1,970 research outputs found

    Evaluating evolutionary algorithms and differential evolution for the online optimization of fermentation processes

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    Although important contributions have been made in recent years within the field of bioprocess model development and validation, in many cases the utility of even relatively good models for process optimization with current state-of-the-art algorithms (mostly offline approaches) is quite low. The main cause for this is that open-loop fermentations do not compensate for the differences observed between model predictions and real variables, whose consequences can lead to quite undesirable consequences. In this work, the performance of two different algorithms belonging to the main groups of Evolutionary Algorithms (EA) and Differential Evolution (DE) is compared in the task of online optimisation of fed-batch fermentation processes. The proposed approach enables to obtain results close to the ones predicted initially by the mathematical models of the process, deals well with the noise in state variables and exhibits properties of graceful degradation. When comparing the optimization algorithms, the DE seems the best alternative, but its superiority seems to decrease when noisier settings are considered.Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER)Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT

    Optimization of fed-batch fermentation processes with bio-inspired algorithms

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    The optimization of the feeding trajectories in fed-batch fermentation processes is a complex problem that has gained attention given its significant economical impact. A number of bio-inspired algorithms have approached this task with considerable success, but systematic and statistically significant comparisons of the different alternatives are still lacking. In this paper, the performance of different metaheuristics, such as Evolutionary Algorithms (EAs), Differential Evolution (DE) and Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) is compared, resorting to several case studies taken from literature and conducting a thorough statistical validation of the results. DE obtains the best overall performance, showing a consistent ability to find good solutions and presenting a good convergence speed, with the DE/rand variants being the ones with the best performance. A freely available computational application, OptFerm, is described that provides an interface allowing users to apply the proposed methods to their own models and data.The work is partially funded by ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the COMPETE Programme (operational programme for competitiveness) and by National Funds through the FCT (Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology) within projects Ref. COMPETE FCOMP-01-0124-FEDER-015079 and PEst-OE/ES/UI0752/2011

    OptFerm - a computational platform for the optimization of fermentation processes

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    We present OptFerm, a computational platform for the simulation and optimization of fermentation processes. The aim of this project is to offer a platform-independent, user-friendly, open-source and extensible environment for Bioengineering process optimization that can be used to increase productivity. This tool is focused in optimizing a feeding trajectory to be fed into a fed-batch bioreactor and to calculate the best concentration of nutrients to initiate the fermentation. Also, a module for the estimation of kinetic and yield parameters has been developed, allowing the use of experimental data obtained from batch or fed-batch fermentations to reach the best possible model setup. The software was built using a component-based modular development methodology, using Java as the programming language. AlBench. a Model-View-Control based application framework was used as the basis to implement the different data objects and operations, as well as their graphical user interfaces. Also, this allows the tool to be easily extended with new modules, currently being developed

    Application of nature-inspired optimization algorithms to improve the production efficiency of small and medium-sized bakeries

