1,056 research outputs found

    Kano-sarnase mudeli kasutamine avatud innovatsiooni saavutamiseks nõuete analüüsi protsessis

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    Kui viiakse läbi nõuete analüüsi (inglise k Requirements Engineering, lühend RE), siis sageli järjestatakse nõuded nende olulisuse alusel (inglise k requirements prioritization), et saada selgust, milliste välja pakutud nõuetega funktsioon peaks tarkvaral olemas olema, seega sõltub tarkvara analüüsist tarkvara majandusliku väärtuse suurendamisega seotud otsuste tegemine. Tänapäeval arenevad tooted väga kiiresti ning ka nõuete olulisuse alusel järjestamine (inglise k requirements prioritization) on muutunud kiiremaks. Ettevõtted sooviksid saada kasutajatelt kiiret tagasisidet selle kohta, mis peaks olema järgmises mudelis olemas. Üks häid lahendusi sellele on Kano mudel (inglise k Kano model). Kano mudel selgitab välja kasutajate rahulolu ja toodete tunnuste vahelise suhte. See meetod liigitab kasutajate eelistused nende tähtsuse järjekorras, seega toetab see ka nõuete olulisuse järjekorra moodustamist. Aga Kano mudeli rakendamine on kallis ja aeganõudev ning seda ei saa kiiresti korrata. Veelgi enam – see mudel on keeruline väikeste ettevõtete jaoks, sest neil ei tarvitse olla piisavalt rahalisi jm vahendeid, et kasutajatega ühendust võtta ja neid intervjueerida. See omakorda paneb väikesed ettevõtted, eriti just idufirmad, ebavõrdsesse olukorda suurte ettevõtetega. Et sellele probleemile lahendust leida ja Kano mudeli kasutuselevõttu lihtsamaks ning odavamaks teha, arvame, et Kano mudelit tuleks arendada kahel viisil. Esiteks tuleks kasutada tasuta võrgus leiduvaid kirjalikke andmeid, mida saaks asendada intervjueeritavatelt kogutud vastustega. Teiseks – selleks, et hakkama saada võrgust kogutud kirjalike andmete suure mahuga, ning et kaasa aidata korrapärastele analüüsidele, peaks andmete analüüsimine olema automaatne. Selle uurimuse eesmärk on välja pakkuda meetodeid, et kasutajate avamusi, mis on võrgus saadavatest vabadest allikatest kogutud, (semi-)automaatselt liigitada, ja seda selleks, et aidata otsustajatel otsustada, millised tarkvara nõuded järgmises mudelis kindlasti olemas peaksid olema. Et seda uurimuse eesmärki saavutada, pakume me välja avatud innovatsiooni nõuete analüüsi (OIRE) meetodi, mille abil saavad tarkvarafirmad parema ülevaate kasutajate vajadustest ja sellest, kuivõrd rahul on nad olemasolevate toodetega.When Requirements Engineering (RE) is applied, requirements analysis is often used to determine which candidate requirements of a feature should be included in a software release. This plays a crucial role in the decisions made to increase the economic value of software. Nowadays, products evolve fast, and the process of requirements prioritization is becoming shorter as well. Companies benefit from receiving quick feedback from end users about what should be included in subsequent releases. One effective approach supporting requirements prioritization is the Kano model. The Kano model defines the relationship between user satisfaction and product features. It is a method used to classify user preferences according to their importance, and in doing so, supports requirements prioritization. However, implementing the Kano model is costly and time-consuming, and the application of the Kano model cannot be repeated quickly. Moreover, this is even more difficult for small companies because they might not have sufficient funds and resources to contact end users and conduct interviews. This puts small businesses, especially start-ups, at an unfair disadvantage in competing with big companies. To address this problem and make the application of the Kano model simpler, faster, and cheaper, we propose evolving the Kano model in two aspects. First, free online text data should be used to replace responses collected from interviewees. Second, in order to handle the higher amount of data that can be collected from free online text data and in order to facilitate frequent analyses, the data analysis process should be automated. The goal of this research is to propose methods for (semi-)automatically classifying user opinions collected from online open sources (e.g., from online reviews) to help decision-makers decide which software requirements to include in subsequent product versions. To achieve this research goal, we propose the Open Innovation in Requirements Engineering (OIRE) method to help software organizations gain a better understanding of user needs and satisfaction with existing products. A key element of the OIRE method is its Kano-like model. This Kano-like model mimics the traditional Kano model, except that it uses data from online reviews instead of interviews conducted with select focus groups.https://www.ester.ee/record=b527385

