35 research outputs found

    KosketuskÀyttöliittymÀn toteuttaminen olemassa olevaan ohjelmaan

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    The purpose of this work was to evaluate the migration steps of a windowing desktop application into a touch based input enabled software. The study was conducted on an already existing building information modelling software called Tekla BIMsight. The task was to retain all the functionality already in the software while making it possible to be used on touch-enabled devices, such as tablets or convertible laptops with a swivel display. Design and implementation of the system has been documented as part of the thesis, as well as most problematic issues during this period. The effects of the implementation are validated and tested with real users and the results from that study were documented. The usability study was conducted to obtain quantitative and qualitative metrics of the usability. The nature of the input mechanism, direct or indirect, affects the user experience greatly. The final system should be as responsive as possible to maintain a good level of perceived performance. Early prototyping and access to the target devices is critical to the success of a migration process. There are several common mistakes that should be avoided in the design and implementation phases. Not all the problems were critical, but many of them were identified as very cumbersome for the user that would affect the positive user experience of the software. With each new context for a user interface the problems need to be solved again and only experience from such solutions can help alleviate this task. The implemented touch support can be verified to meet the set requirements very well: It allows the system to be used on touch based input environments and all the major user interface elements support this.Työn tarkoituksena oli toteuttaa ja arvioida toimenpiteet ja. menetelmÀt joilla olemassa olevaan kÀyttöliittymÀÀn voidaan lisÀtÀ tuki kosketuskÀytölle. Ominaisuudet lisÀttiin rakennusten tietomallinnuksen tarkasteluohjelmaan, Tekla BIMsight. TehtÀvÀnÀ oli sÀilyttÀÀ kaikki aiemmat toiminnot ja tehdÀ ohjelmasta tehokkaasti kÀytettÀvÀ kosketuslaitteilla, kuten tableteilla ja kÀÀntyvÀllÀ nÀytöllÀ varustetuilla kannettavilla. Suunnittelu ja toteutus jÀrjestelmÀlle on dokumentoitu työssÀ ja kaikkein vaativimmat ongelmat. Toteutetun tuen vaikutuksia arvioitiin oikeiden kÀyttÀjien kanssa tehdyssÀ kÀyttÀjÀtutkimuksessa, jonka tulokset on esitetty. KÀytettÀvyystutkimuksella hankittiin kvantitatiivista ja kvalitatiivista tietoa tuotteesta. Laite jolla ohjelmistoa kÀytetÀÀn vaikuttaa ohjelmasta saatuun kÀyttökokemukseen merkittÀvÀsti. HyvÀn kÀyttökokemuksen saavuttamiseksi lopullisen jÀrjestelmÀn kÀytön tulisi olla sujuvaa. Aikaisten prototyyppien kokeilu ja kohdelaitteiden saatavuus ovat tÀrkeitÀ tekijöitÀ siirtymÀprosessin kannalta. YleisiÀ ongelmatilanteita ja haasteita joita kohdattiin suunnittelu- ja toteutusvaiheissa on listattu työssÀ. LoppukÀyttÀjÀn kannalta useat ongelmat olivat rasittavia ja vaikuttaisivat kÀyttökokemukseen negatiivisesti jos niitÀ ei korjata. Uuden kÀyttöympÀristön tuomat ongelmat joudutaan ratkaisemaan aina uudestaan. Vain kokemuksella vastaavista tilanteista on merkittÀvÀsti etua itse ratkaisujen löytÀmiselle. Toteutetun kosketuskÀyttöliittymÀn tuen voidaan todeta vastaavan sille asetettuja tavoitteita ja vaatimuksia hyvin; se mahdollistaa ohjelman kÀyttÀmisen kosketuskÀyttöliittymÀn omaavissa laitteissa ja kaikkein merkittÀvimmÀt kÀyttöliittymÀelementit on tuettuina

