32 research outputs found

    FUNDIO: a lambda-calculus with letrec, case, constructors, and an IO-interface : approaching a theory of unsafePerformIO

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    This paper proposes a non-standard way to combine lazy functional languages with I/O. In order to demonstrate the usefulness of the approach, a tiny lazy functional core language FUNDIO , which is also a call-by-need lambda calculus, is investigated. The syntax of FUNDIO has case, letrec, constructors and an IO-interface: its operational semantics is described by small-step reductions. A contextual approximation and equivalence depending on the input-output behavior of normal order reduction sequences is defined and a context lemma is proved. This enables to study a semantics of FUNDIO and its semantic properties. The paper demonstrates that the technique of complete reduction diagrams enables to show a considerable set of program transformations to be correct. Several optimizations of evaluation are given, including strictness optimizations and an abstract machine, and shown to be correct w.r.t. contextual equivalence. Correctness of strictness optimizations also justifies correctness of parallel evaluation. Thus this calculus has a potential to integrate non-strict functional programming with a non-deterministic approach to input-output and also to provide a useful semantics for this combination. It is argued that monadic IO and unsafePerformIO can be combined in Haskell, and that the result is reliable, if all reductions and transformations are correct w.r.t. to the FUNDIO-semantics. Of course, we do not address the typing problems the are involved in the usage of Haskell s unsafePerformIO. The semantics can also be used as a novel semantics for strict functional languages with IO, where the sequence of IOs is not fixed

    Compilation Techniques for Incremental Collection Processing

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    Many map-reduce frameworks as well as NoSQL systems rely on collection programming as their interface of choice due to its rich semantics along with an easily parallelizable set of primitives. Unfortunately, the potential of collection programming is not entirely fulfilled by current systems as they lack efficient incremental view maintenance (IVM) techniques for queries producing large nested results. This comes as a consequence of the fact that the nesting of collections does not enjoy the same algebraic properties underscoring the optimization potential of typical collection processing constructs. We propose the first solution for the efficient incrementalization of collection programming in terms of its core constructs as captured by the positive nested relational calculus (NRC+) on bags (with integer multiplicities). We take an approach based on delta query derivation, whose goal is to generate delta queries which, given a small change in the input, can update the materialized view more efficiently than via recomputation. More precisely, we model the cost of NRC+ operators and classify queries as efficiently incrementalizable if their delta has a strictly lower cost than full re-evaluation. Then, we identify IncNRC+, a large fragment of NRC+ that is efficiently incrementalizable and we provide a semantics-preserving translation that takes any NRC+ query to a collection of IncNRC+ queries. Furthermore, we prove that incrementalmaintenance for NRC+ is within the complexity class NC0 and we showcase how Recursive IVM, a technique that has provided significant speedups over traditional IVM in the case of flat queries, can also be applied to IncNRC+ . Existing systems are also limited wrt. the size of inner collections that they can effectively handle before running into severe performance bottlenecks. In particular, in the face of nested collections with skewed cardinalities developers typically have to undergo a painful process of manual query re-writes in order to ensure that the largest inner collections in their workloads are not impacted by these limitations. To address these issues we developed SLeNDer, a compilation framework that given a nested query generates a set of semantically equivalent (partially) shredded queries that can be efficiently evaluated and incrementalized using state of the art techniques for handling skew and applying delta changes, respectively. The derived queries expose nested collections to the same opportunities for distributing their processing and incrementally updating their contents as those enjoyed by top-level collections, leading on our benchmark to up to 16.8x and 21.9x speedups in terms of offline and online processing, respectively. In order to enable efficient IVM for the increasingly common case of collection programming with functional values as in Links, we also discuss the efficient incrementalization of simplytyped lambda calculi, under the constraint that their primitives are themselves efficiently incrementalizable

    Query Flattening and the Nested Data Parallelism Paradigm

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    This work is based on the observation that languages for two seemingly distant domains are closely related. Orthogonal query languages based on comprehension syntax admit various forms of query nesting to construct nested query results and express complex predicates. Languages for nested data parallelism allow to nest parallel iterators and thereby admit the parallel evaluation of computations that are themselves parallel. Both kinds of languages center around the application of side-effect-free functions to each element of a collection. The motivation for this work is the seamless integration of relational database queries with programming languages. In frameworks for language-integrated database queries, a host language's native collection-programming API is used to express queries. To mediate between native collection programming and relational queries, we define an expressive, orthogonal query calculus that supports nesting and order. The challenge of query flattening is to translate this calculus to bundles of efficient relational queries restricted to flat, unordered multisets. Prior approaches to query flattening either support only query languages that lack in expressiveness or employ a complex, monolithic translation that is hard to comprehend and generates inefficient code that is hard to optimize. To improve on those approaches, we draw on the similarity to nested data parallelism. Blelloch's flattening transformation is a static program transformation that translates nested data parallelism to flat data parallel programs over flat arrays. Based on the flattening transformation, we describe a pipeline of small, comprehensible lowering steps that translates our nested query calculus to a bundle of relational queries. The pipeline is based on a number of well-defined intermediate languages. Our translation adopts the key concepts of the flattening transformation but is designed with specifics of relational query processing in mind. Based on this translation, we revisit all aspects of query flattening. Our translation is fully compositional and can translate any term of the input language. Like prior work, the translation by itself produces inefficient code due to compositionality that is not fit for execution without optimization. In contrast to prior work, we show that query optimization is orthogonal to flattening and can be performed before flattening. We employ well-known work on logical query optimization for nested query languages and demonstrate that this body of work integrates well with our approach. Furthermore, we describe an improved encoding of ordered and nested collections in terms of flat, unordered multisets. Our approach emits idiomatic relational queries in which the effort required to maintain the non-relational semantics of the source language (order and nesting) is minimized. A set of experiments provides evidence that our approach to query flattening can handle complex, list-based queries with nested results and nested intermediate data well. We apply our approach to a number of flat and nested benchmark queries and compare their runtime with hand-written SQL queries. In these experiments, our SQL code generated from a list-based nested query language usually performs as well as hand-written queries

