800 research outputs found

    From Word to Sense Embeddings: A Survey on Vector Representations of Meaning

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    Over the past years, distributed semantic representations have proved to be effective and flexible keepers of prior knowledge to be integrated into downstream applications. This survey focuses on the representation of meaning. We start from the theoretical background behind word vector space models and highlight one of their major limitations: the meaning conflation deficiency, which arises from representing a word with all its possible meanings as a single vector. Then, we explain how this deficiency can be addressed through a transition from the word level to the more fine-grained level of word senses (in its broader acceptation) as a method for modelling unambiguous lexical meaning. We present a comprehensive overview of the wide range of techniques in the two main branches of sense representation, i.e., unsupervised and knowledge-based. Finally, this survey covers the main evaluation procedures and applications for this type of representation, and provides an analysis of four of its important aspects: interpretability, sense granularity, adaptability to different domains and compositionality.Comment: 46 pages, 8 figures. Published in Journal of Artificial Intelligence Researc

    Using Cross-Lingual Explicit Semantic Analysis for Improving Ontology Translation

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    Semantic Web aims to allow machines to make inferences using the explicit conceptualisations contained in ontologies. By pointing to ontologies, Semantic Web-based applications are able to inter-operate and share common information easily. Nevertheless, multilingual semantic applications are still rare, owing to the fact that most online ontologies are monolingual in English. In order to solve this issue, techniques for ontology localisation and translation are needed. However, traditional machine translation is difficult to apply to ontologies, owing to the fact that ontology labels tend to be quite short in length and linguistically different from the free text paradigm. In this paper, we propose an approach to enhance machine translation of ontologies based on exploiting the well-structured concept descriptions contained in the ontology. In particular, our approach leverages the semantics contained in the ontology by using Cross Lingual Explicit Semantic Analysis (CLESA) for context-based disambiguation in phrase-based Statistical Machine Translation (SMT). The presented work is novel in the sense that application of CLESA in SMT has not been performed earlier to the best of our knowledge

    Target-Side Context for Discriminative Models in Statistical Machine Translation

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    Discriminative translation models utilizing source context have been shown to help statistical machine translation performance. We propose a novel extension of this work using target context information. Surprisingly, we show that this model can be efficiently integrated directly in the decoding process. Our approach scales to large training data sizes and results in consistent improvements in translation quality on four language pairs. We also provide an analysis comparing the strengths of the baseline source-context model with our extended source-context and target-context model and we show that our extension allows us to better capture morphological coherence. Our work is freely available as part of Moses.Comment: Accepted as a long paper for ACL 201

    Investigations into the value of labeled and unlabeled data in biomedical entity recognition and word sense disambiguation

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    Human annotations, especially in highly technical domains, are expensive and time consuming togather, and can also be erroneous. As a result, we never have sufficiently accurate data to train andevaluate supervised methods. In this thesis, we address this problem by taking a semi-supervised approach to biomedical namedentity recognition (NER), and by proposing an inventory-independent evaluation framework for supervised and unsupervised word sense disambiguation. Our contributions are as follows: We introduce a novel graph-based semi-supervised approach to named entity recognition(NER) and exploit pre-trained contextualized word embeddings in several biomedical NER tasks. We propose a new evaluation framework for word sense disambiguation that permits a fair comparison between supervised methods trained on different sense inventories as well as unsupervised methods without a fixed sense inventory

    A Survey of Paraphrasing and Textual Entailment Methods

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    Paraphrasing methods recognize, generate, or extract phrases, sentences, or longer natural language expressions that convey almost the same information. Textual entailment methods, on the other hand, recognize, generate, or extract pairs of natural language expressions, such that a human who reads (and trusts) the first element of a pair would most likely infer that the other element is also true. Paraphrasing can be seen as bidirectional textual entailment and methods from the two areas are often similar. Both kinds of methods are useful, at least in principle, in a wide range of natural language processing applications, including question answering, summarization, text generation, and machine translation. We summarize key ideas from the two areas by considering in turn recognition, generation, and extraction methods, also pointing to prominent articles and resources.Comment: Technical Report, Natural Language Processing Group, Department of Informatics, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece, 201

    Knowledge Expansion of a Statistical Machine Translation System using Morphological Resources

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    Translation capability of a Phrase-Based Statistical Machine Translation (PBSMT) system mostly depends on parallel data and phrases that are not present in the training data are not correctly translated. This paper describes a method that efficiently expands the existing knowledge of a PBSMT system without adding more parallel data but using external morphological resources. A set of new phrase associations is added to translation and reordering models; each of them corresponds to a morphological variation of the source/target/both phrases of an existing association. New associations are generated using a string similarity score based on morphosyntactic information. We tested our approach on En-Fr and Fr-En translations and results showed improvements of the performance in terms of automatic scores (BLEU and Meteor) and reduction of out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words. We believe that our knowledge expansion framework is generic and could be used to add different types of information to the model.JRC.G.2-Global security and crisis managemen

    Paraphrasing and Translation

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    Paraphrasing and translation have previously been treated as unconnected natural lan¬ guage processing tasks. Whereas translation represents the preservation of meaning when an idea is rendered in the words in a different language, paraphrasing represents the preservation of meaning when an idea is expressed using different words in the same language. We show that the two are intimately related. The major contributions of this thesis are as follows:• We define a novel technique for automatically generating paraphrases using bilingual parallel corpora, which are more commonly used as training data for statistical models of translation.• We show that paraphrases can be used to improve the quality of statistical ma¬ chine translation by addressing the problem of coverage and introducing a degree of generalization into the models.• We explore the topic of automatic evaluation of translation quality, and show that the current standard evaluation methodology cannot be guaranteed to correlate with human judgments of translation quality.Whereas previous data-driven approaches to paraphrasing were dependent upon either data sources which were uncommon such as multiple translation of the same source text, or language specific resources such as parsers, our approach is able to harness more widely parallel corpora and can be applied to any language which has a parallel corpus. The technique was evaluated by replacing phrases with their para¬ phrases, and asking judges whether the meaning of the original phrase was retained and whether the resulting sentence remained grammatical. Paraphrases extracted from a parallel corpus with manual alignments are judged to be accurate (both meaningful and grammatical) 75% of the time, retaining the meaning of the original phrase 85% of the time. Using automatic alignments, meaning can be retained at a rate of 70%.Being a language independent and probabilistic approach allows our method to be easily integrated into statistical machine translation. A paraphrase model derived from parallel corpora other than the one used to train the translation model can be used to increase the coverage of statistical machine translation by adding translations of previously unseen words and phrases. If the translation of a word was not learned, but a translation of a synonymous word has been learned, then the word is paraphrased and its paraphrase is translated. Phrases can be treated similarly. Results show that augmenting a state-of-the-art SMT system with paraphrases in this way leads to significantly improved coverage and translation quality. For a training corpus with 10,000 sentence pairs, we increase the coverage of unique test set unigrams from 48% to 90%, with more than half of the newly covered items accurately translated, as opposed to none in current approaches

    Evaluation in natural language processing

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    quot; European Summer School on Language Logic and Information(ESSLLI 2007)(Trinity College Dublin Ireland 6-17 August 2007