    Remote tactile feedback on interactive surfaces

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    Direct touch input on interactive surfaces has become a predominating standard for the manipulation of digital information in our everyday lives. However, compared to our rich interchange with the physical world, the interaction with touch-based systems is limited in terms of flexibility of input and expressiveness of output. Particularly, the lack of tactile feedback greatly reduces the general usability of a touch-based system and hinders from a productive entanglement of the virtual information with the physical world. This thesis proposes remote tactile feedback as a novel method to provide programmed tactile stimuli supporting direct touch interactions. The overall principle is to spatially decouple the location of touch input (e.g. fingertip or hand) and the location of the tactile sensation on the user's body (e.g. forearm or back). Remote tactile feedback is an alternative concept which avoids particular challenges of existing approaches. Moreover, the principle provides inherent characteristics which can accommodate for the requirements of current and future touch interfaces. To define the design space, the thesis provides a structured overview of current forms of touch surfaces and identifies trends towards non-planar and non-rigid forms with more versatile input mechanisms. Furthermore, a classification highlights limitations of the current methods to generate tactile feedback on touch-based systems. The proposed notion of tactile sensory relocation is a form of sensory substitution. Underlying neurological and psychological principles corroborate the approach. Thus, characteristics of the human sense of touch and principles from sensory substitution help to create a technical and conceptual framework for remote tactile feedback. Three consecutive user studies measure and compare the effects of both direct and remote tactile feedback on the performance and the subjective ratings of the user. Furthermore, the experiments investigate different body locations for the application of tactile stimuli. The results show high subjective preferences for tactile feedback, regardless of its type of application. Additionally, the data reveals no significant differences between the effects of direct and remote stimuli. The results back the feasibility of the approach and provide parameters for the design of stimuli and the effective use of the concept. The main part of the thesis describes the systematical exploration and analysis of the inherent characteristics of remote tactile feedback. Four specific features of the principle are identified: (1) the simplification of the integration of cutaneous stimuli, (2) the transmission of proactive, reactive and detached feedback, (3) the increased expressiveness of tactile sensations and (4) the provision of tactile feedback during multi-touch. In each class, several prototypical remote tactile interfaces are used in evaluations to analyze the concept. For example, the PhantomStation utilizes psychophysical phenomena to reduce the number of single tactile actuators. An evaluation with the prototype compares standard actuator technologies with each other in order to enable simple and scalable implementations. The ThermalTouch prototype creates remote thermal stimuli to reproduce material characteristics on standard touchscreens. The results show a stable rate of virtual object discrimination based on remotely applied temperature profiles. The AutmotiveRTF system is implemented in a vehicle and supports the driver's input on the in-vehicle-infotainment system. A field study with the system focuses on evaluating the effects of proactive and reactive feedback on the user's performance. The main contributions of the dissertation are: First, the thesis introduces the principle of remote tactile feedback and defines a design space for this approach as an alternative method to provide non-visual cues on interactive surfaces. Second, the thesis describes technical examples to rapidly prototype remote tactile feedback systems. Third, these prototypes are deployed in several evaluations which highlight the beneficial subjective and objective effects of the approach. Finally, the thesis presents features and inherent characteristics of remote tactile feedback as a means to support the interaction on today's touchscreens and future interactive surfaces.Die Interaktion mit berĂŒhrungsempfindlichen OberflĂ€chen ist heute ein Standard fĂŒr die Manipulation von digitaler Information. Jedoch weist die Bedienung dieser interaktiven Bildschirme starke EinschrĂ€nkungen hinsichtlich der FlexibilitĂ€t bei der Eingabe und der Ausdruckskraft der Ausgabe