171 research outputs found

    SAI: safety application identifier algorithm at MAC layer for vehicular safety message dissemination over LTE VANET networks

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    Vehicular safety applications have much significance in preventing road accidents and fatalities. Among others, cellular networks have been under investigation for the procurement of these applications subject to stringent requirements for latency, transmission parameters, and successful delivery of messages. Earlier contributions have studied utilization of Long-Term Evolution (LTE) under single cell, Friis radio, or simplified higher layer. In this paper, we study the utilization of LTE under multicell and multipath fading environment and introduce the use of adaptive awareness range. Then, we propose an algorithm that uses the concept of quality of service (QoS) class identifiers (QCIs) along with dynamic adaptive awareness range. Furthermore, we investigate the impact of background traffic on the proposed algorithm. Finally, we utilize medium access control (MAC) layer elements in order to fulfill vehicular application requirements through extensive system-level simulations. The results show that, by using an awareness range of up to 250 m, the LTE system is capable of fulfilling the safety application requirements for up to 10 beacons/s with 150 vehicles in an area of 2 × 2 km2. The urban vehicular radio environment has a significant impact and decreases the probability for end-to-end delay to be ≤100 ms from 93%–97% to 76%–78% compared to the Friis radio environment. The proposed algorithm reduces the amount of vehicular application traffic from 21 Mbps to 13 Mbps, while improving the probability of end-to-end delay being ≤100 ms by 20%. Lastly, use of MAC layer control elements brings the processing of messages towards the edge of network increasing capacity of the system by about 50%

    Mobility Management for Cellular Networks:From LTE Towards 5G

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    Contribution to resource management in cellular access networks with limited backhaul capacity

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    La interfaz radio de los sistemas de comunicaciones móviles es normalmente considerada como la única limitación de capacidad en la red de acceso radio. Sin embargo, a medida que se van desplegando nuevas y más eficientes interfaces radio, y de que el tráfico de datos y multimedia va en aumento, existe la creciente preocupación de que la infraestructura de transporte (backhaul) de la red celular pueda convertirse en el cuello de botella en algunos escenarios. En este contexto, la tesis se centra en el desarrollo de técnicas de gestión de recursos que consideran de manera conjunta la gestión de recursos en la interfaz radio y el backhaul. Esto conduce a un nuevo paradigma donde los recursos del backhaul se consideran no sólo en la etapa de dimensionamiento, sino que además son incluidos en la problemática de gestión de recursos. Sobre esta base, el primer objetivo de la tesis consiste en evaluar los requerimientos de capacidad en las redes de acceso radio que usan IP como tecnología de transporte, de acuerdo a las recientes tendencias de la arquitectura de red. En particular, se analiza el impacto que tiene una solución de transporte basada en IP sobre la capacidad de transporte necesaria para satisfacer los requisitos de calidad de servicio en la red de acceso. La evaluación se realiza en el contexto de la red de acceso radio de UMTS, donde se proporciona una caracterización detallada de la interfaz Iub. El análisis de requerimientos de capacidad se lleva a cabo para dos diferentes escenarios: canales dedicados y canales de alta velocidad. Posteriormente, con el objetivo de aprovechar totalmente los recursos disponibles en el acceso radio y el backhaul, esta tesis propone un marco de gestión conjunta de recursos donde la idea principal consiste en incorporar las métricas de la red de transporte dentro del problema de gestión de recursos. A fin de evaluar los beneficios del marco de gestión de recursos propuesto, esta tesis se centra en la evaluación del problema de asignación de base, como estrategia para distribuir el tráfico entre las estaciones base en función de los niveles de carga tanto en la interfaz radio como en el backhaul. Este problema se analiza inicialmente considerando una red de acceso radio genérica, mediante la definición de un modelo analítico basado en cadenas de Markov. Dicho modelo permite calcular la ganancia de capacidad que puede alcanzar la estrategia de asignación de base propuesta. Posteriormente, el análisis de la estrategia propuesta se extiende considerando tecnologías específicas de acceso radio. En particular, en el contexto de redes WCDMA se desarrolla un algoritmo de asignación de base basado en simulatedannealing cuyo objetivo es maximizar una función de utilidad que refleja el grado de satisfacción de las asignaciones respecto los recursos radio y transporte. Finalmente, esta tesis aborda el diseño y evaluación de un algoritmo de asignación de base para los futuros sistemas de banda ancha basados en OFDMA. En este caso, el problema de asignación de base se modela como un problema de optimización mediante el uso de un marco de funciones de utilidad y funciones de coste de recursos. El problema planteado, que considera que existen restricciones de recursos tanto en la interfaz radio como en el backhaul, es mapeado a un problema de optimización conocido como Multiple-Choice Multidimensional Knapsack Problem (MMKP). Posteriormente, se desarrolla un algoritmo de asignación de base heurístico, el cual es evaluado y comparado con esquemas de asignación basados exclusivamente en criterios radio. El algoritmo concebido se basa en el uso de los multiplicadores de Lagrange y está diseñado para aprovechar de manera simultánea el balanceo de carga en la intefaz radio y el backhaul.Postprint (published version

