77 research outputs found

    A survey on vehicular communication for cooperative truck platooning application

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    Platooning is an application where a group of vehicles move one after each other in close proximity, acting jointly as a single physical system. The scope of platooning is to improve safety, reduce fuel consumption, and increase road use efficiency. Even if conceived several decades ago as a concept, based on the new progress in automation and vehicular networking platooning has attracted particular attention in the latest years and is expected to become of common implementation in the next future, at least for trucks.The platoon system is the result of a combination of multiple disciplines, from transportation, to automation, to electronics, to telecommunications. In this survey, we consider the platooning, and more specifically the platooning of trucks, from the point of view of wireless communications. Wireless communications are indeed a key element, since they allow the information to propagate within the convoy with an almost negligible delay and really making all vehicles acting as one. Scope of this paper is to present a comprehensive survey on connected vehicles for the platooning application, starting with an overview of the projects that are driving the development of this technology, followed by a brief overview of the current and upcoming vehicular networking architecture and standards, by a review of the main open issues related to wireless communications applied to platooning, and a discussion of security threats and privacy concerns. The survey will conclude with a discussion of the main areas that we consider still open and that can drive future research directions.(c) 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)

    Multiple security domain model of a vehicle in an automated vehicle system

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    This thesis focuses on the security of automated vehicle platoons. Specifically, it examines the vulnerabilities that occur via disruptions of the information flows among the different types of sensors, the communications network and the control unit in each vehicle of a platoon. Multiple security domain nondeducibility is employed to determine whether the system can detect attacks. The information flows among the various domains provide insights into the vulnerabilities that exist in the system by showing if an attacker’s actions cannot be deduced. If nondeducibility is found to be true, then an attacker can create an undetectable attack. Defeating nondeducibility requires additional information sources, including invariants pertaining to vehicle platoon operation. A platoon is examined from the control unit perspective to determine if the vulnerabilities are associated with preventing situational awareness, which could lead to vehicle crashes --Abstract, page iii

    Machine learning and blockchain technologies for cybersecurity in connected vehicles

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    Future connected and autonomous vehicles (CAVs) must be secured againstcyberattacks for their everyday functions on the road so that safety of passengersand vehicles can be ensured. This article presents a holistic review of cybersecurityattacks on sensors and threats regardingmulti-modal sensor fusion. A compre-hensive review of cyberattacks on intra-vehicle and inter-vehicle communicationsis presented afterward. Besides the analysis of conventional cybersecurity threatsand countermeasures for CAV systems,a detailed review of modern machinelearning, federated learning, and blockchain approach is also conducted to safe-guard CAVs. Machine learning and data mining-aided intrusion detection systemsand other countermeasures dealing with these challenges are elaborated at theend of the related section. In the last section, research challenges and future direc-tions are identified