auf, wenn man sie mit den vielfĂ€ltigen Möglichkeiten des Umgangs mit Objekten in unserer Alltagswelt vergleicht. Besonders die nicht vorhandenen TastsinnesrĂŒckmeldungen vermindern stark die Benutzbarkeit solcher Systeme und verhindern eine effektive VerknĂŒpfung von virtueller Information und physischer Welt. Die vorliegende Dissertation beschreibt den Ansatz der 'distalen taktilen RĂŒckmeldungen' als neuartige Möglichkeit zur Vermittlung programmierter Tastsinnesreize an Benutzer interaktiver OberflĂ€chen. Das Grundprinzip dabei ist die rĂ€umliche Trennung zwischen der Eingabe durch BerĂŒhrung (z.B. mit der Fingerspitze) und dem daraus resultierenden taktilen Reiz am Körper der Benutzer (z.B. am RĂŒcken). Dabei vermeidet das Konzept der distalen taktilen RĂŒckmeldungen einzelne technische und konzeptionelle Nachteile existierender AnsĂ€tze. ZusĂ€tzlich bringt es Interaktionsmöglichkeiten mit sich, die den Eigenheiten der Interaktion mit aktuellen und auch zukĂŒnftigen berĂŒhrungsempfindlichen OberflĂ€chen Rechnung tragen. Zu Beginn zeigt ein Überblick zu relevanten Arbeiten den aktuellen Forschungstrend hin zu nicht-flachen und verformbaren berĂŒhrungsempfindlichen OberflĂ€chen sowie zu vielfĂ€ltigeren Eingabemethoden. Eine Klassifizierung ordnet existierende technische Verfahren zur Erzeugung von kĂŒnstlichen Tastsinnesreizen und stellt jeweils konzeptuelle und technische Herausforderungen dar. Der in dieser Arbeit vorgeschlagene Ansatz der Verlagerung von Tastsinnesreizen ist eine Form der sensorischen Substitution, zugrunde liegende neurologische und psychologische Prinzipien untermauern das Vorgehen. Die Wirkprinzipien des menschlichen Tastsinnes und die Systeme zur sensorischen Substitution liefern daher konzeptionelle und technische Richtlinien zur Umsetzung der distalen taktilen RĂŒckmeldungen. Drei aufeinander aufbauende Benutzerstudien vergleichen die Auswirkungen von direkten und distalen taktilen RĂŒckmeldungen auf die Leistung und das Verhalten von Benutzern sowie deren subjektive Bewertung der Interaktion. Außerdem werden in den Experimenten die Effekte von Tastsinnesreizen an verschiedenen Körperstellen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen starke PrĂ€ferenzen fĂŒr TastsinnesrĂŒckmeldungen, unabhĂ€ngig von deren Applikationsort. Die Daten ergeben weiterhin keine signifikanten Unterschiede bei den quantitativen Effekten von direktem und distalen RĂŒckmeldungen. Diese Ergebnisse befĂŒrworten die Realisierbarkeit des Ansatzes und zeigen Richtlinien fĂŒr weitere praktische Umsetzungen auf. Der Hauptteil der Dissertation beschreibt die systematische Untersuchung und Analyse der inhĂ€renten Möglichkeiten, die sich aus der Vermittlung distaler taktiler RĂŒckmeldungen ergeben. Vier verschiedene Charakteristika werden identifiziert: (1) die vereinfachte Integration von Tastsinnesreizen, (2) die Vermittlung von proaktiven, reaktiven und entkoppelten RĂŒckmeldungen, (3) die erhöhte Bandbreite der taktilen Signale und (4) die Darstellung von individuellen Tastsinnesreizen fĂŒr verschiedene Kontaktpunkte mit der berĂŒhrungsempfindlichen OberflĂ€che. Jedes dieser Prinzipien wird durch prototypische Systeme umgesetzt und in Benutzerstudien analysiert. Beispielsweise nutzt das System PhantomStation psychophysikalische Illusionen, um die Anzahl der einzelnen Reizgeber zu reduzieren. In einer Evaluierung des Prototypen werden mehrere Aktuatortechnologien verglichen, um einfache und skalierbare AnsĂ€tze zu identifizieren. Der ThermalTouch-Prototyp wird dazu genutzt, distale thermale Reize zu vermitteln, um so Materialeigenschaften auf BerĂŒhrungsbildschirmen darstellen zu können. Eine Benutzerstudie zeigt, dass sich auf Basis dieser TemperaturverlĂ€ufe virtuelle Objekte unterscheiden lassen. Das AutomotiveRTF-System wird schließlich in ein Kraftfahrzeug integriert, um den Fahrer bei der Eingabe auf dem Informations- und Unterhaltungssystem zu unterstĂŒtzen. Eine Feldstudie untersucht die Auswirkungen der proaktiven und reaktiven RĂŒckmeldungen auf die Benutzerleistung. Die vorliegende Dissertation leistet mehrere BeitrĂ€ge zur Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion: Das Prinzip der distalen taktilen RĂŒckmeldungen wird eingefĂŒhrt als Alternative zur Erzeugung nicht-visueller RĂŒckmeldungen auf interaktiven OberflĂ€chen. Es werden technische Verfahrensweisen zur prototypischen Implementierung solcher Systeme vorgeschlagen. Diese technischen Prototypen werden in einer Vielzahl verschiedener Benutzerstudien eingesetzt, welche die quantitativen und qualitativen Vorteile des Ansatzes aufzeigen. Schließlich wird gezeigt, wie sich das Prinzip zur UnterstĂŒtzung heutiger und zukĂŒnftiger Interaktionsformen mit berĂŒhrungsempfindlichen Bildschirmen nutzen lĂ€sst

