22 research outputs found

    Modeling of IoT devices in Business Processes: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    [EN] The Internet of Things (IoT) enables to connect the physical world to digital business processes (BP). By using the IoT, a BP can, e.g.: 1) take into account real-world data to take more informed business decisions, and 2) automate and/or improve BP tasks. To achieve these benefits, the integration of IoT and BPs needs to be successful. The first step to this end is to support the modeling of IoT-enhanced BPs. Although numerous researchers have studied this subject, it is unclear what is the current state of the art in terms of current modeling solutions and gaps. In this work, we carry out a Systematic Mapping Study (SMS) to find out how current solutions are modelling IoT into business processes. After studying 600 papers, we identified and analyzed in depth a total of 36 different solutions. In addition, we report on some important issues that should be addressed in the near future, such as, for instance the lack of standardization.This research has been funded by Internal Funds KU Leuven (Interne Fondsen KU Leuven) and the financial support of the Spanish State Research Agency under the project TIN2017-84094-R and co-financed with ERDF.Torres Bosch, MV.; Serral, E.; Valderas, P.; Pelechano Ferragud, V.; Grefen, P. (2020). Modeling of IoT devices in Business Processes: A Systematic Mapping Study. IEEE. 221-230. https://doi.org/10.1109/CBI49978.2020.00031S22123


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    Small to medium enterprises are in a constant battle of stabilising internal support and development processes vs their external growth potential. Identifying fitting technologies that can support this stabilisation while still enabling scalable growth is a difficult challenge, especially for practitioners who want to maximise productivity rather than getting in a perpetual state of learning and developing new technologies. In this study we use action design research to establish two robotic process automation interventions in an SME to identify the technological design features that technology interventions should have to establish stabilised and balanced internal and external growth processes. In this Research-In-Progress we work in close cooperation with the firm Lindgaard Pedersen to attempt implementing RPAs in their business to explore different design features that can help establish a proper implementation of RPA in a small to medium enterprise setting

    Unleashing textual descriptions of business processes

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    Textual descriptions of processes are ubiquitous in organizations, so that documentation of the important processes can be accessible to anyone involved. Unfortunately, the value of this rich data source is hampered by the challenge of analyzing unstructured information. In this paper we propose a framework to overcome the current limitations on dealing with textual descriptions of processes. This framework considers extraction and analysis and connects to process mining via simulation. The framework is grounded in the notion of annotated textual descriptions of processes, which represents a middle-ground between formalization and accessibility, and which accounts for different modeling styles, ranging from purely imperative to purely declarative. The contributions of this paper are implemented in several tools, and case studies are highlighted.This work has been supported by MINECO and FEDER funds under grant TIN2017-86727-C2-1-R.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Supporting a Sustainable and Engaging Online Transition for Co-Design through Gamification

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    Co-design approach is increasingly popular in many organizations that address global change and social sustainability challenges, thanks to its unique and diverse methods of engaging relevant people in design processes and decision-making. However, the social distancing led by the COVID-19 pandemic seriously problematized the traditional in-person co-design activities. A sustainable online transition is unprecedentedly pressing. By acknowledging the limitations of online co-design, i.e., lack of means for participant engagement, we argue that gamification holds great promise for online co-design. This paper presents an empirical study to investigate this potential qualitatively. Based on the data collected from three gamified online co-design implementations, we examine the benefits of gamification and how future activities should be designed and implemented from the participants’ perspectives. Based on the participants’ perceptions, we propose several recommendations for designing impactful gamification. The finding suggests that gamification can facilitate online co-design activities in an enjoyable, relaxing, structuring, and creative manner, since they are perceived and recognized by the participants. Moreover, the successful implementation of online co-design implies that great sustainability benefits can be achieved through online transition, i.e., reducing paper consumption and time spent on meetings and unproductive discussions, supporting extensive diversity and density in representation. Online can enable this by overcoming not only the geographic and time limitations but also relevant social issues

    Bridging the gap between textual and formal business process representations

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    Tesi en modalitat de compendi de publicacionsIn the era of digital transformation, an increasing number of organizations are start ing to think in terms of business processes. Processes are at the very heart of each business, and must be understood and carried out by a wide range of actors, from both technical and non-technical backgrounds alike. When embracing digital transformation practices, there is a need for all involved parties to be aware of the underlying business processes in an organization. However, the representational complexity and biases of the state-of-the-art modeling notations pose a challenge in understandability. On the other hand, plain language representations, accessible by nature and easily understood by everyone, are often frowned upon by technical specialists due to their ambiguity. The aim of this thesis is precisely to bridge this gap: Between the world of the techni cal, formal languages and the world of simpler, accessible natural languages. Structured as an article compendium, in this thesis we present four main contributions to address specific problems in the intersection between the fields of natural language processing and business process management.A l’era de la transformaciĂł digital, cada vegada mĂ©s organitzacions comencen a pensar en termes de processos de negoci. Els processos sĂłn el nucli principal de tota empresa i, com a tals, han de ser fĂ cilment comprensibles per un ampli ventall de rols, tant perfils tĂšcnics com no-tĂšcnics. Quan s’adopta la transformaciĂł digital, Ă©s necessari que totes les parts involucrades estiguin ben informades sobre els protocols implantats com a part del procĂ©s de digitalitzaciĂł. Tot i aixĂČ, la complexitat i biaixos de representaciĂł dels llenguatges de modelitzaciĂł que actualment conformen l’estat de l’art sovint en dificulten la seva com prensiĂł. D’altra banda, les representacions basades en documentaciĂł usant llenguatge natural, accessibles per naturalesa i fĂ cilment comprensibles per tothom, moltes vegades sĂłn vistes com un problema pels perfils mĂ©s tĂšcnics a causa de la presĂšncia d’ambigĂŒitats en els textos. L’objectiu d’aquesta tesi Ă©s precisament el de superar aquesta distĂ ncia: La distĂ ncia entre el mĂłn dels llenguatges tĂšcnics i formals amb el dels llenguatges naturals, mĂ©s accessibles i senzills. Amb una estructura de compendi d’articles, en aquesta tesi presentem quatre grans lĂ­nies de recerca per adreçar problemes especĂ­fics en aquesta intersecciĂł entre les tecnologies d’anĂ lisi de llenguatge natural i la gestiĂł dels processos de negoci.Postprint (published version

    Äriprotsesside ajaliste nĂ€itajate selgitatav ennustav jĂ€lgimine

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    Kaasaegsed ettevĂ”tte infosĂŒsteemid vĂ”imaldavad ettevĂ”tetel koguda detailset informatsiooni Ă€riprotsesside tĂ€itmiste kohta. Eelnev koos masinĂ”ppe meetoditega vĂ”imaldab kasutada andmejuhitavaid ja ennustatavaid lĂ€henemisi Ă€riprotsesside jĂ”udluse jĂ€lgimiseks. Kasutades ennustuslike Ă€riprotsesside jĂ€lgimise tehnikaid on vĂ”imalik jĂ”udluse probleeme ennustada ning soovimatu tegurite mĂ”ju ennetavalt leevendada. TĂŒĂŒpilised kĂŒsimused, millega tegeleb ennustuslik protsesside jĂ€lgimine on “millal antud Ă€riprotsess lĂ”ppeb?” vĂ”i “mis on kĂ”ige tĂ”enĂ€olisem jĂ€rgmine sĂŒndmus antud Ă€riprotsessi jaoks?”. Suurim osa olemasolevatest lahendustest eelistavad tĂ€psust selgitatavusele. Praktikas, selgitatavus on ennustatavate tehnikate tĂ€htis tunnus. Ennustused, kas protsessi tĂ€itmine ebaĂ”nnestub vĂ”i selle tĂ€itmisel vĂ”ivad tekkida raskused, pole piisavad. On oluline kasutajatele seletada, kuidas on selline ennustuse tulemus saavutatud ning mida saab teha soovimatu tulemuse ennetamiseks. Töö pakub vĂ€lja kaks meetodit ennustatavate mudelite konstrueerimiseks, mis vĂ”imaldavad jĂ€lgida Ă€riprotsesse ning keskenduvad selgitatavusel. Seda saavutatakse ennustuse lahtivĂ”tmisega elementaarosadeks. NĂ€iteks, kui ennustatakse, et Ă€riprotsessi lĂ”puni on jÀÀnud aega 20 tundi, siis saame anda seletust, et see aeg on moodustatud kĂ”ikide seni kĂ€sitlemata tegevuste lĂ”petamiseks vajalikust ajast. Töös vĂ”rreldakse omavahel eelmainitud meetodeid, kĂ€sitledes Ă€riprotsesse erinevatest valdkondadest. Hindamine toob esile erinevusi selgitatava ja tĂ€psusele pĂ”hinevale lĂ€henemiste vahel. Töö teaduslik panus on ennustuslikuks protsesside jĂ€lgimiseks vabavaralise tööriista arendamine. SĂŒsteemi nimeks on Nirdizati ning see sĂŒsteem vĂ”imaldab treenida ennustuslike masinĂ”ppe mudeleid, kasutades nii töös kirjeldatud meetodeid kui ka kolmanda osapoole meetodeid. Hiljem saab treenitud mudeleid kasutada hetkel kĂ€ivate Ă€riprotsesside tulemuste ennustamiseks, mis saab aidata kasutajaid reaalajas.Modern enterprise systems collect detailed data about the execution of the business processes they support. The widespread availability of such data in companies, coupled with advances in machine learning, have led to the emergence of data-driven and predictive approaches to monitor the performance of business processes. By using such predictive process monitoring approaches, potential performance issues can be anticipated and proactively mitigated. Various approaches have been proposed to address typical predictive process monitoring questions, such as what is the most likely continuation of an ongoing process instance, or when it will finish. However, most existing approaches prioritize accuracy over explainability. Yet in practice, explainability is a critical property of predictive methods. It is not enough to accurately predict that a running process instance will end up in an undesired outcome. It is also important for users to understand why this prediction is made and what can be done to prevent this undesired outcome. This thesis proposes two methods to build predictive models to monitor business processes in an explainable manner. This is achieved by decomposing a prediction into its elementary components. For example, to explain that the remaining execution time of a process execution is predicted to be 20 hours, we decompose this prediction into the predicted execution time of each activity that has not yet been executed. We evaluate the proposed methods against each other and various state-of-the-art baselines using a range of business processes from multiple domains. The evaluation reaffirms a fundamental trade-off between explainability and accuracy of predictions. The research contributions of the thesis have been consolidated into an open-source tool for predictive business process monitoring, namely Nirdizati. It can be used to train predictive models using the methods described in this thesis, as well as third-party methods. These models are then used to make predictions for ongoing process instances; thus, the tool can also support users at runtime

    Äriprotsessi tulemuste ennustav ja korralduslik seire

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    Viimastel aastatel on erinevates valdkondades tegutsevad ettevĂ”tted ĂŒles nĂ€idanud kasvavat huvi masinĂ”ppel pĂ”hinevate rakenduste kasutusele vĂ”tmiseks. Muuhulgas otsitakse vĂ”imalusi oma Ă€riprotsesside efektiivsuse tĂ”stmiseks, kasutades ennustusmudeleid protsesside jooksvaks seireks. Sellised ennustava protsessiseire meetodid vĂ”tavad sisendiks sĂŒndmuslogi, mis koosneb hulgast lĂ”petatud Ă€riprotsessi juhtumite sĂŒndmusjadadest, ning kasutavad masinĂ”ppe algoritme ennustusmudelite treenimiseks. Saadud mudelid teevad ennustusi lĂ”petamata (antud ajahetkel aktiivsete) protsessijuhtumite jaoks, vĂ”ttes sisendiks sĂŒndmuste jada, mis selle hetkeni on toimunud ning ennustades kas jĂ€rgmist sĂŒndmust antud juhtumis, juhtumi lĂ”ppemiseni jÀÀnud aega vĂ”i instantsi lĂ”pptulemust. LĂ”pptulemusele orienteeritud ennustava protsessiseire meetodid keskenduvad ennustamisele, kas protsessijuhtum lĂ”ppeb soovitud vĂ”i ebasoovitava lĂ”pptulemusega. SĂŒsteemi kasutaja saab ennustuste alusel otsustada, kas sekkuda antud protsessijuhtumisse vĂ”i mitte, eesmĂ€rgiga Ă€ra hoida ebasoovitavat lĂ”pptulemust vĂ”i leevendada selle negatiivseid tagajĂ€rgi. Erinevalt puhtalt ennustavatest sĂŒsteemidest annavad korralduslikud protsessiseire meetodid kasutajale ka soovitusi, kas ja kuidas antud juhtumisse sekkuda, eesmĂ€rgiga optimeerida mingit kindlat kasulikkusfunktsiooni. KĂ€esolev doktoritöö uurib, kuidas treenida, hinnata ja kasutada ennustusmudeleid Ă€riprotsesside lĂ”pptulemuste ennustava ja korraldusliku seire raames. Doktoritöö pakub vĂ€lja taksonoomia olemasolevate meetodite klassifitseerimiseks ja vĂ”rdleb neid katseliselt. Lisaks pakub töö vĂ€lja raamistiku tekstiliste andmete kasutamiseks antud ennustusmudelites. Samuti pakume vĂ€lja ennustuste ajalise stabiilsuse mĂ”iste ning koostame raamistiku korralduslikuks protsessiseireks, mis annab kasutajatele soovitusi, kas protsessi sekkuda vĂ”i mitte. Katsed nĂ€itavad, et vĂ€ljapakutud lahendused tĂ€iendavad olemasolevaid meetodeid ning aitavad kaasa ennustava protsessiseire sĂŒsteemide rakendamisele reaalsetes sĂŒsteemides.Recent years have witnessed a growing adoption of machine learning techniques for business improvement across various fields. Among other emerging applications, organizations are exploiting opportunities to improve the performance of their business processes by using predictive models for runtime monitoring. Such predictive process monitoring techniques take an event log (a set of completed business process execution traces) as input and use machine learning techniques to train predictive models. At runtime, these techniques predict either the next event, the remaining time, or the final outcome of an ongoing case, given its incomplete execution trace consisting of the events performed up to the present moment in the given case. In particular, a family of techniques called outcome-oriented predictive process monitoring focuses on predicting whether a case will end with a desired or an undesired outcome. The user of the system can use the predictions to decide whether or not to intervene, with the purpose of preventing an undesired outcome or mitigating its negative effects. Prescriptive process monitoring systems go beyond purely predictive ones, by not only generating predictions but also advising the user if and how to intervene in a running case in order to optimize a given utility function. This thesis addresses the question of how to train, evaluate, and use predictive models for predictive and prescriptive monitoring of business process outcomes. The thesis proposes a taxonomy and performs a comparative experimental evaluation of existing techniques in the field. Moreover, we propose a framework for incorporating textual data to predictive monitoring systems. We introduce the notion of temporal stability to evaluate these systems and propose a prescriptive process monitoring framework for advising users if and how to act upon the predictions. The results suggest that the proposed solutions complement the existing techniques and can be useful for practitioners in implementing predictive process monitoring systems in real life

