outperform classical pivoting rules

    Exact and heuristic approaches for multi-component optimisation problems

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    Modern real world applications are commonly complex, consisting of multiple subsystems that may interact with or depend on each other. Our case-study about wave energy converters (WEC) for the renewable energy industry shows that in such a multi-component system, optimising each individual component cannot yield global optimality for the entire system, owing to the influence of their interactions or the dependence on one another. Moreover, modelling a multi-component problem is rarely easy due to the complexity of the issues, which leads to a desire for existent models on which to base, and against which to test, calculations. Recently, the travelling thief problem (TTP) has attracted significant attention in the Evolutionary Computation community. It is intended to offer a better model for multicomponent systems, where researchers can push forward their understanding of the optimisation of such systems, especially for understanding of the interconnections between the components. The TTP interconnects with two classic NP-hard problems, namely the travelling salesman problem and the 0-1 knapsack problem, via the transportation cost that non-linearly depends on the accumulated weight of items. This non-linear setting introduces additional complexity. We study this nonlinearity through a simplified version of the TTP - the packing while travelling (PWT) problem, which aims to maximise the total reward for a given travelling tour. Our theoretical and experimental investigations demonstrate that the difficulty of a given problem instance is significantly influenced by adjusting a single parameter, the renting rate, which prompted our method of creating relatively hard instances using simple evolutionary algorithms. Our further investigations into the PWT problem yield a dynamic programming (DP) approach that can solve the problem in pseudo polynomial time and a corresponding approximation scheme. The experimental investigations show that the new approaches outperform the state-of-the-art ones. We furthermore propose three exact algorithms for the TTP, based on the DP of the PWT problem. By employing the exact DP for the underlying PWT problem as a subroutine, we create a novel indicator-based hybrid evolutionary approach for a new bi-criteria formulation of the TTP. This hybrid design takes advantage of the DP approach, along with a number of novel indicators and selection mechanisms to achieve better solutions. The results of computational experiments show that the approach is capable to outperform the state-of-the-art results.Thesis (Ph.D.) -- University of Adelaide, School of Computer Science, 201

    Historia, evolución y perspectivas de futuro en la utilización de técnicas de simulación en la gestión portuaria: aplicaciones en el análisis de operaciones, estrategia y planificación portuaria

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Análise Económica e Estratexia Empresarial. 5033V0[Resumen] Las técnicas de simulación, tal y como hoy las conocemos, comenzaron a mediados del siglo XX; primero con la aparición del primer computador y el desarrollo del método Monte Carlo, y más tarde con el desarrollo del primer simulador de propósito específico conocido como GPS y desarrollado por Geoffrey Gordon en IBM y la publicación del primer texto completo dedicado a esta materia y llamado the Art of Simulation (K.D. Tocher, 1963). Estás técnicas han evolucionado de una manera extraordinaria y hoy en día están plenamente implementadas en diversos campos de actividad. Las instalaciones portuarias no han escapado de esta tendencia, especialmente las dedicadas al tráfico de contenedores. Efectivamente, las características intrínsecas de este sector económico, le hacen un candidato idóneo para la implementación de modelos de simulación con propósitos y alcances muy diversos. No existe, sin embargo y hasta lo que conocemos, un trabajo científico que compile y analice pormenorizadamente tanto la historia como la evolución de simulación en ambientes portuarios, ayudando a clasificar los mismos y determinar cómo estos pueden ayudar en el análisis económico de estas instalaciones y en la formulación de las oportunas estrategias empresariales. Este es el objetivo último de la presente tesis doctoral.[Resumo] As técnicas de simulación, tal e como hoxe as coñecemos, comezaron a mediados do século XX; primeiro coa aparición do computador e o desenvolvemento do método Monte Carlo e máis tarde co desenvolvemento do primeiro simulador de propósito específico coñecido como GPS e desenvolvido por Geoffrey Gordon en IBM e a publicación do primeiro texto completo dedicado a este tema chamado “A Arte da Simulación” (K.D. Tocher, 1963). Estas técnicas evolucionaron dun xeito extraordinario e hoxe en día están plenamente implementadas en diversos campos de actividade. As instalacións portuarias non escaparon desta tendencia, especialmente as dedicadas ao tráfico de contenedores. Efectivamente, as características intrínsecas deste sector económico, fanlle un candidato idóneo para a implementación de modelos de simulación con propósitos e alcances moi variados. Con todo, e ata o que coñecemos, non existe un traballo científico que compila e analiza de forma detallada tanto a historia como a evolución da simulación en estes ambientes portuarios, clasificando os mesmos e determinando como estes poden axudar na análise económica destas instalacións e na formulación das oportunas estratexias empresariais. Este é o último obxectivo da presente tese doutoral.[Abstract] Simulation, to the extend that we understand it nowadays, began in the middle of the 20th century; first with the appearance of the computer and the development of the Monte Carlo method, and later with the development of the first specific purpose simulator known as GPS developed by Geoffrey Gordon in IBM. This author published the first full text devoted to this subject “The Art of Simulation” in 1963. These techniques have evolved in an extraordinary way and nowadays they are fully implemented in different fields of activity. Port facilities have not escaped this trend, especially those dedicated to container traffic. Indeed, the intrinsic characteristics of this economic sector, make it a suitable candidate for the implementation of simulation with very different purposes and scope. However, to the best of our knowelegde, there is not a scientific work that compiles and analyzes in detail both, the history and the evolution of simulation in port environments, contributing to classify them and determine how they can help in the economic analysis of these facilities and in the formulation of different business strategies. This is the ultimate goal of this doctoral thesis

