1,124 research outputs found

    Structural Data Recognition with Graph Model Boosting

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    This paper presents a novel method for structural data recognition using a large number of graph models. In general, prevalent methods for structural data recognition have two shortcomings: 1) Only a single model is used to capture structural variation. 2) Naive recognition methods are used, such as the nearest neighbor method. In this paper, we propose strengthening the recognition performance of these models as well as their ability to capture structural variation. The proposed method constructs a large number of graph models and trains decision trees using the models. This paper makes two main contributions. The first is a novel graph model that can quickly perform calculations, which allows us to construct several models in a feasible amount of time. The second contribution is a novel approach to structural data recognition: graph model boosting. Comprehensive structural variations can be captured with a large number of graph models constructed in a boosting framework, and a sophisticated classifier can be formed by aggregating the decision trees. Consequently, we can carry out structural data recognition with powerful recognition capability in the face of comprehensive structural variation. The experiments shows that the proposed method achieves impressive results and outperforms existing methods on datasets of IAM graph database repository.Comment: 8 page

    A Necessary and Sufficient Condition for Graph Matching to be equivalent to Clique Search

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    This paper formulates a necessary and sufficient condition for a generic graph matching problem to be equivalent to the maximum vertex and edge weight clique problem in a derived association graph. The consequences of this results are threefold: first, the condition is general enough to cover a broad range of practical graph matching problems; second, a proof to establish equivalence between graph matching and clique search reduces to showing that a given graph matching problem satisfies the proposed condition;\ud and third, the result sets the scene for generic continuous solutions for a broad range of graph matching problems. To illustrate the mathematical framework, we apply it to a number of graph matching problems, including the problem of determining the graph edit distance

    An extensive English language bibliography on graph theory and its applications, supplement 1

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    Graph theory and its applications - bibliography, supplement

    Äriprotsessimudelite ühildamine

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    Väitekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsioone.Ettevõtted, kellel on aastatepikkune kogemus äriprotsesside haldamises, omavad sageli protsesside repositooriumeid, mis võivad endas sisaldada sadu või isegi tuhandeid äriprotsessimudeleid. Need mudelid pärinevad erinevatest allikatest ja need on loonud ning neid on muutnud erinevad osapooled, kellel on erinevad modelleerimise oskused ning praktikad. üheks sagedaseks praktikaks on uute mudelite loomine, kasutades olemasolevaid mudeleid, kopeerides neist fragmente ning neid seejärel muutes. See omakorda loob olukorra, kus protsessimudelite repositoorium sisaldab mudeleid, milles on identseid mudeli fragmente, mis viitavad samale alamprotsessile. Kui sellised fragmendid jätta konsolideerimata, siis võib see põhjustada repositooriumis ebakõlasid -- üks ja sama alamprotsess võib olla erinevates protsessides erinevalt kirjeldatud. Sageli on ettevõtetel mudelid, millel on sarnased eesmärgid, kuid mis on mõeldud erinevate klientide, toodete, äriüksuste või geograafiliste regioonide jaoks. Näiteks on äriprotsessid kodukindlustuse ja autokindlustuse jaoks sama ärilise eesmärgiga. Loomulikult sisaldavad nende protsesside mudelid mitmeid identseid alamfragmente (nagu näiteks poliisi andmete kontrollimine), samas on need protsessid mitmes punktis erinevad. Nende protsesside eraldi haldamine on ebaefektiivne ning tekitab liiasusi. Doktoritöös otsisime vastust küsimusele: kuidas identifitseerida protsessimudelite repositooriumis korduvaid mudelite fragmente, ning üldisemalt -- kuidas leida ning konsolideerida sarnasusi suurtes äriprotsessimudelite repositooriumites? Doktoritöös on sisse toodud kaks üksteist täiendavat meetodit äriprotsessimudelite konsolideerimiseks, täpsemalt protsessimudelite ühildamine üheks mudeliks ning mudelifragmentide ekstraktimine. Esimene neist võtab sisendiks kaks või enam protsessimudelit ning konstrueerib neist ühe konsolideeritud protsessimudeli, mis sisaldab kõikide sisendmudelite käitumist. Selline lähenemine võimaldab analüütikutel hallata korraga tervet perekonda sarnaseid mudeleid ning neid muuta sünkroniseeritud viisil. Teine lähenemine, alamprotsesside ekstraktimine, sisaldab endas sagedasti esinevate fragmentide identifitseerimist (protsessimudelites kloonide leidmist) ning nende kapseldamist alamprotsessideks