    A Sensor-Based Interactive Digital Installation System for Virtual Painting Using MAX/MSP/Jitter

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    Interactive art is rapidly becoming a part of cosmopolitan society through public displays, video games, and art exhibits. It is a means of exploring the connections between our physical bodies and the virtual world. However, a sense of disconnection often exists between the users and technology because users are driving actions within an environment from which they are physically separated. This research involves the creation of a custom interactive, immersive, and real-time video-based mark-making installation as public art. Using a variety of input devices including video cameras, sensors, and special lighting, a painterly mark-making experience is contemporized, enabling the participant to immerse himself in a world he helps create. This work illustrates the potential of making the user-technology disconnection more seamless between the physical and virtual worlds. Using unobtrusive interfaces, the user?s physical interactions can be encouraged. The development of this installation progressed through improvements based on user feedback from iterative public displays of the work. This process is to serve as a guideline for other artists working in interactive media who are also exploring perceived intimacy in user interactions

    Contextual memory in group workspaces

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    Thesis (S.M.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2009.Cataloged from PDF version of thesis.Includes bibliographical references (p. 125-129).This thesis presents the design and implementation of MemTable, an interactive touch table that supports co-located group meetings by capturing both digital and physical interactions in its memory. The goal of the project is to demonstrate hardware and software design principles that integrate recording, recalling, and reflection during the life cycle of a project in one tabletop system. MemTable's hardware design prioritizes ergonomics, social interaction, structural integrity, and streamlined implementation. Its software supports heterogeneous input modalities for a variety of contexts: brainstorming, decision making, event planning, and story-boarding. The user interface introduces personal menus, capture elements, and tagging to help identify the context of meeting interactions. It records the history of the implicit and explicit events during meetings. A preliminary evaluation is presented of user feedback on the capture and recall features. A longitudinal design plan outlines a framework for future work that integrates review and reflection functions into a comprehensive system. Additional features are presented for browsing and searching prior meeting data, visualizing long term work patterns, and integrating meeting data with external web services.by Seth E. Hunter.S.M

    Interactive Whiteboards and Implications for Use in Education

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    Interactive whiteboards (IWBs) have increasingly become a technology tool used in the educational field. IWBs are touch-sensitive screens that work in conjunction with a computer and a projector, and which are used to display information from a computer. As a qualitative case study, this study investigated the SMART Board-infused instructional practices of four teachers who participated in a specialized SMART Board professional development. The purpose of this research was to capture the most commonly used instructional strategies of those acquired by the participants who attended a series of SMART Board professional development workshops, and to discover which tools and features of the SMART Board they were implementing. Within these instructional practices, the visual, auditory, and kinesthetic learning modalities being deployed were sought. Furthermore, participants\u27 perceptions of factors that enable and hinder the use of the acquired strategies tools, and features were included. These 4 participants were hand selected to attend the training based on their advanced level of technology skills and the value they place on technology in the classroom. Six themes emerged from the data: 1) teacher- vs. student-centered instruction; 2) rationale for use of instructional strategies; 3) patterns of use for SMART Board tools and features; 4) reasons for participants\u27 use of SMART Board tools and features; 5) perceptions of integrating visual, auditory, and kinesthetic (VAK) learning modalities; and 6) enabling and hindering factors for use. Developing a sense of how these participants used the SMART Board in the classroom can help in planning future professional development related to the SMART Board and other technology. The implications for this research are informative to teachers, professional development coordinators, school administrators, technology staff, and teacher educators

    Designing Digital Art and Communication Tools Inspired by Traditional Craft

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    Extensible method for developing multi-user media interaction platforms for shared spaces

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    Thesis (Ph. D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning, Program in Media Arts and Sciences, 2005.Includes bibliographical references (p. 153-157).As digital entertainment applications evolve, there is a need for new kinds of platforms that can support sociable media interactions for everyday consumers. This thesis demonstrates an extensible method and sensing framework for real-time tracking of multiple objects on an interactive table with an embedded display. This tabletop platform can support many different applications, and is designed to overcome the commercial obstacles of previous single purpose systems. The approach is supported through the design and implementation of an acoustic-based sensing system that provides a means for managing large numbers of objects and applications across multiple platform instances. The design requires precise and dynamic positioning of multiple objects in order to enable real-time multi-user interactions with media applications. Technical analysis shows the approach l:o be robust, scalable to various sizes, and accurate to a within a few millimeters of tolerance. A qualitative user evaluation of the table within a real-world setting illustrates its usability in the consumer entertainment space for digital media browsing and game play. Our observations revealed different ways of mapping physical interaction objects to the media space, as either generic controls or fixed function devices, and highlighted the issue of directionality on visual displays that are viewable from different sides.(cont.) The thesis suggests that by providing a general purpose method for shared tabletop display platforms we give application designers the freedom to invent a broad range of media interactions and applications for everyday social environments, such as homes, classrooms and public spaces. Contributions of the thesis include: formulation of an extensible method for media table platforms; development of a novel sensing approach for dynamic object tracking on glass surfaces; a taxonomy of interface design considerations; and prototype designs for media content browsing, digital storytelling and game play applications.Alexandra Mazalek.Ph.D

