60 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Event Localization and Classification for Nano IoT

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    Advancements in nanotechnology promises new capabilities for Internet of Things (IoT) to monitor extremely fine-grained events by deploying sensors as small as a few hundred nanometers. Researchers predict that such tiny sensors can transmit wireless data using graphene-based nano-antenna radiating in the terahertz band (0.1-10 THz). Powering such wireless communications with nanoscale energy supply, however, is a major challenge to overcome. In this paper, we propose an energy efficient event monitoring framework for nano IoT that enables nanosensors to update a remote base station about the location and type of the detected event using only a single short pulse. Nanosensors encode different events using different center frequencies with non overlapping half power bandwidth over the entire terahertz band. Using uniform linear array (ULA) antenna, the base station localizes the events by estimating the direction of arrival of the pulse and classifies them from the center frequency estimated by spectral centroid of the received signal. Simulation results confirm that, from a distance of 1 meter, a 6th derivative Gaussian pulse consuming only 1 atto Joule can achieve localization and classification accuracies of 1.58 degree and 98.8%, respectively.Comment: 6 pages, 18 Figures, accepted for publication in IEEE GLOBECOM Conference 201

    Facilitating Internet of Things on the Edge

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    The evolution of electronics and wireless technologies has entered a new era, the Internet of Things (IoT). Presently, IoT technologies influence the global market, bringing benefits in many areas, including healthcare, manufacturing, transportation, and entertainment. Modern IoT devices serve as a thin client with data processing performed in a remote computing node, such as a cloud server or a mobile edge compute unit. These computing units own significant resources that allow prompt data processing. The user experience for such an approach relies drastically on the availability and quality of the internet connection. In this case, if the internet connection is unavailable, the resulting operations of IoT applications can be completely disrupted. It is worth noting that emerging IoT applications are even more throughput demanding and latency-sensitive which makes communication networks a practical bottleneck for the service provisioning. This thesis aims to eliminate the limitations of wireless access, via the improvement of connectivity and throughput between the devices on the edge, as well as their network identification, which is fundamentally important for IoT service management. The introduction begins with a discussion on the emerging IoT applications and their demands. Subsequent chapters introduce scenarios of interest, describe the proposed solutions and provide selected performance evaluation results. Specifically, we start with research on the use of degraded memory chips for network identification of IoT devices as an alternative to conventional methods, such as IMEI; these methods are not vulnerable to tampering and cloning. Further, we introduce our contributions for improving connectivity and throughput among IoT devices on the edge in a case where the mobile network infrastructure is limited or totally unavailable. Finally, we conclude the introduction with a summary of the results achieved

    Fundamentals of electromagnetic nanonetworks in the terahertz band

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    Nanotechnology is providing a new set of tools to the engineering community to design nanoscale components with unprecedented functionalities. The integration of several nano-components into a single entity will enable the development of advanced nanomachines. Nanonetworks, i.e., networks of nanomachines, will enable a plethora of applications in the biomedical, environmental, industrial and military fields. To date, it is still not clear how nanomachines will communicate. The miniaturization of a classical antenna to meet the size requirements of nanomachines would impose the use of very high radiation frequencies. The available transmission bandwidth increases with the antenna resonant frequency, but so does the propagation loss. Due to the expectedly very limited power of nanomachines, the feasibility of nanonetworks would be compromised if this approach were followed. Therefore, a new wireless technology is needed to enable this paradigm. The objective of this thesis is to establish the foundations of graphene-enabled electromagnetic communication in nanonetworks. First, novel graphene-based plasmonic nano-antennas are proposed, modeled and analyzed. The obtained results point to the Terahertz Band (0.1-10 THz) as the frequency range of operation of novel nano-antennas. For this, the second contribution in this thesis is the development of a novel channel model for Terahertz Band communication. In addition, the channel capacity of the Terahertz Band is numerically investigated to highlight the potential of this still-unregulated frequency band. Third, a novel modulation based on the transmission of femtosecond-long pulses is proposed and its performance is analyzed.% in terms of achievable information rates. Fourth, the use of low-weight codes to prevent channel errors in nanonetworks is proposed and investigated. Fifth, a novel symbol detection scheme at the receiver is developed to support the proposed modulation scheme. Sixth, a new energy model for self-powered nanomachines with piezoelectric nano-generators is developed. Moreover, a new Medium Access Control protocol tailored to the Terahertz Band is developed. Finally, a one-to-one nano-link is emulated to validate the proposed solutions.Ph.D

