8 research outputs found


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    A number of countries have launched projects with a particular emphasis on using information technologies (IT) to provide electronic information and services to citizens and businesses. Through various IT, tremendous amount of electronic records in government agencies are created. These records and archives are the basis of knowledge management. Electronic records management (ERM) is a fast growing field throughout the last decades. Theoretical foundations for ERM have remained obscure from the research community. To map the intellectual structure of ERM research, this study identifies the high-impact articles as well as the correlations among these scholar publications. In this study, co-citation, co-word, association rule and cluster analysis techniques are used to investigate the intellectual pillars of the ERM literature. This study exposes researchers to a new way of profiling knowledge networks and their relationships the area of ERM, thereby helping academia and practitioners better understand contemporary studies. The results of the mapping can help identify the research direction of ERM research, provide a valuable tool for researchers to access ERM literature, and acts as an exemplary model for future researches

    The Trend and Intellectual Structure of Digital Archives Research

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    Archives are an extremely valuable part of cultural heritage since they represent the trace of the activities of a juridical person or organization in the course of their business. Through various information technology (IT), tremendous amount of digital archives (DA) are created. These archives are the basis for providing evidence and knowledge in everlasting memory of human society. The management of digital archives becomes a fast growing field throughout last decade and introduces abundant articles in academia. However, their trend and intellectual structure have remained obscure in the research community. To map the trend and intellectual structure of DA research, this study identifies the high-impact articles as well as the correlations among these scholar publications. In this study, text mining techniques, such as co-word and cluster analysis, have been deployed to investigate the intellectual pillars of the DA literature. This study exposes researchers to a new way of profiling knowledge networks and their relationships in the research area of DA, thereby helping academia and practitioners better understand up-to-date studies. The results of the mapping can help identify the research direction of DA research, provide a valuable tool for researchers to access DA literature, and act as an exemplary model for future research

    Digitaalse teadmuse arhiveerimine – teoreetilis-praktiline uurimistöö Rahvusarhiivi nĂ€itel

