169 research outputs found

    Investigating best practices for Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry of turbid benthic environments

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    Turbid water environments represent 8-12% of the global continental shelf regions, representing a variety of benthic habitats with high ecosystem value. The aim of this thesis is to optimise Structure-from-Motion photogrammetry in turbid benthic environments. It was found that these environments require a camera with a large sensor size and resolution, custom settings to suit the conditions, photos taken at close range, and in certain cases image enhancement, to improve the accuracy of 3D models

    Seismotectonic, structural, volcanologic, and geomorphic study of New Zealand; indigenous forest assessment in New Zealand; mapping, land use, and environmental studies in New Zealand, volume 2

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    The author has identified the following significant results. Ship detection via LANDSAT MSS data was demonstrated. In addition, information on ship size, orientation, and movement was obtained. Band 7 was used for the initial detection followed by confirmation on other MSS bands. Under low turbidity, as experienced in open seas, the detection of ships 100 m long was verified and detection of ships down to 30 m length theorized. High turbidity and sea state inhibit ship detection by decreasing S/N ratios. The radiance effect from snow of local slope angles and orientation was also studied. Higher radiance values and even overloading in three bands were recorded for the sun-facing slope. Local hot spots from solar reflection appear at several locations along transect D-C in Six Mile Creek Basin during September 1976

    3D panoramic imaging for virtual environment construction

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    The project is concerned with the development of algorithms for the creation of photo-realistic 3D virtual environments, overcoming problems in mosaicing, colour and lighting changes, correspondence search speed and correspondence errors due to lack of surface texture. A number of related new algorithms have been investigated for image stitching, content based colour correction and efficient 3D surface reconstruction. All of the investigations were undertaken by using multiple views from normal digital cameras, web cameras and a ”one-shot” panoramic system. In the process of 3D reconstruction a new interest points based mosaicing method, a new interest points based colour correction method, a new hybrid feature and area based correspondence constraint and a new structured light based 3D reconstruction method have been investigated. The major contributions and results can be summarised as follows: • A new interest point based image stitching method has been proposed and investigated. The robustness of interest points has been tested and evaluated. Interest points have been proved robust to changes in lighting, viewpoint, rotation and scale. • A new interest point based method for colour correction has been proposed and investigated. The results of linear and linear plus affine colour transforms have proved more accurate than traditional diagonal transforms in accurately matching colours in panoramic images. • A new structured light based method for correspondence point based 3D reconstruction has been proposed and investigated. The method has been proved to increase the accuracy of the correspondence search for areas with low texture. Correspondence speed has also been increased with a new hybrid feature and area based correspondence search constraint. • Based on the investigation, a software framework has been developed for image based 3D virtual environment construction. The GUI includes abilities for importing images, colour correction, mosaicing, 3D surface reconstruction, texture recovery and visualisation. • 11 research papers have been published.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Effective and Efficient Non-Destructive Testing of Large and Complex Shaped Aircraft Structures

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    The main aim of the research described within this thesis is to develop methodologies that enhance the defect detection capabilities of nondestructive testing (NDT) for the aircraft industry. Modem aircraft non-destructive testing requires the detection of small defects in large complex shaped components. Research has therefore focused on the limitations of ultrasonic, radioscopic and shearographic methods and the complimentary aspects associated with each method. The work has identified many parameters that have significant effect on successful defect detection and has developed methods for assessing NDT systems capabilities by noise analysis, excitation performance and error contributions attributed to the positioning of sensors. The work has resulted in 1. The demonstration that positional accuracy when ultrasonic testing has a significant effect on defect detection and a method to measure positional accuracy by evaluating the compensation required in a ten axis scanning system has revealed limitsio the achievable defect detection when using complex geometry scanning systems. 2. A method to reliably detect 15 micron voids in a diffusion bonded joint at ultrasonic frequencies of 20 MHz and above by optimising transducer excitation, focussing and normalisation. 3. A method of determining the minimum detectable ultrasonic attenuation variation by plotting the measuring error when calibrating the alignment of a ten axis scanning system. 4. A new formula for the calculation of the optimum magnification for digital radiography. The formula is applicable for focal spot sizes less than 0.1 mm. 5. A practical method of measuring the detection capabilities of a digital radiographic system by calculating the modulation transfer function and the noise power spectrum from a reference image. 6. The practical application of digital radiography to the inspection of super plastically formed ditThsion bonded titanium (SPFDB) and carbon fibre composite structure has been demonstrated but has also been supported by quantitative measurement of the imaging systems capabilities. 7. A method of integrating all the modules of the shearography system that provides significant improvement in the minimum defect detection capability for which a patent has been granted. 8. The matching of the applied stress to the data capture and processing during a shearographic inspection which again contributes significantly to the defect detection capability. 9. The testing and validation of the Parker and Salter [1999] temporal unwrapping and laser illumination work has led to the realisation that producing a pressure drop that would result in a linear change in surface deformation over time is difficult to achieve. 10. The defect detection capabilities achievable by thermal stressing during a shearographic inspection have been discovered by applying the pressure drop algorithms to a thermally stressed part. 11. The minimum surface displacement measurable by a shearography system and therefore the defect detection capabilities can be determined by analysing the signal to noise ratio of a transition from a black (poor reflecting surface) to white (good reflecting surface). The quantisation range for the signal to noise ratio is then used in the Hung [1982] formula to calculate the minimum displacement. Many of the research aspects contained within this thesis are cuffently being implemented within the production inspection process at BAE Samlesbury