    Energy Efficient Scheduling for Mobile Push Notifications

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    Push notifications are small and succinct messages used by mobile applications to inform users of new events and updates. These notifications are pushed to the user devices by a set of dedicated notification servers (e.g., Apple Push Notification Server, Google Cloud Messaging Server, etc.) as they arrive from the content providers of the mobile applications. However, due to their intrinsic small size and sporadic nature, the transfer of these messages is not power efficient, especially on cellular networks. To address this, we propose a network centric scheduling mechanism that delays the delivery of these messages as appropriate by sensing and predicting users' cellular network activities. A trace based evaluation with 60 users' cellular network logs of 30 days shows that we can reduce the energy consumption of mobile devices by 10% for an average delay of 150 seconds in notification delivery. As a network based system that does not require any modifications to user devices, scheduling push notifications opens up interesting opportunities for mobile operators to provide value added and differentiating services, especially considering the sharp rise of non-critical push notification messages

    Final report on the evaluation of RRM/CRRM algorithms

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    Deliverable public del projecte EVERESTThis deliverable provides a definition and a complete evaluation of the RRM/CRRM algorithms selected in D11 and D15, and evolved and refined on an iterative process. The evaluation will be carried out by means of simulations using the simulators provided at D07, and D14.Preprin

    Comunicações veiculares híbridas

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    Vehicle Communications is a promising research field, with a great potential for the development of new applications capable of improving road safety, traffic efficiency, as well as passenger comfort and infotainment. Vehicle communication technologies can be short-range, such as ETSI ITS-G5 or the 5G PC5 sidelink channel, or long-range, using the cellular network (LTE or 5G). However, none of the technologies alone can support the expected variety of applications for a large number of vehicles, nor all the temporal and spatial requirements of connected and autonomous vehicles. Thus, it is proposed the collaborative or hybrid use of short-range communications, with lower latency, and of long-range technologies, potentially with higher latency, but integrating aggregated data of wider geographic scope. In this context, this work presents a hybrid vehicle communications model, capable of providing connectivity through two Radio Access Technologies (RAT), namely, ETSI ITS-G5 and LTE, to increase the probability of message delivery and, consequently, achieving a more robust, efficient and secure vehicle communication system. The implementation of short-range communication channels is done using Raw Packet Sockets, while the cellular connection is established using the Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol (AMQP) protocol. The main contribution of this dissertation focuses on the design, implementation and evaluation of a Hybrid Routing Sublayer, capable of isolating messages that are formed/decoded from transmission/reception processes. This layer is, therefore, capable of managing traffic coming/destined to the application layer of intelligent transport systems (ITS), adapting and passing ITS messages between the highest layers of the protocol stack and the available radio access technologies. The Hybrid Routing Sublayer also reduces the financial costs due to the use of cellular communications and increases the efficiency of the use of the available electromagnetic spectrum, by introducing a cellular link controller using a Beacon Detector, which takes informed decisions related to the need to connect to a cellular network, according to different scenarios. The experimental results prove that hybrid vehicular communications meet the requirements of cooperative intelligent transport systems, by taking advantage of the benefits of both communication technologies. When evaluated independently, the ITS-G5 technology has obvious advantages in terms of latency over the LTE technology, while the LTE technology performs better than ITS-G5, in terms of throughput and reliability.As Comunicações Veiculares são um campo de pesquisa promissor, com um grande potencial de desenvolvimento de novas aplicações capazes de melhorar a segurança nas estradas, a eficiência do tráfego, bem com o conforto e entretenimento dos passageiros. As tecnologias de comunicação veícular podem ser de curto alcance, como por exemplo ETSI ITS-G5 ou o canal PC5 do 5G, ou de longo alcance, recorrendo à rede celular (LTE ou 5G). No entanto, nenhuma das tecnologias por si só, consegue suportar a variedade expectável de aplicações para um número de veículos elevado nem tampouco todos os requisitos temporais e espaciais dos veículos conectados e autónomos. Assim, é proposto o uso colaborativo ou híbrido de comunicações de curto alcance, com latências menores, e de tecnologias de longo alcance, potencialmente com maiores latências, mas integrando dados agregados de maior abrangência geográfica. Neste contexto, este trabalho apresenta um modelo de comunicações veiculares híbrido, capaz de fornecer conectividade por meio de duas Tecnologias de Acesso por Rádio (RAT), a saber, ETSI ITS-G5 e LTE, para aumentar a probabilidade de entrega de mensagens e, consequentemente, alcançar um sistema de comunicação veicular mais robusto, eficiente e seguro. A implementação de canais de comunicação de curto alcance é feita usando Raw Packet Sockets, enquanto que a ligação celular é estabelecida usando o protocolo Advanced Messaging Queuing Protocol (AMQP). A contribuição principal desta dissertação foca-se no projeto, implementação e avaliação de uma sub camada hibrída de encaminhamento, capaz de isolar mensagens que se formam/descodificam a partir de processos de transmissão/receção. Esta camadada é, portanto, capaz de gerir o tráfego proveniente/destinado à camada de aplicação de sistemas inteligentes de transportes (ITS) adaptando e passando mensagens ITS entre as camadas mais altas da pilha protocolar e as tecnologias de acesso rádio disponíveis. A sub camada hibrída de encaminhamento também potencia uma redução dos custos financeiros devidos ao uso de comunicações celulares e aumenta a eficiência do uso do espectro electromagnético disponível, ao introduzir um múdulo controlador da ligação celular, utilizando um Beacon Detector, que toma decisões informadas relacionadas com a necessidade de uma conexão a uma rede celular, de acordo com diferentes cenários. Os resultados experimentais comprovam que as comunicações veículares híbridas cumprem os requisitos dos sistemas cooperativos de transporte inteligentes, ao tirarem partido das vantagens de ambas tecnologias de comunicação. Quando avaliadas de forma independente, constata-se que que a tecnologia ITS-G5 tem vantagens evidentes em termos de latência sobre a tecnologia LTE, enquanto que a tecnologia LTE tem melhor desempenho que a LTE, ai nível de débito e fiabilidade.Mestrado em Engenharia Eletrónica e Telecomunicaçõe

    LTE-verkon suorituskyvyn parantaminen CDMA2000:sta LTE:hen tehdyn muutoksen jälkeen

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    CDMA2000 technology has been widely used on 450 MHz band. Recently the equipment availability and improved performance offered by LTE has started driving the operators to migrate their networks from CDMA2000 to LTE. The migration may cause the network performance to be in suboptimal state. This thesis presents four methods to positively influence LTE network performance after CDMA2000 to LTE migration, especially on 450 MHz band. Furthermore, three of the four presented methods are evaluated in a live network. The measured three methods were cyclic prefix length, handover parameter optimization and uplink coordinated multipoint (CoMP) transmission. The objective was to determine the effectiveness of each method. The research methods included field measurements and network KPI collection. The results show that normal cyclic prefix length is enough for LTE450 although the cell radius may be up to 50km. Only special cases exist where cyclic prefix should be extended. Operators should consider solving such problems individually instead of widely implementing extended cyclic prefix. Handover parameter optimization turned out to be an important point of attention after CDMA2000 to LTE migration. It was observed that if the handover parameters are not concerned, significant amount of unnecessary handovers may happen. It was evaluated that about 50% of the handovers in the network were unnecessary in the initial situation. By adjusting the handover parameter values 47,28 % of the handovers per user were removed and no negative effects were detected. Coordinated multipoint transmission has been widely discussed to be an effective way to improve LTE network performance, especially at the cell edges. Many challenges must be overcome before it can be applied to downlink. Also, implementing it to function between cells in different eNBs involve challenges. Thus, only intra-site uplink CoMP transmission was tested. The results show that the performance improvements were significant at the cell edges as theory predicted.CDMA2000 teknologiaa on laajalti käytetty 450 MHz:n taajuusalueella. Viime aikoina LTE:n tarjoamat halvemmat laitteistot ja parempi suorituskyky ovat kannustaneet operaattoreita muuttamaan verkkoaan CDMA2000:sta LTE:hen. Kyseinen muutos saattaa johtaa epäoptimaaliseen tilaan verkon suorituskyvyn kannalta. Tämä työ esittelee neljä menetelmää, joilla voidaan positiivisesti vaikuttaa LTE-verkon suorituskykyyn CDMA2000:ste LTE:hen tehdyn muutoksen jälkeen erityisesti 450 MHz:n taajuusalueella. Kolmea näistä menetelmistä arvioidaan tuotantoverkossa. Nämä kolme menetelmää ovat suojavälin pituus, solunvaihtoparametrien optimointi ja ylälinkin koordinoitu monipistetiedonsiirto. Tavoite oli määrittää kunkin menetelmän vaikutus. Tutkimusmenetelmiin kuului kenttämittaukset ja verkon suorituskykymittareiden analyysi. Tutkimustulosten perusteella voidaan sanoa, että normaali suojaväli on riittävän pitkä LTE450:lle vaikka solujen säde on jopa 50km. Vain erikoistapauksissa tarvitaan pidennettyä suojaväliä. Operaattoreiden tulisi ratkaista tällaiset tapaukset yksilöllisesti sen sijaan, että koko verkossa käytettäisiin pidennettyä suojaväliä. Solunvaihtoparametrien optimointi osoittautui tärkeäksi huomion aiheeksi CDMA2000:sta LTE:hen tehdyn muutoksen jälkeen. Turhia solunvaihtoja saattaa tapahtua merkittäviä määriä, mikäli parametreihin ei kiinnitetä huomiota. Lähtötilanteessa noin 50 % testiverkon solunvaihdoista arvioitiin olevan turhia. Solunvaihtoparametreja muuttamalla 47,28 % solunvaihdoista per käyttäjä saatiin poistettua ilman, että mitään haittavaikutuksia olisi huomattu. Koordinoidun monipistetiedonsiirron on laajalti sanottu olevan tehokas tapa parantaa LTE-verkon suorituskykyä, etenkin solujen reunoilla. Monia haasteita pitää ratkaista, enne kuin sitä voidaan käyttää alalinkin tiedonsiirtoon. Lisäksi sen käyttöön eri tukiasemien solujen välillä liittyy haasteita. Tästä syystä monipistetiedonsiirtoa voitiin testata vain ylälinkin suuntaan ja vain yhden tukiaseman välisten solujen kesken. Tulokset osoittivat, että suorituskyky parani merkittävästi solun reunalla


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    The mobile telecommunication industry is growing at a phenomenal rate. On a daily basis, there are continuous inflow of mobile users and sophisticated devices into the mobile network. This has triggered a meteoric rise in mobile traffic; forcing network operators to embark on a series of projects to increase the capacity and coverage of mobile networks in line with growing traffic demands. A corollary to this development is the momentous rise in energy bills for mobile operators and the emission of a significant amount of CO2 into the atmosphere. This has become worrisome to the extent that regulatory bodies and environmentalist are calling for the adoption of more “green operation” to curtail these challenges. Green communication is an all-inclusive approach that champions the cause of overall network improvement, reduction in energy consumption and mitigation of carbon emission. The emergence of Heterogeneous network came as a means of fulfilling the vision of Green communication. Heterogeneous network is a blend of low power node overlaid on Macrocell to offload traffic from the Macrocell and enhance quality of service of cell edge users. Heterogeneous network seeks to boost the performance of LTE-Advanced beyond its present limit, and at the same time, reduce energy consumption in mobile wireless network. In this thesis, we explore the potential of heterogeneous network in enhancing the energy efficiency of mobile wireless network. Simulation process sees the use of a co-deployment of Macrocell and Picocell in cluster (Hot spot) and normal scenario. Finally, we compared the performance of each scenario using Cell Energy Efficiency and the Area Energy Efficiency as our performance metricfi=Opinnäytetyö kokotekstinä PDF-muodossa.|en=Thesis fulltext in PDF format.|sv=Lärdomsprov tillgängligt som fulltext i PDF-format

    Aplicação de mecanismos baseados em broker para ligação de terminais a redes móveis

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    In recent years, mobile data traffic has been growing with the increase of equipments connected to the network. Due to user demand, network operators have to continuously upgrade their networks and keep the costs low. Nowadays, to do this upgrade, the operator needs to acquire new equipment, leading to a very high investment. 5G aims to provide more scalability and flexibility on the network. For this, the 5G system architecture is built based on a cloud-native, which means Service Based Architecture (SBA) in the core network. SBA aims to provide connectivity with all access technologies, introducing more redundancy in the control plane’s resiliency and operational efficiency. Additionaly, instead of using dedicated interfaces between each pair of interacting core functions, they now communicate through a Service-Based Interface (SBI), aiming for greater flexibility and simplicity. The OpenAirInterface (OAI) is an open-source software platform that aims to provide an approximation to the 3GPP standards of the 4G and 5G networks. This thesis provides a study of the impact of the SBA in the control plane. For that, we used an architecture that evolves the Evolved Packet Core (EPC) into a core network close to 5G Core (5GC) by introducing a broker. The broker is integrated between the modules in the control plane, wherein they have to order requests to communicate with each other. The proposed architecture consists of integrating the broker on the OAI platform, evaluating it, and comparing it with the original EPC.Nos últimos anos, o tráfego de dados móveis tem vindo a crescer com o aumento de equipamentos ligados à rede. Devido à demanda do utilizador, os operadores de rede necessitam de atualizar continuamente a sua rede e manter os custos baixos. Atualmente, para essa atualização, o operador precisa de adquirir novos equipamentos, tendo um investimento muito elevado. O 5G via fornecer maior escalabilidade e flexibilidade na rede. Para isso, a arquitetura do sistema 5G é construída com base numa nuvem nativa, o que significa uma arquitetura baseada em serviços na rede “core”. Este tipo de arquitetura visa fornecer conectividade independentemente da tecnologia de acesso, introduzindo maior redundância na resiliência no plano de controlo e eficiência operacional. Adicionalmente, ao invés de interfaces dedicadas entre cada par de funções de rede “core” intervenientes, as mesmas comunicam através de uma interface baseada em serviços, com vista a uma maior flexibilidade e simplicidade. OpenAirInterface (OAI) é uma plataforma de software de código aberto que visa fornecer uma aproximação aos padrões 3GPP das redes 4G e 5G. Esta dissertação fornece um estudo do impacto de uma arquitetura baseada em serviços no plano de controlo. Para isso, utilizou-se uma arquitetura que evolui o Evolved Packet Core (EPC) para uma rede “core” próxima da 5G Core (5GC), introduzindo um broker. Um broker é integrado entre os módulos do plano de controlo, no qual estes para comunicarem entre si necessitam de realizar pedidos. A abordagem utilizada consiste na integração de um broker na plataforma OAI, avaliando o seu impacto comparando com o EPC original.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    Multi-Cell Uplink Radio Resource Management. A LTE Case Study

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