180 research outputs found

    New Renaissance (The)

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    Les sages de ce comité ont procédé à l\u27étude du projet de numérisation de l\u27ensemble du patrimoine culturel européen et proposent dans ce rapport une série de recommandations visant à encadrer cet ambitieux programme afin de : -partager notre patrimoine commun, dans toute sa richesse et sa diversité ; - relier notre passé à notre présent ; - préserver cet héritage pour les générations futures ; - protéger les intérêts des créateurs européens ; - favoriser la créativité, celles des professionnels comme celles des amateur

    The CENDARI White Book of Archives

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    Over the course of its four year project timeline, the CENDARI project has collected archival descriptions and metadata in various formats from a broad range of cultural heritage institutions. These data were drawn together in a single repository and are being stored there. The repository contains curated data which has been manually established by the CENDARI team as well as data acquired from small, ‘hidden’ archives in spreadsheet format or from big aggregators with advanced data exchange tools in place. While the acquisition and curation of heterogeneous data in a single repository presents a technical challenge in itself, the ingestion of data into the CENDARI repository also opens up the possibility to process and index them through data extraction, entity recognition, semantic enhancement and other transformations. In this way the CENDARI project was able to act as a bridge between cultural heritage institutions and historical researchers, insofar as it drew together holdings from a broad range of institutions and enabled the browsing of this heterogeneous content within a single search space. This paper describes a broad range of ways in which the CENDARI project acquired data from cultural heritage institutions as well as the necessary technical background. In exemplifying diverse data creation or acquisition strategies, multiple formats and technical solutions, assets and drawbacks of a repository, this “White Book” aims at providing guidance and advice as well as best practices for archivists and cultural heritage institutions collaborating or planning to collaborate with infrastructure projects. http://www.cendari.eu/thematic- research-guides/white-book-archives The CENDARI White Book of Archives. Available from: http://hdl.handle.net/2262/7568

    Knowledge, information and values in the age of mass digitisation

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    Pristup kulturi u digitalnom prostoru: aktivni korisnici, ponovno korištenje sadržaja i kulturne politike

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    Access issues have been placed in cultural policy focus with the aim to contribute to cultural development, social inclusion, quality of life, etc. and the digital domain opportunities have been looked at as a way to ensure delivering content to interested users. The issue of access to culture in the digital context is understood in terms of reducing obstacles, as well as, fostering opportunities. The concept is understood as the dynamic and social process and not a simple oneoff act of provision. This article outlines the challenges brought about for access to culture in the digital era and addresses policy frameworks concerning: a) the role of users and their participation opportunities and b) regulatory issues such as intellectual property rights (IPR) and re-use policies that enable or limit what kind of services cultural sector can offer in the digital domain. The article analyses both explicit and implicit policy approaches to regulating digital culture, as both remain relevant in ensuring that cultural content reaches its intended users. This provides the background for the investigation of the results obtained through the comparative policy analysis executed in the project ‘Access to Culture. Policy Analysis’ where different policy approaches to digital access in six selected countries (Austria, Croatia, Norway, Spain, Sweden and Turkey) are presented and interpreted. This is done with the aim to provide better understanding of the digital access issues that have to be taken into account in effective policy making for the inclusive and open digital culture.Pitanja vezana uz pristup kulturi ušla su u fokus kulturnih politika s ciljem da doprinesu kulturnom razvoju, kvaliteti života građana, društvenoj uključenosti, i sl., pri čemu su razmatrane i mogućnosti koje digitalni prostor pruža kulturnom sektoru za omogućavanje pristupa kulturnom sadržaju. Pitanja pristupa kulturi u digitalnom kontekstu podrazumijevaju aspekte vezane uz uklanjanje prepreka pristupu kulturnim resursima kao i poticanje i promicanje mogućnosti građana za participaciju u kulturi. Koncept se defi nira kao dinamičan društveni proces, a ne kao jednostavno infrastrukturno omogućavanje pristupa. Pristup kulturnim resursima u digitalnom kontekstu suočava nas sa novim mogućnostima i preprekama na koje kulturne politike moraju adekvatno odgovoriti kako bi potakle razvoj digitalne kulture. U članku su analizirani pristupi eksplicitnih i implicitnih kulturnih politika u reguliranju digitalne kulture koji predstavljaju relevantan okvir koji omogućuje da kulturni sadrž aji stignu do korisnika. Opisani su izazovi koje digitalni kontekst predstavlja za pitanja pristupa kulturnom sadržaju te su analizirani aspekti kulturnih politika koji razmatraju a) prava korisnika na korištenje kulturnog sadržaja te b) postojeću regulativu koja se odnosi na intelektualno vlasništvo i pravo na ponovno korištenje sadržaja jer takva regulativa omogućuje ili ograničava digitalne usluge koje kulturni sektor može pružiti građanima. U drugom dijelu članka predstavljeni su rezultati istraživanja projekta ‘Pristupi kulturi – Analiza javnih politika’ te su analizirani pristupi kulturnim politikama u reguliranju digitalnog pristupa kulturi u šest odabranih zemalja (Austrija, Hrvatska, Norveška, Španjolska, Švedska i Turska). Istraživanje je provedeno s ciljem da se omogući dublji uvid u pitanja vezana za digitalni pristup kulturi kako bi kulturne politike mogle adekvatno odgovoriti na izazove koji proizlaze iz digitalnog konteksta