    Image Understanding by Hierarchical Symbolic Representation and Inexact Matching of Attributed Graphs

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    We study the symbolic representation of imagery information by a powerful global representation scheme in the form of Attributed Relational Graph (ARG), and propose new techniques for the extraction of such representation from spatial-domain images, and for performing the task of image understanding through the analysis of the extracted ARG representation. To achieve practical image understanding tasks, the system needs to comprehend the imagery information in a global form. Therefore, we propose a multi-layer hierarchical scheme for the extraction of global symbolic representation from spatial-domain images. The proposed scheme produces a symbolic mapping of the input data in terms of an output alphabet, whose elements are defined over global subimages. The proposed scheme uses a combination of model-driven and data-driven concepts. The model- driven principle is represented by a graph transducer, which is used to specify the alphabet at each layer in the scheme. A symbolic mapping is driven by the input data to map the input local alphabet into the output global alphabet. Through the iterative application of the symbolic transformational mapping at different levels of hierarchy, the system extracts a global representation from the image in the form of attributed relational graphs. Further processing and interpretation of the imagery information can, then, be performed on their ARG representation. We also propose an efficient approach for calculating a distance measure and finding the best inexact matching configuration between attributed relational graphs. For two ARGs, we define sequences of weighted error-transformations which when performed on one ARG (or a subgraph of it), will produce the other ARG. A distance measure between two ARGs is defined as the weight of the sequence which possesses minimum total-weight. Moreover, this minimum-total weight sequence defines the best inexact matching configuration between the two ARGs. The global minimization over the possible sequences is performed by a dynamic programming technique, the approach shows good results for ARGs of practical sizes. The proposed system possesses the capability to inference the alphabets of the ARG representation which it uses. In the inference phase, the hierarchical scheme is usually driven by the input data only, which normally consist of images of model objects. It extracts the global alphabet of the ARG representation of the models. The extracted model representation is then used in the operation phase of the system to: perform the mapping in the multi-layer scheme. We present our experimental results for utilizing the proposed system for locating objects in complex scenes

    On palimpsests in neural memory: an information theory viewpoint

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    The finite capacity of neural memory and the reconsolidation phenomenon suggest it is important to be able to update stored information as in a palimpsest, where new information overwrites old information. Moreover, changing information in memory is metabolically costly. In this paper, we suggest that information-theoretic approaches may inform the fundamental limits in constructing such a memory system. In particular, we define malleable coding, that considers not only representation length but also ease of representation update, thereby encouraging some form of recycling to convert an old codeword into a new one. Malleability cost is the difficulty of synchronizing compressed versions, and malleable codes are of particular interest when representing information and modifying the representation are both expensive. We examine the tradeoff between compression efficiency and malleability cost, under a malleability metric defined with respect to a string edit distance. This introduces a metric topology to the compressed domain. We characterize the exact set of achievable rates and malleability as the solution of a subgraph isomorphism problem. This is all done within the optimization approach to biology framework.Accepted manuscrip

    Three Notes on Distributed Property Testing

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    In this paper we present distributed property-testing algorithms for graph properties in the CONGEST model, with emphasis on testing subgraph-freeness. Testing a graph property P means distinguishing graphs G = (V,E) having property P from graphs that are epsilon-far from having it, meaning that epsilon|E| edges must be added or removed from G to obtain a graph satisfying P. We present a series of results, including: - Testing H-freeness in O(1/epsilon) rounds, for any constant-sized graph H containing an edge (u,v) such that any cycle in H contain either u or v (or both). This includes all connected graphs over five vertices except K_5. For triangles, we can do even better when epsilon is not too small. - A deterministic CONGEST protocol determining whether a graph contains a given tree as a subgraph in constant time. - For cliques K_s with s >= 5, we show that K_s-freeness can be tested in O(m^(1/2-1/(s-2)) epsilon^(-1/2-1/(s-2))) rounds, where m is the number of edges in the network graph. - We describe a general procedure for converting epsilon-testers with f(D) rounds, where D denotes the diameter of the graph, to work in O((log n)/epsilon)+f((log n)/epsilon) rounds, where n is the number of processors of the network. We then apply this procedure to obtain an epsilon-tester for testing whether a graph is bipartite and testing whether a graph is cycle-free. Moreover, for cycle-freeness, we obtain a corrector of the graph that locally corrects the graph so that the corrected graph is acyclic. Note that, unlike a tester, a corrector needs to mend the graph in many places in the case that the graph is far from having the property. These protocols extend and improve previous results of [Censor-Hillel et al. 2016] and [Fraigniaud et al. 2016]