248 research outputs found

    Dynamically typed languages

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    Dynamically typed languages such as Python and Ruby have experienced a rapid grown in popularity in recent times. However, there is much confusion as to what makes these languages interesting relative to statically typed languages, and little knowledge of their rich history. In this chapter I explore the general topic of dynamically typed languages, how they differ from statically typed languages, their history, and their defining features

    Refactoring Software in the Automotive Domain for Execution on Heterogeneous Platforms

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    The most important way to achieve higher performance in computer systems is through heterogeneous computing, i.e., by adopting hardware platforms containing more than one type of processor, such as CPUs, GPUs, and FPGAs. Several types of algorithms can be executed significantly faster on a heterogeneous platform. However, migrating CPU-executable software to other types of execution platforms poses a number of challenges to software engineering. Significant efforts are required in such type of migration, particularly for re-architecting and re-implementing the software. Further, optimizing it in terms of performance and other runtime properties can be very challenging, making the process complex, expensive, and errorprone. Therefore, a systematic approach based on explicit and justified architectural decisions is needed for a successful refactoring process from a homogeneous to a heterogeneous platform. In this paper, we propose a decision framework that supports engineers when refactoring software systems to accommodate heterogeneous platforms. It includes the assessment of important factors in order to minimize the risk of recurrent problems in the process. Through a set of questions, practitioners are able to formulate answers that will help in making appropriate architectural decisions to accommodate heterogeneous platforms. The contents of the framework have been developed and evolved based on discussions with architects and developers in the automotive domain

    The Love/Hate Relationship with the C Preprocessor: An Interview Study

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    The C preprocessor has received strong criticism in academia, among others regarding separation of concerns, error proneness, and code obfuscation, but is widely used in practice. Many (mostly academic) alternatives to the preprocessor exist, but have not been adopted in practice. Since developers continue to use the preprocessor despite all criticism and research, we ask how practitioners perceive the C preprocessor. We performed interviews with 40 developers, used grounded theory to analyze the data, and cross-validated the results with data from a survey among 202 developers, repository mining, and results from previous studies. In particular, we investigated four research questions related to why the preprocessor is still widely used in practice, common problems, alternatives, and the impact of undisciplined annotations. Our study shows that developers are aware of the criticism the C preprocessor receives, but use it nonetheless, mainly for portability and variability. Many developers indicate that they regularly face preprocessor-related problems and preprocessor-related bugs. The majority of our interviewees do not see any current C-native technologies that can entirely replace the C preprocessor. However, developers tend to mitigate problems with guidelines, even though those guidelines are not enforced consistently. We report the key insights gained from our study and discuss implications for practitioners and researchers on how to better use the C preprocessor to minimize its negative impact

    Toward an Effective Automated Tracing Process

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    Traceability is defined as the ability to establish, record, and maintain dependency relations among various software artifacts in a software system, in both a forwards and backwards direction, throughout the multiple phases of the project’s life cycle. The availability of traceability information has been proven vital to several software engineering activities such as program comprehension, impact analysis, feature location, software reuse, and verification and validation (V&V). The research on automated software traceability has noticeably advanced in the past few years. Various methodologies and tools have been proposed in the literature to provide automatic support for establishing and maintaining traceability information in software systems. This movement is motivated by the increasing attention traceability has been receiving as a critical element of any rigorous software development process. However, despite these major advances, traceability implementation and use is still not pervasive in industry. In particular, traceability tools are still far from achieving performance levels that are adequate for practical applications. Such low levels of accuracy require software engineers working with traceability tools to spend a considerable amount of their time verifying the generated traceability information, a process that is often described as tedious, exhaustive, and error-prone. Motivated by these observations, and building upon a growing body of work in this area, in this dissertation we explore several research directions related to enhancing the performance of automated tracing tools and techniques. In particular, our work addresses several issues related to the various aspects of the IR-based automated tracing process, including trace link retrieval, performance enhancement, and the role of the human in the process. Our main objective is to achieve performance levels, in terms of accuracy, efficiency, and usability, that are adequate for practical applications, and ultimately to accomplish a successful technology transfer from research to industry

    How we refactor and how we document it? On the use of supervised machine learning algorithms to classify refactoring documentation

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    Refactoring is the art of improving the structural design of a software system without altering its external behavior. Today, refactoring has become a well-established and disciplined software engineering practice that has attracted a significant amount of research presuming that refactoring is primarily motivated by the need to improve system structures. However, recent studies have shown that developers may incorporate refactoring strategies in other development-related activities that go beyond improving the design especially with the emerging challenges in contemporary software engineering. Unfortunately, these studies are limited to developer interviews and a reduced set of projects. To cope with the above-mentioned limitations, we aim to better understand what motivates developers to apply a refactoring by mining and automatically classifying a large set of 111,884 commits containing refactoring activities, extracted from 800 open source Java projects. We trained a multi-class classifier to categorize these commits into three categories, namely, Internal Quality Attribute, External Quality Attribute, and Code Smell Resolution, along with the traditional Bug Fix and Functional categories. This classification challenges the original definition of refactoring, being exclusive to improving software design and fixing code smells. Furthermore, to better understand our classification results, we qualitatively analyzed commit messages to extract textual patterns that developers regularly use to describe their refactoring activities. The results of our empirical investigation show that (1) fixing code smells is not the main driver for developers to refactoring their code bases. Refactoring is solicited for a wide variety of reasons, going beyond its traditional definition; (2) the distribution of refactoring operations differs between production and test files; (3) developers use a variety of patterns to purposefully target refactoring-related activities; (4) the textual patterns, extracted from commit messages, provide better coverage for how developers document their refactorings

