1,307 research outputs found

    A Systems-Based Patient Aid Design Artifact for Active Medication Management in Type 2 Diabetes

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    In this dissertation, I explore the use of the Abstraction-Decomposition Space (ADS) alongside Hierarchical Task Analysis (HTA) to guide the design of a minimalist patient aid for active medication management in type 2 diabetes. The goal is to address a practical problem, but in addition, this study seeks to address a theoretical problem that is prevalent in design research in Information Systems (IS) today. The practical problem concerns the need for IT-based care delivery models to support patients in the interim period between in-person visits. In this vein, I present a bare-minimum design that focuses on the most essential functionality required to achieve remote insulin titration using the ADS and HTA. The theoretical problem, on the other hand, pertains to the limitations resulting from taking a tool-focused view in design research which inhibits our ability to produce generalized knowledge about IT systems in their contexts. The study proposes an alternative view based on work systems. The overarching thesis is that a work systems view provides for knowledge at a more abstract and generalizable level, yielding contributions beyond mere software packages. Moreover, the study highlights the artifact-building methodology used to delineate the rationale behind the design and to balance evaluation-dominant design research. In this vein, I conducted document analysis and semi-structured interviews with patients and care providers to develop the ADS, then used it alongside HTA to develop and test the usability of twelve user scenarios implemented on a large mobile form factor

    Serious games and blended learning

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    Serious games and blended learning

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    Usability analysis of contending electronic health record systems

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    In this paper, we report measured usability of two leading EHR systems during procurement. A total of 18 users participated in paired-usability testing of three scenarios: ordering and managing medications by an outpatient physician, medicine administration by an inpatient nurse and scheduling of appointments by nursing staff. Data for audio, screen capture, satisfaction rating, task success and errors made was collected during testing. We found a clear difference between the systems for percentage of successfully completed tasks, two different satisfaction measures and perceived learnability when looking at the results over all scenarios. We conclude that usability should be evaluated during procurement and the difference in usability between systems could be revealed even with fewer measures than were used in our study. © 2019 American Psychological Association Inc. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan suatu model pembelajaran PPKn berbasis modul hypercontent di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP). Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah research and develompent (R&D) dengan model Step of System Approach Model of Educational Research and Development Dick and Carey dengan menerapkan model Bergman and Moore. Penelitian ini terdiri dari beberapa tahapan secara umum yaitu Penelitian ini terdiri dari beberapa tahapan, yaitu analisis pendahuluan, pengembangan model pembelajaran, dan evaluasi formatif. Hasil penilaian yang dilakukan oleh ahli dalam bidang materi, bahasa, media, dan desain pembelajaran menyatakan bahwa model pembelajaran PPKn berbasis modul hypercontent di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) sangat layak dengan nilai rata-rata 4,39 dan presentase 87,60%. Hasil uji one to one siswa melalui wawancara dengan 3 siswa menunjukkan hasil 100% dijawab sesuai pertanyan pada lembar kuesioner, Uji small group dengan 9 orang siswa menujukkan rata-rata 4,58 dalam kategori sangat baik, sedangkan hasil uji field trial dengan 30 siswa menunjukkan rata-rata 4,86 dalam kategori sangat baik yang artinya model ini layak digunakan. Selain itu, uji efektivitas menunjukkan peningkatan sebenar 60% setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran PPKn berbasis modul hypercontent. Terdapat peningkatan pengetahuan yang signifikan setelah menggunakan model pembelajaran yang dikembangkan, yang dapat dilihat dari hasil uji t dengan nilai thitung = 11,302 dengan ttabel = 2,04. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran PPKn berbasis modul hypercontent dapat secara signifikan meningkatkan pengetahuan siswa. Berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh, dapat simpulkan bahwa model pembelajaran PPKn berbasis modul hypercontent di Sekolah Menengah Pertama (SMP) layak dan efektif digunakan sebagai model pembelajaran PPKn dan dapat meningkatkan pengetahun siswa terkait nilai-nilai karakter. Kata Kunci: Pengembangan Model, Pembelajaran PPKn, Modul Hypercontent This study aims to develop a hypercontent module-based PPKn learning model in junior high schools (SMP). The research method used is research and development (R&D) with the Step of System Approach Model of Educational Research and Development Dick and Carey by applying the Bergman and Moore model. This research consists of several stages in general, namely this research consists of several stages, namely preliminary analysis, development of learning models, and formative evaluation. The results of an assessment conducted by experts in the fields of materials, language, media, and learning design stated that the hypercontent module-based PPKn learning model in junior high schools (SMP) was very feasible with an average score of 4.39 and a percentage of 87.60%. The results of one-to-one student tests through interviews with 3 students showed that 100% were answered according to the questions on the questionnaire sheet. The small group test with 9 students showed an average of 4.58 in the very good category, while the results of the field trial test with 30 students showed the average is 4.86 in the very good category, which means this model is feasible to use. In addition, the effectiveness test showed an actual increase of 60% after using the hypercontent module-based PPKn learning model. There is a significant increase in knowledge after using the developed learning model, which can be seen from the results of the t test with tcount = 11.302 with ttable = 2.04. This shows that the hypercontent module-based PPKn learning model can significantly increase students' knowledge. Based on the results obtained, it can be concluded that the hypercontent module-based PPKn learning model in Junior High Schools (SMP) is appropriate and effective for use as a PPKn learning model and can increase student knowledge regarding character values. Keywords: Development of Model, PPKn Learning, Hypercontent Modul

