85 research outputs found

    Fundamentals of Binaural Technology

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    Multichannel acoustic signal processing has undergone major development in recent years due to the increased complexity of current audio processing applications. People want to collaborate through communication with the feeling of being together and sharing the same environment, what is considered as Immersive Audio Schemes. In this phenomenon, several acoustic e ects are involved: 3D spatial sound, room compensation, crosstalk cancelation, sound source localization, among others. However, high computing capacity is required to achieve any of these e ects in a real large-scale system, what represents a considerable limitation for real-time applications. The increase of the computational capacity has been historically linked to the number of transistors in a chip. However, nowadays the improvements in the computational capacity are mainly given by increasing the number of processing units, i.e expanding parallelism in computing. This is the case of the Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), that own now thousands of computing cores. GPUs were traditionally related to graphic or image applications, but new releases in the GPU programming environments, CUDA or OpenCL, allowed that most applications were computationally accelerated in elds beyond graphics. This thesis aims to demonstrate that GPUs are totally valid tools to carry out audio applications that require high computational resources. To this end, di erent applications in the eld of audio processing are studied and performed using GPUs. This manuscript also analyzes and solves possible limitations in each GPU-based implementation both from the acoustic point of view as from the computational point of view. In this document, we have addressed the following problems: Most of audio applications are based on massive ltering. Thus, the rst implementation to undertake is a fundamental operation in the audio processing: the convolution. It has been rst developed as a computational kernel and afterwards used for an application that combines multiples convolutions concurrently: generalized crosstalk cancellation and equalization. The proposed implementation can successfully manage two di erent and common situations: size of bu ers that are much larger than the size of the lters and size of bu ers that are much smaller than the size of the lters. Two spatial audio applications that use the GPU as a co-processor have been developed from the massive multichannel ltering. First application deals with binaural audio. Its main feature is that this application is able to synthesize sound sources in spatial positions that are not included in the database of HRTF and to generate smoothly movements of sound sources. Both features were designed after di erent tests (objective and subjective). The performance regarding number of sound source that could be rendered in real time was assessed on GPUs with di erent GPU architectures. A similar performance is measured in a Wave Field Synthesis system (second spatial audio application) that is composed of 96 loudspeakers. The proposed GPU-based implementation is able to reduce the room e ects during the sound source rendering. A well-known approach for sound source localization in noisy and reverberant environments is also addressed on a multi-GPU system. This is the case of the Steered Response Power with Phase Transform (SRPPHAT) algorithm. Since localization accuracy can be improved by using high-resolution spatial grids and a high number of microphones, accurate acoustic localization systems require high computational power. The solutions implemented in this thesis are evaluated both from localization and from computational performance points of view, taking into account different acoustic environments, and always from a real-time implementation perspective. Finally, This manuscript addresses also massive multichannel ltering when the lters present an In nite Impulse Response (IIR). Two cases are analyzed in this manuscript: 1) IIR lters composed of multiple secondorder sections, and 2) IIR lters that presents an allpass response. Both cases are used to develop and accelerate two di erent applications: 1) to execute multiple Equalizations in a WFS system, and 2) to reduce the dynamic range in an audio signal.Belloch Rodríguez, JA. (2014). PERFORMANCE IMPROVEMENT OF MULTICHANNEL AUDIO BY GRAPHICS PROCESSING UNITS [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/40651TESISPremios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorale

    Enhanced PON Infrastructure Enabled by Silicon Photonics

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    Les systèmes de courte portée et de détection directe sont le dernier/premier kilomètre de la fourniture des services Internet d'aujourd'hui. Deux cas d'application sont abordés dans cette thèse, l'un concerne l'amélioration des performances des services Internet par la Fibre-To-TheHome ou les réseaux optiques passifs (PONs). L'autre est le radio access network (RAN) pour le fronthaul. Notre objectif pour RAN est de superposer les signaux 5G sur une infrastructure PON. Nous démontrons expérimentalement la génération d'un signal de répartition multiplexée de fréquences orthogonales (OFDM) à bande latérale unique en utilisant un modulateur IQ sur puce basé sur les photoniques au silicium à micro-anneau. Il s'agit d'une solution à coût bas permettant aux PONs d'augmenter les débits de données grâce à l'utilisation d'OFDM. Nous avons généré un signal OFDM à large bande avec un ratio de suppression de bande latérale de plus de 18 dB. Afin de confirmer la robustesse de la dispersion chromatique (CD), nous transmettons le signal généré OFDM SSB dans plus de 20 km de fibre de monomode standard. Aucun fading induit par la CD n'a été observé et le taux d'erreur sur les bits était bon. Nous proposons une solution de photoniques au silicium pour un réseau optique passif afin de mitiger l'interférence de battement signal-signal (SSBI) dans la transmission OFDM, et de récupérer une partie des porteuses de la liaison descendante pour une utilisation dans la liaison montante. Le sous-système recrée les interférences à une entrée du détecteur équilibré ; le signal de données corrompu par SSBI est à la deuxième entrée. L'annulation se produit via la soustraction dans la détection équilibrée. Comme notre solution de photoniques au silicium (SiP) ne peut pas filtrer les signaux idéalement, nous examinons un facteur d'échelle introduit dans la détection équilibrée qui peut balancer les effets de filtrage non idéaux. Nous montrons expérimentalement l'annulation de l'interférence donne de bonnes performances même avec une porteuse faible, soit pour un ratio porteuse/signal ultra bas de 0 dB. Bien que notre solution soit sensible aux effets de la température, notre démonstration expérimentale montre que le réglage de la fréquence résonante peut dériver jusqu'à 12 GHz de la valeur ciblée et présenter toujours de bonnes performances. Nous effectuons des simulations extensives du schéma d'annulation SSBI proposé, et suggérons une diverse conception polarisée pour le sous-système SiP. Nous examinons via la simulation la vulnérabilité à la variation de température et introduisons une nouvelle métrique de performance : Q-facteur minimum garanti. Nous nous servons de cette métrique pour évaluer la robustesse d'annulation SSBI contre la dérive de fréquence induite par les changements de température. Nous maximisons l'efficacité spectrale sous différentes conditions du système en balayant les paramètres de conception contrôlables. Finalement, les résultats de la simulation du système fournissent des indications sur la conception du résonateur micro-anneau, ainsi que sur le choix de la bande de garde et du format de modulation pour obtenir la plus grande efficacité spectrale. Finalement, nous nous concentrons sur la superposition des signaux 5G sur une infrastructure PON pour RAN. Nous expérimentalement validons un sous-système photonique au silicium conçu pour les réseaux optiques passifs avec réutilisation de porteuses et compatibilité radiosur-fibre (RoF) analogique 5G. Le sous-système permet la détection simultanée des signaux RoF et du signal PON transmis dans une seule tranche assignée de longueur d'onde. Tout en maintenant une qualité suffisante de détection des signaux RoF et PON, il n'y a que la puissance minimale de la porteuse qui est extraite pour chaque détection, ce qui conserve ainsi la puissance de la porteuse pour la modulation de liaison montante. Nous réalisons une suppression efficace du signal de liaison descendante en laissant une porteuse propre et forte pour la remodulation. Nous démontrons expérimentalement le signal RoF de liaison montante via un modulateur à micro-anneau. Nous avons détecté avec succès un signal à large bande de 8 GHz et cinq signaux RoF de 125 MHz simultanément. Et deux signaux RoF de 125 MHz sont remodulés sur la même porteuse. Le signal RoF de liaison montante généré est de 13 dB de plus que les signaux de liaison descendante, ce qui indique leur robustesse contre la diaphonie des signaux résiduels de la liaison descendante.Short reach, direct detection systems are the last/first mile of today's internet service provision. Two use cases are addressed in this thesis, one is for enhancing performance of Internet services on fiber-to-the-home or passive optical networks (PON). The other is radio access networks (RAN) for fronthaul. Our focus for RAN is to overlay 5G signals on a PON infrastructure. We experimentally demonstrate the generation of a single-sideband orthogonal frequency division multiplexed (OFDM) signal using an on-chip silicon photonics microring-based IQ modulator. This is a low cost solution enabling PONs to increase data rates through the use of OFDM. We generated a wideband OFDM signal with over 18 dB sideband suppression ratio. To confirm chromatic dispersion (CD) robustness, we transmit the generated SSB OFDM signal over 20 km of standard single mode fiber. No CD-induced fading was observed and bit error rate was good. We propose a silicon photonics solution for a passive optical network to mitigate signal-signal beat interference (SSBI) in OFDM transmission, and to recuperate a part of the downlink carrier for use in the uplink. The subsystem recreates the interference at one balanced detector input; the data signal corrupted with SSBI is at the second input. Cancellation occurs via subtraction in the balanced detection. As our silicon photonics (SiP) solution cannot filter the signals ideally, we examine a scaling factor to be introduced to the balanced detection that can trade-off the non-ideal filtering effects. We show experimentally that the interference is cancelled, allowing good performance even with a weak carrier, that is, for ultra low carrier to signal ratio of 0 dB. Although our solution is sensitive to temperature effects, our experimental demonstration shows the tuning of the resonant frequency can drift by as much as 12 GHz from the targeted value and still provide good performance. We perform extensive simulations of the proposed SSBI cancellation scheme, and suggest a polarization diverse design for the SiP subsystem. We examine via simulation the vulnerability to temperature variation and introduce a new performance metric: minimum guaranteed Qfactor. We use this metric to evaluate the SSBI cancellation robustness against the frequency drift induced by temperature changes. We maximize the spectral efficiency under different system conditions by sweeping the controllable design parameters. Finally the system simulation results provide guidance on the microring resonator design, as well as choice of guard band and modulation format to achieve the highest spectral efficiency. Finally, we turn to focus on overlay 5G signals on a PON infrastructure for RAN. We experimentally validate a silicon photonic subsystem designed for passive optical networks with carrier reuse and 5G analog radio-over-fiber (RoF) compatibility. The subsystem enables the simultaneous detection of RoF signals and a PON signal transmitted in a single assigned wavelength slot. While maintaining sufficient quality of RoF and PON signal detection, only the minimum carrier power is leached off for each detection, thus conserving carrier power for uplink modulation. We realize effective downlink signal suppression to leave a clean and strong carrier for remodulation. We demonstrate experimentally the RoF uplink signal via a micro ring modulator. We successfully detected an 8 GHz broadband signal and five 125 MHz RoF signals simultaneously. And two 125 MHz radio over fiber signals are remodulated onto the same carrier. The generated uplink RoF signal is 13 dB over the downlink signals, indicating their robustness against the crosstalk from residual downlink signals

    WDM/TDM PON bidirectional networks single-fiber/wavelength RSOA-based ONUs layer 1/2 optimization

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    This Thesis proposes the design and the optimization of a hybrid WDM/TDM PON at the L1 (PHY) and L2 (MAC) layers, in terms of minimum deployment cost and enhanced performance for Greenfield NGPON. The particular case of RSOA-based ONUs and ODN using a single-fibre/single-wavelength is deeply analysed. In this WDM/TDM PON relevant parameters are optimized. Special attention has been given at the main noise impairment in this type of networks: the Rayleigh Backscattering effect, which cannot be prevented. To understand its behaviour and mitigate its effects, a novel mathematical model for the Rayleigh Backscattering in burst mode transmission is presented for the first time, and it has been used to optimize the WDM/TDM RSOA based PON. Also, a cost-effective, simple design SCM WDM/TDM PON with rSOA-based ONU, was optimized and implemented. This prototype was successfully tested showing high performance, robustness, versatility and reliability. So, the system is able to give coverage up to 1280 users at 2.5 Gb/s / 1.25 Gb/s downstream/upstream, over 20 Km, and being compatible with the GPON ITU-T recommendation. This precedent has enabled the SARDANA network to extend the design, architecture and capabilities of a WDM/TDM PON for a long reach metro-access network (100 km). A proposal for an agile Transmission Convergence sub-layer is presented as another relevant contribution of this work. It is based on the optimization of the standards GPON and XG-PON (for compatibility), but applied to a long reach metro-access TDM/WDM PON rSOA-based network with higher client count. Finally, a proposal of physical implementation for the SARDANA layer 2 and possible configurations for SARDANA internetworking, with the metro network and core transport network, are presented

    Hybrid NRZ/Multi-Tone Signaling for High-Speed Low-Power Wireline Transceivers

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    Over the past few decades, incessant growth of Internet networking traffic and High-Performance Computing (HPC) has led to a tremendous demand for data bandwidth. Digital communication technologies combined with advanced integrated circuit scaling trends have enabled the semiconductor and microelectronic industry to dramatically scale the bandwidth of high-loss interfaces such as Ethernet, backplane, and Digital Subscriber Line (DSL). The key to achieving higher bandwidth is to employ equalization technique to compensate the channel impairments such as Inter-Symbol Interference (ISI), crosstalk, and environmental noise. Therefore, todayâs advanced input/outputs (I/Os) has been equipped with sophisticated equalization techniques to push beyond the uncompensated bandwidth of the system. To this end, process scaling has continually increased the data processing capability and improved the I/O performance over the last 15 years. However, since the channel bandwidth has not scaled with the same pace, the required signal processing and equalization circuitry becomes more and more complicated. Thereby, the energy efficiency improvements are largely offset by the energy needed to compensate channel impairments. In this design paradigm, re-thinking about the design strategies in order to not only satisfy the bandwidth performance, but also to improve power-performance becomes an important necessity. It is well known in communication theory that coding and signaling schemes have the potential to provide superior performance over band-limited channels. However, the choice of the optimum data communication algorithm should be considered by accounting for the circuit level power-performance trade-offs. In this thesis we have investigated the application of new algorithm and signaling schemes in wireline communications, especially for communication between microprocessors, memories, and peripherals. A new hybrid NRZ/Multi-Tone (NRZ/MT) signaling method has been developed during the course of this research. The system-level and circuit-level analysis, design, and implementation of the proposed signaling method has been performed in the frame of this work, and the silicon measurement results have proved the efficiency and the robustness of the proposed signaling methodology for wireline interfaces. In the first part of this work, a 7.5 Gb/s hybrid NRZ/MT transceiver (TRX) for multi-drop bus (MDB) memory interfaces is designed and fabricated in 40 nm CMOS technology. Reducing the complexity of the equalization circuitry on the receiver (RX) side, the proposed architecture achieves 1 pJ/bit link efficiency for a MDB channel bearing 45 dB loss at 2.5 GHz. The measurement results of the first prototype confirm that NRZ/MT serial data TRX can offer an energy-efficient solution for MDB memory interfaces. Motivated by the satisfying results of the first prototype, in the second phase of this research we have exploited the properties of multi-tone signaling, especially orthogonality among different sub-bands, to reduce the effect of crosstalk in high-dense wireline interconnects. A four-channel transceiver has been implemented in a standard CMOS 40 nm technology in order to demonstrate the performance of NRZ/MT signaling in presence of high channel loss and strong crosstalk noise. The proposed system achieves 1 pJ/bit power efficiency, while communicating over a MDB memory channel at 36 Gb/s aggregate data rate
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