2,234 research outputs found

    The application of a new PID autotuning method for the steam/water loop in large scale ships

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    In large scale ships, the most used controllers for the steam/water loop are still the proportional-integral-derivative (PID) controllers. However, the tuning rules for the PID parameters are based on empirical knowledge and the performance for the loops is not satisfying. In order to improve the control performance of the steam/water loop, the application of a recently developed PID autotuning method is studied. Firstly, a 'forbidden region' on the Nyquist plane can be obtained based on user-defined performance requirements such as robustness or gain margin and phase margin. Secondly, the dynamic of the system can be obtained with a sine test around the operation point. Finally, the PID controller's parameters can be obtained by locating the frequency response of the controlled system at the edge of the 'forbidden region'. To verify the effectiveness of the new PID autotuning method, comparisons are presented with other PID autotuning methods, as well as the model predictive control. The results show the superiority of the new PID autotuning method

    Performance analysis and dynamics of innovative SOFC hybrid systems based on turbocharger-derived machinery

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    La crescente consapevolezza su temi quali il cambiamento climatico e l\u2019inquinamento atmosferico ha portato a politiche nazionali ed internazionali mirate allo sviluppo di sistemi energetici innovativi e sostenibili. Tra di essi, le fuel cell sono uno dei pi\uf9 promettenti, essendo caratterizzate da alte efficienze e basse emissioni. In particolare, i sistemi ibridi basati sull\u2019integrazione di fuel cell ad alta temperatura con dispositivi derivati da turbocompressori hanno attirato l\u2019attenzione del mondo accademico e dell\u2019industria negli ultimi decenni. Tuttavia, la complessit\ue0, la fragilit\ue0 e l\u2019alto costo di questi impianti ha rallentato il loro sviluppo, e solo poche grandi aziende sono state in grado di realizzare prototipi completi. Le difficolt\ue0 tecniche affrontate dalla comunit\ue0 scientifica hanno messo in luce l\u2019importanza delle simulazioni per progettare, testare, controllare e analizzare i sistemi ibridi a fuel cell. Sulla base di tale esperienza, questa tesi mira ad espandere la attuale conoscenza sui sistemi ibridi a fuel cell a ossidi solidi, ponendo una particolare attenzione su un innovativo sistema turbocompresso di piccola taglia, alimentato con biogas e recentemente introdotto all\u2019interno del progetto europeo Bio-HyPP. Lo scopo principale della tesi \ue8 determinare se questo tipo di sistema possa essere una valida alternativa ai sistemi basati su microturbine a gas, analizzando il suo comportamento in relazione a diversi scenari, sia stazionari, sia transitori. Per fare ci\uf2, \ue8 necessario definire i vincoli operativi del sistema e sviluppare un sistema di controllo in grado di rispettarli, ottimizzando al tempo stesso le prestazioni dell\u2019impianto. Inoltre, l\u2019affidabilit\ue0 dei sistemi ibridi pu\uf2 essere migliorata grazie all\u2019implementazione di strumenti diagnostici e di procedure per prevenire il pompaggio del compressore. La parte finale della tesi \ue8 mirata allo studio di tali strumenti, al loro sviluppo e alla loro integrazione con il sistema di controllo. Tutte le attivit\ue0 presentate in questa tesi sono state svolte facendo affidamento su strumenti di simulazione. Ci\uf2 \ue8 stato possibile grazie alla collaborazione tra il Laboratorio di Matematica Applicata, Simulazione e Modellistica Matematica e il Thermochemical Power Group dell\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Genova. Dopo aver presentato il layout del sistema a fuel cell con turbocompressore, un dettagliato modello stazionario dell\u2019impianto sviluppato in Matlab\uae-Simulink\uae \ue8 stato utilizzato per progettare una strategia, basata sul controllo di valvole installate sull\u2019impianto, in grado di rispettare tutti i suoi vincoli operativi. Successivamente, \ue8 stata svolta un\u2019analisi di prestazioni in off-design, considerando allo stesso tempo diverse condizioni di carico di potenza e di temperatura ambiente. Tale analisi \ue8 stata utilizzata per confermare l\u2019efficacia della strategia di controllo proposta, e per valutare le capacit\ue0 del sistema con