1,162 research outputs found

    Estimating radial railway network improvement with a CAS

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    The Spanish railway network is very complex, with two different track gauges: the broad classic Iberian track gauge and the so called international gauge, the latter used in the extensive high speed network. All new lines have been built with double track and top technologies. But there are controversial opinions among experts regarding how the network should grow. We had developed what we called isochrone circle graphs and a geometric index for radial railway networks improvement estimation, that can be very useful for decision taking regarding the improvement of railway lines. The corresponding paper was illustrated with a sketch constructed with a Dynamic Geometry System that used sliders to change the input parameters (timing to each peripheral destination and population of these destinations). Although very comfortable to use, altering the number of peripheral destinations considered required to construct a complete new sketch. To avoid this problem and in order to be able to perform symbolic computations and solve equations with the data obtained, we have begun from scratch and have designed and implemented a complete new package in the computer algebra system CAS Maple that takes as input the lists of destinations, timings and populations and builds the corresponding isochrone circle graphs and performs all the corresponding calculations. An important advantage of working in symbolic mode (i.e., of introducing parameters in the computations) is the possibility to work with unknowns (that represent network improvement goals) and consequently obtain the time improvement required in a line in order to ful ll a network speci c improvement goal

    Intelligent Systems Supporting the Use of Energy Systems and Other Complex Technical Objects, Modeling, Testing and Analysis of Their Reliability in the Operation Process

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    The book focuses on a novel application of Intelligent Systems for supporting the operation and maintenance of power systems or other technical facilities within wind farms. Indicating a different perception of the reliability of wind farm facilities led to the possibility of extending the operation lifetime and operational readiness of wind farm equipment. Additionally, the presented approach provides a basis for extending its application to the testing and analysis of other technical facilities

    Modeling and Simulation in Engineering

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    This book provides an open platform to establish and share knowledge developed by scholars, scientists, and engineers from all over the world, about various applications of the modeling and simulation in the design process of products, in various engineering fields. The book consists of 12 chapters arranged in two sections (3D Modeling and Virtual Prototyping), reflecting the multidimensionality of applications related to modeling and simulation. Some of the most recent modeling and simulation techniques, as well as some of the most accurate and sophisticated software in treating complex systems, are applied. All the original contributions in this book are jointed by the basic principle of a successful modeling and simulation process: as complex as necessary, and as simple as possible. The idea is to manipulate the simplifying assumptions in a way that reduces the complexity of the model (in order to make a real-time simulation), but without altering the precision of the results

    Tourism and high speed rail in Spain: Does the AVE increase local visitors?

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    This paper analyses from an empirical point of view the relationship between the provision of high-speed rail services (HSR) and the evolution of tourism at the local level in Spain. We have built a database of 124 municipalities during the 2005-2012 period to study the effects of the introduction of new HSR corridors on the number of visitors and their total and average stay at several end-line and intermediate cities as compared to similar counterparts not having such an infrastructure. We combine both difference-in-difference and panel data techniques to find that these effects are, in general, extremely weak or just restricted to larger cities, once other determining factors are controlled for

    Railway Gauge Expansion in Small Radius Curvature

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    In the article a curvature analysis of a three axial bogie of the locomotive type JZ 461 was implemented. The feature of that type of locomotive is that it has a long distance between first and middle axis, which means the distance between the middle and last axis is long too. That feature leads to greater lateral forces during curve negotiation. As a result, the widening of the railway gauge in small radius curvature may appear. The article points that Infrastructure Manager must consider the specialties of vehicle performance and rail type when defines track gauge's curvature

    Analysis of Track Gauge Widening in Curves with Small Radius

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    In this paper it was performed curve negotiation analysis of three axle bogie of locomotive type JŽ 461. This locomotive has large distance between first and middle i.e. middle and last axle, which leads to increased lateral forces during curve negotiation. Final result might be widening of track gauge in curves with small radius. This paper points that Infrastructure Manager must take into account vehicle performances and type of track when defines track gauge in curves.Applied Mechanics and Material

    Development of innovative methodologies to reduce railway rolling noise through Genetic Algorithm-based shape optimization techniques

