404 research outputs found

    Evolution of collective behaviors for a real swarm of aquatic surface robots

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    Swarm robotics is a promising approach for the coordination of large numbers of robots. While previous studies have shown that evolutionary robotics techniques can be applied to obtain robust and efficient self-organized behaviors for robot swarms, most studies have been conducted in simulation, and the few that have been conducted on real robots have been confined to laboratory environments. In this paper, we demonstrate for the first time a swarm robotics system with evolved control successfully operating in a real and uncontrolled environment. We evolve neural network-based controllers in simulation for canonical swarm robotics tasks, namely homing, dispersion, clustering, and monitoring. We then assess the performance of the controllers on a real swarm of up to ten aquatic surface robots. Our results show that the evolved controllers transfer successfully to real robots and achieve a performance similar to the performance obtained in simulation. We validate that the evolved controllers display key properties of swarm intelligence-based control, namely scalability, flexibility, and robustness on the real swarm. We conclude with a proof-of-concept experiment in which the swarm performs a complete environmental monitoring task by combining multiple evolved controllers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Synthesis of formation control for an aquatic swarm robotics system

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    Formations are the spatial organization of objects or entities according to some predefined pattern. They can be found in nature, in social animals such as fish schools, and insect colonies, where the spontaneous organization into emergent structures takes place. Formations have a multitude of applications such as in military and law enforcement scenarios, where they are used to increase operational performance. The concept is even present in collective sports modalities such as football, which use formations as a strategy to increase teams efficiency. Swarm robotics is an approach for the study of multi-robot systems composed of a large number of simple units, inspired in self-organization in animal societies. These have the potential to conduct tasks too demanding for a single robot operating alone. When applied to the coordination of such type of systems, formations allow for a coordinated motion and enable SRS to increase their sensing efficiency as a whole. In this dissertation, we present a virtual structure formation control synthesis for a multi-robot system. Control is synthesized through the use of evolutionary robotics, from where the desired collective behavior emerges, while displaying key-features such as fault tolerance and robustness. Initial experiments on formation control synthesis were conducted in simulation environment. We later developed an inexpensive aquatic robotic platform in order to conduct experiments in real world conditions. Our results demonstrated that it is possible to synthesize formation control for a multi-robot system making use of evolutionary robotics. The developed robotic platform was used in several scientific studies.As formações consistem na organização de objetos ou entidades de acordo com um padrão pré-definido. Elas podem ser encontradas na natureza, em animais sociais tais como peixes ou colónias de insetos, onde a organização espontânea em estruturas se verifica. As formações aplicam-se em diversos contextos, tais como cenários militares ou de aplicação da lei, onde são utilizadas para aumentar a performance operacional. O conceito está também presente em desportos coletivos tais como o futebol, onde as formações são utilizadas como estratégia para aumentar a eficiência das equipas. Os enxames de robots são uma abordagem para o estudo de sistemas multi-robô compostos de um grande número de unidades simples, inspirado na organização de sociedades animais. Estes têm um elevado potencial na resolução de tarefas demasiado complexas para um único robot. Quando aplicadas na coordenação deste tipo de sistemas, as formações permitem o movimento coordenado e o aumento da sensibilidade do enxame como um todo. Nesta dissertação apresentamos a síntese de controlo de formação para um sistema multi-robô. O controlo é sintetizado através do uso de robótica evolucionária, de onde o comportamento coletivo emerge, demonstrando ainda funcionalidadeschave tais como tolerância a falhas e robustez. As experiências iniciais na síntese de controlo foram realizadas em simulação. Mais tarde foi desenvolvida uma plataforma robótica para a condução de experiências no mundo real. Os nossos resultados demonstram que é possível sintetizar controlo de formação para um sistema multi-robô, utilizando técnicas de robótica evolucionária. A plataforma desenvolvida foi ainda utilizada em diversos estudos científicos

