25,331 research outputs found

    Improving animal health and welfare in organic cattle milk production through breeding and management

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    Overall summary of main results, discussion and conclusions WP1 The aim in WP1 was to map the performance of local breeds compared to commercial dairy breeds on organic farms in Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, Poland and Germany with regard to health associated traits, fertility and production traits. In a study covering the whole population of the selected breeds, managed under organic conditions during the period 1.7.2011 to 30.6.2014, we found lower milk yields for local breeds. In general we found better fertility performance (less days open, shorter calving intervals, lower number of inseminations) for at least one of the local breeds involved in each country. We also detected lower proportions of milk records with somatic cell counts above 100.000 cells/ ml milk for in at least one of the local breeds in Austria, Switzerland and Sweden, but not so for Poland where the commercial breed performed best. Moreover, we found a lower proportion of test day records with a fat: protein ratio above 1.5 in the first 100 days in milk for many local breeds (Grey Cattle (AL) and Original Braunvieh (OB) in Switzerland. AL by trend in Austria, Swedish Red (SRB) in Sweden and Polish Red and White (ZR) in Poland) hinting at a lower risk of subclinical ketosis for some of the local breeds compared to the respective commercial breed. We could not find breed differences regarding overall occurrence of veterinary treatments or those due to fertility or leg/ claw problems in Austrian data, but found that AL had less treatments due to udder problems than the commercial Braunvieh (BV). In Sweden, the local breed SRB had less overall treatments, fewer treatments due to fertility or udder disorders and also showed less remarks on claw or leg disorders than the commercial breed. We did not find breed differences regarding treatments due to metabolic disorders in Swedish data. We analyzed Austrian and Swiss data from culled cows on productive life span and detected a superiority of local breeds for this trait, but higher lifetime production (kg ECM) in the commercial breed. The second study on cows managed under very similar conditions in Sweden (period: 1.7.2011 to 30.6.2014) and Germany (period 1.7.2011 to 30.6.2015) revealed no significant breed differences in total ECM yield in German data, while we found higher milk fat and milk protein contents for the local breed Original Red Angler Cattle breed (AAZ). In Sweden, we found the highest ECM yield in the commercial breed Swedish Holstein (SH). The local breed Swedish Polled (SKB) had the highest fat and protein contents, followed by the second local breed Swedish Red (SRB), both differed significantly from the respective commercial breed SH and also among each other. We could not detect significant breed differences in the German data set with regard to fertility traits, although the local AAZ tended to have fewer days open than the commercial breed HO. In Sweden, we did not find breed differences for calving interval, but both local breeds had fewer days open, and SKB needed fewer inseminations compared to SH. No breed differences in any of the two countries regarding the proportion of test day records with a SCC content of over 100.000 cells per ml milk was found. We assessed the risk of subclinical ketosis during the first 100 days in milk by comparing fat protein ratios (FPR), applying differing thresholds in Germany (AAZ >1.7, HO >1.5) per breed, without detecting breed differences. However, in Sweden (with a threshold of >1.5) where the local SRB performed best, SKB showed an intermedium position, while SH had the highest proportion of FPR >1.5. Occurrence of veterinary treatments and those due to fertility problems did not differ between German breeds. Data on treatment due to metabolic disorders and leg or claw problems had low incidences, but models did not converge. In Sweden, we found the lowest incidence of overall veterinary treatments and treatments due to mastitis in the local breed SRB, but the local breed SKB did not differ from the commercial SH in neither of the two traits. We did not find breed differences regarding veterinary treatments due to fertility problems or diagnosis of claw/leg problems during claw trimming in the Swedish data set. Incidences of treatments due to metabolic disorders were low in all Swedish breeds, but models for this trait failed to converge. From our finding’s we conclude that local breeds partly have advantages with regard to many functional traits studied and that their potential should be better exploited in future, especially on farms with a medium production level (most clearly shown in the small study on German and Swedish farms). We also found overall high proportions of test day records with elevated SCC in Germany and even more so in Poland from which we deduct a great potential for further overall management improvement regardless of the involved breeds in these countries

    Cechy osobowości i „uczucie niepokoju językowego”: analizując ponownie motywację wewnętrzną