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Digitaalse informatsiooni pidevalt kiirenev juurdekasv on aidanud rĂ”hutada ka olulise informatsiooni sĂ€ilitamise vajadust. SĂ€ilitamine ei tĂ€henda siinkohal pelgalt fĂŒĂŒsilist varundamist, vaid ka informatsiooni kasutatavuse ja mĂ”istetavuse tagamist. See tĂ€hendab, et tegelikkuses on vaja hoolitseda ka selle eest, et meil oleks olemas vajalik riist- ja tarkvara arhiveeritud teabe kasutamiseks. Kui seda ei ole, siis saab mĂ”ningatel juhtudel kasutada emulaatoreid, mis matkivad konkreetset aegunud sĂŒsteemi ja vĂ”imaldavad niiviisi vanu faile avada. Samas, kui tehnoloogia iganemist on vĂ”imalik ette nĂ€ha, siis oleks mĂ”istlik failid juba varakult pĂŒsivamasse vormingusse ĂŒmber konverteerida vĂ”i andmekandja kaasaegsema vastu vahetada. Nii emuleerimine, konverteerimine kui ka nende kombineerimine aitavad sĂ€ilitada informatsiooni kasutatavust, kuid ei pruugi tagada autentset mĂ”istetavust, kuna digitaalse teabe esitus sĂ”ltub alati sĂ€ilitatud bittide tĂ”lgendamisest. NĂ€iteks, kui luua WordPad tarkvara abil ĂŒks dokument ja avada seesama dokument Hex Editor Neo abil, siis nĂ€eme seda faili kahendkujul, Notepad++ nĂ€itab RTFi kodeeringut, Microsoft Word 2010 ja LibreOffice Writeri esitustes vĂ”ime mĂ€rgata juba mitmeid erinevusi. KĂ”ik eelloetletud esitused on tehnoloogilises mĂ”ttes Ă”iged. Faili avamisel veateateid ei teki, sest tarkvara seisukohast lĂ€htudes peavadki esitused sellised olema. Siinjuures oluline rĂ”hutada, et ka korrektne esitus vĂ”ib jÀÀda kasutajale mĂ”istetamatuks – see, et andmed on sĂ€ilinud, et neid on vĂ”imalik lugeda ja esitada, ei garanteeri paraku, et neid Ă”igesti mĂ”istetakse. MĂ”istetavuse tagamiseks tuleb alati arvestada ka lĂ”ppkasutajaskonnaga. SeetĂ”ttu uuribki antud töö vĂ”imalusi, kuidas toetada teadmuse (mĂ”istetava informatsiooni) digitaalset arhiveerimist tuginedes eelkĂ”ige parimale praktikale, praktilistele eksperimentidele Rahvusarhiivis ja interdistsiplinaarsetele (nt infotehnoloogia kombineerimine arhiivindusega) vĂ”tetele.Digital preservation of knowledge is a very broad and complex research area. Many aspects are still open for research. According to the literature, the accessibility and usability of digital information have been more investigated than the comprehensibility of important digital information over time. Although there are remedies (e.g. emulation and migration) for mitigating the risks related to the accessibility and usability, the question how to guarantee understandability/comprehensibility of archived information is still ongoing research. Understanding digital information first requires a representation of the archived information, so that a user could then interpret and understand it. However, it is a not-so-well-known fact that the digital information does not have any fixed representation before involving some software. For example, if we create a document in WordPad and open the same file in Hex Editor Neo software, then we will see the binary representation which is also correct but not suitable for human users, as humans are not used to interpreting binary codes. When we open that file in Notepad++, then we can see the structure of the RTF coding. Again, this is the correct interpretation of this file, but not understandable for the ordinary user, as it shows the technical view of the file format structure. When we open that file in Microsoft Word 2010 or LibreOffice Writer, then we will notice some changes, although the original bits are the same and no errors are displayed by the software. Thus, all representations are technologically correct and no errors will be displayed to the user when they are opening this file. It is important to emphasise that in some cases even the original representation may be not understandable to the users. Therefore, it is important to know who the main users of the archives are and to ensure that the archived objects are independently understandable to that community over the long term. This dissertation will therefore research meaningful use of digital objects by taking into account the designated users’ knowledge and Open Archival Information System (OAIS) model. The research also includes several practical experimental projects at the National Archives of Estonia which will test some important parts of the theoretical work

    A framework for management of electronic records in support of e-government in Kenya

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    Effective management of electronic records (MER) facilitates implementation of e- government. While studies have been carried out on management of records in Kenya, none of these studies has focused on MER in support of e-government implementation in Kenya. To address the knowledge gap, the current study sought to establish the current state regarding MER in support of e-government in Kenya. The study investigated how MER supported e-government in Kenya with a view to develop a best-practice framework for MER in support of e-government. The specific objectives of the study were to: ascertain current status of MER in government ministries in Kenya; determine the current level of e-government utilization; establish the effectiveness of existing practices for MER in supporting e-government; identify challenges faced by ministries in MER that could impact on implementation of e- government; propose recommendations that could improve MER in ministries to support e-government effectiveness and develop a framework for MER in support of e-government. The theoretical framework was the European Commission’s (2001) Model Requirements for Electronic Records Management (MoReq) and the United Nation’s (2001) five-stage e-government maturity model. The study was anchored on the interpretive research paradigm and adopted qualitative research methodology using phenomenological design. The study sample consisted of 52 respondents drawn from eighteen government ministries, the Kenya ICT Authority (ICTA), the Kenya National Archives and Documentation Service (KNADS) and five e- government service areas. Maximum variation sampling technique was used. Data was collected through face-face interviews and analysed using thematic analysis. The findings established that: the general status of MER in government ministries is inadequately positioned to support e-government; utilization of e-government in Kenya had grown significantly and more ministries were adopting e-government services; although some initiatives have been undertaken to enhance MER, the existing practices for MER require improvement to ensure they adequately support e-government; there exists several challenges in the MER that impact on implementation of e-government. The study concluded that the current practices for managing electronic records in support of e-government implementation were not adequate. Recommendations and a best-practise framework for managing electronic records in support of e-government have been provided. Suggestions for further research are provided.Information ScienceD. Litt. et. Phil. (Information Science

    Email record keeping in the government sector: a case study of Malaysia

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    Email has become the main means of correspondence, displacing the letter with its conventions and procedures developed over centuries. Every organisation needs to develop and implement policies to manage email as records of evidence of transactions and as a source of information. This study aimed to critically explore the management of email in the context of the management of information and record keeping in the transition to the digital. The objectives of the study were: To explore the legal and regulatory environment in relation to the Malaysian Government and the information it creates and holds; to explore the evolution of email recordkeeping by the Malaysian Government; to critically review existing policies, guidelines and systems for capturing and managing email by the Malaysian Government from a record keeping perspective; and to investigate the current practices in managing email in a selected part of the Malaysian Government against existing policies and guidelines, in part to determine if the latter were clear and unambiguous. It highlights the fact that no in-depth case study of email management has been published previously. In the public sector there are many examples of poor email management. For instance, Michael Gove, when UK Secretary of State for Education, conducted government business using his wife’s personal email account; and former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton used a personal email account and server for both government and personal business. The context of this thesis is the introduction by the Malaysian government of a project that will provide a free email account for every citizen over eighteen to allow them to access e-Government services through a single sign-on user ID, as part of the move to e-government in Malaysia to deliver its Vision 2020. The research is based on a case study of the implementation of this initiative and the accompanying system for managing email at a selected government ministry in Malaysia; it is based on interviews with twelve participants with different roles across three departments and the two providers of policies and guidelines. The design of interview questions was based around the records continuum model and is four elements, the creation, capture, organisation and pluralisation of information. The findings suggest that email has been accepted by the government as records and evidence mandated by Malaysia’s National Archives Act 2003. Yet not all government servants accept emails as records, largely as a consequence of poor project planning and faulty design of the Digital Document Management System (DDMS) for email management. The DDMS has been developed to ensure that the government manages its email, and other electronic records, according to international standards embodied in ISO 16175:2 (2011), which has been adopted nationally as MS ISO 16175:2 (2012). The main factors influencing the implementation of the DDMS in the government sector are people, processes and technology. The DDMS project has been seen as an IT project, and not a records management project, and consequently has failed to meet the requirements for a digital records management system. This explains why some government servants are reluctant to accept email as a record. Project management, change management and quality management should have been central during the system implementation process, but were found to be either inadequately addressed or completely overlooked. The findings conclude that email management can be markedly improved by promoting information culture and awareness of the importance of managing email records. This case study contributes to the evolution of record keeping policy and practice in a former UK dependency during the transition to the digital environment and in the identification of good practice that could be applicable in other similar national government contexts

    Old Meets New: Media in Education – Proceedings of the 61st International Council for Educational Media and the XIII International Symposium on Computers in Education (ICEM&SIIE'2011) Joint Conference

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    A conferĂȘncia ICEM&SIIE'2011 foi organizada pela Universidade de Aveiro (Portugal) – membro do European Consortium of Innovative Universities – e pretendeu reunir investigadores, professores e outros profissionais, a nĂ­vel nacional e internacional, em torno de um tema aglutinador que pretendeu despoletar e colocar a tĂłnica da discussĂŁo na dualidade ―old/new‖, ou seja, os participantes foram convidados a discutir: - os media na educação em ambas as perspetivas, mais tradicionais ou modernas, com incidĂȘncia numas ou noutras ou, ainda, numa perspetiva comparativa; - a conjugação, adaptação e adoção dos media consoante os contextos e objetivos de utilização; - o que os media implicam em termos de tecnologia, barreiras profissionais e /ou sociais; - a relação custo-benefĂ­cio da utilização dos media em contexto de aprendizagem; - os media em função dos diversos contextos educativos e dos perfis de aprendizagem dos alunos. Para a conferĂȘncia foram selecionados 76 artigos organizados em 15 sessĂ”es paralelas, 13 posters e 9 workshops. A conferĂȘncia caracterizou-se pelo carĂĄter internacional dos contributos, reunindo 38 artigos em portuguĂȘs, 32 em lĂ­ngua inglesa e 6 em espanhol. Estas atas encontram-se organizadas de acordo com o programa da conferĂȘncia. Em primeiro lugar incluem-se os artigos (full paper e short paper) por sessĂŁo, seguem-se os posters e, finalmente, o resumo relativo aos workshops.The ICEM&SIIE'2011 conference was organised by the University of Aveiro (Portugal) – a member of the European Consortium of Innovative Universities – and aimed at gathering researchers, teachers and other professionals, at national and international level, around a focal topic that might trigger and centre the discussion on the ―old/new‖ duality of media in education. Participants were invited to discuss: - old and new media in education, in isolation or comparatively; - how old and new media in education can be combined, adopted and adapted; - what old and new media in education imply in terms of technological, professional and social barriers; - what cost-benefit relationships old and new media in education entail; - how to compare old and new media in education given their particular educational contexts and the students' learning profiles. 76 papers were selected and organised in 15 paralel sessions, 13 posters and 9 workshops. The conference is characterized by the international character of contributions, gathering 38 papers in Portuguese, 32 in English and 6 in Spanish. These procedings are organised according to the programme of the conference. First we find the full and short papers, per session, then posters and finally the abstracts for the workshops