    Regular Rooted Graph Grammars

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    In dieser Arbeit wir ein pragmatischer Ansatz zur Typisierung, statischen Analyse und Optimierung von Web-Anfragespachen, speziell Xcerpt, untersucht. Pragmatisch ist der Ansatz in dem Sinne, dass dem Benutzer keinerlei Einschränkungen aus Entscheidbarkeits- oder Effizienzgründen auf modellierbare Typen gestellt werden. Effizienz und Entscheidbarkeit werden stattdessen, falls nötig, durch Vergröberungen bei der Typprüfung erkauft. Eine Typsprache zur Typisierung von Graph-strukturierten Daten im Web wird eingeführt. Modellierbare Graphen sind so genannte gewurzelte Graphen, welche aus einem Spannbaum und Querreferenzen aufgebaut sind. Die Typsprache basiert auf reguläre Baum Grammatiken, welche um typisierte Referenzen erweitert wurde. Neben wie im Web mit XML üblichen geordneten strukturierten Daten, sind auch ungeordnete Daten, wie etwa in Xcerpt oder RDF üblich, modellierbar. Der dazu verwendete Ansatz---ungeordnete Interpretation Regulärer Ausdrücke---ist neu. Eine operationale Semantik für geordnete wie ungeordnete Typen wird auf Basis spezialisierter Baumautomaten und sog. Counting Constraints (welche wiederum auf presburgerarithmetische Ausdrücke) basieren. Es wird ferner statische Typ-Prüfung und -Inferenz von Xcerpt Anfrage- und Konstrukttermen, wie auch Optimierung von Xcerpt Anfragen auf Basis von Typinformation eingeführt.This thesis investigates a pragmatic approach to typing, static analysis and static optimization of Web query languages, in special the Web query language Xcerpt. The approach is pragmatic in the sense, that no restriction on the types are made for decidability or efficiency reasons, instead precision is given up if necessary. Pragmatics on the dynamic side means to use types not only to ensure validity of objects operating on, but also influencing query selection based on types. A typing language for typing of graph structured data on the Web is introduced. The Graphs in mind are based on spanning trees with references, the typing languages is based on regular tree grammars with typed reference extensions. Beside ordered data in the spirit of XML, unordered data (i.e. in the spirit of the Xcerpt data model or RDF) can be modelled using regular expressions under unordered interpretation – this approach is new. An operational semantics for ordered and unordered types is given based on specialized regular tree automata and counting constraints (them again based on Presburger arithmetic formulae). Static type checking of Xcerpt query and construct terms is introduced, as well as optimization of Xcerpt query terms based on schema information

    Decidable Type Inference for the Polymorphic Rewriting Calculus

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    National audienceThe rewriting calculus is a minimal framework embedding lambda calculus and term rewriting systems that allows abstraction on variables and patterns. The rewriting calculus features higher-order functions (from the lambda calculus) and pattern matching (from term rewriting systems). In this paper, we study extensively the decidability of type inference in the second-order rewriting calculus Ă  la Curry

    Semantic Subtyping for Non-Strict Languages

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    Semantic subtyping is an approach to define subtyping relations for type systems featuring union and intersection type connectives. It has been studied only for strict languages, and it is unsound for non-strict semantics. In this work, we study how to adapt this approach to non-strict languages: in particular, we define a type system using semantic subtyping for a functional language with a call-by-need semantics. We do so by introducing an explicit representation for divergence in the types, so that the type system distinguishes expressions that are results from those which are computations that might diverge

    Comprehending Ringads for Phil Wadler, on the occasion of his 60th birthday

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    Abstract. List comprehensions are a widely used programming construct, in languages such as Haskell and Python and in technologies such as Microsoft's Language Integrated Query. They generalize from lists to arbitrary monads, yielding a lightweight idiom of imperative programming in a pure functional language. When the monad has the additional structure of a so-called ringad, corresponding to 'empty' and 'union' operations, then it can be seen as some kind of collection type, and the comprehension notation can also be extended to incorporate aggregations. Ringad comprehensions represent a convenient notation for expressing database queries. The ringad structure alone does not provide a good explanation or an efficient implementation of relational joins; but by allowing heterogeneous comprehensions, involving both bag and indexed table ringads, we show how to accommodate these too