778 research outputs found

    Multi-capacity bin packing with dependent items and its application to the packing of brokered workloads in virtualized environments

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    Providing resource allocation with performance predictability guarantees is increasingly important in cloud platforms, especially for data-intensive applications, in which performance depends greatly on the available rates of data transfer between the various computing/storage hosts underlying the virtualized resources assigned to the application. Existing resource allocation solutions either assume that applications manage their data transfer between their virtualized resources, or that cloud providers manage their internal networking resources. With the increased prevalence of brokerage services in cloud platforms, there is a need for resource allocation solutions that provides predictability guarantees in settings, in which neither application scheduling nor cloud provider resources can be managed/controlled by the broker. This paper addresses this problem, as we define the Network-Constrained Packing (NCP) problem of finding the optimal mapping of brokered resources to applications with guaranteed performance predictability. We prove that NCP is NP-hard, and we define two special instances of the problem, for which exact solutions can be found efficiently. We develop a greedy heuristic to solve the general instance of the NCP problem , and we evaluate its efficiency using simulations on various application workloads, and network models.This work was done while author was at Boston University. It was partially supported by NSF CISE awards #1430145, #1414119, #1239021 and #1012798. (1430145 - NSF CISE; 1414119 - NSF CISE; 1239021 - NSF CISE; 1012798 - NSF CISE

    Network-constrained packing of brokered workloads in virtualized environments

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    Providing resource allocation with performance predictability guarantees is increasingly important in cloud platforms, especially for data-intensive applications, in which performance depends greatly on the available rates of data transfer between the various computing/storage hosts underlying the virtualized resources assigned to the application. Existing resource allocation solutions either assume that applications manage their data transfer between their virtualized resources, or that cloud providers manage their internal networking resources.With the increased prevalence of brokerage services in cloud platforms, there is a need for resource allocation solutions that provides predictability guarantees in settings, in which neither application scheduling nor cloud provider resources can be managed/controlled by the broker. This paper addresses this problem, as we define the Network-Constrained Packing (NCP)problem of finding the optimal mapping of brokered resources to applications with guaranteed performance predictability. We prove that NCP is NP-hard, and we define two special instances of the problem, for which exact solutions can be found efficiently. We develop a greedy heuristic to solve the general instance of the NCP problem, and we evaluate its efficiency using simulations on various application workloads, and network models.This work is supported by NSF CISE CNS Award #1347522, # 1239021, # 1012798

    A Case for Cooperative and Incentive-Based Coupling of Distributed Clusters

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    Research interest in Grid computing has grown significantly over the past five years. Management of distributed resources is one of the key issues in Grid computing. Central to management of resources is the effectiveness of resource allocation as it determines the overall utility of the system. The current approaches to superscheduling in a grid environment are non-coordinated since application level schedulers or brokers make scheduling decisions independently of the others in the system. Clearly, this can exacerbate the load sharing and utilization problems of distributed resources due to suboptimal schedules that are likely to occur. To overcome these limitations, we propose a mechanism for coordinated sharing of distributed clusters based on computational economy. The resulting environment, called \emph{Grid-Federation}, allows the transparent use of resources from the federation when local resources are insufficient to meet its users' requirements. The use of computational economy methodology in coordinating resource allocation not only facilitates the QoS based scheduling, but also enhances utility delivered by resources.Comment: 22 pages, extended version of the conference paper published at IEEE Cluster'05, Boston, M

    Improving Real-Time Data Dissemination Performance by Multi Path Data Scheduling in Data Grids

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    The performance of data grids for data intensive, real-time applications is highly dependent on the data dissemination algorithm employed in the system. Motivated by this fact, this study first formally defines the real-time splittable data dissemination problem (RTS/DDP) where data transfer requests can be routed over multiple paths to maximize the number of data transfers to be completed before their deadlines. Since RTS/DDP is proved to be NP-hard, four different heuristic algorithms, namely kSP/ESMP, kSP/BSMP, kDP/ESMP, and kDP/BSMP are proposed. The performance of these heuristic algorithms is analyzed through an extensive set of data grid system simulation scenarios. The simulation results reveal that a performance increase up to 8 % as compared to a very competitive single path data dissemination algorithm is possible

    A Framework for Providing Hard Delay Guarantees in Grid Computing

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    Performance-oriented Cloud Provisioning: Taxonomy and Survey

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    Cloud computing is being viewed as the technology of today and the future. Through this paradigm, the customers gain access to shared computing resources located in remote data centers that are hosted by cloud providers (CP). This technology allows for provisioning of various resources such as virtual machines (VM), physical machines, processors, memory, network, storage and software as per the needs of customers. Application providers (AP), who are customers of the CP, deploy applications on the cloud infrastructure and then these applications are used by the end-users. To meet the fluctuating application workload demands, dynamic provisioning is essential and this article provides a detailed literature survey of dynamic provisioning within cloud systems with focus on application performance. The well-known types of provisioning and the associated problems are clearly and pictorially explained and the provisioning terminology is clarified. A very detailed and general cloud provisioning classification is presented, which views provisioning from different perspectives, aiding in understanding the process inside-out. Cloud dynamic provisioning is explained by considering resources, stakeholders, techniques, technologies, algorithms, problems, goals and more.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figures, 3 table

    Scalable dimensioning of resilient Lambda Grids

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    This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with colleagues. Other uses, including reproduction and distribution, or selling or licensing copies, or posting to personal, institutional or third party websites are prohibited. In most cases authors are permitted to post their version of the article (e.g. in Word or Tex form) to their personal website or institutional repository. Authors requiring further information regarding Elsevier’s archiving and manuscript policies are encouraged to visit

    Dimensionerings- en werkverdelingsalgoritmen voor lambda grids

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    Grids bestaan uit een verzameling reken- en opslagelementen die geografisch verspreid kunnen zijn, maar waarvan men de gezamenlijke capaciteit wenst te benutten. Daartoe dienen deze elementen verbonden te worden met een netwerk. Vermits veel wetenschappelijke applicaties gebruik maken van een Grid, en deze applicaties doorgaans grote hoeveelheden data verwerken, is het noodzakelijk om een netwerk te voorzien dat dergelijke grote datastromen op betrouwbare wijze kan transporteren. Optische transportnetwerken lenen zich hier uitstekend toe. Grids die gebruik maken van dergelijk netwerk noemt men lambda Grids. Deze thesis beschrijft een kader waarin het ontwerp en dimensionering van optische netwerken voor lambda Grids kunnen beschreven worden. Ook wordt besproken hoe werklast kan verdeeld worden op een Grid eens die gedimensioneerd is. Een groot deel van de resultaten werd bekomen door simulatie, waarbij gebruik gemaakt wordt van een eigen Grid simulatiepakket dat precies focust op netwerk- en Gridelementen. Het ontwerp van deze simulator, en de daarbijhorende implementatiekeuzes worden dan ook uitvoerig toegelicht in dit werk
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