    Computational methods for tactical simulations

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    Tämä taktiikan tutkimus keskittyy tietokoneavusteisen simuloinnin laskennallisiin menetelmiin, joita voidaan käyttää taktisen tason sotapeleissä. Työn tärkeimmät tuotokset ovat laskennalliset mallit todennäköisyyspohjaisen analyysin mahdollistaviin taktisen tason taistelusimulaattoreihin, joita voidaan käyttää vertailevaan analyysiin joukkue-prikaatitason tarkastelutilanteissa. Laskentamallit keskittyvät vaikuttamiseen. Mallit liittyvät vahingoittavan osuman todennäköisyyteen, jonka perusteella vaikutus joukossa on mallinnettu tilakoneina ja Markovin ketjuina. Edelleen näiden tulokset siirretään tapahtumapuuanalyysiin operaation onnistumisen todennäköisyyden osalta. Pienimmän laskentayksikön mallinnustaso on joukkue- tai ryhmätasolla, jotta laskenta-aika prikaatitason sotapelitarkasteluissa pysyisi riittävän lyhyenä samalla, kun tulokset ovat riittävän tarkkoja suomalaiseen maastoon. Joukkueiden mies- ja asejärjestelmävahvuudet ovat jakaumamuodossa, eivätkä yksittäisiä lukuja. Simuloinnin integroinnissa voidaan käyttää asejärjestelmäkohtaisia predictor corrector –parametreja, mikä mahdollistaa aika-askelta lyhytaikaisempien taistelukentän ilmiöiden mallintamisen. Asemallien pohjana ovat aiemmat tutkimukset ja kenttäkokeet, joista osa kuuluu tähän väitöstutkimukseen. Laskentamallien ohjelmoitavuus ja käytettävyys osana simulointityökalua on osoitettu tekijän johtaman tutkijaryhmän ohjelmoiman ”Sandis”- taistelusimulointiohjelmiston avulla, jota on kehitetty ja käytetty Puolustusvoimien Teknillisessä Tutkimuslaitoksessa. Sandikseen on ohjelmoitu karttakäyttöliittymä ja taistelun kulkua simuloivia laskennallisia malleja. Käyttäjä tai käyttäjäryhmä tekee taktiset päätökset ja syöttää nämä karttakäyttöliittymän avulla simulointiin, jonka tuloksena saadaan kunkin joukkuetason peliyksikön tappioiden jakauma, keskimääräisten tappioiden osalta kunkin asejärjestelmän aiheuttamat tappiot kuhunkin maaliin, ammuskulutus ja radioyhteydet ja niiden tila sekä haavoittuneiden evakuointi-tilanne joukkuetasolta evakuointisairaalaan asti. Tutkimuksen keskeisiä tuloksia (kontribuutio) ovat 1) uusi prikaatitason sotapelitilanteiden laskentamalli, jonka pienin yksikkö on joukkue tai ryhmä; 2) joukon murtumispisteen määritys tappioiden ja haavoittuneiden evakuointiin sitoutuvien taistelijoiden avulla; 3) todennäköisyyspohjaisen riskianalyysin käyttömahdollisuus vertailevassa tutkimuksessa sekä 4) kokeellisesti testatut tulen vaikutusmallit ja 5) toimivat integrointiratkaisut. Työ rajataan maavoimien taistelun joukkuetason todennäköisyysjakaumat luovaan laskentamalliin, kenttälääkinnän malliin ja epäsuoran tulen malliin integrointimenetelmineen sekä niiden antamien tulosten sovellettavuuteen. Ilmasta ja mereltä maahan -asevaikutusta voidaan tarkastella, mutta ei ilma- ja meritaistelua. Menetelmiä soveltavan Sandis -ohjelmiston malleja, käyttötapaa ja ohjelmistotekniikkaa kehitetään edelleen. Merkittäviä jatkotutkimuskohteita mallinnukseen osalta ovat muun muassa kaupunkitaistelu, vaunujen kaksintaistelu ja maaston vaikutus tykistön tuleen sekä materiaalikulutuksen arviointi.Tactical level war gaming using computational simulation is used in military analysis. In this study, computational methods have been developed in order to simulate brigade level scenarios for comparative studies. The brigade level does not allow analysis of all individual soldiers, because of increased number of entities and small time stepping (one second or less). Thus minute-level time stepping was selected, with a platoon or squad as the smallest entity or agent. The computational models of a platoon level unit use Markov chains and state machines. The platoon level unit is considered as a distribution of unit strengths in order to model the stochastic nature of war. Probabilistic risk analysis is possible as fault tree analysis combines platoon level success probabilities with overall operation success probability. Weapon system effects in the simulation are based on earlier studies adjusted for platoon level targets. Adaptive integration is used in the artillery model and the weapon selective predictor-corrector method to model phenomena within the selected longer time step. Field tests were also used to study the goodness of models and parameters. The computational models were tested and their usability as part of the simulation tool was proved by programming them in the Sandis software. The coding team was led by the author at the Finnish Defence Forces Technical Research Center (PVTT). The Sandis tool is used for comparative combat analysis from platoon to brigade level. The input comprises weapon and communication characteristics, units and their weapons, fault logic for units and operation success, map and user actions for units at the platoon level. The output is the operation success probability, probability of each unit being defeated, unit strength distributions, average combat losses and the killer-victim scoreboard, ammunition consumption, radio network availability and medical evacuation logistics and treatment capacity analysis. During the game, the man in the loop is responsible for tactical decisions. The contribution of this dissertation is a novel war gaming model including a success probability tree for brigade level scenarios and the computational models needed for platoon level units. The integration methods for the artillery model and predictor-corrector method are improvements to previous methods used in Finland. Infantry loss models have been created and a field test conducted. The state machines model the action of soldiers under fire and the secondary effects of combat casualties are studied using the resources needed during the evacuation of casualties. These are used in break point analysis instead of a (constant) break point loss percentage. The study is limited to computational models for creating the probabilistic values for platoon level units and their probabilistic use. Air and naval warfare are not part of the study. As another limitation, only open sources are used. Future studies could examine urban warfare, vehicle duel models and analysis of logistics

