358,072 research outputs found

    Parto no domicílio em Portugal : das vivências das décadas de 40 a 60 do século XX às recomendações atuais

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    INTRODUÇÃO Em Portugal, nas décadas de 40 a 60, o parto era considerado como um “ato doméstico” realizado com ajuda de mulheres experientes na área. A falta de assistência especializada à gravidez e ao parto revelava-se nas elevadas taxas de mortalidade materna e neonatal, verificadas na época. O parto era um acontecimento que envolvia vários procedimentos e utensílios rudimentares e a ação de mulheres leigas designadas de parteiras. A assistência no parto sofreu melhorias até aos dias de hoje, melhorando também a prestação de cuidados na área de saúde materna, obstétrica e neonatal. Em parceria com a evolução científica, atualmente o parto no domicílio está novamente a ser equacionada sobretudo por mulheres e profissionais defensores do humanismo no parto. OBJETIVO Explorar a evidência científica e as vivências do parto no domicílio nas décadas de 40 a 60 do século XX em Portugal. MÉTODOS Revisão integrativa da literatura segundo o método PICOD e estudo exploratório realizado com 55 mulheres portuguesas com idades compreendidas entre 72 e 97 anos que viveram a experiência do parto no domicílio nas décadas de 40 a 60 do século XX em Portugal. RESULTADOS Os resultados revelaram que na década de 40 a 60, as mulheres eram assistidas maioritariamente por parteiras que utilizavam procedimentos muito rudimentares. As posições de preferência foram a ginecológica e a lateral, e a maioria ficou com sequelas devido às condições de assistência precárias, destacando-se a deformação da vagina e a incontinência urinária. CONCLUSÕES A evolução da arte de partejar foi uma mais-valia para os dias de hoje, contribuindo para uma diminuição significativa das taxas de mortalidade materna e perinatal e para um aumento da qualidade dos cuidados prestados à parturiente e ao recémnascido. É imprescindível que os profissionais de saúde reflitam sobre as vantagens e desvantagens de cada tipo de parto e sobre as condições mais humanas e seguras para o nascimento. As políticas de saúde devem ser centradas na Mulher e devem garantir a possibilidade de escolha no acesso ao tipo de cuidados na assistência pré e pós-natal e ao local de parto. As mulheres devem ter a possibilidade de optar pelo tipo de parto e local de parto que desejam, por isso, o parto domiciliar planeado não deve ser descurado, mas considerado como um direito e uma possibilidade de escolha pela mulher e sua família. É, no entanto, necessário que as políticas de saúde invistam nesta dimensão da prestação de cuidados obstétricos, garantindo também no domicílio assistência perinatal segura e humanizada, baseada na melhor evidência científica / recomendações.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Organization of housework in heterosexual couples: systematic review of the literature

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    Abstract Problem Statement: We currently live in a society where men are increasingly involved in domestic activities yet women continue to be primarily responsible for their execution. Research Questions: Does the organisation of housework in heterosexual couples varies in frequency and time based on sex? Does the time spent performing household activities differ by gender? Which household chores are performed more often by women and by men? Which variables influence the division of domestic labour between women and men? Purpose of the Study: The aim of this paper is to assess the fairness of the division of housework between men and women, how often men perform it as well as how much time they spend on it in accordance with sociodemographic variables. Research Methods: The study was conducted based on the principles proposed by the Cochrane Handbook. A systematic review of the literature from September to November 2013 was carried out. A critical analysis was performed separately by two researchers. Findings: The variable which most influences division of housework is income, and the one which most influences time spent on doing it is gender. Conclusion: The division of housework between men and women is not equal, with women being overloaded. Sex should therefore be considered in planning children’s educational activities

    Higher education institutions and international students’ hindrances: a case of students from the African Portuguese-speaking countries at two European Portuguese universities

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    We present a study to comprehend if the support given by higher education institution (HEI) to international students coming from the PortugueseSpeaking African Countries meets their academic and social hindrances. Our starting point was a set of semi-structured interviews focused on the perspectives of these students, their Professors and Course Directors as well as on the perspectives of HEI’ staff. Despite findings indicate a positive institutional support, it seems there is still much to do in order to do it properly with these students. These different perspectives will allow us to reflect on the impact that those actions/resources have on the path of students from Portuguese-Speaking African Countries and to systematize suggestions to enhance their experiences in HE.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Nutrition education in portuguese medical students: impact on the attitudes and knowledge

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    Nutrition has been underrepresented in the curriculum of many medical schools and therefore physicians do not feel adequately prepared to provide dietary counselling. The aim of the present study is to determine the impact of a Nutrition and Metabolism curricular unit on nutrition attitudes, knowledge and confidence on future clinical practice of medical students.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Sintomatología musculoesquelética en estudiantes de enfermería: un análisis de concepto

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    Objective: to analyze the musculoskeletal symptomatology concept in undergraduate nursing students through Rodgers' evolutionary method. Method: An integrative review of the literature was performed for the identification and selection of ten articles. A concept analysis was performed according to Rodgers' evolutionary method. Article search was performed using the EBOSCO Host platform, Virtual Health Library and Google scholar for the years from 2004 to 2018. Results: Based on the 3 elements of Rodgers model we found: 1) substitute terms and related concepts, where musculoskeletal disorders and musculoskeletal symptoms were highlighted; 2) as essential attributes of the concept we highlight pain and discomfort, as well as, measurement using the Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire; and 3) risk factors were identified as antecedents, and the consequences were the impact on students' lives. Conclusions: This study contributes to the knowledge and clarification of the concept of musculoskeletal symptomatology in nursing students

    Validação do questionário de mapeamento do conhecimento ético em estudantes de enfermagem

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    INTRODUÇÃO A construção e validação de instrumentos válidos que permitam obter informações sobre o Conhecimento Ético, é necessária, uma vez que se torna essencial que o enfermeiro pense, reflita e oriente a sua prática de acordo com o seu respetivo código deontológico. OBJETIVO Descrever o processo de validação do Questionário Mapeamento do Conhecimento Ético (QMCE). MÉTODOS Participaram 85 estudantes de enfermagem, com média de idades de 20,96 anos. Foi analisada a consistência interna e a validade de constructo. O Questionário Mapeamento do Conhecimento Ético (Cunha et al., 2013), é constituído por 4 Partes: Parte I: Dados Biográficos e Académicos, Parte II: Modo de Agir, Parte III: Escala Tipologia dos Valores (ETV), Parte IV: Escala Valores/Deveres e Éticos (EVDE). RESULTADOS O alfa de Cronbach final da Escala Tipologia dos Valores (alfa=.839), revelou uma boa consistência interna, assim como os da Escala Valores/Deveres e Éticos (alfa=.870). Os estudantes apresentaram na sua maioria um nível de conhecimento positivo, na Parte III Escala Tipologia dos Valores (ETV) e Parte IV: Escala Valores/Deveres e Éticos (EVDE), respetivamente com 50.6% e 55.3%. CONCLUSÕES As propriedades psicométricas do Questionário Mapeamento do Conhecimento Ético certificam a sua qualidade, enquanto instrumento a utilizar na avaliação do nível de conhecimento ético dos estudantes de enfermagem.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An Empirical Study at Évora’s University about Representations of “Quality Teaching” within an Intercultural Context

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    In this paper the authors tried to compare the representations of «teaching quality» between African portuguese speakers and portuguese native students’ throughout an attempt of intercultural education course. The students had answered to a questionnaire made specially for that propose and although the pilot character of the study, the analysis of the result seems to show that, in opposite to the expected, the concept of «teaching quality» does not present significative differences between them

    Training medical students to improve the management of people with epilepsy

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    Purpose: To evaluate the knowledge, attitude and perception of medical students prior to and after a training course about epilepsy. Methods: We used a KAP questionnaire with sixty-one questions which assesses knowledge, attitude and practice of epilepsy. Questionnaires were completed by 185 medical students, before and after epilepsy training. We compared the answers to see whether the lecture had changed the knowledge, attitude and practice in epilepsy. Results: One hundred and six students completed the questionnaire before an eight hour course on epilepsy and 79 students completed the questionnaire one year after the course. Comparison of the knowledge scores prior to (mean=53.9, standard deviation=11.4) and after the course (mean=63.8, standard deviation=11.9) showed that students had improved knowledge after the course (t-test=5.6, p < 0.001). Discussion: Training course on epilepsy for medical students can promote improvement in the knowledge, attitudes and perception regarding epilepsy, which is maintained one year later. These results highlight the importance of continuous educational programs within the Medical Curriculum