    Numeracy in paramedicine education: a literature review

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    The introduction of paramedical science into universities has led to unprecedented enrolment numbers in Australian undergraduate paramedical science programs. At the same time however, there has been an associated increase in complexity of student learning expectations and requirements. One area of paramedical education that is proving challenging for universities is the numeracy preparedness of students and how to best support students in this area. To examine how universities may begin to address the current challenges related to improving the numeracy of paramedical science students, this paper investigates the literature on the numeracy of paramedics and the underlying mathematical skills required for their programs of study. It also reviews the support programs that are available at university and considers how much these are reflecting effective pedagogies. The aim of this review is to identify ways numeracy and numeracy teaching in paramedical science may be improved and highlight possible directions for future research in this area

    Designing, delivering, and evaluating novel interventions to support dietary change for weight management

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    Background: Recent empirical research and theoretical models acknowledge that impulsive processes, can often undermine peoples’ attempts to lose weight despite currently available and effective support (Chapter 2). Aim: To develop, deliver, and evaluate an impulse management intervention to support weight loss in adults. Methods: A systematic review was conducted to identify available impulse management techniques for influencing eating behaviour (Chapter 3). Intervention Mapping was used to develop the intervention (Chapter 4) which drew on various sources including the findings from the systematic review, stakeholder consultations, existing guidance, and qualitative interviews. A two-arm randomised controlled feasibility trial (Chapter 5), with nested mixed-methods process evaluation and two cycles of intervention delivery and data collection (Chapter 6), was conducted. This assessed the feasibility and acceptability of, and informed refinements to, both the intervention and trial procedures in preparation for a full-scale effectiveness evaluation. Weight was measured as the proposed primary outcome for a full-scale trial at baseline, one-month, and three-months of follow-up, app usage data were collected at both follow-up time points, and semi-structured interviews were conducted at one-month with a subsample of intervention group participants only. Results: The systematic review critically appraised and synthesised evidence on 17 identified techniques which were categorised as Impulse-focused or Reflective techniques. Promising changes in eating behaviour and craving were found for the techniques of visuospatial loading, physical activity, and implementation intentions. Intervention Mapping resulted in development of a novel smartphone app-based intervention (ImpulsePal) aimed to reduce unhealthy snacking, overeating, and alcoholic and sugary drink consumption using impulse management techniques identified in the systematic review. Eighty-eight adults with a Body Mass Index of ≥25kg/m2 and wishing to lose weight, were recruited and randomised in a 2:1 ratio to use ImpulsePal (n=58) or to a waiting list control (n=30) group. Data were available for 74 participants (84%) at one-month and 67 (76%) at three months. Exploratory analyses suggest that the ImpulsePal group (n=43) lost 1.03kg (95% CI 0.33 to 1.74) more than controls (n=26) at one-month, and 1.01kg (95% CI -0.45 to 2.47) more at three months. Participants reported high satisfaction with the intervention and trial procedures. The process evaluation suggests that ImpulsePal and the impulse management techniques are feasible to deliver and acceptable to users. Interviews with twenty-two participants suggest that they valued having access to in-the-moment support, felt more aware of their own eating behaviour and influences on it, and felt an increased ability to resist temptations. Conclusions: This work has developed a novel, theory- and evidence-informed, person-centred app which showed potential to improve impulse management, promote healthier eating, and support weight loss. ImpulsePal is acceptable to overweight and obese adults who want to lose weight and is now ready for evaluation in a full-scale trial. The thesis discusses theoretical, methodological, and practical implications for the future development, evaluation, and implementation of digital behaviour change interventions.UEM

    Proceedings, MSVSCC 2012

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    Proceedings of the 6th Annual Modeling, Simulation & Visualization Student Capstone Conference held on April 19, 2012 at VMASC in Suffolk, Virginia

    A usability model for chronic disease management mobile applications

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    The usability issues stand as one of the biggest obstacles to implement Mobile Healthcare Applications technologies. Consequently, the MHealth Apps users become confused in choosing the right apps for them. These applications must comply with the usability measure to ensure they can satisfy and are acceptable, especially chronic disease patients. Current usability evaluation models do not fulfill the usability characteristics and MHealth. These models tend to focus on the web application or general mobile apps. In addition, the evaluation of mHealth for further improvement becomes difficult or inaccurate. Thus, the main objective of this study is to construct a usability evaluation model for the chronic disease mobile application. A mixed methods research design was used in which qualitative data was collected using a systematic literature review to identify the usability characteristic and measures for MHealth. A purposive sampling technique was applied for semi-structured interviews with real users in gathering the usability requirements for the usability evaluation model. The usability characteristics and model development were verified by knowledge and domain experts. Usability testing was conducted with chronic disease patients as respondents, using chronic disease applications selected from an open-source mobile application to validate the implementation feasibility of the proposed model. Findings showed a total of five (5) usability characteristics, twelve (12) sub-characteristic, and forty-two (42) metrics were generated. The model was improvised based on the feedback from experts. This demonstrated the reliability, validity, and applicability of the model as guidelines to developers in developing the mobile healthcare application for chronic disease. This study makes a contribution by providing a usability model for usability practitioners and developers by incorporating new usability factors such as self-management as one of the usability factors for chronic disease. In addition, the model provides detailed guidelines to apply the model in evaluating mobile application to produce usable MHealth applications for patients with chronic diseases
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