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    [ES] El ruido de rodadura es un fenómeno producido debido a la interacción entre la rueda y el carril e inducido por las pequeñas irregularidades existentes en la superficie de ambos. Dichas irregularidades, conocidas como "rugosidad", provocan que se genere una vibración tanto en la rueda como el carril cuando el tren circula a una cierta velocidad, lo que consecuentemente lleva a la aparición de radiación acústica. Esto conforma una de las fuentes de molestias más relevantes y principal origen de la contaminación acústica producida por los trenes al circular por regiones urbanas densamente pobladas. Así, el objetivo de esta Tesis es el desarrollo de una metodología integral para la obtención de diseños de rueda viables mediante el uso de Algoritmos Genéticos (AG) con la finalidad de minimizar el ruido de rodadura asociado. Al desarrollar los mencionados algoritmos de optimización, el Método de Elementos Finitos (MEF) se combina con la parametrización geométrica de las diferentes tipologías de diseño de rueda analizadas, descritas en función de aquellos parámetros más relevantes para la presente investigación. Se hace uso de modelos linealizados en el dominio de la frecuencia, capaces de resolver la dinámica completa del sistema a partir de las correspondientes mallas de la sección transversal. La obtención de la potencia acústica radiada se lleva a cabo mediante el empleo de una formulación semi-analítica para el cálculo de la eficiencia acústica de la rueda y al uso de un Modelo de Fuentes Equivalentes (MFE) en el carril. El desarrollo teórico, además, es validado con el software comercial de referencia en el campo de investigación, TWINS, en el cual se basa. A lo largo de los procedimientos de optimización, se realiza un análisis de fatiga en cada diseño de rueda considerado con el fin de asegurar su viabilidad estructural, lo que actúa como una restricción de "pena de muerte" en el algoritmo. Además, se desarrolla un procedimiento de identificación modal que permite caracterizar los modos de vibración y clasificarlos según su número de diámetros y circunferencias nodales. Seguidamente, se exploran dos formulaciones diferentes de la función objetivo: una centrada en reducir directamente el ruido radiado, llamada LA;W -min; i otra centrada en disminuir el ruido de rodadura maximizando la media de las frecuencias naturales de los modos de vibración, conocida como NF-max. En la metodología LA;W -min, se minimiza la suma en energía del nivel de potencia acústica expresado en dB(A). Para el caso de NF-max, se desplazan las frecuencias naturales a regiones de frecuencia donde la amplitud de rugosidad es menor. Se consideran diversas aproximaciones: la inclusión de esquemas de perforación y la modificación de la forma de su sección transversal. Además, también se ha estudiado la influencia en el ruido de la variación de las propiedades geométricas del carril y viscoelásticas de la vía. Como resultado de esta Tesis se han conseguido diversos modelos más silenciosos de rueda ferroviaria, con reducciones en el ruido de rodadura de hasta 5 dB(A). Cuando se considera el sistema ferroviario completo,se siguen consiguiendo mejoras en la potencia acústica radiada con los diseños de rueda resultantes. Además, se analizan las correlaciones entre la maximización de las frecuencias naturales y la atenuación del nivel de potencia acústica, estableciendo NF-max como una metodología adecuada para los casos en que se priorice la eficiencia computacional. La sensibilidad del problema a los espacios de diseño seleccionados y la adecuación del uso de AG se estudian también con la obtención de Superficies de Respuesta. Adicionalmente, se han establecido relaciones entre la variación de los parámetros geométricos y la disminución en la radiación acústica asociada, así como se ha propuesto la reubicación de los modos de vibración a lo largo del espectro en frecuencia com[CA] El soroll de rodament és un fenomen causat per la interacció entre la roda i el carril i induït per les xicotetes irregularitats presents a les seues superfícies. Aquestes irregularitats, conegudes amb el nom de "rugositat", provoquen que es genere una vibració tant a la roda com al carril en circular el tren a una certa velocitat, el que conseqüentment du a l'aparició de radiació acústica. Açò conforma una de les fonts de molèsties més rellevants i el principal origen de la contaminació acústica generada pels trens al seu pas per regions urbanes densament poblades. Així, l'objectiu d'aquesta Tesi és el desenvolupament d'una metodologia integral per a l'obtenció de dissenys de roda viables mitjançant l'ús d'Algoritmes Genètics (AG) amb la inalitat de minimitzar el soroll de rodament associat. Al desenvolupar els esmentats algoritmes d'optimització, el Mètode d'Elements Finits (MEF) es combina amb la parametrització geomètrica de les diferents tipologies de disseny de roda analitzades, descrites en funció d'aquells paràmetres més rellevants per a aquesta investigació. Es fa ús de models linealitzats en el domini de la freqüència, capaços de resoldre la dinàmica completa del sistema a partir les corresponents malles de secció transversal. La obtenció de la potència acústica radiada es du a terme mitjançant la utilització d'una formulació semi-analítica per al càlcul de l'eficiència acústica de la roda i l'ús d'un Model de Fonts Equivalents (MFE) amb el carril. El desenvolupament teòric s'ha validat amb el software comercial de referència al camp d'investigació, TWINS, en el qual es basa. Al llarg dels procediments d'optimització, es realitza una anàlisi de fatiga a cada disseny de roda considerat amb la finalitat d'assegurar la seua viabilitat estructural. S'ha desenvolupat un procediment d'identificació modal que permet caracteritzar els modes de vibració i classificar-los d'acord al seu número de diàmetres i circumferències nodals. També, s'exploren dos formulacions diferents de la funció objectiu: una centrada en reduir directament el soroll radiat, anomenada LA;W -min; i altra centrada en disminuir el soroll