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    This paper reports on the outcomes of the comparative study on motivation of learners of English in further-education English Philology programme in Ukraine and Poland. The research aims to determine principle characteristics of intrinsic motivation, which is among the most effective personal management strategies and as such helps build appropriate L2 study skills. Alongside with inborn personality features, such as extraversion/introversion, such traits as conscientiousness, openness, risk-taking and self-efficacy are formed by sociocultural, and in some cases, historical factors. The students from Ukraine and Poland were chosen for the reason of similarities in historical development of the two countries, as well as relatively different ‘paths’ of development in the more recent period. Similarity and diversity factors retrieved from observation, interviews with students and answers to an open-ended questionnaire provided data which allows to determine the scale of influence of social and historical aspects on decision making and performance of the students alongside with their personal beliefs and expectations. The study also aimed to establish the connection between the systems of individual beliefs of the learners of both countries in the sphere of L2 learning.Niniejszy artykuł został poświęcony wynikom badania porównawczego motywacji osób uczących się języka angielskiego w toku dalszego kształcenia na Wydziale Filologii Angielskiej w Polsce i na Ukrainie. Celem badania jest określenie zasadniczych cech motywacji wewnętrznej, która z pewnością należy do najbardziej skutecznych osobistych strategii a dodatkowo pomaga ona rozwijać umiejętności potrzebne do opanowania języka obcego. Razem z wrodzonymi cechami osobowościowymi, takimi jak ekstrawersja lub introwersja, zdolnością do podejmowania ryzyka, samoefektywnością i innymi, takie cechy osobowości jak uczciwość, otwartość, zdolność do podejmowania ryzyka i inne, są kształtowane przez czynniki społeczno-kulturowe lub historyczne. Studenci z Polski i Ukrainy zostali wybrani ze względu na fakt, że podzielają pewne cechy historycznego rozwoju obu państw, a w pewnym momencie w historii najnowszej te drogi rozeszły się. Czynniki podobieństwa i odmienności sformułowane na podstawie danych uzyskanych z obserwacji, wywiadów, badań otwartego typu pozwoliły określić skalę wpływu aspektów społecznych i historycznych na zdolność do podejmowania decyzji oraz na inne cechy osobowościowe, a także na osobiste przekonania i oczekiwania. Moim celem jest ustalenie związku między systemami osobistych przekonań studentów obu krajów w dziedzinie nauki języka angielskiego jako języka obcego

    News and Correlations of CEEC-3 Financial Markets

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    We investigate conditional correlations between six CEEC-3 financial markets estimated by DCC-MGARCH models. In general, the highest correlations exist between Hungary and Poland in foreign exchange and stock markets. Short-term money markets are rather isolated from each other. We find that the associations of CEEC-3 exchange rates versus the euro are weaker than those versus the US dollar. The persistence of the effect of shocks on the timevarying correlations is strongest for foreign exchange and stock markets, indicating a tendency toward contagion. In searching for the origins of financial market volatility in the CEEC-3, we uncover some evidence of Granger-causality on the foreign exchange markets. Finally, using a pool model, we investigate the impact of euro area, US, and CEEC-3 news on the correlations. Apart from ECB monetary policy news, we observe no broad effects of international news on correlations; instead, local news exerts an influence, which suggests adominance of country- or market-specific circumstances.Financial markets, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, political news, macroeconomic shocks, contagion, DCC-MGARCH

    Transitional labour markets in a transitional economy: Could they work? The example of Poland

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    The prospects for successful implementation of the TLM approach in Poland depend on numerous factors, and it is important to remember that the impact of these factors will rarely be one-dimensional. TLMs would entail a series of both advantages and disadvantages for employers, employees, the self-employed, non-paid workers, the unemployed, trainees and older workers facing retirement. Moreover, the unique mix of economic, social, technological and demographic changes found in Poland will have a substantial impact on the prospects for implementing TLMs. There is no conclusive answer to the question formulated in the title. A number of arguments suggest that the reply might be positive: the prospect of social and political approval for TLMs, EU membership, the need to combat widespread unemployment and illicit employment, the rising level of education, the high rate of economic growth, and many others. There are also, however, many potential obstacles: the poor level of agreement between the social partners, the lack of funds for ALMP, inadequate links between different employment statuses on the labour market, the scale of poverty, inadequate mobility, structural reforms, poor implementation of labour law, etc. -- Es gibt eine Vielzahl von Faktoren, die die Chancen einer effizienten Implementierung des Konzepts der Übergangsarbeitsmärkte (ÜAM) in Polen beeinflussen und die sich zudem selten in nur eine Richtung auswirken. ÜAM würden eine Reihe von Vor- wie Nachteilen für Arbeitgeber, Arbeitnehmer, Selbständige, Unbezahlte, Arbeitslose, Auszubildende und ältere Beschäftigte vor dem Ruhestand mit sich bringen. Darüber hinaus werden die Perspektiven für die Realisierung von ÜAM in Polen auch stark von den Besonderheiten des ökonomischen, gesellschaftlichen, technologischen und demographischen Wandels in diesem Lande bestimmt. Die im Titel formulierte Frage lässt sich nicht endgültig bejahen oder verneinen. Etliche Argumente sprechen für eine positive Antwort: die Aussicht auf gesellschaftliche und politische Zustimmung zu ÜAM, die EUMitgliedschaft, die Notwendigkeit, die hohe Arbeitslosigkeit und die weit verbreitete Schwarzarbeit zu bekämpfen, das steigende Bildungsniveau, das hohe Wirtschaftswachstum und vieles mehr. Es existieren jedoch auch viele potentielle Hindernisse: fehlendes Einvernehmen zwischen den Sozialpartnern, mangelnde finanzielle Mittel für aktive arbeitsmarktpolitische Maßnahmen, keine adäquaten Brücken für Übergänge in eine andere Erwerbsform, Armut, zu geringe Mobilität, Strukturreformen, schlechte Umsetzung des Arbeitsrechts usw.