86 research outputs found

    Open-set Speaker Identification

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    This study is motivated by the growing need for effective extraction of intelligence and evidence from audio recordings in the fight against crime, a need made ever more apparent with the recent expansion of criminal and terrorist organisations. The main focus is to enhance open-set speaker identification process within the speaker identification systems, which are affected by noisy audio data obtained under uncontrolled environments such as in the street, in restaurants or other places of businesses. Consequently, two investigations are initially carried out including the effects of environmental noise on the accuracy of open-set speaker recognition, which thoroughly cover relevant conditions in the considered application areas, such as variable training data length, background noise and real world noise, and the effects of short and varied duration reference data in open-set speaker recognition. The investigations led to a novel method termed “vowel boosting” to enhance the reliability in speaker identification when operating with varied duration speech data under uncontrolled conditions. Vowels naturally contain more speaker specific information. Therefore, by emphasising this natural phenomenon in speech data, it enables better identification performance. The traditional state-of-the-art GMM-UBMs and i-vectors are used to evaluate “vowel boosting”. The proposed approach boosts the impact of the vowels on the speaker scores, which improves the recognition accuracy for the specific case of open-set identification with short and varied duration of speech material

    Pre-processing of Speech Signals for Robust Parameter Estimation

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    Robust Phase-based Speech Signal Processing From Source-Filter Separation to Model-Based Robust ASR

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    The Fourier analysis plays a key role in speech signal processing. As a complex quantity, it can be expressed in the polar form using the magnitude and phase spectra. The magnitude spectrum is widely used in almost every corner of speech processing. However, the phase spectrum is not an obviously appealing start point for processing the speech signal. In contrast to the magnitude spectrum whose fine and coarse structures have a clear relation to speech perception, the phase spectrum is difficult to interpret and manipulate. In fact, there is not a meaningful trend or extrema which may facilitate the modelling process. Nonetheless, the speech phase spectrum has recently gained renewed attention. An expanding body of work is showing that it can be usefully employed in a multitude of speech processing applications. Now that the potential for the phase-based speech processing has been established, there is a need for a fundamental model to help understand the way in which phase encodes speech information. In this thesis a novel phase-domain source-filter model is proposed that allows for deconvolution of the speech vocal tract (filter) and excitation (source) components through phase processing. This model utilises the Hilbert transform, shows how the excitation and vocal tract elements mix in the phase domain and provides a framework for efficiently segregating the source and filter components through phase manipulation. To investigate the efficacy of the suggested approach, a set of features is extracted from the phase filter part for automatic speech recognition (ASR) and the source part of the phase is utilised for fundamental frequency estimation. Accuracy and robustness in both cases are illustrated and discussed. In addition, the proposed approach is improved by replacing the log with the generalised logarithmic function in the Hilbert transform and also by computing the group delay via regression filter. Furthermore, statistical distribution of the phase spectrum and its representations along the feature extraction pipeline are studied. It is illustrated that the phase spectrum has a bell-shaped distribution. Some statistical normalisation methods such as mean-variance normalisation, Laplacianisation, Gaussianisation and Histogram equalisation are successfully applied to the phase-based features and lead to a significant robustness improvement. The robustness gain achieved through using statistical normalisation and generalised logarithmic function encouraged the use of more advanced model-based statistical techniques such as vector Taylor Series (VTS). VTS in its original formulation assumes usage of the log function for compression. In order to simultaneously take advantage of the VTS and generalised logarithmic function, a new formulation is first developed to merge both into a unified framework called generalised VTS (gVTS). Also in order to leverage the gVTS framework, a novel channel noise estimation method is developed. The extensions of the gVTS framework and the proposed channel estimation to the group delay domain are then explored. The problems it presents are analysed and discussed, some solutions are proposed and finally the corresponding formulae are derived. Moreover, the effect of additive noise and channel distortion in the phase and group delay domains are scrutinised and the results are utilised in deriving the gVTS equations. Experimental results in the Aurora-4 ASR task in an HMM/GMM set up along with a DNN-based bottleneck system in the clean and multi-style training modes confirmed the efficacy of the proposed approach in dealing with both additive and channel noise


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    This thesis describes research into effective voice biometrics (speaker recognition) under mismatched noise conditions. Over the last two decades, this class of biometrics has been the subject of considerable research due to its various applications in such areas as telephone banking, remote access control and surveillance. One of the main challenges associated with the deployment of voice biometrics in practice is that of undesired variations in speech characteristics caused by environmental noise. Such variations can in turn lead to a mismatch between the corresponding test and reference material from the same speaker. This is found to adversely affect the performance of speaker recognition in terms of accuracy. To address the above problem, a novel approach is introduced and investigated. The proposed method is based on minimising the noise mismatch between reference speaker models and the given test utterance, and involves a new form of Test-Normalisation (T-Norm) for further enhancing matching scores under the aforementioned adverse operating conditions. Through experimental investigations, based on the two main classes of speaker recognition (i.e. verification/ open-set identification), it is shown that the proposed approach can significantly improve the performance accuracy under mismatched noise conditions. In order to further improve the recognition accuracy in severe mismatch conditions, an approach to enhancing the above stated method is proposed. This, which involves providing a closer adjustment of the reference speaker models to the noise condition in the test utterance, is shown to considerably increase the accuracy in extreme cases of noisy test data. Moreover, to tackle the computational burden associated with the use of the enhanced approach with open-set identification, an efficient algorithm for its realisation in this context is introduced and evaluated. The thesis presents a detailed description of the research undertaken, describes the experimental investigations and provides a thorough analysis of the outcomes