    Design Models for Trusted Communications in Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Networks

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    Intelligent transportation system is one of the main systems which has been developed to achieve safe traffic and efficient transportation. It enables the road entities to establish connections with other road entities and infrastructure units using Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communications. To improve the driving experience, various applications are implemented to allow for road entities to share the information among each other. Then, based on the received information, the road entity can make its own decision regarding road safety and guide the driver. However, when these packets are dropped for any reason, it could lead to inaccurate decisions due to lack of enough information. Therefore, the packets should be sent through a trusted communication. The trusted communication includes a trusted link and trusted road entity. Before sending packets, the road entity should assess the link quality and choose the trusted link to ensure the packet delivery. Also, evaluating the neighboring node behavior is essential to obtain trusted communications because some misbehavior nodes may drop the received packets. As a consequence, two main models are designed to achieve trusted V2X communications. First, a multi-metric Quality of Service (QoS)-balancing relay selection algorithm is proposed to elect the trusted link. Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is applied to evaluate the link based on three metrics, which are channel capacity, link stability and end-to-end delay. Second, a recommendation-based trust model is designed for V2X communication to exclude misbehavior nodes. Based on a comparison between trust-based methods, weighted-sum is chosen in the proposed model. The proposed methods ensure trusted communications by reducing the Packet Dropping Rate (PDR) and increasing the end-to-end delivery packet ratio. In addition, the proposed trust model achieves a very low False Negative Rate (FNR) in comparison with an existing model

    An intelligent intrusion detection system for external communications in autonomous vehicles

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    Advancements in computing, electronics and mechanical systems have resulted in the creation of a new class of vehicles called autonomous vehicles. These vehicles function using sensory input with an on-board computation system. Self-driving vehicles use an ad hoc vehicular network called VANET. The network has ad hoc infrastructure with mobile vehicles that communicate through open wireless channels. This thesis studies the design and implementation of a novel intelligent intrusion detection system which secures the external communication of self-driving vehicles. This thesis makes the following four contributions: It proposes a hybrid intrusion detection system to protect the external communication in self-driving vehicles from potential attacks. This has been achieved using fuzzification and artificial intelligence. The second contribution is the incorporation of the Integrated Circuit Metrics (ICMetrics) for improved security and privacy. By using the ICMetrics, specific device features have been used to create a unique identity for vehicles. Our work is based on using the bias in on board sensory systems to create ICMetrics for self-driving vehicles. The incorporation of fuzzy petri net in autonomous vehicles is the third contribution of the thesis. Simulation results show that the scheme can successfully detect denial-of-service attacks. The design of a clustering based hierarchical detection system has also been presented to detect worm hole and Sybil attacks. The final contribution of this research is an integrated intrusion detection system which detects various attacks by using a central database in BusNet. The proposed schemes have been simulated using the data extracted from trace files. Simulation results have been compared and studied for high levels of detection capability and performance. Analysis shows that the proposed schemes provide high detection rate with a low rate of false alarm. The system can detect various attacks in an optimised way owing to a reduction in the number of features, fuzzification