    Cultural Heritage on line

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    The 2nd International Conference "Cultural Heritage online – Empowering users: an active role for user communities" was held in Florence on 15-16 December 2009. It was organised by the Fondazione Rinascimento Digitale, the Italian Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and the Library of Congress, through the National Digital Information Infrastructure and Preservation Program - NDIIP partners. The conference topics were related to digital libraries, digital preservation and the changing paradigms, focussing on user needs and expectations, analysing how to involve users and the cultural heritage community in creating and sharing digital resources. The sessions investigated also new organisational issues and roles, and cultural and economic limits from an international perspective

    Digital Image Users and Reuse: Enhancing practitioner discoverability of digital library reuse based on user file naming behavior

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    Diese Dissertation untersucht Geräte, die Praktiker verwenden, um die Wiederverwendung von digitalen Bibliotheksmaterialien zu entdecken. Der Autor führt zwei Verifikationsstudien durch, in denen zwei zuvor angewandte Strategien untersucht werden, die Praktiker verwenden, um die Wiederverwendung digitaler Objekte zu identifizieren, insbesondere Google Images Reverse Image Lookup (RIL) und eingebettete Metadaten. Es beschreibt diese Strategiebeschränkungen und bietet einen neuen, einzigartigen Ansatz zur Verfolgung der Wiederverwendung, indem der Suchansatz des Autors basierend auf dem Benennungsverhalten von Benutzerdateien verwendet wird. Bei der Untersuchung des Nutzens und der Einschränkungen von Google Images und eingebetteten Metadaten beobachtet und dokumentiert der Autor ein Muster des Benennungsverhaltens von Benutzerdateien, das vielversprechend ist, die Wiederverwendung durch den Praktiker zu verbessern. Der Autor führt eine Untersuchung zur Bewertung der Dateibenennung durch, um dieses Muster des Verhaltens der Benutzerdateibenennung und die Auswirkungen der Dateibenennung auf die Suchmaschinenoptimierung zu untersuchen. Der Autor leitet mehrere signifikante Ergebnisse ab, während er diese Studie fertigstellt. Der Autor stellt fest, dass Google Bilder aufgrund der Änderung des Algorithmus kein brauchbares Werkzeug mehr ist, um die Wiederverwendung durch die breite Öffentlichkeit oder andere Benutzer zu entdecken, mit Ausnahme von Benutzern aus der Industrie. Eingebettete Metadaten sind aufgrund der nicht persistenten Natur eingebetteter Metadaten kein zuverlässiges Bewertungsinstrument. Der Autor stellt fest, dass viele Benutzer ihre eigenen Dateinamen generieren, die beim Speichern und Teilen von digitalen Bildern fast ausschließlich für Menschen lesbar sind. Der Autor argumentiert, dass, wenn Praktiker Suchbegriffe nach den "aggregierten Dateinamen" modellieren, sie ihre Entdeckung wiederverwendeter digitaler Objekte erhöhen.This dissertation explores devices practitioners utilize to discover the reuse of digital library materials. The author performs two verification studies investigating two previously employed strategies that practitioners use to identify digital object reuse, specifically Google Images reverse image lookup (RIL) and embedded metadata. It describes these strategy limitations and offers a new, unique approach for tracking reuse by employing the author's search approach based on user file naming behavior. While exploring the utility and limitations of Google Images and embedded metadata, the author observes and documents a pattern of user file naming behavior that exhibits promise for improving practitioner's discoverability of reuse. The author conducts a file naming assessment investigation to examine this pattern of user file naming behavior and the impact of file naming on search engine optimization. The author derives several significant findings while completing this study. The author establishes that Google Images is no longer a viable tool to discover reuse by the general public or other users except for industry users because of its algorithm change. Embedded metadata is not a reliable assessment tool because of the non-persistent nature of embedded metadata. The author finds that many users generate their own file names, almost exclusively human-readable when saving and sharing digital images. The author argues that when practitioners model search terms after the "aggregated file names" they increase their discovery of reused digital objects