1,503 research outputs found

    Guarded Teams: The Horizontally Guarded Case

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    Team semantics admits reasoning about large sets of data, modelled by sets of assignments (called teams), with first-order syntax. This leads to high expressive power and complexity, particularly in the presence of atomic dependency properties for such data sets. It is therefore interesting to explore fragments and variants of logic with team semantics that permit model-theoretic tools and algorithmic methods to control this explosion in expressive power and complexity. We combine here the study of team semantics with the notion of guarded logics, which are well-understood in the case of classical Tarski semantics, and known to strike a good balance between expressive power and algorithmic manageability. In fact there are two strains of guardedness for teams. Horizontal guardedness requires the individual assignments of the team to be guarded in the usual sense of guarded logics. Vertical guardedness, on the other hand, posits an additional (or definable) hypergraph structure on relational structures in order to interpret a constraint on the component-wise variability of assignments within teams. In this paper we investigate the horizontally guarded case. We study horizontally guarded logics for teams and appropriate notions of guarded team bisimulation. In particular, we establish characterisation theorems that relate invariance under guarded team bisimulation with guarded team logics, but also with logics under classical Tarski semantics

    Modal logics are coalgebraic

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    Applications of modal logics are abundant in computer science, and a large number of structurally different modal logics have been successfully employed in a diverse spectrum of application contexts. Coalgebraic semantics, on the other hand, provides a uniform and encompassing view on the large variety of specific logics used in particular domains. The coalgebraic approach is generic and compositional: tools and techniques simultaneously apply to a large class of application areas and can moreover be combined in a modular way. In particular, this facilitates a pick-and-choose approach to domain specific formalisms, applicable across the entire scope of application areas, leading to generic software tools that are easier to design, to implement, and to maintain. This paper substantiates the authors' firm belief that the systematic exploitation of the coalgebraic nature of modal logic will not only have impact on the field of modal logic itself but also lead to significant progress in a number of areas within computer science, such as knowledge representation and concurrency/mobility

    A Case Study on Computational Hermeneutics: E. J. Lowe’s Modal Ontological Argument

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    Computers may help us to better understand (not just verify) arguments. In this article we defend this claim by showcasing the application of a new, computer-assisted interpretive method to an exemplary natural-language ar- gument with strong ties to metaphysics and religion: E. J. Lowe’s modern variant of St. Anselm’s ontological argument for the existence of God. Our new method, which we call computational hermeneutics, has been particularly conceived for use in interactive-automated proof assistants. It aims at shedding light on the meanings of words and sentences by framing their inferential role in a given argument. By employing automated theorem reasoning technology within interactive proof assistants, we are able to drastically reduce (by several orders of magnitude) the time needed to test the logical validity of an argu- ment’s formalization. As a result, a new approach to logical analysis, inspired by Donald Davidson’s account of radical interpretation, has been enabled. In computational hermeneutics, the utilization of automated reasoning tools ef- fectively boosts our capacity to expose the assumptions we indirectly commit ourselves to every time we engage in rational argumentation and it fosters the explicitation and revision of our concepts and commitments

    Generic Trace Semantics and Graded Monads

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    Models of concurrent systems employ a wide variety of semantics inducing various notions of process equivalence, ranging from linear-time semantics such as trace equivalence to branching-time semantics such as strong bisimilarity. Many of these generalize to system types beyond standard transition systems, featuring, for example, weighted, probabilistic, or game-based transitions; this motivates the search for suitable coalgebraic abstractions of process equivalence that cover these orthogonal dimensions of generality, i.e. are generic both in the system type and in the notion of system equivalence. In recent joint work with Kurz, we have proposed a parametrization of system equivalence over an embedding of the coalgebraic type functor into a monad. In the present paper, we refine this abstraction to use graded monads, which come with a notion of depth that corresponds, e.g., to trace length or bisimulation depth. We introduce a notion of graded algebras and show how they play the role of formulas in trace logics

    Compositional Safety Logics

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    In this paper we present a generalisation of a promising compositional model-checking technique introduced for finite-state systems by Andersen in [And95] and extended to networks of timedautomata by Larsen et al in [LPY95a, LL95, LPY95b, KLL+97a].In our generalized setting, programs are modelled as arbitrary(possibly infinite-state) transition systems and verified with respectto properties of a basic safety logic. As the fundamentalprerequisite of the compositional technique, it is shown how logicalproperties of a parallel program may be transformed intonecessary and sufficient properties of components of the program.Finally, a set of axiomatic laws are provided useful forsimplifying formulae and complete with respect to validity andunsatisfiability

    On the semantics of fuzzy logic

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    AbstractThis paper presents a formal characterization of the major concepts and constructs of fuzzy logic in terms of notions of distance, closeness, and similarity between pairs of possible worlds. The formalism is a direct extension (by recognition of multiple degrees of accessibility, conceivability, or reachability) of the najor modal logic concepts of possible and necessary truth.Given a function that maps pairs of possible worlds into a number between 0 and 1, generalizing the conventional concept of an equivalence relation, the major constructs of fuzzy logic (conditional and unconditioned possibility distributions) are defined in terms of this similarity relation using familiar concepts from the mathematical theory of metric spaces. This interpretation is different in nature and character from the typical, chance-oriented, meanings associated with probabilistic concepts, which are grounded on the mathematical notion of set measure. The similarity structure defines a topological notion of continuity in the space of possible worlds (and in that of its subsets, i.e., propositions) that allows a form of logical “extrapolation” between possible worlds.This logical extrapolation operation corresponds to the major deductive rule of fuzzy logic — the compositional rule of inference or generalized modus ponens of Zadeh — an inferential operation that generalizes its classical counterpart by virtue of its ability to be utilized when propositions representing available evidence match only approximately the antecedents of conditional propositions. The relations between the similarity-based interpretation of the role of conditional possibility distributions and the approximate inferential procedures of Baldwin are also discussed.A straightforward extension of the theory to the case where the similarity scale is symbolic rather than numeric is described. The problem of generating similarity functions from a given set of possibility distributions, with the latter interpreted as defining a number of (graded) discernibility relations and the former as the result of combining them into a joint measure of distinguishability between possible worlds, is briefly discussed

    Musings on Encodings and Expressiveness

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    This paper proposes a definition of what it means for one system description language to encode another one, thereby enabling an ordering of system description languages with respect to expressive power. I compare the proposed definition with other definitions of encoding and expressiveness found in the literature, and illustrate it on a case study: comparing the expressive power of CCS and CSP.Comment: In Proceedings EXPRESS/SOS 2012, arXiv:1208.244