    Improving Program Comprehension and Recommendation Systems Using Developers' Context

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    RÉSUMÉ Avec les besoins croissants des utilisateurs ainsi que l’évolution de la technologie, les programmes informatiques deviennent de plus en plus complexes. Ces programmes doivent évolués et être maintenus afin de corriger les bogues et–ou s’adapter aux nouveaux besoins. Lors de la maintenance des programmes, la compréhension des programmes est une activité indispensable et préliminaire à tout changement sur le programme. Environ 50% du temps de maintenance d’un programme est consacré à leur compréhension. Plusieurs facteurs affectent cette compréhension. L’étude de ces facteurs permet non seulement de les comprendre et d’identifier les problèmes que peuvent rencontrer les développeurs mais aussi et surtout de concevoir des outils permettant de faciliter leur travail et d’améliorer ainsi leur productivité. Pour comprendre le programme et effectuer des tâches de maintenance, les développeurs doivent naviguer entre les éléments du programme (par exemple les fichiers) dans l’objectif de trouver le(s) élément(s) à modifier pour réaliser leurs tâches. L’exploration du programme est donc essentielle. Notre thèse est que l’effort de maintenance n’est pas seulement lié à la complexité de la tâche, mais aussi à la façon dont les développeurs explorent un programme. Pour soutenir cette thèse, nous utilisons les données d’interaction qui contiennent les activités effectuées par les développeurs durant la maintenance. D’abord, nous étudions les bruits dans les données d’interaction et montrons qu’environ 6% du temps de réalisation d’une tâche ne sont pas contenus dans ces données et qu’elles contiennent environ 28% d’activités faussement considérées comme modifications effectuées sur le programme. Nous proposons une approche de nettoyage de ces bruits qui atteind une précision et un rappel jusqu’à 93% et 81%, respectivement. Ensuite, nous montrons que ces bruits impactent les résultats de certains travaux précédents et que le nettoyage des bruits améliore la précision et le rappel des systèmes de récommendation jusqu’à environ 51% et 57%, respectivement. Nous montrons également utilisant les données d’interaction que l’effort de maintenance n’est pas seulement lié à la complexité de la tâche de maintenance mais aussi à la façon dont les développeurs explorent les programmes. Ainsi, nous validons notre thèse et concluons que nous pouvons nettoyer des données d’interaction, les utiliser pour calculer l’effort de maintenance et comprendre l’impact de l’exploration du programme sur l’effort. Nous recommendons aux chercheurs de nettoyer les traces d’interaction et de les utiliser lorsqu’elles sont disponibles pour calculer l’effort de maintenance. Nous mettons à la disposition des fournisseurs d’outils de monitoring et de recommendation des résultats leur permettant d’améliorer leurs outils en vue d’aider les développeurs à plus de productivité.----------ABSTRACT Software systems must be maintained and evolved to fix bugs and adapted to new technologies and requirements. Maintaining and evolving systems require to understand the systems (e.g., program comprehension) prior to any modification. Program comprehension consumes about half of developers' time during software maintenance. Many factors impact program comprehension (e.g., developers, systems, tasks). The study of these factors aims (1) to identify and understand problems faced by developers during maintenance task and (2) to build tools to support developers and improve their productivity. To evolve software, developers must always explore the program, i.e., navigate through its entities. The purpose of this navigation is to find the subset of entities relevant to the task. Our thesis is that the maintenance effort is not only correlated to the complexity of the implementation of the task, but developers' exploration of a program also impacts the maintenance effort. To validate our thesis, we consider interaction traces data, which are developers' activities logs collected during maintenance task. We study noise in interaction traces data and show that these data miss about 6% of the time spent to perform the task and contain on average about 28% of activities wrongly considered as modification of the source code. We propose an approach to clean interaction traces. Our approach achieves up to 93% precision and 81% recall. Using our cleaning approach, we show that some previous works that use interaction traces have been impacted by noise and we improve the recommendation of entities by up to 51% precision and 57% recall. We also show that the effort is not only correlated to the complexity of the implementation of the task but impacted by the developers' exploration strategies. Thus, we validate our thesis and conclude that we can clean interaction traces data and use them to assess developers' effort, understand how developers spend their effort, and assess the impact of their program exploration on their effort. Researchers and practitioners should be aware of the noise in interaction traces. We recommend researchers to clean interaction traces prior to their usage and use them to compute the effort of maintenance tasks instead of estimating from bug report. We provide practitioners with an approach to improve the collection of interaction traces and the accuracy of recommendation systems. The use of our approach to improve these tools will likely improve the developers' productivity
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