turbocompressore. Successivamente \ue8 stato creato un modello dinamico utilizzando lo strumento TRANSEO, in modo da studiare il comportamento del sistema durante i transitori. Avendo adottato una strategia di controllo basata sulla valvola di cold bypass, \ue8 stata analizzata la risposta del sistema ad una sua apertura a gradino, al fine di progettare un sistema di controllo efficace e reattivo, in grado di mantenere la massima temperatura di cella costante e, allo stesso tempo, di rispettare i vincoli del sistema. Sono stati progettati quattro diversi controllori, che successivamente sono stati testati su due diversi scenari di variazione di carico e confrontati sulla base di vari parametri operativi. La parte finale della tesi ha riguardato lo sviluppo di innovativi strumenti che possano aumentare l\u2019affidabilit\ue0 dei sistemi ibridi a fuel cell a ossidi solidi, in particolare tecniche di prevenzione del pompaggio e sistemi di diagnostica basati su reti Bayesiane. Un modello semplificato del sistema con turbocompressore \ue8 stato sviluppato in TRANSEO e sono state testate diverse tecniche di prevenzione del pompaggio: condizionamento del flusso d\u2019aria, iniezione di acqua, ricircolo e bleed, installazione di un eiettore all\u2019imbocco del compressore. Le soluzioni pi\uf9 efficaci sono state integrate con il controllore del sistema ibrido e sono state testate durante un transitorio per evitare che il punto operativo del compressore si avvicinasse al pompaggio. Infine, grazie ad una collaborazione tra l\u2019Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Genova e la M\ue4lardalens H\uf6gskola di V\ue4ster\ue5s, in Svezia, sono state sviluppate delle reti Bayesiane per la diagnostica di sistemi ibridi a fuel cell a ossidi solidi con microturbina a gas. Questa attivit\ue0 \ue8 stata svolta simulando il sistema su Matlab\uae-Simulink\uae e creando le reti Bayesiane su Hugin Expert. Due sistemi di diagnostica, uno per la microturbina e uno per la fuel cell, sono stati sviluppati e testati in condizioni stazionarie. Il secondo \ue8 stato anche testato in condizioni dinamiche e integrato con il sistema di controllo per prevenire l\u2019usura della cella. In conclusione, questa tesi ha messo in luce il grande potenziale dei sistemi ibridi SOFC-turbocompressore, mostrando la loro alta efficienza in un ampio intervallo di condizioni operative in termini di carico elettrico e temperatura ambiente. La tesi ha anche dimostrato che \ue8 possibile garantire il corretto funzionamento di questi sistemi durante diversi scenari transitori, implementando controllori a cascata progettati per agire sulla valvola di bypass freddo per controllare la massima temperatura della cella. Per quanto riguarda la possibilit\ue0 di migliorare l\u2019affidabilit\ue0 di tali sistemi, le tecniche basate sul ricircolo del compressore sono risultate essere le pi\uf9 efficaci per allontanare il sistema da una condizione di pompaggio. I risultati delle simulazioni mostrano come la loro integrazione con strumenti di monitoraggio possa prevenire diverse situazioni di pericolo. La parte finale della tesi ha mostrato come il deterioramento dei sistemi ibridi a SOFC possa essere limitato grazie a reti Bayesiane, che sono state utilizzate per diagnosticare accuratamente le condizioni di un sistema SOFC-microturbina a gas, ma potrebbero ugualmente essere applicate su impianti con turbocompressore.The growing awareness on climate change and pollution has brought to national and international policies aimed at promoting the development of innovative and environmentally sustainable energy systems. Among these systems, fuel cells are one of the most promising technologies, characterized by high energy conversion efficiencies and low emissions. In particular, hybrid systems based on the integration of a high temperature fuel cell with turbocharger-derived machinery have drawn the interest of academia and industry over the past decades. However, the complexity, fragility and high cost of these plants have slowed down their development, and only a few big companies were able to build complete prototypes. The technological challenges faced by the scientific community have highlighted the importance of simulations to design, test, control and analyse fuel cell hybrid systems. Based on this experience, this thesis wants to expand the current knowledge on solid oxide fuel cell hybrid systems, with a particular focus on an innovative small-scale biofueled turbocharged layout, which was introduced