    Engineering evolutionary control for real-world robotic systems

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    Evolutionary Robotics (ER) is the field of study concerned with the application of evolutionary computation to the design of robotic systems. Two main issues have prevented ER from being applied to real-world tasks, namely scaling to complex tasks and the transfer of control to real-robot systems. Finding solutions to complex tasks is challenging for evolutionary approaches due to the bootstrap problem and deception. When the task goal is too difficult, the evolutionary process will drift in regions of the search space with equally low levels of performance and therefore fail to bootstrap. Furthermore, the search space tends to get rugged (deceptive) as task complexity increases, which can lead to premature convergence. Another prominent issue in ER is the reality gap. Behavioral control is typically evolved in simulation and then only transferred to the real robotic hardware when a good solution has been found. Since simulation is an abstraction of the real world, the accuracy of the robot model and its interactions with the environment is limited. As a result, control evolved in a simulator tends to display a lower performance in reality than in simulation. In this thesis, we present a hierarchical control synthesis approach that enables the use of ER techniques for complex tasks in real robotic hardware by mitigating the bootstrap problem, deception, and the reality gap. We recursively decompose a task into sub-tasks, and synthesize control for each sub-task. The individual behaviors are then composed hierarchically. The possibility of incrementally transferring control as the controller is composed allows transferability issues to be addressed locally in the controller hierarchy. Our approach features hybridity, allowing different control synthesis techniques to be combined. We demonstrate our approach in a series of tasks that go beyond the complexity of tasks where ER has been successfully applied. We further show that hierarchical control can be applied in single-robot systems and in multirobot systems. Given our long-term goal of enabling the application of ER techniques to real-world tasks, we systematically validate our approach in real robotic hardware. For one of the demonstrations in this thesis, we have designed and built a swarm robotic platform, and we show the first successful transfer of evolved and hierarchical control to a swarm of robots outside of controlled laboratory conditions.A Robótica Evolutiva (RE) é a área de investigação que estuda a aplicação de computação evolutiva na conceção de sistemas robóticos. Dois principais desafios têm impedido a aplicação da RE em tarefas do mundo real: a dificuldade em solucionar tarefas complexas e a transferência de controladores evoluídos para sistemas robóticos reais. Encontrar soluções para tarefas complexas é desafiante para as técnicas evolutivas devido ao bootstrap problem e à deception. Quando o objetivo é demasiado difícil, o processo evolutivo tende a permanecer em regiões do espaço de procura com níveis de desempenho igualmente baixos, e consequentemente não consegue inicializar. Por outro lado, o espaço de procura tende a enrugar à medida que a complexidade da tarefa aumenta, o que pode resultar numa convergência prematura. Outro desafio na RE é a reality gap. O controlo robótico é tipicamente evoluído em simulação, e só é transferido para o sistema robótico real quando uma boa solução tiver sido encontrada. Como a simulação é uma abstração da realidade, a precisão do modelo do robô e das suas interações com o ambiente é limitada, podendo resultar em controladores com um menor desempenho no mundo real. Nesta tese, apresentamos uma abordagem de síntese de controlo hierárquica que permite o uso de técnicas de RE em tarefas complexas com hardware robótico real, mitigando o bootstrap problem, a deception e a reality gap. Decompomos recursivamente uma tarefa em sub-tarefas, e sintetizamos controlo para cada subtarefa. Os comportamentos individuais são então compostos hierarquicamente. A possibilidade de transferir o controlo incrementalmente à medida que o controlador é composto permite que problemas de transferibilidade possam ser endereçados localmente na hierarquia do controlador. A nossa abordagem permite o uso de diferentes técnicas de síntese de controlo, resultando em controladores híbridos. Demonstramos a nossa abordagem em várias tarefas que vão para além da complexidade das tarefas onde a RE foi aplicada. Também mostramos que o controlo hierárquico pode ser aplicado em sistemas de um robô ou sistemas multirobô. Dado o nosso objetivo de longo prazo de permitir o uso de técnicas de RE em tarefas no mundo real, concebemos e desenvolvemos uma plataforma de robótica de enxame, e mostramos a primeira transferência de controlo evoluído e hierárquico para um exame de robôs fora de condições controladas de laboratório.This work has been supported by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia) under the grants SFRH/BD/76438/2011, EXPL/EEI-AUT/0329/2013, and by Instituto de Telecomunicações under the grant UID/EEA/50008/2013

    Design and development of an inexpensive aquatic swarm robotics system

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    Swarm robotics is a promising approach characterized by large numbers of relatively small and inexpensive robots. Since such systems typically rely on decentralized control and local communication, they exhibit a number of interesting and useful properties, namely scalability, robustness to individual faults, and flexibility. In this paper, we detail the design and development process of a swarm robotics platform composed of autonomous surface robots, which was designed in order to study the use of robotic swarms in real-world environments. Our aquatic surface robots where manufactured using digital fabrication techniques, such as 3D printing and CNC milling, and all hardware and software has been made available as open-source, thus allowing third-parties to customize and further improve our platform.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Cooperative coevolution of control for a real multirobot system

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    The potential of cooperative coevolutionary algorithms (CCEAs) as a tool for evolving control for heterogeneous multirobot teams has been shown in several previous works. The vast majority of these works have, however, been confined to simulation-based experiments. In this paper, we present one of the first demonstrations of a real multirobot system, operating outside laboratory conditions, with controllers synthesised by CCEAs. We evolve control for an aquatic multirobot system that has to perform a cooperative predator-prey pursuit task. The evolved controllers are transferred to real hardware, and their performance is assessed in a non-controlled outdoor environment. Two approaches are used to evolve control: a standard fitness-driven CCEA, and novelty-driven coevolution. We find that both approaches are able to evolve teams that transfer successfully to the real robots. Novelty-driven coevolution is able to evolve a broad range of successful team behaviours, which we test on the real multirobot system.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio

    Evolutionary Robotics

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    A checklist for safe robot swarms

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    Genome variations: Effects on the robustness of neuroevolved control for swarm robotics systems

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    Manual design of self-organized behavioral control for swarms of robots is a complex task. Neuroevolution has proved a viable alternative given its capacity to automatically synthesize controllers. In this paper, we introduce the concept of Genome Variations (GV) in the neuroevolution of behavioral control for robotic swarms. In an evolutionary setup with GV, a slight mutation is applied to the evolving neural network parameters before they are copied to the robots in a swarm. The genome variation is individual to each robot, thereby generating a slightly heterogeneous swarm. GV represents a novel approach to the evolution of robust behaviors, expected to generate more stable and robust individual controllers, and bene t swarm behaviors that can deal with small heterogeneities in the behavior of other members in the swarm. We conduct experiments using an aggregation task, and compare the evolved solutions to solutions evolved under ideal, noise-free conditions, and to solutions evolved with traditional sensor noise.info:eu-repo/semantics/acceptedVersio