142 research outputs found

    Computer assisted screening of digital mammogram images

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    The use of computer systems to assist clinicians in digital mammography image screening has advantages over traditional methods. Computer algorithms can enhance the appearance of the images and highlight suspicious areas. Screening provides a more thorough examination of the images. Any computer system that does screening of digital mammograms contains components to address multiple tasks such as: image segmentation, mass lesion detection and classification, and microcalcification detection and classification. This dissertation provides both effective and efficient improvements to existing algorithms, which segment mammogram images and locate mass lesions. In addition, we provide a new algorithm to evaluate and report the results for mass lesion detection. The algorithm presented for mammogram segmentation uses a histogram based operator to define the boundaries between the different components of a mammogram image. It employs a unique clustering algorithm to produce closed, labeled sets of pixels which represent the distinct image components. The mass location algorithm uses a variation of template matching to locate suspicious areas. An evaluation of potential templates and algorithms is included. The method for testing and recording the results of the mass location algorithm groups suspicious pixels into regions and then compares them to the pathology

    Computer-aided detection and diagnosis of breast cancer in 2D and 3D medical imaging through multifractal analysis

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    This Thesis describes the research work performed in the scope of a doctoral research program and presents its conclusions and contributions. The research activities were carried on in the industry with Siemens S.A. Healthcare Sector, in integration with a research team. Siemens S.A. Healthcare Sector is one of the world biggest suppliers of products, services and complete solutions in the medical sector. The company offers a wide selection of diagnostic and therapeutic equipment and information systems. Siemens products for medical imaging and in vivo diagnostics include: ultrasound, computer tomography, mammography, digital breast tomosynthesis, magnetic resonance, equipment to angiography and coronary angiography, nuclear imaging, and many others. Siemens has a vast experience in Healthcare and at the beginning of this project it was strategically interested in solutions to improve the detection of Breast Cancer, to increase its competitiveness in the sector. The company owns several patents related with self-similarity analysis, which formed the background of this Thesis. Furthermore, Siemens intended to explore commercially the computer- aided automatic detection and diagnosis eld for portfolio integration. Therefore, with the high knowledge acquired by University of Beira Interior in this area together with this Thesis, will allow Siemens to apply the most recent scienti c progress in the detection of the breast cancer, and it is foreseeable that together we can develop a new technology with high potential. The project resulted in the submission of two invention disclosures for evaluation in Siemens A.G., two articles published in peer-reviewed journals indexed in ISI Science Citation Index, two other articles submitted in peer-reviewed journals, and several international conference papers. This work on computer-aided-diagnosis in breast led to innovative software and novel processes of research and development, for which the project received the Siemens Innovation Award in 2012. It was very rewarding to carry on such technological and innovative project in a socially sensitive area as Breast Cancer.No cancro da mama a deteção precoce e o diagnóstico correto são de extrema importância na prescrição terapêutica e caz e e ciente, que potencie o aumento da taxa de sobrevivência à doença. A teoria multifractal foi inicialmente introduzida no contexto da análise de sinal e a sua utilidade foi demonstrada na descrição de comportamentos siológicos de bio-sinais e até na deteção e predição de patologias. Nesta Tese, três métodos multifractais foram estendidos para imagens bi-dimensionais (2D) e comparados na deteção de microcalci cações em mamogramas. Um destes métodos foi também adaptado para a classi cação de massas da mama, em cortes transversais 2D obtidos por ressonância magnética (RM) de mama, em grupos de massas provavelmente benignas e com suspeição de malignidade. Um novo método de análise multifractal usando a lacunaridade tri-dimensional (3D) foi proposto para classi cação de massas da mama em imagens volumétricas 3D de RM de mama. A análise multifractal revelou diferenças na complexidade subjacente às localizações das microcalci cações em relação aos tecidos normais, permitindo uma boa exatidão da sua deteção em mamogramas. Adicionalmente, foram extraídas por análise multifractal características dos tecidos que permitiram identi car os casos tipicamente recomendados para biópsia em imagens 2D de RM de mama. A análise multifractal 3D foi e caz na classi cação de lesões mamárias benignas e malignas em imagens 3D de RM de mama. Este método foi mais exato para esta classi cação do que o método 2D ou o método padrão de análise de contraste cinético tumoral. Em conclusão, a análise multifractal fornece informação útil para deteção auxiliada por computador em mamogra a e diagnóstico auxiliado por computador em imagens 2D e 3D de RM de mama, tendo o potencial de complementar a interpretação dos radiologistas

    Microcalcifications Detection Using Image And Signal Processing Techniques For Early Detection Of Breast Cancer

