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    Die Verfasserinnen fragen nach den Auswirkungen der EuropĂ€isierung auf den Zypernkonflikt. Seit 1974 hat die UNO immer ausgefeiltere VorschlĂ€ge fĂŒr eine Föderation mit zwei Volksgruppen und zwei regionalen Einheiten vorgelegt. Die Verhandlungen zwischen den beiden Konfliktparteien zogen sich ĂŒber Jahrzehnte hin und blieben schließlich ergebnislos, da jede Seite auf ihrer Position beharrte. Mit dem Antrag Zyperns auf EU-Mitgliedschaft wurde die EU in den 1990er Jahren zu einer SchlĂŒsselgrĂ¶ĂŸe in der Entwicklung des Konflikts. Zyperns EU-Beitritt und entsprechende Aspirationen der TĂŒrkei fĂŒhrten dazu, dass beide Seiten EuropĂ€isierung und EU-isierung gleich setzen. Damit ergeben sich fĂŒr Zypern zwei Dimensionen, die zum einen die Effekte, die die EU als politischer Rahmen der BemĂŒhungen um eine Konfliktlösung ausĂŒbt, und zum anderen die Auswirkungen des EU-Beitritts auf die Konfliktparteien betreffen. Letztgenannter Aspekt der EuropĂ€isierung hat intendierte und nicht intendierte Folgen, die sich wahrscheinlich auf zukĂŒnftige Entwicklungen im östlichen Mittelmeerraum auswirken werden. (ICEÜbers)'This chapter reviews the impact of Europeanization on the Cyprus conflict. Since 1974, the UN has developed increasingly detailed proposals for a bizonal, bi-communal federation. But throughout the decades of failed negotiations the main parties have essentially stuck to their negotiating positions. In the 1990s, with Cyprus' application for EU membership, the EU became a key external determinant of the evolution of the conflict. Indeed, because of Cyprus' accession process and Turkey's own aspirations to join the Union, the parties to the conflict equate Europeanization with EU-ization. EU-ization in Cyprus has two dimensions: the impact of the EU as a framework on conflict resolution efforts, and the impact of the accession process on the parties in conflict. The latter dimension of Europeanization has had both intended and unintended effects, which in turn are likely to impinge on future developments in the eastern Mediterranean.' (author's abstract

    From External Promotion to Internal Protection?

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    Whether the European Union (EU) really lives up to its image of “transformative power” is still an open empirical question. There is no doubt that the EU has been active in setting and promoting norms that go far beyond the objective of regional economic integration. It prescribes and promotes standards for national governance institutions related to democracy, human rights, and the rule of law. However, in comparison to other regional organizations, the EU used to focus on the transformation of domestic governance institutions beyond rather than within its borders, targeting accession candidates, neighboring countries, and third states alike. Only recently did the EU start to develop policies and instruments explicitly aiming to protect the same norms and values within its own member states that it seeks to transfer externally. This paper traces the evolution of the EU’s external and internal governance transfer. While the external dimension is still better developed institutionally, regional integration provides the EU with effective policies and instruments to protect its fundamental values within the member states.Ob die EuropĂ€ische Union (EU) tatsĂ€chlich dem Anspruch einer „transformativen Macht“ gerecht wird, ist eine offene empirische Frage. Die EU setzt und fördert jedoch ohne Zweifel aktiv Normen, die weit ĂŒber das Ziel regionaler wirtschaftlicher Integration hinaus gehen. Dazu gehören Standards fĂŒr nationale Governance-Institutionen mit Blick auf Demokratie, Menschenrechte, und Rechtsstaatlichkeit. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Regionalorganisationen konzentrierte sie sich dabei ursprĂŒnglich vor allem auf die Transformation nationaler Governance-Institutionen jenseits ihrer Grenzen in Beitrittskandidaten, NachbarlĂ€ndern und Drittstaaten. Erst seit Kurzem entwickelt die EU auch Strategien und Instrumente, die explizit auf den Schutz dieser Normen und Werte in ihren eigenen Mitgliedstaaten zielen. Dieses Papier zeichnet die Entwicklung des externen und internen Governance-Transfers der EU nach. Obwohl die externe Dimension institutionell nach wie vor besser entwickelt ist, stehen der EU im Rahmen des Integrationsprozesses effektive Instrumente zum Schutz ihrer Grundwerte in den Mitgliedstaaten zur VerfĂŒgung

    “ Alles oder Nichts ” ? The outer boundaries of the German citizenship debate

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    In this article we explore how constitutionally enshrined and historically conditioned conceptions of membership in Germany have continued to frame citizenship debates over the last two decades. These debates have been revived both by domestic developments, such as mass migration, and by external factors, such as European integration. The larger question examined is the extent to which, at least in the European Union, conceptions of “ citizenship ” now evolve in reaction to “ internal ” or “ external ” factors, and how the balance of such factors shapes the outcome of particular changes in policy. In our inquiry, we look fi rst at the evolution of policy on access to full citizenship in Germany and then at that of its attendant rights and obligations. Finally, we draw certain general conclusions from the German example for European integration and for possible scenarios of coexistence of the national and European citizenship models

    The New European Choice-Of-Law Revolution

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    Conflict of laws in Europe was long viewed by outsiders as formalist, antiquated, and uninteresting. Now that the European Union has become more active in the field, things are changing, but most view these changes as a mere gradual evolution. This is untrue. Actually, and fascinatingly, we are observing a real European conflicts revolution—in importance, radicalness, and irreversibility comparable to the twentieth-century American conflicts revolution. European developments go beyond the federalization of choice-of-law rules in EU regulations. In addition, EU choice of law is being constitutionalized, in particular through the principles of mutual recognition and the country-of-origin principle, along with the influence from nondiscrimination, EU citizenship, and EU fundamental rights. Together, these developments create a methodological pluralization that leads to a bifurcation of intra-Community and external conflicts and to a conflict between two methods, one developed on the basis of classical choice of law, the other based on specific EU-law reasoning. These developments constitute a genuine choice-of-law revolution. Classical European choice of law was characterized by three principles: privatization, nationalization, and domestic internationalism. These are replaced by three new principles: regulation, Europeanization, and mediatization. This revolution is different from that in the United States, but it nonetheless holds important lessons. In the course of the argument, this Article introduces the other contributions to this issue. These articles were first delivered at a Symposium, jointly organized by the Duke Law Center for International and Comparative Law and the Tulane Law Review, and titled “The New European Choice-of-Law Revolution—Lessons for the United States?

    The Rule of Law in the Recent Jurisprudence of the ECJ

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    Going beyond instrument interactions: towards a more comprehensive policy mix conceptualization for environmental technological change

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    Reaching a better understanding of the policies and politics of transitions presents a main agenda item in the emerging field of sustainability transitions. One important requirement for these transitions, such as the move towards a decarbonized energy system, is the redirection and acceleration of technological change, for which policies play a key role. Several studies of policies supporting environmental technological change have argued for the need to combine different policy instruments in so-called policy mixes. However, existing policy mix studies often fall short of reflecting the complexity and dynamics of actual policy mixes and the underlying politics of (re)designing them. In this paper we take a first step towards a more comprehensive, interdisciplinary policy mix concept for environmental technological change based on a review of the bodies of literature on innovation studies, environmental economics and policy analysis. The concept introduces a clear terminology and consists of the three building blocks elements, processes and characteristics, which can be delineated by several dimensions. Throughout the paper, we illustrate the concept using the example of the policy mix for fostering the transition of the German energy system to renewable power generation technologies. We argue that the proposed concept provides an integrating analytical framework for empirical studies analyzing the impact of the policy mix on environmental technological change and sustainability transitions more broadly. Finally, we derive policy implications and suggest avenues for future research

    The Future of the European Integration Process: Ideas and Concepts of Candidate Countries. ZEI Discussion Paper: 2002, C 107