recently within the Bio-HyPP European project. The main goal of this thesis is to determine if this kind of system can be a viable alternative to micro gas turbine-based systems, analysing its steady-state and transient behaviour in various operating conditions. To do this, it is necessary to define the system operative constraints, and to develop a control system capable of ensuring their compliance, while optimizing the plant performance. The possibility of increasing the reliability of solid oxide fuel cell hybrid systems is finally investigated, considering the implementation of surge prevention techniques and diagnostic tools. All these activities strongly relying on simulation tools. This was possible thanks to the collaboration between the Laboratory of Applied Mathematics, Simulation and Mathematical Modelling with the Thermochemical Power Group of the University of Genoa. After introducing the layout of the turbocharged fuel cell system, a detailed steady-state model of the plant is developed in Matlab\uae-Simulink\uae and used to design a strategy, based on the control of valves installed on the plant, able to comply with its many operative constraints. Then, an off-design performance analysis of the system is performed, considering simultaneously various conditions of power load and ambient temperature. This analysis is used to confirm the effectiveness of the proposed control strategy and to assess the capabilities of the turbocharged system. A dynamic model is created using the TRANSEO tool to study the transient behaviour of the system. Having adopted a control strategy based on the cold bypass valve, the response of the system to a valve opening step change is analysed in order to design an effective and responsive control system, able to keep the fuel cell maximum temperature constant while complying with the system constraints. Four different controllers are designed, tested on two different load variation scenarios and compared on the basis of many parameters. The final part of the thesis regards the development of innovative tools aimed at improving the reliability of solid oxide fuel cell hybrid system, in particular surge prevention techniques and Bayesian belief network-based diagnosis systems. A simplified dynamic model of the turbocharged SOFC system is developed in TRANSEO, and various surge prevention techniques are tested on it: intake air conditioning, water spray at compressor inlet, air bleed and recirculation, and installation of an ejector at the compressor intake. The most effective procedures are integrated with the controller of the hybrid system and tested during a transient scenario to prevent the compressor operative point from approaching a surge condition. Bayesian belief networks aimed at diagnosing the status of SOFC hybrid systems are developed thanks to a collaboration between the University of Genoa and the M\ue4lardalens H\uf6gskola of V\ue4ster\ue5s, Sweden. A micro gas turbine \u2013 solid oxide fuel cell system is considered for this study, but the methodology could be easily extended to turbocharged plants. The activity is carried out simulating the system on Matlab\uae-Simulink\uae and designing the Bayesian networks on Hugin Expert. Two different diagnosis systems, one for the turbomachinery and one for the fuel cell stack, are developed and tested on stationary conditions. The second one is also tested during transients and integrated with the control system to prevent degradation of the fuel cells. In conclusion, this thesis highlighted the great potential of turbocharged SOFC hybrid systems, showing high energy conversion efficiencies in a wide operative range in terms of load and ambient conditions. It also showed that the proper operation of the system is possible during various transient scenarios, implementing cascade controllers designed to act on a cold bypass valve to control the SOFC maximum temperature. Regarding the possibility of improving the reliability of these systems, surge prevention techniques based on compressor recirculation appeared as the most effective ones. Simulation results suggest that their integration with a surge precursors detection tool could avoid the occurrence of many potentially dangerous scenarios. The final part of this thesis showed that the durability of SOFC hybrid systems could be further improved thanks to Bayesian belief networks, which were proved to effectively diagnose the status of SOFC-MGT systems but could be applied to turbocharged plants as well