    Using MapReduce Streaming for Distributed Life Simulation on the Cloud

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    Distributed software simulations are indispensable in the study of large-scale life models but often require the use of technically complex lower-level distributed computing frameworks, such as MPI. We propose to overcome the complexity challenge by applying the emerging MapReduce (MR) model to distributed life simulations and by running such simulations on the cloud. Technically, we design optimized MR streaming algorithms for discrete and continuous versions of Conway’s life according to a general MR streaming pattern. We chose life because it is simple enough as a testbed for MR’s applicability to a-life simulations and general enough to make our results applicable to various lattice-based a-life models. We implement and empirically evaluate our algorithms’ performance on Amazon’s Elastic MR cloud. Our experiments demonstrate that a single MR optimization technique called strip partitioning can reduce the execution time of continuous life simulations by 64%. To the best of our knowledge, we are the first to propose and evaluate MR streaming algorithms for lattice-based simulations. Our algorithms can serve as prototypes in the development of novel MR simulation algorithms for large-scale lattice-based a-life models.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/scs_books/1014/thumbnail.jp

    Generación distribuida basada en fuentes primarias de energía renovable: Análisis técnico-económico y regulatorio

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    En los Sistemas de Distribución de Energía Eléctrica (SDEE) se observa, conforme el estado del arte, que la Penetración de Fuentes Primarias de Energía Renovable, bajo la forma de Generación Distribuida (GD) en Media Tensión (MT) y Micro-Generación Distribuida (MGD) en Baja Tensión (BT). con posibilidad de autoconsumo e inyección de excedentes a la red, definen un nuevo Paradigma. Sin embargo, existen tres inconvenientes que pueden atentar contra el mismo, discutidos en este trabajo. El primero es el Tecnológico: se relaciona con la tecnología empleada en los Sistemas de Generación disponibles, considerando el avance en investigación y desarrollo para aumentar su eficiencia. El segundo es el Regulatorio: implica el análisis Económico/Financiero a los efectos de que el capital invertido por los Generadores pueda ser recuperado en un tiempo igual o menor a la vida útil de los Sistemas de Generación, sin que ello implique Subsidios Distorsivos ni vulnere los parámetros establecidos en el control de Calidad del Producto y Servicio Técnico. Y el tercero, es el aspecto Técnico: vinculado al impacto que producen las instalaciones de GD y MGD en los SDEE.Fil: Schweickardt, Gustavo Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentin