146 research outputs found

    Detection of Epileptic Seizures on EEG Signals Using ANFIS Classifier, Autoencoders and Fuzzy Entropies

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    Epileptic seizures are one of the most crucial neurological disorders, and their early diagnosis will help the clinicians to provide accurate treatment for the patients. The electroencephalogram (EEG) signals are widely used for epileptic seizures detection, which provides specialists with substantial information about the functioning of the brain. In this paper, a novel diagnostic procedure using fuzzy theory and deep learning techniques is introduced. The proposed method is evaluated on the Bonn University dataset with six classification combinations and also on the Freiburg dataset. The tunable- Q wavelet transform (TQWT) is employed to decompose the EEG signals into different sub-bands. In the feature extraction step, 13 different fuzzy entropies are calculated from different sub-bands of TQWT, and their computational complexities are calculated to help researchers choose the best set for various tasks. In the following, an autoencoder (AE) with six layers is employed for dimensionality reduction. Finally, the standard adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), and also its variants with grasshopper optimization algorithm (ANFIS-GOA), particle swarm optimization (ANFIS-PSO), and breeding swarm optimization (ANFIS-BS) methods are used for classification. Using our proposed method, ANFIS-BS method has obtained an accuracy of 99.7

    Различные паттерны энтропии перестановок электроэнцефалограммы при эпилептиформной активности

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    Показано поведінку часової залежності ентропії перестановок при зміні порядку з третього до сьомого для електроенцефалограм, що містять епілептиформну активність. Встановлено, що зміна порядку в межах від трьох до семи не має істотного впливу на одержувані результати. Було виділено дві різні групи сигналів, що містять епілептиформну активність, одна зі зниженням ентропії перестановок в області з епілептиформною активністю, а інша – із збільшенням ентропії перестановок при епілептиформній активності.Behavior of permutation entropy for the orders from 3 to 7 was shown for the electroencephalogram (EEG) containing epileptiform activity. It was revealed that changing the order in the range from 3 to 7 has no significant effect on the results. Two different EEG groups containing epileptiform activity were distinguished, one with the tendency to a permutation entropy decrease in areas where epileptiform activity persists, another with increase of permutation entropy during epileptiform activity.Показано поведение временной зависимости энтропии перестановок при изменении порядка с третьего до седьмого для электроэнцефалограмм (ЭЭГ), содержащих эпилептиформную активность. Установлено, что изменение порядка в пределах от трех до семи не имеет существенного влияния на получаемые результаты. Было выделено две различные группы сигналов, содержащих эпилептиформную активность, одна со снижением энтропии перестановок в области с эпилептиформной активностью, а другая – с увеличением энтропии перестановок при эпилептиформной активности

    An Automated System for Epilepsy Detection using EEG Brain Signals based on Deep Learning Approach

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    Epilepsy is a neurological disorder and for its detection, encephalography (EEG) is a commonly used clinical approach. Manual inspection of EEG brain signals is a time-consuming and laborious process, which puts heavy burden on neurologists and affects their performance. Several automatic techniques have been proposed using traditional approaches to assist neurologists in detecting binary epilepsy scenarios e.g. seizure vs. non-seizure or normal vs. ictal. These methods do not perform well when classifying ternary case e.g. ictal vs. normal vs. inter-ictal; the maximum accuracy for this case by the state-of-the-art-methods is 97+-1%. To overcome this problem, we propose a system based on deep learning, which is an ensemble of pyramidal one-dimensional convolutional neural network (P-1D-CNN) models. In a CNN model, the bottleneck is the large number of learnable parameters. P-1D-CNN works on the concept of refinement approach and it results in 60% fewer parameters compared to traditional CNN models. Further to overcome the limitations of small amount of data, we proposed augmentation schemes for learning P-1D-CNN model. In almost all the cases concerning epilepsy detection, the proposed system gives an accuracy of 99.1+-0.9% on the University of Bonn dataset.Comment: 18 page

    Towards developing a reliable medical device for automated epileptic seizure detection in the ICU

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    Abstract. Epilepsy is a prevalent neurological disorder that affects millions of people globally, and its diagnosis typically involves laborious manual inspection of electroencephalography (EEG) data. Automated detection of epileptic seizures in EEG signals could potentially improve diagnostic accuracy and reduce diagnosis time, but there should be special attention to the number of false alarms to reduce unnecessary treatments and costs. This research presents a study on the use of machine learning techniques for EEG seizure detection with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of different algorithms in terms of high sensitivity and low false alarm rates for feature extraction, selection, pre-processing, classification, and post-processing in designing a medical device for detecting seizure activity in EEG data. The current state-of-the-art methods which are validated clinically using large amounts of data are introduced. The study focuses on finding potential machine learning methods, considering KNN, SVM, decision trees and, Random forests, and compares their performance on the task of seizure detection using features introduced in the literature. Also using ensemble methods namely, bootstrapping and majority voting techniques we achieved a sensitivity of 0.80 and FAR/h of 2.10, accuracy of 97.1% and specificity of 98.2%. Overall, the findings of this study can be useful for developing more accurate and efficient algorithms for EEG seizure detection medical device, which can contribute to the early diagnosis and treatment of epilepsy in the intensive care unit for critically ill patients

    A machine learning system for automated whole-brain seizure detection

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    Epilepsy is a chronic neurological condition that affects approximately 70 million people worldwide. Characterised by sudden bursts of excess electricity in the brain, manifesting as seizures, epilepsy is still not well understood when compared with other neurological disorders. Seizures often happen unexpectedly and attempting to predict them has been a research topic for the last 30 years. Electroencephalograms have been integral to these studies, as the recordings that they produce can capture the brain’s electrical signals. The diagnosis of epilepsy is usually made by a neurologist, but can be difficult to make in the early stages. Supporting para-clinical evidence obtained from magnetic resonance imaging and electroencephalography may enable clinicians to make a diagnosis of epilepsy and instigate treatment earlier. However, electroencephalogram capture and interpretation is time consuming and can be expensive due to the need for trained specialists to perform the interpretation. Automated detection of correlates of seizure activity generalised across different regions of the brain and across multiple subjects may be a solution. This paper explores this idea further and presents a supervised machine learning approach that classifies seizure and non-seizure records using an open dataset containing 342 records (171 seizures and 171 non-seizures). Our approach posits a new method for generalising seizure detection across different subjects without prior knowledge about the focal point of seizures. Our results show an improvement on existing studies with 88% for sensitivity, 88% for specificity and 93% for the area under the curve, with a 12% global error, using the k-NN classifier

    Epileptic seizure detection and prediction based on EEG signal

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    Epilepsy is a kind of chronic brain disfunction, manifesting as recurrent seizures which is caused by sudden and excessive discharge of neurons. Electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings is regarded as the golden standard for clinical diagnosis of epilepsy disease. The diagnosis of epilepsy disease by professional doctors clinically is time-consuming. With the help artificial intelligence algorithms, the task of automatic epileptic seizure detection and prediction is called a research hotspot. The thesis mainly contributes to propose a solution to overfitting problem of EEG signal in deep learning and a method of multiple channels fusion for EEG features. The result of proposed method achieves outstanding performance in seizure detection task and seizure prediction task. In seizure detection task, this paper mainly explores the effect of the deep learning in small data size. This thesis designs a hybrid model of CNN and SVM for epilepsy detection compared with end-to-end classification by deep learning. Another technique for overfitting is new EEG signal generation based on decomposition and recombination of EEG in time-frequency domain. It achieved a classification accuracy of 98.8%, a specificity of 98.9% and a sensitivity of 98.4% on the classic Bonn EEG data. In seizure prediction task, this paper proposes a feature fusion method for multi-channel EEG signals. We extract a three-order tensor feature in temporal, spectral and spatial domain. UMLDA is a tensor-to-vector projection method, which ensures minimal redundancy between feature dimensions. An excellent experimental result was finally obtained, including an average accuracy of 95%, 94% F1-measure and 90% Kappa index