    Qualitative terminology extraction: Identifying relational adjectives

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    International audienceThis paper presents the identification in corpora of French relational adjectives, phenomena considered by linguists as highly informative. The approach uses a termer which is applied on a tagged and lemmatized corpus. Relational adjectives and nominal compounds which include a relational adjective are then quantified and their informative status is evaluated thanks to a thesaurus of the domain. We conclude with a discussion of the interesting status of such adjectives and nominal compounds for terminology extraction and other automatic terminology tasks

    UTPA Stats at a Glance - Fall 2003

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    A Comparative Study of Full-Admission and Developmental Undergraduate Students\u27 Performance in Online and Face-To-Face Business Courses at a Historically Black College and University

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    The purpose of this study was to determine factors that impact the final grades of full admission and developmental students who were enrolled in selected 22 undergraduate business courses during the fall 2015 and spring 2016 semesters. Also, this study examined the interaction of students’ ethnicity, gender, age, and classification on their final course grades in selected business courses at a rural public HBCU. The research design for this study was casual-comparative research. A 2X2 and a 2X4 factorial ANOVA was used to determine whether there was a main effect on students’ final grades considering each independent variable. Out of a population of 393 students enrolled, 320 students participated in this study. After the data were collected and analyzed, the researcher determined that there was a statistically significant relationship between student’s final grade and course delivery, ethnicity, and classification. There was no statistically significant interaction on student’s final grades between course delivery and student admission status, gender, age, ethnicity, and classification. Conclusion and recommendations based on the findings in this study indicated that students attending the rural public HBCU and enrolled in business courses that offered the same courses in both face-toace and online formats performed better in face-toace courses than in the online courses

    An Analysis of the Impact of Early Alert on Community College Student Persistence in Virginia

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    Student attrition has been a significant challenge facing higher education for decades and is particularly pronounced within community colleges. Specifically, first-time postsecondary students only experienced a 59.3 percent retention rate between Fall 2013 and Fall 2014; at two-year colleges, less than half (46.9 percent) of students were retained during the same period (National Student Clearinghouse, 2015a). As institutional leaders attempt to increase student retention rates, they often invest in early alert systems, which promise to be a key part of a student success solution. The Virginia Community College System (VCCS) implemented an early alert system in 2013. The purpose of this quantitative study was to examine the relationship between the use of the early alert system and persistence for students taking developmental education courses and students taking college-level courses in the VCCS. All data were existing data provided by the VCCS Office of Institutional Research and Effectiveness. A quasi-experimental, non-randomized research design with matched-control groups was used evaluate impact on student persistence. Data analysis was conducted using multiple binary logistic regressions. Results indicate that the early alert system, across all flag types, has a substantial and positive impact on developmental mathematics students. Specifically, for every Academic or Attendance flag raised (up to three flags), developmental mathematics students are nearly 20 times more likely to persist than those that were not flagged in the early alert system; those that received In Danger of Failing flags were more than 37 times more likely to persist. Students enrolled in developmental English courses, however, experienced a positive, but much more modest impact. For every Academic flag raised (up to three), they were 1.5 times more likely to persist than developmental English students who did not receive a flag. The impact of Attendance and In Danger of Failing flags were not statistically significant. Lastly, students enrolled in college-level courses experienced a very mild impact, in some instances positive and others negative. These findings suggest that college leaders and practitioners should focus early alert resources on developmental mathematics students and continue exploration of implementation practices and alternative retention strategies for students enrolled in developmental English and college-level courses. In addition, results indicate the value of an early alert system in a comprehensive retention plan