    Mapping Road Infrastructure in Developing Countries Applying Remote Sensing and GIS : The Case of the Taita Hills, Kenya

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    Road transport and infrastructure has a fundamental meaning for the developing world. Poor quality and inadequate coverage of roads, lack of maintenance operations and outdated road maps continue to hinder economic and social development in the developing countries. This thesis focuses on studying the present state of road infrastructure and its mapping in the Taita Hills, south-east Kenya. The study is included as a part of the TAITA-project by the Department of Geography, University of Helsinki. The road infrastructure of the study area is studied by remote sensing and GIS based methodology. As the principal dataset, true colour airborne digital camera data from 2004, was used to generate an aerial image mosaic of the study area. Auxiliary data includes SPOT satellite imagery from 2003, field spectrometry data of road surfaces and relevant literature. Road infrastructure characteristics are interpreted from three test sites using pixel-based supervised classification, object-oriented supervised classifications and visual interpretation. Road infrastructure of the test sites is interpreted visually from a SPOT image. Road centrelines are then extracted from the object-oriented classification results with an automatic vectorisation process. The road infrastructure of the entire image mosaic is mapped by applying the most appropriate assessed data and techniques. The spectral characteristics and reflectance of various road surfaces are considered with the acquired field spectra and relevant literature. The results are compared with the experimented road mapping methods. This study concludes that classification and extraction of roads remains a difficult task, and that the accuracy of the results is inadequate regardless of the high spatial resolution of the image mosaic used in this thesis. Visual interpretation, out of all the experimented methods in this thesis is the most straightforward, accurate and valid technique for road mapping. Certain road surfaces have similar spectral characteristics and reflectance values with other land cover and land use. This has a great influence for digital analysis techniques in particular. Road mapping is made even more complicated by rich vegetation and tree canopy, clouds, shadows, low contrast between roads and surroundings and the width of narrow roads in relation to the spatial resolution of the imagery used. The results of this thesis may be applied to road infrastructure mapping in developing countries on a more general context, although with certain limits. In particular, unclassified rural roads require updated road mapping schemas to intensify road transport possibilities and to assist in the development of the developing world.Tieliikenteellä ja -infrastruktuurilla on keskeinen merkitys kehitysmaissa. Tiestön kattavuudessa, kunnossa, tienpidossa ja kartoituksessa on puutteita, jotka rajoittavat taloudellista ja sosiaalista kehitystä. Tämä tutkimus keskittyy tieinfrastruktuurin nykytilan tutkimiseen ja kartoitukseen Taita Hillsin alueella Kaakkois-Keniassa, sekä tiekartoituksen mahdollisuuksien arviointiin yleisesti kehitysmaissa. Tutkimus on osa Helsingin yliopiston maantieteen laitoksen TAITA-projektia. Tutkimusalueen tieinfrastruktuuria tutkitaan kaukokartoitus- ja paikkatietomenetelmien avulla. Tutkimuksen pääaineistona ovat vuoden 2004 digitaaliset oikeaväri-ilmakuvat, joista muodostetaan ilmakuvamosaiikki. Lisäaineistona ovat SPOT väärävärisatelliittikuva vuodelta 2003, tiepintojen spektrometrimittaukset, olemassa olevat kartta-aineistot sekä aihetta käsittelevä kirjallisuus. Tiestö tulkitaan ilmakuvamosaiikin kolmelta testialueelta pikselipohjaisella ohjatulla luokituksella, objekti-orientoiduilla ohjatuilla luokituksilla sekä visuaalisella tulkinnalla. SPOT kuvalta testialueiden tiestö tulkitaan visuaalisesti. Toisen objekti-orientoidun luokituksen tuloksesta tiestön keskilinjat irrotetaan automaattisella vektoroinnilla. Lopuksi tieverkko kartoitetaan koko ilmakuvamosaiikin alueelta parhaiksi havaituilla menetelmillä ja aineistolla. Spektrometrimittauksien ja kirjallisuuden avulla tarkastellaan eri tiepintojen heijastusarvoja ja teiden spektraalisia ominaisuuksia ja tuloksia verrataan testattujen tulkintamenetelmien tuloksiin. Yhteenvetona voidaan sanoa, että tieverkon luokittelu ja irrottaminen on digitaalisilla menetelmillä vaikeaa ja tulokset epätarkkoja ilmakuva-aineiston korkeasta spatiaalisesta resoluutiosta huolimatta. Visuaalinen tulkinta ja digitointi on toistaiseksi yksinkertaisin, tarkin ja validein tutkituista menetelmistä. Tietyillä tiepinnoilla on koostumuksen ja rakennusmateriaalien takia samankaltaiset heijastusominaisuudet muun maanpeitteen- ja maankäytön kanssa, mikä vaikuttaa etenkin digitaalisten tulkintamenetelmien tuloksiin. Teiden kartoitusta vaikeuttaa myös runsas kasvillisuus, puiden latvuskerros, pilvet, varjot, heikko kontrasti ympäristöön ja teiden kapeus suhteessa käytetyn aineiston spatiaaliseen resoluutioon. Tämän tutkimuksen tuloksia ja menetelmiä voidaan soveltaa tietyin rajoituksin myös laajempaan, kehitysmaiden tiekartoituksen kontekstiin. Erityisesti maaseutujen luokittelemattomat tiet ovat ajantasaisen tiekartoituksen tarpeessa tieliikenteen tehostamiseksi ja kehityksen edesauttamiseksi kehitysmaissa