    On the scalability limits of communication networks to the nanoscale

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    Nanosystems, integrated systems with a total size of a few micrometers, are capable of interacting at the nanoscale, but their short operating range limits their usefulness in practical macro-scale scenarios. Nanonetworks, the interconnection of nanosystems, will extend their range of operation by allowing communication among nanosystems, thereby greatly enhancing their potential applications. In order to integrate communication capabilities into nanosystems, their communication subsystem needs to shrink to a size of a few micrometers. There are doubts about the feasibility of scaling down current metallic antennas to such a small size, mainly because their resonant frequency would be extremely high (in the optical domain) leading to a large free-space attenuation of the radiated EM waves. In consequence, as an alternative to implement wireless communications among nanosystems, two novel paradigms have emerged: molecular communication and graphene-enabled wireless communications. On the one hand, molecular communication is based on the exchange of molecules among nanosystems, inspired by communication among living cells. In Diffusion-based Molecular Communication (DMC), the emitted molecules propagate throughout the environment following a diffusion process until they reach the receiver. On the other hand, graphene, a one-atom-thick sheet of carbon atoms, has been proposed to implement graphene plasmonic RF antennas, or graphennas. Graphennas with a size in the order of a few micrometers show plasmonic effects which allow them to radiate EM waves in the terahertz band. Graphennas are the enabling technology of Graphene-enabled Wireless Communications (GWC). In order to answer the question of how communication networks will scale when their size shrinks, this thesis presents a scalability analysis of the performance metrics of communication networks to the nanoscale, following a general model with as few assumptions as possible. In the case of DMC, two detection schemes are proposed: amplitude detection and energy detection. Key performance metrics are identified and their scalability with respect to the transmission distance is found to differ significantly from the case of traditional wireless communications. These unique scaling trends present novel challenges which require the design of novel networking protocols specially adapted to DMC networks. The analysis of the propagation of plasmonic waves in graphennas allows determining their radiation performance. In particular, the resonant frequency of graphennas is not only lower than in metallic antennas, but it also increases more slowly as their length is reduced to the nanoscale. Moreover, the study of parameters such as the graphenna dimensions, the relaxation time of graphene and the applied chemical potential shows the tunability of graphennas in a wide frequency range. Furthermore, an experimental setup to measure graphennas based on feeding them by means of a photoconductive source is described. The effects of molecular absorption in the short-range terahertz channel, which corresponds to the expected operating scenario of graphennas, are analyzed. Molecular absorption is a process in which molecules present in the atmosphere absorb part of the energy of the terahertz EM waves radiated by graphennas, causing impairments in the performance of GWC. The study of molecular absorption allows quantifying this loss by deriving relevant performance metrics in this scenario, which show novel scalability trends as a function of the transmission distance with respect to the case of free-space propagation. Finally, the channel capacity of GWC is found to scale better as the antenna size is reduced than in traditional wireless communications. In consequence, GWC will require lower transmission power to achieve a given performance target. These results establish a general framework which may serve designers as a guide to implement wireless communication networks among nanosystems

    Low-power techniques for wireless gas sensing network applications: pulsed light excitation with data extraction strategies