    16th Nordic Process Control Workshop : Preprints

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    Modelling, Monitoring, Control and Optimization for Complex Industrial Processes

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    This reprint includes 22 research papers and an editorial, collected from the Special Issue "Modelling, Monitoring, Control and Optimization for Complex Industrial Processes", highlighting recent research advances and emerging research directions in complex industrial processes. This reprint aims to promote the research field and benefit the readers from both academic communities and industrial sectors

    A maximum power point tracking scheme for a 1kw stand-alone solar energy based power supply

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    This paper elucidates one of the tracking schemes for a photovoltaic (PV) systems using Cuk converter operating in discontinuous inductor current mode (DICM) as an interface. A method for efficiently maximizing the output power of a solar panel supplying a load or battery bus under varying meteorological conditions is investigated and results presented therein. The incremental conductance (InCond) method of maximum power point tracking (MPPT) using the Cuks dc to dc converter operating in a discontinuous inductor current mode (DICM) was modeled and studied in relation to PV system interface. Also, laboratory setup was implemented based on the model. This was the main objective of the research. Similarly, the PV simulator was also modeled alongside with Cuk converter operating in DICM. MATLAB/SIMULINK software was used to carry out simulation test. With the incremental conductance method, the problem of sustained oscillation around the maximum power point of the solar panel which is the usual characteristic of the perturbation and observation method is essentially absent. The result disclosed that the power available for the load when MPPT was applied was 1.1 kW which gives a tolerance of 0.1% to the load it powers. But without MPPT, the available power is 0.9 kW using the same number of PV panels and batteries as back up. Hence, MPPT has 17.65% edge in power delivery over non-MPPT PV powered energy supply. An experimental prototype of a 1kW, 230V, 50Hz stand-alone solar based power supply with the incremental conductance scheme was successfully implemented using PIC 16F877 microcontroller, tested and results presented therein. The experimental results agreed with the simulated results.Keywords: Maximum Power point tracking, Cuk converter, Photovoltaic system, PIC 16F877A micro-controller, inverter, batteries

    Modelling, Simulation and Analysis of a Buck-Boost Converter for Photovoltaic Application. Modello, Simulazione ed Analisi di un Convertitore Buck-Boost per Applicazione Fotovoltaica

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    La tesi tratta della construzione ed analisi di un modello di un convertitore buck-boost, interagente in una microgrid con una batteria e il suo convertitore associato, un inverter con PLL e sistema di controllo. Si analizza se le non linearità  introdotte dai vari elementi della rete influiscono sui sistemi di controllo e sulla stabilità  del modello

    Dynamic modeling of vertical U-tube steam generators for operational safety systems

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    Thesis (Ph.D.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Nuclear Engineering, 1982.MICROFICHE COPY AVAILABLE IN ARCHIVES AND SCIENCE.Vita.Bibliography: Ref 1-Ref 7.by Walter Herbert Strohmayer.Ph.D