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    [Table of Contents]: The Case of Croatia, by Boris HajoĆĄ; The Case of Bulgaria, by Vladimir Kissiov; The Case of Lithuania, by Rytis Martikonis; The Case of Slovakia, by Imrich Marton; The Case of Latvia, by Iveta Sulca

    Forschungsschiff METEOR Reise Nr. 61 (2004) - Nordost-Atlantik

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    R/V METEOR Cruise No. 61 was divided into three different legs, which all focused on the NEAtlantic to the west of Ireland from the Porcupine Seabight towards the Rockall Bank. Legs 1 and 3 concentrated on geo-biological studies on the carbonate mounds in this region, which are covered by a unique cold water coral fauna. Leg 2 dealt with seismic investigations in order to investigate the extension processes that led to the development of the Porcupine rift basin. The foci of the individual legs were on the following themes. M61-1 was a multidisciplinary cruise addressing biological, paleo-geological and hydrographical scientific objectives in the carbonate mound provinces west of Ireland in the eastern Porcupine Seabight and on the Rockall Bank. The cruise started in Lisbon (Portugal) and ended in Cork (Ireland). M61-1 activities were embedded within the ESF-DFG MOUNDFORCE project of the EUROMARGINS Programme. Together with the succeeding M61-3 cruise, these Meteor activities document GermanyÂŽs strong scientific and logistic support for the success of this challenging programme. Investigations are also designed as a preparatory cruise for the EUproject HERMES (Hotspot Ecosystem Research on the Margins of European Seas; start April 2005). All institutions participating in M61-1 are partners in HERMES Work package 2 "Coral Reef and Carbonate Mound Systems". M 61-2 was directed at researching the earth's crust in the vicinity of the Porcupine rift basin. During this leg, seismic research has been undertaken in the Porcupine Basin west of Ireland, an area that represents a natural laboratory for the investigation of extensional processes. Firstly, both sides of a rift basin occurring in close proximity to each other could have been studied here, allowing questions about the symmetry of extension to be addressed by several east-west profiles parallel to the direction of extension. Secondly, the amount of extension increases from north to south, so a series of east-west cross sections on different latitudes has provided information on crustal structure during variable extension. The spatial changes between these sections also represent the temporal development of the rift through continued extension. In order to achieve these research goals, a series of east-west oriented wide angle reflection profiles in the Porcupine Basin has been acquired. These profiles aid in the explanation of extensional processes and their development through continued extension. They also address insufficiently explained questions about the initiation of large scale magmatism and intrusion, the onset of mantle serpentinisation and the development of detachment faults. M61-3 During this leg, the only recently discovered 'carbonate mounds' on the NWEuropean continental margin have been investigated, which represent unique geo- and ecosystems for European waters. The broad scientific interest that is directed at these mounds is reflected in three EU-projects, which until recently almost exclusively concentrated their efforts on the mounds, as well as the currently operating ESF-EUROMARGINS project MOUNDFORCE M 61-3 focused on the use of a 'Remotely Operated Vehicle' (ROV) for the investigation of the carbonate mounds. The primary tasks of Bremen's QUEST ROV were a detailed characterization of individual mound structures, selective sample collection and the retrieval of sensor systems placed at the seafloor one year before. These ROV tasks have been supplemented by hydro-acoustic measurements and conventional sediment sampling in order to work - in close collaboration with M61-1 - on the main research focuses of the MOUNDFORCE project: (a) analysis of the environmental factors that drive the development of the 'carbonate mounds', (b) surveying the benthic communities in dependence of changing environmental factors and (c) investigations to the stabilization and lithification of the mound sediments

    Synthesis and Characterization of K and Eu Binary Phosphides.

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    The synthesis, structural characterization, and optical properties of the binary Zintl phases of α-EuP₃, ÎČ-EuP₃, EuP₂, and α-K₄P₆ are reported in this study. These crystal structures demonstrate the versatility of P fragments with dimensionality varying from 0D (P₆ rings in α-K₄P₆) to 1D chains (EuP₂) to 2D layers (both EuP₃). EuP₂ is isostructural to previously reported SrP₂ and BaP₂ compounds. The thermal stabilities of the EuP₂ and both EuP₃ phases were determined using differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), with melting temperatures of 1086 K for the diphosphide and 1143 K for the triphosphides. Diffuse reflectance spectroscopy indicated that EuP₂ is an indirect semiconductor with a direct bandgap of 1.12(5) eV and a smaller indirect one, less than 1 eV. Both EuP₃ compounds had bandgaps smaller than 1 eV

    German production networks in Central, Eastern Europe: between dependency and globalisation

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    This paper offers a first assessment of the contribution of international production to the dynamics of regional integration in Europe. After very high expectations, there is increasing scepticism concerning the role of foreign direct investment as an engine of growth in the region. On the basis of often implicit cross regional comparisons, it is argued that the level of foreign direct investment in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) is low, that it does not lead to significant technology transfers and backward linkages, and that the prospects for Cross national productions networks to develop continent-wide are at best uncertain. The paper argues that generalisations based on foreign direct investment figures hide more than reveal and looks at the development of Outward Processing Traffic between the European Union (EU) and CEE as an alternative source of evidence to characterise some of the transformations that the European model of integration is undergoing. It finds that EU firms, mainly medium sized German companies, make an important use of non equity forms of international production when expanding eastwards. The resulting patterns of cooperation are fluid, but not necessarily precarious. In fact, they are an ideal vehicle for implementing new flexible methods of production which have greater potentials for spillovers and multiplier effects. Overall, these patterns of cooperation give rise to different market linkages that hardly fit into static categories, a process in which policy makers have only little say. -- Die vorliegende Studie bietet eine erste Bewertung der Auswirkungen internationaler Produktion auf die Dynamik regionaler Integration in Europa. Was die Rolle auslĂ€ndischer Direktinvestitionen angeht, so sind die anfĂ€nglich sehr hohen Erwartungen mittlerweile der Skepsis gewichen. Auf der Grundlage oftmals impliziter regionsĂŒbergreifender Vergleiche wird hier festgestellt, daß Direktinvestitionen in Zentral- und Osteuropa niedrig sind, daß sie keine nennenswerten Technologietransfers und backward linkages mit sich bringen, und daß die Aussichten fĂŒr die europaweite Entwicklung transnationaler Produktionsnetzwerke bestenfalls unsicher sind. Es wird argumentiert, daß Verallgemeinerungen auf der Basis von Direktinvestitionsziffern mehr verschleiern als enthĂŒllen. Daher wird hier die Entwicklung von Outward-Processing-Verkehr zwischen der EuropĂ€ischen Union und Zentral- und Osteuropa als alternative Quelle herangezogen, um einige der Transformationen zu kennzeichnen, welche das europĂ€ische Integrationsmodell im Augenblick durchmacht. Eine Feststellung ist, daß EU-Firmen, insbesondere mittelstĂ€ndische deutsche Unternehmen, bei der Ausdehnung in Richtung Osten starken Gebrauch von internationalen Produktionsnetzen zwischen unabhĂ€ngigen Firmen (non-equity forms of production) machen. Die daraus resultierenden Kooperationsmuster sind fließend, aber nicht unbedingt unsicher. Sie könnten sich im Gegenteil als ideales Vehikel fĂŒr die EinfĂŒhrung neuer flexibler Produktionsmethoden erweisen, die grĂ¶ĂŸeres Potential fĂŒr Spillovers und Multiplikationseffekte bieten. Insgesamt fĂŒhren solche Produktionsnetze zwischen unabhĂ€ngigen Unternehmen zu neuen Marktverbindungen, die sich kaum in feststehende Kategorien einordnen lassen. Auf diesen Prozeß haben Politiker nur wenig Einfluß.