    Taking care of what matters: How student involvement and characteristics relate to senior student sense of belonging

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    Student sense of belonging has been a topic of discussion for decades; however, senior student sense of belonging has not been looked at as closely as other groups of students. As seniors transition out of college, institutions must consider that these students become the alumni who contribute through alumni donations and share their experiences with future generations of students. Looking at data from a single very high research college campus in a rural state, the study explored variables that relate to senior student sense of belonging. Using Ahn and Davis’s (2020a) 4 domains of student sense of belonging, variables were included that fit into the categories of academic engagement, social engagement, surroundings, and personal space, along with other student characteristics. The study uses student information attained through university data and responses to NSSE survey items to explore what items impacted students’ response to feeling a sense of belonging based on 3 NSSE survey items related to sense of belonging that were introduced in the 2020 version of the survey. Data from three linear regressions showed the significance of 16 independent variables using a stepwise approach. Data showed that there were 2 variables that were significant in all 3 models: students reporting that they would choose the same institution again and students’ overall evaluation of their experiences. The data showed a wholistic picture of what relates to senior student sense of belonging cannot be determined using the variables in this study. The authors suggest that a qualitative approach would be needed to learn more about how the variables in this study and additional variables impact sense of belonging for senior students


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    Two decades since the enactment of the Americans with Disabilities Act, persons with disabilities still face employment challenges in the workplace. Reasonable accommodations (RA) have been associated with overall job satisfaction, enhanced job tenure, and, increased job performance for employees with disabilities. However, reasonable accommodation stakeholders still struggle with how best to effectively meet the needs of employees with disabilities in order to maximize their employability. Few studies have specifically examined the criteria that employers use to determine responses to reasonable accommodation requests by employees with disabilities. A sample of U.S. employers was asked to respond to a reasonable accommodation scenario, and rate the influences of a priori identified items on their response to the accommodation request. Exploratory factor analytic procedures and regression analyses are used to identify the factors correlated with employers' likelihood of approving or denying reasonable accommodation requests. Three factors were identified to underlie the criteria for employers' accommodation decisions - employer logistics and obligations in providing accommodations, relationships between employer and employee, and accommodation costs and resource. Employers' gender and having a centralized budget process for supporting accommodations were found to significantly predict with their response to accommodation requests among employer and organizational variables respectively. Our understanding of the rationale by which employers respond to reasonable accommodation requests is essential to seeking solutions for hiring and retaining persons with disabilities. The three criteria by which employers make accommodation decisions will assist employment service providers to better focus ADA knowledge and awareness training workshops for employers. Employees with disabilities will structure their accommodation requests to address or meet employers' criteria and maximize the potential for positive responses from their employers

    A Design Framework for Information Systems in the Workplace Accommodation Process from a Social Model Perspective: A Research Plan

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    Accommodations are often necessary to equitably include employees with disabilities in the workplace. However, many companies struggle with effectively providing support employees need. Information systems (IS) have been shown to facilitate business processes and effect positive organizational change. Yet traditional IS cannot provide a comprehensive solution to challenges companies are facing in the accommodation process, especially social challenges such as conflicting interests among stakeholders. Drawing from the extant management and disability studies, this article identifies the major issues in the accommodation process. To address these multifaceted issues, this article justifies the necessity of designing a novel IS in the process. The goal of this research is to create a design framework for IS in the accommodation process from a social model perspective

    Relevant market delineation with the use of strategic business information.

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    In his paper a, overview of methods used in antitrust analysis to delineate relevant markets is provided and shortcomings are pointed out. A practical methodology to delineate relevant geographical and product markets is developed, starting from the theoretical definition of a relevant antitrust market. Based on criteria used by business strategists in segmenting markets, the new methodology makes use of strategic information on the position of a company and its competitors in a specific industry sector to delineate relevant markets. The usefulness of the new methodology is illustrated from the European truck industry.

    Cryptosporidium-alkueläimen diagnostiikka ja esiintyminen vasikoilla

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    Kaikki Cryptosporidium-sukuun kuuluvat alkueläimet ovat solunsisäisiä parasiitteja, jotka voivat infektoida yli 150 nisäkäslajin lisäksi myös lintuja, matelijoita, sammakkoeläimiä ja kaloja. Kryptosporideja esiintyy kaikkialla maailmassa. Tutkituin Cryptosporidium-laji on Cryptosporidium parvum, joka on varsinkin nuorten vasikoiden parasiitti. Muita naudoilla esiintyviä kryptosporidilajeja ovat Cryptosporidium bovis, Cryptosporidium ryanae ja Cryptosporidium andersoni. Kryptosporidioosiksi kutsutaan Cryptosporidium-alkueläimen aiheuttamaa tautia, jonka tyypillisin oire on itsestään rajoittuva lievä ripuli. Kryptosporidioosi diagnosoidaan etsimällä Cryptosporidium-alkueläimen ookystamuotoja ulostenäytteistä. Yleisimmin käytössä oleva menetelmä on joko värjättyjen tai värjäämättömien näytteiden mikroskopointi. Cryptospordium-alkueläimiä voidaan tutkia suoraan ulostenäytteistä, mutta yleensä näytteet konsentroidaan ennen varsinaista diagnosointia. Konsentrointimenetelmillä pyritään kasvattamaan ulostenäytteiden ookystien määrää suhteessa näytetilavuuteen, jolloin niiden havaitseminen helpottuu. Konsentrointi tapahtuu käyttämällä apuna erilaisia sentrifugointi- ja flotaatiomenetelmiä sekä tietyn tiheyden omaavia suola- tai sokeriliuoksia. Kryptosporideille on viime vuosina kehitetty myös useita polymeraasiketjureaktioon (PCR) perustuvia molekylaarisia tunnistusmenetelmiä. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli verrata keskenään Cryptosporidium-alkueläinten diagnostiikassa käytettäviä analyysimenetelmiä sekä kartoittaa kryptosporidien esiintymistä vasikoilla. Ulostenäytteet kerättiin vasikoiden kolmivaihekasvattamosta, jossa vasikat olivat keskimäärin alle kuukauden ikäisiä. 64 näytettä sisälsivät riittävästi ulostetta, jotta ne voitiin hyväksyä tutkimukseen. Tutkimuksen kokeellisessa osassa tarkasteltiin kolmea yleisimmin käytössä olevaa kryptosporidien konsentrointimenetelmää, jotka olivat natriumkloridiflotaatio, sokeriflotaatio ja formaliini-etyyliasetaattimenetelmä. Cryptosporidium-ookystien havaitsemiseen konsentroiduista ulostenäytteistä käytettiin sekä Ziehl-Neelsen värjäysmenetelmää että polymeraasiketjureaktiota (PCR). Kahdeksan kryptosporidien suhteen positiivista ulostenäytettä tyypitettiin DNA-sekvensoinnin avulla, jotta saatiin tietoa Suomessa esiintyvien Cryptosporidium-lajien prevalensseista. Analysoiduista 64 ulostenäytteestä 19 (29,7 %) oli PCR-menetelmällä kryptosporidien suhteen positiivisia. DNA-sekvensointiin valituista kahdeksasta näytteestä seitsemän oli genotyypiltään C. bovis ja yksi C. ryanae. Verratuista Cryptosporidium-alkueläinten diagnostiikassa käytettävistä menetelmistä Ziehl-Neelsen värjäys sopii varsinkin kliinisten näytteiden analysointiin, jotka sisältävät paljon ookystia. PCR-menetelmää kannattaa käyttää näytteille, joiden ookystamäärä on vähäinen tai joiden parasitologinen status halutaan selvittää laji- tai genotyyppitasolle asti. Tämän tutkimuksen perusteella kryptosporidien diagnostiikassa käytettävistä konsentrointimenetelmistä toimivin on natriumkloridiflotaatio, ja se voidaan ongelmitta yhdistää joko PCR-menetelmään tai Ziehl-Neelsen-värjäykseen