    Architecture incorporated : authorship, anonymity, and collaboration in postwar modernism

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    Thesis: Ph. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Architecture, 2018.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (pages 305-344).A broad transformation occurred in the scale and scope of professional architectural practice in the United States in the decades after World War II. My dissertation explores this shift, in particular the rise of the body of collaborative and team-based methods of production that would come to be labeled as corporate architectural practice. An exploration of these practices reveals a climate of speculation in the postwar period on the corporation as a social and institutional form, and a widespread interest in the potentials of anonymous and collective methods to reshape the nature and objects of architectural production. Tracing the history of these collaborative approaches from progressive project to the critique of the corporate, the dissertation challenges the historiographic methods premised on singular authorship that have governed existing interpretations of postwar modernism. While there exists a growing body of work on architecture produced for corporations in the postwar period, far less critical attention has been paid to its corollary: the corporate production of architecture itself. Despite the dominant role of large firms within mainstream architectural practice in the United States, a comprehensive account has yet to be written of the motivations for and growth of such practices after 1945, the shifting economic and political conditions which underlay their production, and the problematic reception of their work by architectural critics after the 1970s, predicated on notions of signature and authorship which remained essentially unchanged despite these radical shifts in the nature of production. The dissertation proposes a cultural and discursive history of corporate architectural practice, from its origins and international extension to its built products and their reception within the architectural field. I explore these transformations in architecture through the history of The Architects Collaborative (TAC), founded in 1945 as an experiment in team-based design methods by seven young practitioners together with German émigré Walter Gropius. Despite the extensive historiography of Gropius and his work prior to 1945, there is as yet no detailed history of TAC itself, the largest architectural firm in the U.S. by the 1970s and the collective body through which Gropius practiced for the last twenty-five years of his career. An exploration of the firm's origins and expansion, its sustained legacy of work in the Middle East and Europe in the decades after World War II, and its eventual demise in 1995 reveals the contested stakes around questions of anonymity, authorship, and expertise at the heart of the U.S. architectural corporation and its continuing global impact up to the present.by Michael Kubo.Ph. D

    Evaluation of the ERM application in Turkey within the framework of InterPARES project

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    Abstract Propose: In this study, existing conditions, problems, and expectations in the application of electronic records management in Turkey are evaluated on the basis of the data obtained from 17 institutions. The main goal of the study is to define to what extent the applications in information and records services in electronic environment are compatible with the expectations. Design/methodology/approach: In this study, data were collected from surveys conducted in Turkey within the framework of the project InterPARES. Action research methodology was used in the study. The survey data were obtained from 17 institutions and results were evaluated in SPSS after their content analysis was conducted. The analysis was carried out in order to identify the conditions and problems in institutional electronic records management. Findings: Problems in coordination of services, integration and independence of information systems, administrative arrangements, and lack of professional personnel were detected within the institutions, and it is seen that transition to the secure application of e-signature is of first priority. Originality/value: This study contains analysis data about different institutions on ERM applications within the framework of an international project