de rodament maximitzant la mitja de les freqüències naturals dels modes de vibració, coneguda com NF-max. D'aquesta manera, en la metodologia LA;W -min, es minimitza la suma en energia del nivell de potència acústica expressat en dB(A). Per al cas de NF-max, es desplacen les freqüències naturals a regions de freqüència on l'amplitud de rugositat és menor. Es consideren diverses aproximacions: la inclusió d'esquemes de perforació i la modificació de la forma de la seua secció transversal, establint el radi com un valor fixe en un cas i utilitzant-lo com un paràmetre d'optimització més en l'altre. A més a més, s'ha estudiat la influència en el soroll de la variació de les propietats geomètriques del carril i viscoelàstiques de la via. Com a resultat d'aquesta Tesi s'han aconseguit diversos models de roda ferroviària més silenciosos, amb reduccions en el soroll de rodament de fins a 5 dB(A). Quan es considera el sistema ferroviari complet amb tots els seus components, es segueixen aconseguint millores en la potencia acústica radiada amb els dissenys de roda resultants. A més a més, 'analitzen les correlacions entre la maximització de les freqüències naturals i l'atenuació del nivell de potencia acústica, establint NF-max com una metodologia adequada pels casos en que es prioritza l'eficiència computacional. La sensibilitat del problema als espais de disseny escollits i l'adequació de l'ús de AG s'estudia també mitjançant l'obtenció de Superfícies de Resposta (SRs) per als paràmetres geomètrics utilitzats. Addicionalment, s'han establert relacions entre la variació dels paràmetres geomètrics i la disminució en la radiació acústica associada, així com s'ha proposat la reubicació dels modes de vibració al voltant de[EN] Rolling noise phenomenon is produced due to the wheel/track interaction and induced by the small unevenness present in their surfaces. Such unevenness, known as "roughness", causes that vibrations arise in both the wheel and track when the train passes by with a certain speed, that consequently leads to the appearance of acoustic radiation. This kind of noise is one of the most relevant sources of annoyance and the principal focus of the railway acoustic pollution produced by trains operating through highly populated urban regions. Thus, the main goal of the present Thesis is the development of a comprehensive methodology to achieve suitable railway wheel designs through the use of Genetic Algorithms (GAs) with the aim of minimizing the associated rolling noise. When developing the aforementioned optimization algorithms, the Finite Element Method (FEM) is combined with the geometric parametrization of the different wheel design typologies analysed, described as a function of those parameters most relevant for the current research. In order to describe the dynamic behaviour of each component involved in the wheel/track interaction, use is made of linearised models in the frequency domain capable of solving the whole coupled dynamic response from the corresponding cross-section meshes. Subsequent derivation of the radiated sound power from the dynamic information is carried out by applying a semi-analytical formulation that allows for the wheel acoustic efficiency computation, on one hand, and by making use of an Equivalent Sources Model (ESM) in the track, on the other hand. Besides, such theoretical development is validated with the reference commercial software in the field, TWINS, on which it is based. Throughout the optimization procedures, a fatigue analysis is performed on every wheel design considered to assure structural feasibility, that acts as a "death penalty" constraint in the algorithm. Furthermore, a modal identification procedure is developed, which allows to characterize modeshapes and to classify them according to their number of nodal diameters and circumferences. Then, two different formulations of the objective function are explored: one focused on directly reducing radiated noise, named LA;W-min; and another centred on decreasing rolling noise by maximizing the average natural frequency of the modeshapes, called NF-max. Hence, in the LA;W -min methodology, the sum in energy of the wheel Sound poWer Level (SWL) expressed in dB(A) is minimized. For the NF-max case, natural frequencies are shifted to frequency regions where the roughness amplitude content is lower. Different approaches are considered: the inclusion of perforation schemes in the wheel and the variation of its cross-sectional shape, setting the radius as a constant value in one case and using it as an optimization parameter in another. Moreover, the influence on the noise of changing the rail geometric and track viscoelastic properties is also studied. As a result of the present Thesis, several quieter models of railway wheels have been achieved, with rolling noise reductions of up to 5 dB(A). When the whole railway system with all the components is considered, improvements in the radiated sound power remain achieved with the resulting wheel designs. Besides, correlations between maximization of natural frequencies and SWL mitigation are analysed, establishing the NF-max as a suitable methodology for cases when computational efficiency is prioritized. The sensitivity of the problem to selected design domains and the suitability of the use of GAs are also studied with the obtention of Response Surfaces (RSs) for the geometric parameters used. Additionally, correlations are established between the variation of the geometric parameters and the decrease in the associated acoustic radiation, while the shifting of the modeshapes along the frequency domain is proposed as a physical mechanism responsible of the observed sound power decrease.This thesis has been supported by the Agencia Estatal de Investigación and the European Regional Development Fund (projects TRA2013-45596-C2-1-R and TRA2017-84701-R).Garcia Andrés, X. (2021). Development of innovative methodologies to reduce railway rolling noise through Genetic Algorithm-based shape optimization techniques [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/164194TESI