    Dynamic Modelling and Control of MEA

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    Greenhouse gas (GHG) emission control has been extensively studied over the past decade. One GHG mitigation alternative is post-combustion carbon dioxide (CO2) capture using chemical absorption, which is a promising alternative due to its proven technology and the relative ease to install on existing coal-fired power plants. Nevertheless, the implementation of commercial-scale CO2 capture plants faces several challenges, such as high energy consumption, commercial availability, and geological CO2 storage. Therefore, there is a great incentive to develop studies that provide insights needed to design and dynamically operate industrial-scale CO2 capture plants for coal-fired power plants. This work presents a mechanistic dynamic model of a pilot plant of a post-combustion CO2 capture plant using the monoethanolamine (MEA) absorption processes. This model was implemented in gPROMS. The process insights gained from the sensitivity analysis, on six manipulated variables and six potential controlled variables, was used to determine promising control schemes for this pilot plant. This study then proposed three decentralized control structures. The first control scheme was designed based on the traditional-RGA (Relative Gain Array) analysis, whereas the other two control schemes were designed using heuristics. The performance evaluation of those control structures were conducted under eight scenarios, e.g. changes in flue gas composition, set point tracking, valve stiction, reboiler heat duty constraint, and flue gas flow rate. Under the condition where the reboiler temperature is to be controlled, a control scheme obtained from the heuristic showed faster response to achieve the process control objectives (90% CO2 capture rate and 95 mol% CO2 purity in the CO2 product stream) than the RGA-based control scheme. Furthermore, this study describes a step-by-step method to scale-up an MEA absorption plant for CO2 capture from a 750 MW supercritical coal-fired power plants. This industrial-scale CO2 capture plant consists of three absorbers (11.8 m diameter, 34 m bed height) and two strippers (10.4 m diameter, 16 m bed height) to achieve 87% CO2 captured rate and 95% CO2 purity in the CO2 product stream. It was calculated that the reboiler heat duty of 4.1GJ is required to remove 1 tonne of CO2 at the base case condition (20 kmol/s of flue gas flow rate with 16.3 mol% of CO2). The mechanistic model of an industrial-scale CO2 capture plant including a proposed control structure was evaluated using different scenarios. The performance evaluation result revealed that this plant can accommodate a maximum flue gas flow rate of +22% from the nominal condition due to absorbers’ flooding constraints. Moreover, it is able to handle different disturbances and offers prompt responses (After a plant is disturbed by an external perturbation, control variables in that plant are able to return to their set points in timely fashion using the adjustment of manipulated variables.) without significant oscillating signal or offset. In addition, this study highlights that the poor wetting in the strippers can be avoided by the implementation of a process scheduling, which has not been presented in any publications. Based on the above, the mechanistic models of CO2 absorption plants and proposed control structures provide insights regarding dynamic behaviour and controllability of these plants. In addition, the industrial-scale CO2 capture plant model can be used for future studies, i.e. integration of power plant and CO2 capture plant, feasibility of plant operation, and controllability improvement

    Multi-Modular Integral Pressurized Water Reactor Control and Operational Reconfiguration for a Flow Control Loop

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    This dissertation focused on the IRIS design since this will likely be one of the designs of choice for future deployment in the U.S and developing countries. With a net 335 MWe output IRIS novel design falls in the “medium” size category and it is a potential candidate for the so called modular reactors, which may be appropriate for base load electricity generation, especially in regions with smaller electricity grids, but especially well suited for more specialized non-electrical energy applications such as district heating and process steam for desalination. The first objective of this dissertation is to evaluate and quantify the performance of a Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) comprised of two IRIS reactor modules operating simultaneously with a common steam header, which in turn is connected to a single turbine, resulting in a steam-mixing control problem with respect to “load-following” scenarios, such as varying load during the day or reduced consumption during the weekend. To solve this problem a single-module IRIS SIMULINK model previously developed by another researcher is modified to include a second module and was used to quantify the responses from both modules. In order to develop research related to instrumentation and control, and equipment and sensor monitoring, the second objective is to build a two-tank multivariate loop in the Nuclear Engineering Department at the University of Tennessee. This loop provides the framework necessary to investigate and test control strategies and fault detection in sensors, equipment and actuators. The third objective is to experimentally develop and demonstrate a fault-tolerant control strategy using this loop. Using six correlated variables in a single-tank configuration, five inferential models and one Auto-Associative Kernel Regression (AAKR) model were developed to detect faults in process sensors. Once detected the faulty measurements were successfully substituted with prediction values, which would provide the necessary flexibility and time to find the source of discrepancy and resolve it, such as in an operating power plant. Finally, using the same empirical models, an actuator failure was simulated and once detected the control was automatically transferred and reconfigured from one tank to another, providing survivability to the system


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