    Design and semantics of form and movement (DeSForM 2006)

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    Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM) grew from applied research exploring emerging design methods and practices to support new generation product and interface design. The products and interfaces are concerned with: the context of ubiquitous computing and ambient technologies and the need for greater empathy in the pre-programmed behaviour of the ‘machines’ that populate our lives. Such explorative research in the CfDR has been led by Young, supported by Kyffin, Visiting Professor from Philips Design and sponsored by Philips Design over a period of four years (research funding £87k). DeSForM1 was the first of a series of three conferences that enable the presentation and debate of international work within this field: ‱ 1st European conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM1), Baltic, Gateshead, 2005, Feijs L., Kyffin S. & Young R.A. eds. ‱ 2nd European conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM2), Evoluon, Eindhoven, 2006, Feijs L., Kyffin S. & Young R.A. eds. ‱ 3rd European conference on Design and Semantics of Form and Movement (DeSForM3), New Design School Building, Newcastle, 2007, Feijs L., Kyffin S. & Young R.A. eds. Philips sponsorship of practice-based enquiry led to research by three teams of research students over three years and on-going sponsorship of research through the Northumbria University Design and Innovation Laboratory (nuDIL). Young has been invited on the steering panel of the UK Thinking Digital Conference concerning the latest developments in digital and media technologies. Informed by this research is the work of PhD student Yukie Nakano who examines new technologies in relation to eco-design textiles

    Multi-touch selection and interaction on and above the surface

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    Multi-Touch-Eingaben sind der De-facto-Standard fĂŒr die Interaktion mit mobilen GerĂ€ten. Durch die VerfĂŒgbarkeit von immer leistungsstĂ€rkeren mobilen GerĂ€ten fĂŒhren die Benutzer auf diesen zunehmend komplexere Operationen durch. Hierdurch entsteht ein Bedarf fĂŒr Interaktionstechniken und Benutzerschnittstellen die sowohl prĂ€zise als auch ausdrucksstark sind. Selektion ist eine der fundamentalen Operationen in graphischen BenutzeroberflĂ€chen. Durch eine Untersuchung existierender Selektionstechniken wird ein Überblick ĂŒber bestehende Arbeiten zum Thema Selektion vermittelt. Der Großteil der Eingabetechniken fĂŒr Multi-Touch-EingabegerĂ€te basiert auf traditionellen Selektionstechniken, die fĂŒr mausbasierte Benutzerschnittstellen entwickelt wurden, und benutzen nur einen einzigen Touch. Die Verwendung von echter Multi-Touch-Eingabe gibt die Möglichkeit, aber auch eine Herausforderung, leistungsfĂ€higere und ausdrucksstĂ€rkere Interaktionstechniken zu erstellen. Wir setzen die Möglichkeiten von mehreren Touches ein und stellen eine Selektionstechnik fĂŒr beliebige Regionen und ein Interaktionskonzept zur Gruppierung von Objekten vor. Im zweiten Teil dieser Arbeit wird die Eingabe mit Multi-Touch kombiniert mit einer stereoskopischen Projektion um in die dritte Dimension, oberhalb der BildschirmoberflĂ€che, vorzudringen.Multi-touch input is the de facto standard for interaction with mobile devices. As mobile devices become more powerful users perform increasingly complex computing tasks on them, necessitating interaction techniques and interfaces that are both precise and expressive. Selection is a fundamental operation in graphical user interfaces. In a survey of existing selection techniques an overview of previous work on selection is presented. Most techniques for touch input are based on traditional selection techniques that were developed for mouse-based interfaces and only use a single touch. Using true multi-touch input presents an opportunity, but also a challenge, to create more powerful and expressive interaction techniques. We present a selection technique for arbitrary regions and an interface for tagging and editing of complex groups facilitated by the capabilities of multiple touches. In the second part of this thesis multi-touch input is combined with a stereoscopic projection to access the third dimension above the surface