290 research outputs found

    Hierarchical structure-and-motion recovery from uncalibrated images

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    This paper addresses the structure-and-motion problem, that requires to find camera motion and 3D struc- ture from point matches. A new pipeline, dubbed Samantha, is presented, that departs from the prevailing sequential paradigm and embraces instead a hierarchical approach. This method has several advantages, like a provably lower computational complexity, which is necessary to achieve true scalability, and better error containment, leading to more stability and less drift. Moreover, a practical autocalibration procedure allows to process images without ancillary information. Experiments with real data assess the accuracy and the computational efficiency of the method.Comment: Accepted for publication in CVI

    Robust Wide Baseline Stereo from Maximally Stable Extremal Regions

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    Uncalibrated stereo vision applied to breast cancer treatment aesthetic assessment

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    Mestrado Integrado. Engenharia Informática e Computação. Universidade do Porto. Faculdade de Engenharia. 201

    Enhancing low-level features with mid-level cues

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    Local features have become an essential tool in visual recognition. Much of the progress in computer vision over the past decade has built on simple, local representations such as SIFT or HOG. SIFT in particular shifted the paradigm in feature representation. Subsequent works have often focused on improving either computational efficiency, or invariance properties. This thesis belongs to the latter group. Invariance is a particularly relevant aspect if we intend to work with dense features. The traditional approach to sparse matching is to rely on stable interest points, such as corners, where scale and orientation can be reliably estimated, enforcing invariance; dense features need to be computed on arbitrary points. Dense features have been shown to outperform sparse matching techniques in many recognition problems, and form the bulk of our work. In this thesis we present strategies to enhance low-level, local features with mid-level, global cues. We devise techniques to construct better features, and use them to handle complex ambiguities, occlusions and background changes. To deal with ambiguities, we explore the use of motion to enforce temporal consistency with optical flow priors. We also introduce a novel technique to exploit segmentation cues, and use it to extract features invariant to background variability. For this, we downplay image measurements most likely to belong to a region different from that where the descriptor is computed. In both cases we follow the same strategy: we incorporate mid-level, "big picture" information into the construction of local features, and proceed to use them in the same manner as we would the baseline features. We apply these techniques to different feature representations, including SIFT and HOG, and use them to address canonical vision problems such as stereo and object detection, demonstrating that the introduction of global cues yields consistent improvements. We prioritize solutions that are simple, general, and efficient. Our main contributions are as follows: (a) An approach to dense stereo reconstruction with spatiotemporal features, which unlike existing works remains applicable to wide baselines. (b) A technique to exploit segmentation cues to construct dense descriptors invariant to background variability, such as occlusions or background motion. (c) A technique to integrate bottom-up segmentation with recognition efficiently, amenable to sliding window detectors.Les "features" locals s'han convertit en una eina fonamental en el camp del reconeixement visual. Gran part del progrés experimentat en el camp de la visió per computador al llarg de l'última decada es basa en representacions locals de baixa complexitat, com SIFT o HOG. SIFT, en concret, ha canviat el paradigma en representació de característiques visuals. Els treballs que l'han succeït s'acostumen a centrar o bé a millorar la seva eficiencia computacional, o bé propietats d'invariança. El treball presentat en aquesta tesi pertany al segon grup. L'invariança es un aspecte especialment rellevant quan volem treballab amb "features" denses, és a dir per a cada pixel. La manera tradicional d'atacar el problema amb "features" de baixa densitat consisteix en seleccionar punts d'interés estables, com per exemple cantonades, on l'escala i l'orientació poden ser estimades de manera robusta. Les "features" denses, per definició, han de ser calculades en punts arbitraris de la imatge. S'ha demostrat que les "features" denses obtenen millors resultats en tècniques de correspondència per a molts problemes en reconeixement, i formen la major part del nostre treball. En aquesta tesi presentem estratègies per a enriquir "features" locals de baix nivell amb "cues" o dades globals, de mitja complexitat. Dissenyem tècniques per a construïr millors "features", que usem per a atacar problemes tals com correspondències amb un grau elevat d'ambigüetat, oclusions, i canvis del fons de la imatge. Per a atacar ambigüetats, explorem l'ús del moviment per a imposar consistència espai-temporal mitjançant informació d'"optical flow". També presentem una tècnica per explotar dades de segmentació que fem servir per a extreure "features" invariants a canvis en el fons de la imatge. Aquest mètode consisteix en atenuar els components de la imatge (i per tant les "features") que probablement corresponguin a regions diferents a la del descriptor que estem calculant. En ambdós casos seguim la mateixa estratègia: la nostra voluntat és incorporar dades globals d'un nivell de complexitat mitja a la construcció de "features" locals, que procedim a utilitzar de la mateixa manera que les "features" originals. Aquestes tècniques són aplicades a diferents tipus de representacions, incloent SIFT i HOG, i mostrem com utilitzar-les per a atacar problemes fonamentals en visió per computador tals com l'estèreo i la detecció d'objectes. En aquest treball demostrem que introduïnt informació global en la construcció de "features" locals podem obtenir millores consistentment. Donem prioritat a solucions senzilles, generals i eficients. Aquestes són les principals contribucions de la tesi: (a) Una tècnica per a reconstrucció estèreo densa mitjançant "features" espai-temporals, amb l'avantatge respecte a treballs existents que podem aplicar-la a càmeres en qualsevol configuració geomètrica ("wide-baseline"). (b) Una tècnica per a explotar dades de segmentació dins la construcció de descriptors densos, fent-los invariants a canvis al fons de la imatge, i per tant a problemes com les oclusions en estèreo o objectes en moviment. (c) Una tècnica per a integrar segmentació de manera ascendent ("bottom-up") en problemes de reconeixement d'una manera eficient, dissenyada per a detectors de tipus "sliding window"

    An empirical assessment of real-time progressive stereo reconstruction

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    3D reconstruction from images, the problem of reconstructing depth from images, is one of the most well-studied problems within computer vision. In part because it is academically interesting, but also because of the significant growth in the use of 3D models. This growth can be attributed to the development of augmented reality, 3D printing and indoor mapping. Progressive stereo reconstruction is the sequential application of stereo reconstructions to reconstruct a scene. To achieve a reliable progressive stereo reconstruction a combination of best practice algorithms needs to be used. The purpose of this research is to determine the combinat ion of best practice algorithms that lead to the most accurate and efficient progressive stereo reconstruction i.e the best practice combination. In order to obtain a similarity reconstruction the in t rinsic parameters of the camera need to be known. If they are not known they are determined by capturing ten images of a checkerboard with a known calibration pattern from different angles and using the moving plane algori thm. Thereafter in order to perform a near real-time reconstruction frames are acquired and reconstructed simultaneously. For the first pair of frames keypoints are detected and matched using a best practice keypoint detection and matching algorithm. The motion of the camera between the frames is then determined by decomposing the essential matrix which is determined from the fundamental matrix, which is determined using a best practice ego-motion estimation algorithm. Finally the keypoints are reconstructed using a best practice reconstruction algorithm. For sequential frames each frame is paired with t he previous frame and keypoints are therefore only detected in the sequential frame. They are detected , matched and reconstructed in the same fashion as the first pair of frames, however to ensure that the reconstructed points are in the same scale as the points reconstructed from the first pair of frames the motion of the camera between t he frames is estimated from 3D-2D correspondences using a best practice algorithm. If the purpose of progressive reconstruction is for visualization the best practice combination algorithm for keypoint detection was found to be Speeded Up Robust Features (SURF) as it results in more reconstructed points than Scale-Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). SIFT is however more computationally efficient and thus better suited if the number of reconstructed points does not matter, for example if the purpose of progressive reconstruction is for camera tracking. For all purposes the best practice combination algorithm for matching was found to be optical flow as it is the most efficient and for ego-motion estimation the best practice combination algorithm was found to be the 5-point algorithm as it is robust to points located on planes. This research is significant as the effects of the key steps of progressive reconstruction and the choices made at each step on the accuracy and efficiency of the reconstruction as a whole have never been studied. As a result progressive stereo reconstruction can now be performed in near real-time on a mobile device without compromising the accuracy of reconstruction

    Energy Based Multi-Model Fitting and Matching Problems

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    Feature matching and model fitting are fundamental problems in multi-view geometry. They are chicken-&-egg problems: if models are known it is easier to find matches and vice versa. Standard multi-view geometry techniques sequentially solve feature matching and model fitting as two independent problems after making fairly restrictive assumptions. For example, matching methods rely on strong discriminative power of feature descriptors, which fail for stereo images with repetitive textures or wide baseline. Also, model fitting methods assume given feature matches, which are not known a priori. Moreover, when data supports multiple models the fitting problem becomes challenging even with known matches and current methods commonly use heuristics. One of the main contributions of this thesis is a joint formulation of fitting and matching problems. We are first to introduce an objective function combining both matching and multi-model estimation. We also propose an approximation algorithm for the corresponding NP-hard optimization problem using block-coordinate descent with respect to matching and model fitting variables. For fixed models, our method uses min-cost-max-flow based algorithm to solve a generalization of a linear assignment problem with label cost (sparsity constraint). Fixed matching case reduces to multi-model fitting subproblem, which is interesting in its own right. In contrast to standard heuristic approaches, we introduce global objective functions for multi-model fitting using various forms of regularization (spatial smoothness and sparsity) and propose a graph-cut based optimization algorithm, PEaRL. Experimental results show that our proposed mathematical formulations and optimization algorithms improve the accuracy and robustness of model estimation over the state-of-the-art in computer vision
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