    Infrastructure and economic growth in Spain: 1845-1935

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    [eng] This thesis analyses the impact of infrastructure on Spanish economic growth during the period 1845-1935. It is aimed at overcoming two shortcomings that have characterised historians’ interpretations on the subject so far. Firstly, it adopts an aggregate approach, as opposed to most previous analyses, which focused on only one type of asset. Secondly, it offers some answers to the main ongoing debate on the matter, i.e. the conflict between the high social saving of Spanish railways and the apparent failure of the railway system, as reflected in the results of the private companies. The thesis describes the evolution of infrastructure investment over the period and shows the prominent role of railways at least until 1895. The establishment of the railway network in a relatively short period of time was the most outstanding event in the process of infrastructure construction and gave an intense boost to the Spanish infrastructure endowment. The thesis also shows that infrastructure was relatively scarce in Spain compared to other European countries. However, despite that scarcity, the response of the economy to infrastructure increases was sluggish. Apparently, although infrastructure was essential for Spanish industrialisation, the country was very slow to adapt to new conditions, due to the presence of serious constraints in other areas of the economy. These results are confirmed by the analysis of railways, as the economic impact of the Spanish railway network seems to have been very high, but to have taken a long time to be reached. In addition, the thesis also indicates that the underdevelopment of the Spanish institutions precluded adequate regulation of railway construction and operation. As a consequence, the situation of railway companies was always critical and their ability to offer an adequate service was limited. These findings shed some light on the debate on the economic role of Spanish railways

    Angular dispersion of radio waves in mobile channels

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    Multi-antenna techniques are an important solution for significantly increasing the bandwidth efficiency of mobile wireless data transmission systems. Effective and reliable design of these multi-antenna systems requires thorough knowledge of radiowave propagation in the urban environment. The aim of the work presented in this thesis is to obtain a better physical understanding of radiowave propagation in mobile radio channels in order to provide a basis for the improvement of radiowave propagation prediction techniques for urban environments using knowledge from 3-D propagation experiments and simulations combined with space-wave modelling. In particular, the work focusses on: the development of an advanced 3-D mobile channel sounding system, obtaining propagation measurement data from mobile radio propagation experiments, the analysis of measured data and the modelling of angular dispersive scattering effects for the improvement of deterministic propagation prediction models. The first part of the study presents the design, implementation and verification of a wideband high-resolution measurement system for the characterisation of angular dispersion in mobile channels. The system uses complex impulse response data obtained from a novel 3-D tilted-cross switched antenna array as input to an improved version of 3-D Unitary ESPRIT. It is capable of characterising the delay and angular properties of physically-nonstationary radio channels at moderate urban speeds with high resolution in both azimuth and elevation. For the first time, omnidirectional video data that were captured during the measurements are used in combination with the measurement results to accurately identify and relate the received radio waves directly to the actual environment while moving through it. The second part of the study presents the results of experiments in which the highresolution measurement system, described in the first part, is used in several mobile outdoor experiments in different scenarios. The objective of these measurements was to gain more knowledge in order to improve the understanding of radiowave propagation. From these results the dispersive effects in the angular domain, caused by rough building surfaces and other irregular structures was paid particular attention. These effects not only influence the total amount of received power in dense urban environments, but can also have a large impact on the performance and deployment of multi-antenna systems. To improve the data representation and support further data analysis a hierarchical clustering method is presented that can successfully identify clusters of multipath signal components in multidimensional data. By using the data obtained from an omnidirectional video camera the clusters can be related directly to the environment and the scattering effects of specific objects can be isolated. These results are important in order to improve and calibrate deterministic propagation models. In the third part of the study a new method is presented to account for the angular dispersion caused by irregular surfaces in ray-tracing based propagation prediction models. The method is based on assigning an effective roughness to specific surfaces. Unlike the conventional reflection reduction factor for Gaussian surfaces, that only reduces the ray power, the new method also distributes power in the angular domain. The results of clustered measurement data are used to calibrated the model and show that this leads to improved channel representations that are better matched to the real-world channel behavior