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    Breast cancer has transformed into a severe health problem around the world. Early diagnosis is an important factor to survive this disease. The earliest detection signs of potential breast cancer that is distinguishable by current screening techniques are the presence of microcalcifications (MCs). MCs are small crystals of calcium apatite and their normal size ranges from 0.1mm to 0.5mm single crystals to groups up to a few centimeters in diameter. They are the first indication of breast cancer in more than 40% of all breast cancer cases, making their diagnosis critical. This dissertation proposes several segmentation techniques for detecting and isolating point microcalcifications: Otsu’s Method, Balanced Histogram Thresholding, Iterative Method, Maximum Entropy, Moment Preserving, and Genetic Algorithm. These methods were applied to medical images to detect microcalcifications. In this dissertation, results from the application of these techniques are presented and their efficiency for early detection of breast cancer is explained. This dissertation also explains theories and algorithms related to these techniques that can be used for breast cancer detection

    Risk assessment and prevention of breast cancer

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    One woman in eight develops breast cancer during her lifetime in the Western world. Measures are warranted to reduce mortality and to prevent breast cancer. Mammography screening reduces mortality by early detection. However, approximately one fourth of the women who develop breast cancer are diagnosed within two years after a negative screen. There is a need to identify the short-term risk of these women to better guide clinical followup. Another drawback of mammography screening is that it focuses on early detection only and not on breast cancer prevention. Today, it is known that women attending screening can be stratified into high and low risk of breast cancer. Women at high risk could be offered preventive measures such as low-dose tamoxifen to reduce breast cancer incidence. Women at low risk do not benefit from screening and could be offered less frequent screening. In study I, we developed and validated the mammographic density measurement tool STRATUS to enable mammogram resources at hospitals for large scale epidemiological studies on risk, masking, and therapy response in relation to breast cancer. STRATUS showed similar measurement results on different types of mammograms at different hospitals. Longitudinal studies on mammographic density could also be analysed more accurate with less nonbiological variability. In study II, we developed and validated a short-term risk model based on mammographic features (mammographic density, microcalcifications, masses) and differences in occurrences of mammographic features between left and right breasts. The model could optionally be expanded with lifestyle factors, family history of breast cancer, and genetic determinants. Based on the results, we showed that among women with a negative mammography screen, the short-term risk tool was suitable to identify women that developed breast cancer before or at next screening. We also showed that traditional long-term risk models were less suitable to identify the women who in a short time-period after risk assessment were diagnosed with breast cancer. In study III, we performed a phase II trial to identify the lowest dose of tamoxifen that could reduce mammographic density, an early marker for reduced breast cancer risk, to the same extent as standard 20 mg dose but cause less side-effects. We identified 2.5 mg tamoxifen to be non-inferior for reducing mammographic density. The women who used 2.5 mg tamoxifen also reported approximately 50% less severe vasomotor side-effects. In study IV, we investigated the use of low-dose tamoxifen for an additional clinical use case to increase screening sensitivity through its effect on reducing mammographic density. It was shown that 24% of the interval cancers have a potential to be detected at prior screen. In conclusion, tools were developed for assessing mammographic density and breast cancer risk. In addition, two low-dose tamoxifen concepts were developed for breast cancer prevention and improved screening sensitivity. Clinical prospective validation is further needed for the risk assessment tool and the low-dose tamoxifen concepts for the use in breast cancer prevention and for reducing breast cancer mortality

    Comparative Analysis of Segment Anything Model and U-Net for Breast Tumor Detection in Ultrasound and Mammography Images

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    In this study, the main objective is to develop an algorithm capable of identifying and delineating tumor regions in breast ultrasound (BUS) and mammographic images. The technique employs two advanced deep learning architectures, namely U-Net and pretrained SAM, for tumor segmentation. The U-Net model is specifically designed for medical image segmentation and leverages its deep convolutional neural network framework to extract meaningful features from input images. On the other hand, the pretrained SAM architecture incorporates a mechanism to capture spatial dependencies and generate segmentation results. Evaluation is conducted on a diverse dataset containing annotated tumor regions in BUS and mammographic images, covering both benign and malignant tumors. This dataset enables a comprehensive assessment of the algorithm's performance across different tumor types. Results demonstrate that the U-Net model outperforms the pretrained SAM architecture in accurately identifying and segmenting tumor regions in both BUS and mammographic images. The U-Net exhibits superior performance in challenging cases involving irregular shapes, indistinct boundaries, and high tumor heterogeneity. In contrast, the pretrained SAM architecture exhibits limitations in accurately identifying tumor areas, particularly for malignant tumors and objects with weak boundaries or complex shapes. These findings highlight the importance of selecting appropriate deep learning architectures tailored for medical image segmentation. The U-Net model showcases its potential as a robust and accurate tool for tumor detection, while the pretrained SAM architecture suggests the need for further improvements to enhance segmentation performance
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