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    Aquesta tesi està enfocada en dues línies d'investigació. La primera aborda el desenvolupament d'una metodologia basada en llum polsada per modulació de sensors químic-resistius per a l'extracció d'informació del senyal transitòri, i la segona planteja la implementació d'una xarxa sense fils de sensors (WSN) basada en tecnologia LoRa per al monitoratge de la qualitat de l'aire (AQM) i la detecció d'esdeveniments de fuita de gasos. Aquest document està estructurat en quatre capítols organitzats de la següent manera: el Capítol 1 presenta l'estat de l'art, una introducció als mecanismes de millora de l'comportament dels sensors químic-resistius, així com una introducció a la implementació de xarxes sense fils de sensors per a la monitorització de la qualitat de l'aire; el Capítol 2 està compost pels dos articles publicats relacionats amb la metodologia basada en la modulació utilitzant llum polsada per a l'extracció d'informació del senyal transitòria de sensors químic-resistius; el Capítol 3 presenta l'article publicat relacionat amb la implementació d'una WSN per a AQM; el Capítol 4 presenta les conclusions derivades dels resultats obtinguts durant el desenvolupament de el projecte de tesi i les recomanacions per al treball futur associat a la continuïtat dels principals resultats d'aquesta tesiLa presente tesis está enfocada en dos líneas de investigación, La primera aborda el desarrollo de una metodología basada en luz pulsada para modulación de sensores químico-resistivos para la extracción de información de la señal transitoria; y la segunda plantea la implementación de una red inalámbrica de sensores (WSN) basada en tecnología LoRa para la monitorización de la calidad del aire (AQM) y la detección de eventos de fuga de gases. Este documento está estructurado en cuatro capítulos organizados de la siguiente forma: el Capítulo 1 presenta el estado del arte, una introducción a los mecanismos de mejora del comportamiento de los sensores químico-resistivos, así como una introducción a la implementación de redes inalámbricas de sensores para la monitorización de la calidad del aire; el Capítulo 2 está compuesto por los dos artículos publicados relacionados con la metodología basada en la modulación utilizando luz pulsada para la extracción de información de la señal transitoria de sensores químico-resistivos; el Capítulo 3 presenta el artículo publicado relacionado con la implementación de una WSN para AQM; el Capítulo 4 presenta las conclusiones derivadas de los resultados obtenidos durante el desarrollo de el proyecto de tesis y las recomendaciones para el trabajo futuro asociado a la continuidad de los principales resultados de esta tesis.The present thesis project is focused in two different yet related research lines. The first one addresses the development of a pulsed light-based chemiresistive sensor modulation methodology for transient information extraction. The second research line developed deals with the implementation of a LoRa-based portable, scalable, low-cost, and low power Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) for Air Quality Monitoring (AQM) and gas leakage events detection. This document is structured in four Chapters organized as follows: Chapter 1 presents the state of the art, an introduction to sensing performance enhancement and transient data extraction methods, as well as an introduction to the implementation of WSN for AQM; Chapter 2 is composed of the two published paper related to the pulsed light modulation methodology for transient information extraction; Chapter 3 presents the published paper related to the implementation of a LoRa-based WSN for AQM; Chapter 4 states the conclusions derived from the results obtained during this thesis project and the recommendations for the future work associated to the continuity of this thesis findings

    Advanced Energy Harvesting Technologies

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    Energy harvesting is the conversion of unused or wasted energy in the ambient environment into useful electrical energy. It can be used to power small electronic systems such as wireless sensors and is beginning to enable the widespread and maintenance-free deployment of Internet of Things (IoT) technology. This Special Issue is a collection of the latest developments in both fundamental research and system-level integration. This Special Issue features two review papers, covering two of the hottest research topics in the area of energy harvesting: 3D-printed energy harvesting and triboelectric nanogenerators (TENGs). These papers provide a comprehensive survey of their respective research area, highlight the advantages of the technologies and point out challenges in future development. They are must-read papers for those who are active in these areas. This Special Issue also includes ten research papers covering a wide range of energy-harvesting techniques, including electromagnetic and piezoelectric wideband vibration, wind, current-carrying conductors, thermoelectric and solar energy harvesting, etc. Not only are the foundations of these novel energy-harvesting techniques investigated, but the numerical models, power-conditioning circuitry and real-world applications of these novel energy harvesting techniques are also presented