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    Increasing production efficiency through schedule optimization is one of the most influential topics in operations research that contributes to decision-making process. It is the concept of allocating tasks among available resources within the constraints of any manufacturing facility in order to minimize costs. It is carried out by a model that resembles real-world task distribution with variables and relevant constraints in order to complete a planned production. In addition to a model, an optimizer is required to assist in evaluating and improving the task allocation procedure in order to maximize overall production efficiency. The entire procedure is usually carried out on a computer, where these two distinct segments combine to form a solution framework for production planning and support decision-making in various manufacturing industries. Small and medium-sized bakeries lack access to cutting-edge tools, and most of their production schedules are based on personal experience. This makes a significant difference in production costs when compared to the large bakeries, as evidenced by their market dominance. In this study, a hybrid no-wait flow shop model is proposed to produce a production schedule based on actual data, featuring the constraints of the production environment in small and medium-sized bakeries. Several single-objective and multi-objective nature-inspired optimization algorithms were implemented to find efficient production schedules. While makespan is the most widely used quality criterion of production efficiency because it dominates production costs, high oven idle time in bakeries also wastes energy. Combining these quality criteria allows for additional cost reduction due to energy savings as well as shorter production time. Therefore, to obtain the efficient production plan, makespan and oven idle time were included in the objectives of optimization. To find the optimal production planning for an existing production line, particle swarm optimization, simulated annealing, and the Nawaz-Enscore-Ham algorithms were used. The weighting factor method was used to combine two objectives into a single objective. The classical optimization algorithms were found to be good enough at finding optimal schedules in a reasonable amount of time, reducing makespan by 29 % and oven idle time by 8 % of one of the analyzed production datasets. Nonetheless, the algorithms convergence was found to be poor, with a lower probability of obtaining the best or nearly the best result. In contrast, a modified particle swarm optimization (MPSO) proposed in this study demonstrated significant improvement in convergence with a higher probability of obtaining better results. To obtain trade-offs between two objectives, state-of-the-art multi-objective optimization algorithms, non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (NSGA-II), strength Pareto evolutionary algorithm, generalized differential evolution, improved multi-objective particle swarm optimization (OMOPSO) and speed-constrained multi-objective particle swarm optimization (SMPSO) were implemented. Optimization algorithms provided efficient production planning with up to a 12 % reduction in makespan and a 26 % reduction in oven idle time based on data from different production days. The performance comparison revealed a significant difference between these multi-objective optimization algorithms, with NSGA-II performing best and OMOPSO and SMPSO performing worst. Proofing is a key processing stage that contributes to the quality of the final product by developing flavor and fluffiness texture in bread. However, the duration of proofing is uncertain due to the complex interaction of multiple parameters: yeast condition, temperature in the proofing chamber, and chemical composition of flour. Due to the uncertainty of proofing time, a production plan optimized with the shortest makespan can be significantly inefficient. The computational results show that the schedules with the shortest and nearly shortest makespan have a significant (up to 18 %) increase in makespan due to proofing time deviation from expected duration. In this thesis, a method for developing resilient production planning that takes into account uncertain proofing time is proposed, so that even if the deviation in proofing time is extreme, the fluctuation in makespan is minimal. The experimental results with a production dataset revealed a proactive production plan, with only 5 minutes longer than the shortest makespan, but only 21 min fluctuating in makespan due to varying the proofing time from -10 % to +10 % of actual proofing time. This study proposed a common framework for small and medium-sized bakeries to improve their production efficiency in three steps: collecting production data, simulating production planning with the hybrid no-wait flow shop model, and running the optimization algorithm. The study suggests to use MPSO for solving single objective optimization problem and NSGA-II for multi-objective optimization problem. Based on real bakery production data, the results revealed that existing plans were significantly inefficient and could be optimized in a reasonable computational time using a robust optimization algorithm. Implementing such a framework in small and medium-sized bakery manufacturing operations could help to achieve an efficient and resilient production system.Die Steigerung der Produktionseffizienz durch die Optimierung von Arbeitsplänen ist eines der am meisten erforschten Themen im Bereich der Unternehmensplanung, die zur Entscheidungsfindung beiträgt. Es handelt sich dabei um die Aufteilung von Aufgaben auf die verfügbaren Ressourcen innerhalb der Beschränkungen einer Produktionsanlage mit dem Ziel der Kostenminimierung. Diese Optimierung von Arbeitsplänen wird mit Hilfe eines Modells durchgeführt, das die Aufgabenverteilung in der realen Welt mit Variablen und relevanten Einschränkungen nachbildet, um die Produktion zu simulieren. Zusätzlich zu einem Modell sind Optimierungsverfahren erforderlich, die bei der Bewertung und Verbesserung der Aufgabenverteilung helfen, um eine effiziente Gesamtproduktion zu erzielen. Das gesamte Verfahren wird in der Regel auf einem Computer durchgeführt, wobei diese beiden unterschiedlichen Komponenten (Modell und Optimierungsverfahren) zusammen einen Lösungsrahmen für die Produktionsplanung bilden und die Entscheidungsfindung in verschiedenen Fertigungsindustrien unterstützen. Kleine und mittelgroße Bäckereien haben zumeist keinen Zugang zu den modernsten Werkzeugen und die meisten ihrer Produktionspläne beruhen auf persönlichen Erfahrungen. Dies macht einen erheblichen Unterschied bei den Produktionskosten im Vergleich zu den großen Bäckereien aus, was sich in deren Marktdominanz widerspiegelt. In dieser Studie wird ein hybrides No-Wait-Flow-Shop-Modell vorgeschlagen, um einen Produktionsplan auf der Grundlage tatsächlicher Daten zu erstellen, der die Beschränkungen der Produktionsumgebung in kleinen und mittleren Bäckereien berücksichtigt. Mehrere einzel- und mehrzielorientierte, von der Natur inspirierte Optimierungsalgorithmen wurden implementiert, um effiziente Produktionspläne zu berechnen. Die Minimierung der Produktionsdauer ist das am häufigsten verwendete Qualitätskriterium für die Produktionseffizienz, da sie die Produktionskosten dominiert. Jedoch wird in Bäckereien durch hohe Leerlaufzeiten der Öfen Energie verschwendet was wiederum die Produktionskosten erhöht. Die Kombination beider Qualitätskriterien (minimale Produktionskosten, minimale Leerlaufzeiten der Öfen) ermöglicht eine zusätzliche Kostenreduzierung durch Energieeinsparungen und kurze Produktionszeiten. Um einen effizienten Produktionsplan zu erhalten, wurden daher die Minimierung der Produktionsdauer und der Ofenleerlaufzeit in die Optimierungsziele einbezogen. Um optimale Produktionspläne für bestehende Produktionsprozesse von Bäckereien zu ermitteln, wurden folgende Algorithmen untersucht: Particle Swarm Optimization, Simulated Annealing und Nawaz-Enscore-Ham. Die Methode der Gewichtung wurde verwendet, um zwei Ziele zu einem einzigen Ziel zu kombinieren. Die Optimierungsalgorithmen erwiesen sich als gut genug, um in angemessener Zeit optimale Pläne zu berechnen, wobei bei einem untersuchten Datensatz die Produktionsdauer um 29 % und die Leerlaufzeit des Ofens um 8 % reduziert wurde. Allerdings erwies sich die Konvergenz der Algorithmen als unzureichend, da nur mit einer geringen Wahrscheinlichkeit das beste oder nahezu beste Ergebnis berechnet wurde. Im Gegensatz dazu zeigte der in dieser Studie ebenfalls untersuchte modifizierte Particle-swarm-Optimierungsalgorithmus (mPSO) eine deutliche Verbesserung der Konvergenz mit einer höheren Wahrscheinlichkeit, bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen im Vergleich zu den anderen Algorithmen. Um Kompromisse zwischen zwei Zielen zu erzielen, wurden moderne Algorithmen zur Mehrzieloptimierung implementiert: Non-dominated Sorting Genetic Algorithm (NSGA-II), Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm, Generalized Differential Evolution, Improved Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (OMOPSO), and Speed-constrained Multi-objective Particle Swarm Optimization (SMPSO). Die Optimierungsalgorithmen ermöglichten eine effiziente Produktionsplanung mit einer Verringerung der Produktionsdauer um bis zu 12 % und einer Verringerung der Leerlaufzeit der Öfen um 26 % auf der Grundlage von Daten aus unterschiedlichen Produktionsprozessen. Der Leistungsvergleich zeigte signifikante Unterschiede zwischen diesen Mehrziel-Optimierungsalgorithmen, wobei NSGA-II am besten und OMOPSO und SMPSO am schlechtesten abschnitten. Die Gärung ist ein wichtiger Verarbeitungsschritt, der zur Qualität des Endprodukts beiträgt, indem der Geschmack und die Textur des Brotes positiv beeinflusst werden kann. Die Dauer der Gärung ist jedoch aufgrund der komplexen Interaktion von mehreren Größen abhängig wie der Hefezustand, der Temperatur in der Gärkammer und der chemischen Zusammensetzung des Mehls. Aufgrund der Variabilität der Gärzeit kann jedoch ein Produktionsplan, der auf die kürzeste Produktionszeit optimiert ist, sehr ineffizient sein. Die Berechnungsergebnisse zeigen, dass die Pläne mit der kürzesten und nahezu kürzesten Produktionsdauer eine erhebliche (bis zu 18 %) Erhöhung der Produktionsdauer aufgrund der Abweichung der Gärzeit von der erwarteten Dauer aufweisen. In dieser Arbeit wird eine Methode zur Entwicklung einer robusten Produktionsplanung vorgeschlagen, die Veränderungen in den Gärzeiten berücksichtigt, so dass selbst bei einer extremen Abweichung der Gärzeit die Schwankung der Produktionsdauer minimal ist. Die experimentellen Ergebnisse für einen Produktionsprozess ergaben einen robusten Produktionsplan, der nur 5 Minuten länger ist als die kürzeste Produktionsdauer, aber nur 21 Minuten in der Produktionsdauer schwankt, wenn die Gärzeit von -10 % bis +10 % der ermittelten Gärzeit variiert. In dieser Studie wird ein Vorgehen für kleine und mittlere Bäckereien vorgeschlagen, um ihre Produktionseffizienz in drei Schritten zu verbessern: Erfassung von Produktionsdaten, Simulation von Produktionsplänen mit dem hybrid No-Wait Flow Shop Modell und Ausführung der Optimierung. Für die Einzieloptimierung wird der mPSO-Algorithmus und für die Mehrzieloptimierung NSGA-II-Algorithmus empfohlen. Auf der Grundlage realer Bäckereiproduktionsdaten zeigten die Ergebnisse, dass die in den Bäckereien verwendeten Pläne ineffizient waren und mit Hilfe eines effizienten Optimierungsalgorithmus in einer angemessenen Rechenzeit optimiert werden konnten. Die Umsetzung eines solchen Vorgehens in kleinen und mittelgroßen Bäckereibetrieben trägt dazu bei effiziente und robuste Produktionspläne zu erstellen und somit die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit dieser Bäckereien zu erhöhen