    Investigation of the impact of high frequency transmitted speech on speaker recognition

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    Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2002.Some digitised pages may appear illegible due to the condition of the original hard copy.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Speaker recognition systems have evolved to a point where near perfect performance can be obtained under ideal conditions, even if the system must distinguish between a large number of speakers. Under adverse conditions, such as when high noise levels are present or when the transmission channel deforms the speech, the performance is often less than satisfying. This project investigated the performance of a popular speaker recognition system, that use Gaussian mixture models, on speech transmitted over a high frequency channel. Initial experiments demonstrated very unsatisfactory results for the base line system. We investigated a number of robust techniques. We implemented and applied some of them in an attempt to improve the performance of the speaker recognition systems. The techniques we tested showed only slight improvements. We also investigates the effects of a high frequency channel and single sideband modulation on the speech features of speech processing systems. The effects that can deform the features, and therefore reduce the performance of speech systems, were identified. One of the effects that can greatly affect the performance of a speech processing system is noise. We investigated some speech enhancement techniques and as a result we developed a new statistical based speech enhancement technique that employs hidden Markov models to represent the clean speech process.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Sprekerherkenning-stelsels het 'n punt bereik waar nabyaan perfekte resultate verwag kan word onder ideale kondisies, selfs al moet die stelsel tussen 'n groot aantal sprekers onderskei. Wanneer nie-ideale kondisies, soos byvoorbeeld hoë ruisvlakke of 'n transmissie kanaal wat die spraak vervorm, teenwoordig is, is die resultate gewoonlik nie bevredigend nie. Die projek ondersoek die werksverrigting van 'n gewilde sprekerherkenning-stelsel, wat gebruik maak van Gaussiese mengselmodelle, op spraak wat oor 'n hoë frekwensie transmissie kanaal gestuur is. Aanvanklike eksperimente wat gebruik maak van 'n basiese stelsel het nie goeie resultate opgelewer nie. Ons het 'n aantal robuuste tegnieke ondersoek en 'n paar van hulle geïmplementeer en getoets in 'n poging om die resultate van die sprekerherkenning-stelsel te verbeter. Die tegnieke wat ons getoets het, het net geringe verbetering getoon. Die studie het ook die effekte wat die hoë-frekwensie kanaal en enkel-syband modulasie op spraak kenmerkvektore, ondersoek. Die effekte wat die spraak kenmerkvektore kan vervorm en dus die werkverrigting van spraak stelsels kan verlaag, is geïdentifiseer. Een van die effekte wat 'n groot invloed op die werkverrigting van spraakstelsels het, is ruis. Ons het spraak verbeterings metodes ondersoek en dit het gelei tot die ontwikkeling van 'n statisties gebaseerde spraak verbeteringstegniek wat gebruik maak van verskuilde Markov modelle om die skoon spraakproses voor te stel

    Histogram equalization for robust text-independent speaker verification in telephone environments

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    Word processed copy. Includes bibliographical references

    Text-independent speaker recognition

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    This research presents new text-independent speaker recognition system with multivariate tools such as Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Independent Component Analysis (ICA) embedded into the recognition system after the feature extraction step. The proposed approach evaluates the performance of such a recognition system when trained and used in clean and noisy environments. Additive white Gaussian noise and convolutive noise are added. Experiments were carried out to investigate the robust ability of PCA and ICA using the designed approach. The application of ICA improved the performance of the speaker recognition model when compared to PCA. Experimental results show that use of ICA enabled extraction of higher order statistics thereby capturing speaker dependent statistical cues in a text-independent recognition system. The results show that ICA has a better de-correlation and dimension reduction property than PCA. To simulate a multi environment system, we trained our model such that every time a new speech signal was read, it was contaminated with different types of noises and stored in the database. Results also show that ICA outperforms PCA under adverse environments. This is verified by computing recognition accuracy rates obtained when the designed system was tested for different train and test SNR conditions with additive white Gaussian noise and test delay conditions with echo effect

    A study on different linear and non-linear filtering techniques of speech and speech recognition

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    In any signal noise is an undesired quantity, however most of thetime every signal get mixed with noise at different levels of theirprocessing and application, due to which the information containedby the signal gets distorted and makes the whole signal redundant.A speech signal is very prominent with acoustical noises like bubblenoise, car noise, street noise etc. So for removing the noises researchershave developed various techniques which are called filtering. Basicallyall the filtering techniques are not suitable for every application,hence based on the type of application some techniques are betterthan the others. Broadly, the filtering techniques can be classifiedinto two categories i.e. linear filtering and non-linear filtering.In this paper a study is presented on some of the filtering techniqueswhich are based on linear and nonlinear approaches. These techniquesincludes different adaptive filtering based on algorithm like LMS,NLMS and RLS etc., Kalman filter, ARMA and NARMA time series applicationfor filtering, neural networks combine with fuzzy i.e. ANFIS. Thispaper also includes the application of various features i.e. MFCC,LPC, PLP and gamma for filtering and recognition
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