530 research outputs found


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    Abstract. Planetary surfaces consist of rough terrain and cave-like environments. Future planetary exploration demands for accurate mapping. However, recent backpack mobile mapping systems are mostly tested in structured, indoor environments. This paper evaluates the use of a backpack mobile mapping system in a cave-like environment. The experiments demonstrate the abilities of an continuous-time optimization approach by mapping part of a lavatube of the La Corona volcano system on Lanzarote. We compare two strategies for trajectory estimation relying either on 2D or 3D laser scanners and show that a 3D laser scanner substantially improved the final results.</p

    Laserbasert oppmåling av bygningsobjekter og bygninger

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    Building information models (BIMs) for facility management is gaining interest. Different technologies for collecting the raw material to extract such model are in rapid development. The most common technologies are based on images, structure light, laser or a combination of these. The new technologies have the potential to provide efficient data collection, but not necessarily at the same accuracy compared to the traditional methods. This thesis has explored how to rapidly establish a BIM for an existing building. This was done by investigating two different aspects related to this task. The first aspect was related to product specification and provide a framework for ordering and controlling a laser-based survey of a building. The second aspect explores how a laser-based system could be used to rapidly survey an existing building. Through the thesis and the first aspect, it is shown that the Norwegian survey community is lacking an unambiguous product specification for building surveys performed for BIM extraction and that the survey seldomly is adequately controlled. Based on these findings a product specification has been developed in cooperation with building owners. This cooperation made it possible to test the product specification in real projects. The product specification was developed through three different versions. The zero version was presented at the World Building Congress in 2016 and was tested in a renovation project at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. The evaluation of the project led to the first version that was used in a framework competition arranged by Ullensaker municipality in the south-east of Norway. The result led to the second and final version of the product specification. The proposed product specification follows a simplified transaction pattern between the customer and the producer. The focus has been on the customer's request for a building survey suitable for BIM extraction and the customer's acceptance actions when the building survey is delivered. The acceptance actions are based on well–known standards created by the Norwegian Mapping Authority. The customer request is based on the acceptance actions. This ensures that every requirements can be verified in the accepting stage. The main purposes of the product specification were to ensure reliable results and to minimize the difference between the customer request and the producer’s delivery. Additionally, an unambiguous product specification can ensure a fair competition situation between the producers and give the producers the possibility to select the best-suited technology. The second aspect is related to how a building can be efficiently surveyed and explores how this could be done with a laser-based system. A human carried survey system was developed through three stages. The first and second stages focused on circle shaped objects and were realized in cooperation with the Faculty of Environmental Sciences and Natural Resource Management at the Norwegian University of Life Sciences. The system surveyed tree diameter at breast height within sample plots in size 250-500 m2. The system was able to detect 87.5% of the trees with a mean difference of 0.1 cm, and a root mean square of 2.2 cm. The novel aspect is related to how the trees are segmented and how the diameters are estimated without losing precision due to degraded pose solution. The result can be used in forestry inventory projects together with airborne laser surveys. The third stage was made for indoor measurements. The main focus was on how to aid the navigation solution in the absence of Global Navigation Satellite System signals. The method divides the laser point measurements into small time frames. For each time frame, the laser points were automatically classified into column, walls, floor, and ceiling. This information was used to support a scan matching method called semantic-assisted normal distributions transform. The result from the scan matching was used to create a trajectory of the walking path followed during data capture. This result was fed back into the inertial navigation processing to aid the solution when the system was located inside the building. This gives the inertial navigation process the ability to reject scan matching failures. The novel method was able to improve the survey accuracy from a maximum deviation of 12.6 m to 1.1 m. The third stage had two different Inertial Measurement Units (IMU) installed. The most accurate system was a tactical graded IMU, and the lowest accurate system was an automotive graded IMU. With the proposed method, the automotive graded system was able to perform at a higher level than a standalone tactical graded solution.Interessen for å bruke BygningsInformasjonsModeller (BIMer) i forvaltning, drift og vedlikehold av bygninger er økende. Ulike teknologier for innsamling av data for å etablere slike modeller er i rask utvikling. De vanligste teknologiene er basert på bilder, strukturert lys, laser eller en kombinasjon av disse. Ny teknologi utfører målingene veldig effektivt, men ikke med samme nøyaktighet som tradisjoneller metoder. Denne studien har undersøkt hvordan en raskt kan etablere en BIM i et eksisterende bygg. Dette ble gjort ved å utforske to ulike aspekter av problemstillingen. Det første aspektet ser på produktspesifikasjon og foreslår et rammeverk til bruk ved bestilling og kontroll av laser-basert innmåling av eksisterende bygning. Det andre aspektet utforsker hvordan et laser-basert system raskt kan måle opp eksisterende bygg.The Norwegian Building Authority, Cautus Geo AS and Geomatikk survey have kindly founded parts of the studies

    An autonomous ultra-wide band-based attitude and position determination technique for indoor mobile laser scanning

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    Mobile laser scanning (MLS) has been widely used in three-dimensional (3D) city modelling data collection, such as Google cars for Google Map/Earth. Building Information Modelling (BIM) has recently emerged and become prominent. 3D models of buildings are essential for BIM. Static laser scanning is usually used to generate 3D models for BIM, but this method is inefficient if a building is very large, or it has many turns and narrow corridors. This paper proposes using MLS for BIM 3D data collection. The positions and attitudes of the mobile laser scanner are important for the correct georeferencing of the 3D models. This paper proposes using three high-precision ultra-wide band (UWB) tags to determine the positions and attitudes of the mobile laser scanner. The accuracy of UWB-based MLS 3D models is assessed by comparing the coordinates of target points, as measured by static laser scanning and a total station survey

    The simultaneous localization and mapping (SLAM):An overview

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    Positioning is a need for many applications related to mapping and navigation either in civilian or military domains. The significant developments in satellite-based techniques, sensors, telecommunications, computer hardware and software, image processing, etc. positively influenced to solve the positioning problem efficiently and instantaneously. Accordingly, the mentioned development empowered the applications and advancement of autonomous navigation. One of the most interesting developed positioning techniques is what is called in robotics as the Simultaneous Localization and Mapping SLAM. The SLAM problem solution has witnessed a quick improvement in the last decades either using active sensors like the RAdio Detection And Ranging (Radar) and Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) or passive sensors like cameras. Definitely, positioning and mapping is one of the main tasks for Geomatics engineers, and therefore it's of high importance for them to understand the SLAM topic which is not easy because of the huge documentation and algorithms available and the various SLAM solutions in terms of the mathematical models, complexity, the sensors used, and the type of applications. In this paper, a clear and simplified explanation is introduced about SLAM from a Geomatical viewpoint avoiding going into the complicated algorithmic details behind the presented techniques. In this way, a general overview of SLAM is presented showing the relationship between its different components and stages like the core part of the front-end and back-end and their relation to the SLAM paradigm. Furthermore, we explain the major mathematical techniques of filtering and pose graph optimization either using visual or LiDAR SLAM and introduce a summary of the deep learning efficient contribution to the SLAM problem. Finally, we address examples of some existing practical applications of SLAM in our reality

    Performance Evaluation of Two Indoor Mapping Systems: Low-Cost UWB-Aided Photogrammetry and Backpack Laser Scanning

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    During the past dozen years, several mobile mapping systems based on the use of imaging and positioning sensors mounted on terrestrial (and aerial) vehicles have been developed. Recently, systems characterized by an increased portability have been proposed in order to enable mobile mapping in environments that are difficult to access for vehicles, in particular for indoor environments. In this work the performance of a low-cost mobile mapping system is compared with that of: (i) a state-of-the-art terrestrial laser scanning (TLS), considered as the control; (ii) a mobile mapping backpack system (Leica Pegasus), which can be considered as the state-of-the-art of commercial mobile mapping backpack systems. The aim of this paper is two-fold: first, assessing the reconstruction accuracy of the proposed low-cost mobile mapping system, based on photogrammetry and ultra-wide band (UWB) for relative positioning (and a GNSS receiver if georeferencing is needed), with respect to a TLS survey in an indoor environment, where the global navigation satellite system (GNSS) signal is not available; second, comparing such performance with that obtained with the Leica backpack. Both mobile mapping systems are designed to work without any control point, to enable an easy and quick survey (e.g., few minutes) and to be easily portable (relatively low weight and small size). The case study deals with the 3D reconstruction of a medieval bastion in Padua, Italy. Reconstruction using the Leica Pegasus backpack allowed obtaining a smaller absolute error with respect to the UWB-based photogrammetric system. In georeferenced coordinates, the root mean square (RMS) error was respectively 16.1 cm and 50.3 cm; relative error in local coordinates was more similar, respectively 8.2 cm and 6.1 cm. Given the much lower cost (approximately $6k), the proposed photogrammetric-based system can be an interesting alternative when decimetric reconstruction accuracy in georeferenced coordinates is sufficient. \ua9 2018 by the authors

    Comparison of low-cost handheld LiDAR-based SLAM systems for mapping underground tunnels

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    The use of mobile mapping technologies (MMT) has become increasingly popular across various applications such as forestry, cultural heritage, mining, and civil engineering. While Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) algorithms have greatly improved in recent years with regards to accuracy, robustness, and cooperativity, it is important to understand the limitations and strengths of each metrological measurement method to ensure the provision of 3D data of appropriate quality for the selected application. In this study, we perform a comparative analysis of three LiDAR-based handheld mobile mapping systems with survey-grade reference point clouds in a challenging test area of a partially collapsed underground tunnel. We investigate various aspects of 3D data quality, including accuracy and completeness, and present an improved method for 3D data completeness assessment aimed at evaluating SLAM-derived point clouds. The results demonstrate unique and diverse strengths and shortcomings of the tested mapping systems, which provide valuable guidelines for selecting an appropriate system for subterranean applications

    Remote sensing for three-dimensional modelling of hydromorphology

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    Successful management of rivers requires an understanding of the fluvial processes that govern them. This, in turn cannot be achieved without a means of quantifying their geomorphology and hydrology and the spatio-temporal interactions between them, that is, their hydromorphology. For a long time, it has been laborious and time-consuming to measure river topography, especially in the submerged part of the channel. The measurement of the flow field has been challenging as well, and hence, such measurements have long been sparse in natural environments. Technological advancements in the field of remote sensing in the recent years have opened up new possibilities for capturing synoptic information on river environments. This thesis presents new developments in fluvial remote sensing of both topography and water flow. A set of close-range remote sensing methods is employed to eventually construct a high-resolution unified empirical hydromorphological model, that is, river channel and floodplain topography and three-dimensional areal flow field. Empirical as well as hydraulic theory-based optical remote sensing methods are tested and evaluated using normal colour aerial photographs and sonar calibration and reference measurements on a rocky-bed sub-Arctic river. The empirical optical bathymetry model is developed further by the introduction of a deep-water radiance parameter estimation algorithm that extends the field of application of the model to shallow streams. The effect of this parameter on the model is also assessed in a study of a sandy-bed sub-Arctic river using close-range high-resolution aerial photography, presenting one of the first examples of fluvial bathymetry modelling from unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Further close-range remote sensing methods are added to complete the topography integrating the river bed with the floodplain to create a seamless high-resolution topography. Boat- cart- and backpack-based mobile laser scanning (MLS) are used to measure the topography of the dry part of the channel at a high resolution and accuracy. Multitemporal MLS is evaluated along with UAV-based photogrammetry against terrestrial laser scanning reference data and merged with UAV-based bathymetry to create a two-year series of seamless digital terrain models. These allow the evaluation of the methodology for conducting high-resolution change analysis of the entire channel. The remote sensing based model of hydromorphology is completed by a new methodology for mapping the flow field in 3D. An acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP) is deployed on a remote-controlled boat with a survey-grade global navigation satellite system (GNSS) receiver, allowing the positioning of the areally sampled 3D flow vectors in 3D space as a point cloud and its interpolation into a 3D matrix allows a quantitative volumetric flow analysis. Multitemporal areal 3D flow field data show the evolution of the flow field during a snow-melt flood event. The combination of the underwater and dry topography with the flow field yields a compete model of river hydromorphology at the reach scale.Jokien onnistunut hallinta edellyttää virtavesien prosessien ymmärtämistä. Tämä ei ole mahdollista ilman jokien geomorfologian ja hydrologian kvantifiointia sekä niiden spatiotemporaalisten suhteiden tutkimista, eli jokien hydromorfologiaa. Joen topografian mittaaminen, varsinkin uoman vedenalaisen osalle on pitkään ollut työlästä ja aikaa vievää. Virtauskentän kattava mittaaminen on myös ollut haastavaa, sillä seurauksella, että niitä on tehty harvakseltaan luonnollisessa ympäristössä. Viimeaikainen teknologinen kehitys kaukokartoituksessa on mahdollistanut synoptisen tiedon mittaamisen jokiympäristöissä. Tässä väitöstutkimuksessa on kehitetty virtavesien kaukokartoitusta sekä jokien topografian että virtausmittauksen alalla. Useita eri lähikaukokartoitusmenetelmiä yhdistämällä on tehty korkean resoluution yhtenäinen empiirinen malli joen hydromorfologiasta, eli joen uoman ja tulvatasangon topografiasta ja kolmiulotteisesta virtaamakentästä. Empiriaan ja hydrauliseen teoriaan perustuvat optisen kaukokartoituksen menetelmiä testattiin ja arvioitiin käyttämällä normaaliväri-ilmakuvia, kaikuluotain kalibrointia ja referenssimittauksia kivipohjaisessa subarktisessa joessa. Empiiristä optista syvyysmallia kehitettiin edelleen lisäämällä syvän veden säteilyparametrin arviointialgoritmi, joka mahdollisti mallin käytön myös matalavetisissä jokiuomissa. Parametrin vaikutus malliin arvioitiin korkean resoluution matalailmakuvista hiekkapohjaisessa subarktisessa joessa yhdessä ensimmäisistä syvyysmalleista, joka on tehty käyttäen kauko-ohjattua minihelikopteria (eng.UAV, Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). Lähietäisyyden kaukokartoitusmenetelmiä käytettiin edelleen topografisen mallin täydentämiseen, integroimalla joen uoma ja tulvatasanko yhtenäiseksi korkean resoluution topografiaksi. Mobiilia laserkeilausta käytettiin vedenpinnan yläpuolisen osan topografian mittaamiseen korkealla resoluutiolla vene- kärry- ja reppupohjaisten kartoitusalustojen avulla. Monen ajankohdan mobiilin laserkeilauksen ja UAVfotogrammetrian tarkkuutta arvioitiin maalaserikeilausaineiston avulla. Laserkeilattu ja fotogrammetrinen aineisto yhdistettiin, jolloin saatiin kahden vuoden ajalta saumaton digitaalinen maastomalli. Mallin avulla oli mahdollista arvioida koko joen uoman korkean resoluution muutosanalyysin metodologiaa. Kaukokartoitukseen perustuvaa hydromorfologista mallia täydennettiin uniikilla virtauskentän kolmiulotteisella kartoitusaineistolla. Kauko-ohjattavaan veneeseen asennettu akustinen virtausmittauslaite yhdessä tarkan satelliittipaikannusjärjestelmän kanssa mahdollistivat alueellisesti valikoitujen kolmiulotteisten virtausvektoreiden sijainnin määrittämisen kolmiulotteisessa avaruudessa pistepilvenä. Tämän aineiston kolmiulotteinen interpolaatio matriisiksi mahdollisti edelleen volymetrisen virtausanalyysin. Monen ajankohdan alueellinen kolmiulotteinen virtauskenttä osoitti virtausolosuhteiden evoluution kevättulvassa. Vedenalaisen ja kuivan maan topografia yhdessä jokiuoman virtauskenttien kanssa muodosti kattavan mallin joen hydromorfologiasta.Siirretty Doriast