    Comparison of GA and PSO performance in parameter estimation of microbial growth models: a case-study using experimental data

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    In this work we examined the performance of two evolutionary algorithms, a genetic algorithm (GA) and particle swarm optimization (PSO), in the estimation of the parameters of a model for the growth kinetics of the yeast Debaryomyces hansenii. Fitting the model’s predictions simultaneously to three replicates of the same experiment, we used the variability among replicates as a criterion to evaluate the optimization result. The performance of the two algorithms was tested using 12 distinct settings for their operating parameters and running each of them 20 times. For the GA, the crossover fraction, crossover function and magnitude of mutation throughout the run of the algorithm were tested; for the PSO, we tested swarms with 3 different types of convergence behavior - convergent with and without oscillations and divergent - and also varied the relative weights of the local and global acceleration constants. The best objective function values were obtained when the PSO fell in the zone of convergence with oscillations or zigzagging, and had a local acceleration larger than the global acceleration. immunization

    Detailed modelling and optmization of crystallization process

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    Orientador: Rubens Maciel FilhoTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Engenharia QuimicaResumo: O foco de estudo neste trabalho é a cristalização, processo bastante utilizado industrialmente, principalmente na obtenção de produtos de alto valor agregado nas indústrias farmacêuticas e de química fina. Embora seja um processo de clássica utilização, seus mecanismos, sua modelagem e o real controle de sua operação ainda requerem estudos. A tese apresenta discussões e desenvolvimentos na área de modelagem determinística detalhada do processo e sua otimização, tanto por métodos determinísticos quanto estocásticos. A modelagem é discutida detalhadamente e os desenvolvimentos presentes na literatura de métodos numéricos aplicáveis à solução do balanço de população, parte integrante da modelagem, são apresentados com enfoque nos processos de cristalização e nas principais vantagens e desvantagens. Estudos preliminares de melhoria do processo de cristalização em modo batelada operada por resfriamento indicam a necessidade de otimização da política operacional de resfriamento. Uma vez que o método determinístico de otimização de Programação Quadrática Sucessiva se apresenta ineficiente para resolução do problema de otimização, a utilização de Algoritmo Genético, um método estocástico de otimização bastante estabelecido na literatura, é avaliada, para a busca do ótimo global deste processo, em um estudo pioneiro na literatura de aplicação dessa técnica de otimização em processos de cristalização. Uma vez que o uso de Algoritmos Genéticos exige que se executem sucessivas corridas com diferentes valores para os seus parâmetros no intuito de se aumentar a probabilidade de alcance do ótimo global (ou suas cercanias), um procedimento original, geral e relativamente simples é desenvolvido e proposto para detecção do conjunto de parâmetros do algoritmo de influência significativa sobre a resposta de otimização. A metodologia proposta é aplicada a casos de estudo gerais, de complexidades diferentes e se mostra bastante útil nos estudos preliminares via Algoritmo Genético. O procedimento é então aplicado ao problema de otimização da trajetória de resfriamento a ser utilizada em um processo de cristalização em modo batelada. Os resultados obtidos na tese apontam para a dificuldade dos métodos determinísticos de otimização em lidar com problemas de alta dimensionalidade, levando a ótimos locais, enquanto os métodos evolucionários são capazes de se aproximar do ótimo global, sendo, no entanto, de lenta execução. O procedimento desenvolvido para detecção dos parâmetros significativos do Algoritmo Genético é uma contribuição relevante da tese e pode ser aplicado a qualquer problema de otimização, de qualquer complexidade e dimensionalidadeAbstract: This work is focused on crystallization, a process widely used in industry, especially for the production of high added-value particles in pharmaceutical and fine chemistry industries. Although it is a process of established utilization, its mechanisms, modeling and the real control of its operation still require research and study. This thesis presents considerations and developments on the detailed deterministic modeling area and the process optimization with both deterministic and stochastic methods. The modeling is discussed in detail and the literature developed numerical methods for the population balance solution, which is part of the modeling, are presented focusing on crystallization processes and on the main advantages and drawbacks. Preliminary studies on batch cooling crystallization processes improvement drive to the need of cooling operating policy optimization. Since the Sequential Quadratic Programming deterministic method of optimization is inefficient for the optimization problem, the use of Genetic Algorithm (GA), a stochastic optimization method well established in literature, is evaluated in the global optimum search for this process, in a pioneering literature study of GA application in crystallization processes. Since the GA requires that many runs, with different values for its parameters, are executed, in order to increase the probability of global optimum (or its neighborhood) achievement, an original, general and relatively simple procedure for the detection of the parameters set with significant influence on the optimization response is developed and proposed. The proposed methodology is applied to general case studies, with different complexities and is very useful in the preliminary studies via GA. The procedure is, then, applied to the cooling profile optimization problem in a batch cooling optimization process. The results of the study presented in this thesis indicate that the deterministic optimization methods do not deal well with high dimensionality problems, leading to achievement of local optima. The evolutionary methods are able to detect the region of the global optimum but, on the other hand, are not fast codes. The developed procedure for the significant GA parameters detection is a relevant contribution of the thesis and can be applied to any optimization problem (of any complexity and of any dimensionality)DoutoradoDesenvolvimento de Processos QuímicosDoutor em Engenharia Químic


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