    Effective and efficient non-destructive testing of large and complex shaped aircraft structures

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    The main aim of the research described within this thesis is to develop methodologies that enhance the defect detection capabilities of nondestructive testing (NDT) for the aircraft industry. Modem aircraft non-destructive testing requires the detection of small defects in large complex shaped components. Research has therefore focused on the limitations of ultrasonic, radioscopic and shearographic methods and the complimentary aspects associated with each method. The work has identified many parameters that have significant effect on successful defect detection and has developed methods for assessing NDT systems capabilities by noise analysis, excitation performance and error contributions attributed to the positioning of sensors. The work has resulted in 1. The demonstration that positional accuracy when ultrasonic testing has a significant effect on defect detection and a method to measure positional accuracy by evaluating the compensation required in a ten axis scanning system has revealed limitsio the achievable defect detection when using complex geometry scanning systems. 2. A method to reliably detect 15 micron voids in a diffusion bonded joint at ultrasonic frequencies of 20 MHz and above by optimising transducer excitation, focussing and normalisation. 3. A method of determining the minimum detectable ultrasonic attenuation variation by plotting the measuring error when calibrating the alignment of a ten axis scanning system. 4. A new formula for the calculation of the optimum magnification for digital radiography. The formula is applicable for focal spot sizes less than 0.1 mm. 5. A practical method of measuring the detection capabilities of a digital radiographic system by calculating the modulation transfer function and the noise power spectrum from a reference image. 6. The practical application of digital radiography to the inspection of super plastically formed ditThsion bonded titanium (SPFDB) and carbon fibre composite structure has been demonstrated but has also been supported by quantitative measurement of the imaging systems capabilities. 7. A method of integrating all the modules of the shearography system that provides significant improvement in the minimum defect detection capability for which a patent has been granted. 8. The matching of the applied stress to the data capture and processing during a shearographic inspection which again contributes significantly to the defect detection capability. 9. The testing and validation of the Parker and Salter [1999] temporal unwrapping and laser illumination work has led to the realisation that producing a pressure drop that would result in a linear change in surface deformation over time is difficult to achieve. 10. The defect detection capabilities achievable by thermal stressing during a shearographic inspection have been discovered by applying the pressure drop algorithms to a thermally stressed part. 11. The minimum surface displacement measurable by a shearography system and therefore the defect detection capabilities can be determined by analysing the signal to noise ratio of a transition from a black (poor reflecting surface) to white (good reflecting surface). The quantisation range for the signal to noise ratio is then used in the Hung [1982] formula to calculate the minimum displacement. Many of the research aspects contained within this thesis are cuffently being implemented within the production inspection process at BAE Samlesbury.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo