631 research outputs found

    SensEmbed: Learning sense embeddings for word and relational similarity

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    Word embeddings have recently gained considerable popularity for modeling words in different Natural Language Processing (NLP) tasks including semantic similarity measurement. However, notwithstanding their success, word embeddings are by their very nature unable to capture polysemy, as different meanings of a word are conflated into a single representation. In addition, their learning process usually relies on massive corpora only, preventing them from taking advantage of structured knowledge. We address both issues by proposing a multifaceted approach that transforms word embeddings to the sense level and leverages knowledge from a large semantic network for effective semantic similarity measurement. We evaluate our approach on word similarity and relational similarity frameworks, reporting state-of-the-art performance on multiple datasets

    Embedding Words and Senses Together via Joint Knowledge-Enhanced Training

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    Word embeddings are widely used in Nat-ural Language Processing, mainly due totheir success in capturing semantic infor-mation from massive corpora. However,their creation process does not allow thedifferent meanings of a word to be auto-matically separated, as it conflates theminto a single vector. We address this issueby proposing a new model which learnsword and sense embeddings jointly. Ourmodel exploits large corpora and knowl-edge from semantic networks in order toproduce a unified vector space of wordand sense embeddings. We evaluate themain features of our approach both qual-itatively and quantitatively in a variety oftasks, highlighting the advantages of theproposed method in comparison to state-of-the-art word- and sense-based models

    Delving into the uncharted territories of Word Sense Disambiguation

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    The automatic disambiguation of word senses, i.e. Word Sense Disambiguation, is a long-standing task in the field of Natural Language Processing; an AI-complete problem that took its first steps more than half a century ago, and which, to date, has apparently attained human-like performances on standard evaluation benchmarks. Unfortunately, the steady evolution that the task experienced over time in terms of sheer performance has not been followed hand in hand by adequate theoretical support, nor by careful error analysis. Furthermore, we believe that the lack of an exhaustive bird’s eye view which accounts for the sort of high-end and unrealistic computational architectures that systems will soon need in order to further refine their performances could lead the field to a dead angle in a few years. In essence, taking advantage of the current moment of great accomplishments and renewed interest in the task, we argue that Word Sense Disambiguation is mature enough for researchers to really observe the extent of the results hitherto obtained, evaluate what is actually missing, and answer the much sought for question: “are current state-of-the-art systems really able to effectively solve lexical ambiguity?” Driven by the desire to become both architects and participants in this period of pondering, we have identified a few macro-areas representatives of the challenges of automatic disambiguation. From this point of view, in this thesis, we propose experimental solutions and empirical tools so as to bring to the attention of the Word Sense Disambiguation community unusual and unexplored points of view. We hope these will represent a new perspective through which to best observe the current state of disambiguation, as well as to foresee future paths for the task to evolve on. Specifically, 1q) prompted by the growing concern about the rise in performance being closely linked to the demand for more and more unrealistic computational architectures in all areas of application of Deep Learning related techniques, we 1a) provide evidence for the undisclosed potential of approaches based on knowledge-bases, via the exploitation of syntagmatic information. Moreover, 2q) driven by the dissatisfaction with the use of cognitively-inaccurate, finite inventories of word senses in Word Sense Disambiguation, we 2a) introduce an approach based on Definition Modeling paradigms to generate contextual definitions for target words and phrases, hence going beyond the limits set by specific lexical-semantic inventories. Finally, 3q) moved by the desire to analyze the real implications beyond the idea of “machines performing disambiguation on par with their human counterparts” we 3a) put forward a detailed analysis of the shared errors affecting current state-of-the-art systems based on diverse approaches for Word Sense Disambiguation, and highlight, by means of a novel evaluation dataset tailored to represent common and critical issues shared by all systems, performances way lower than those usually reported in the current literature

    Investigations into the value of labeled and unlabeled data in biomedical entity recognition and word sense disambiguation

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    Human annotations, especially in highly technical domains, are expensive and time consuming togather, and can also be erroneous. As a result, we never have sufficiently accurate data to train andevaluate supervised methods. In this thesis, we address this problem by taking a semi-supervised approach to biomedical namedentity recognition (NER), and by proposing an inventory-independent evaluation framework for supervised and unsupervised word sense disambiguation. Our contributions are as follows: We introduce a novel graph-based semi-supervised approach to named entity recognition(NER) and exploit pre-trained contextualized word embeddings in several biomedical NER tasks. We propose a new evaluation framework for word sense disambiguation that permits a fair comparison between supervised methods trained on different sense inventories as well as unsupervised methods without a fixed sense inventory

    Non-distributional Word Vector Representations

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    Data-driven representation learning for words is a technique of central importance in NLP. While indisputably useful as a source of features in downstream tasks, such vectors tend to consist of uninterpretable components whose relationship to the categories of traditional lexical semantic theories is tenuous at best. We present a method for constructing interpretable word vectors from hand-crafted linguistic resources like WordNet, FrameNet etc. These vectors are binary (i.e, contain only 0 and 1) and are 99.9% sparse. We analyze their performance on state-of-the-art evaluation methods for distributional models of word vectors and find they are competitive to standard distributional approaches.Comment: Proceedings of ACL 201

    Generationary or “How We Went beyond Word Sense Inventories and Learned to Gloss”

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    Mainstream computational lexical semantics embraces the assumption that word senses can be represented as discrete items of a predefined inventory. In this paper we show this needs not be the case, and propose a unified model that is able to produce contextually appropriate definitions. In our model, Generationary, we employ a novel span-based encoding scheme which we use to fine-tune an English pre-trained Encoder-Decoder system to generate glosses. We show that, even though we drop the need of choosing from a predefined sense inventory, our model can be employed effectively: not only does Generationary outperform previous approaches in the generative task of Definition Modeling in many settings, but it also matches or surpasses the state of the art in discriminative tasks such as Word Sense Disambiguation and Word-inContext. Finally, we show that Generationary benefits from training on data from multiple inventories, with strong gains on various zeroshot benchmarks, including a novel dataset of definitions for free adjective-noun phrases. The software and reproduction materials are available at http://generationary.org

    Word Sense Disambiguation Based on Large Scale Polish CLARIN Heterogeneous Lexical Resources

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    Word Sense Disambiguation Based on Large Scale Polish CLARIN Heterogeneous Lexical Resources Lexical resources can be applied in many different Natural Language Engineering tasks, but the most fundamental task is the recognition of word senses used in text contexts. The problem is difficult, not yet fully solved and different lexical resources provided varied support for it. Polish CLARIN lexical semantic resources are based on the plWordNet — a very large wordnet for Polish — as a central structure which is a basis for linking together several resources of different types. In this paper, several Word Sense Disambiguation (henceforth WSD) methods developed for Polish that utilise plWordNet are discussed. Textual sense descriptions in the traditional lexicon can be compared with text contexts using Lesk’s algorithm in order to find best matching senses. In the case of a wordnet, lexico-semantic relations provide the main description of word senses. Thus, first, we adapted and applied to Polish a WSD method based on the Page Rank. According to it, text words are mapped on their senses in the plWordNet graph and Page Rank algorithm is run to find senses with the highest scores. The method presents results lower but comparable to those reported for English. The error analysis showed that the main problems are: fine grained sense distinctions in plWordNet and limited number of connections between words of different parts of speech. In the second approach plWordNet expanded with the mapping onto the SUMO ontology concepts was used. Two scenarios for WSD were investigated: two step disambiguation and disambiguation based on combined networks of plWordNet and SUMO. In the former scenario, words are first assigned SUMO concepts and next plWordNet senses are disambiguated. In latter, plWordNet and SUMO are combined in one large network used next for the disambiguation of senses. The additional knowledge sources used in WSD improved the performance. The obtained results and potential further lines of developments were discussed