    Design of Data-Driven Decision Support Systems for Business Process Standardization

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    Increasingly dynamic environments require organizations to engage in business process standardization (BPS) in response to environmental change. However, BPS depends on numerous contingency factors from different layers of the organization, such as strategy, business models (BMs), business processes (BPs) and application systems that need to be well-understood (“comprehended”) and taken into account by decision-makers for selecting appropriate standard BP designs that fit the organization. Besides, common approaches to BPS are non-data-driven and frequently do not exploit increasingly avail-able data in organizations. Therefore, this thesis addresses the following research ques-tion: “How to design data-driven decision support systems to increase the comprehen-sion of contingency factors on business process standardization?”. Theoretically grounded in organizational contingency theory (OCT), this thesis address-es the research question by conducting three design science research (DSR) projects to design data-driven decision support systems (DSSs) for SAP R/3 and S/4 HANA ERP systems that increase comprehension of BPS contingency factors. The thesis conducts the DSR projects at an industry partner within the context of a BPS and SAP S/4 HANA transformation program at a global manufacturing corporation. DSR project 1 designs a data-driven “Business Model Mining” system that automatical-ly “mines” BMs from data in application systems and represents results in an interactive “Business Model Canvas” (BMC) BI dashboard to comprehend BM-related BPS con-tingency factors. The project derives generic design requirements and a blueprint con-ceptualization for BMM systems and suggests an open, standardized reference data model for BMM. The project implements the software artifact “Business Model Miner” in Microsoft Azure / PowerBI and demonstrates technical feasibility by using data from an educational SAP S/4 HANA system, an open reference dataset, and three real-life SAP R/3 ERP systems. A field evaluation with 21 managers at the industry partner finds differences between tool results and BMCs created by managers and thus the po-tential for a complementary role of BMM tools to enrich the comprehension of BMs. A further controlled laboratory experiment with 142 students finds significant beneficial impacts on subjective and objective comprehension in terms of effectiveness, efficiency, and relative efficiency. Second, DSR project 2 designs a data-driven process mining DSS “KeyPro” to semi-automatically discover and prioritize the set of BPs occurring in an organization from log data to concentrate BPS initiatives on important BPs given limited organizational resources. The project derives objective and quantifiable BP importance metrics from BM and BPM literature and implements KeyPro for SAP R/3 ERP and S/4 HANA sys-tems in Microsoft SQL Server / Azure and interactive PowerBI dashboards. A field evaluation with 52 managers compares BPs detected manually by decision-makers against BPs discovered by KeyPro and reveals significant differences and a complemen-tary role of the artifact to deliver additional insights into the set of BPs in the organiza-tion. Finally, a controlled laboratory experiment with 30 students identifies the dash-boards with the lowest comprehension for further development. Third, OCT requires organizations to select a standard BP design that matches contin-gencies. Thus, DSR project 3 designs a process mining DSS to select a standard BP from a repository of different alternative designs based on the similarity of BPS contin-gency factors between the as-is process and the to-be standard processes. DSR project 3 thus derives four different process model variants for representing BPS contingency factors that vary according to determinant factors of process model comprehension (PMC) identified in PMC literature. A controlled laboratory evaluation with 150 stu-dents identifies significant differences in PMC. Based on laboratory findings, the DSS is implemented in the BPM platform “Apromore” to select standard BP reference mod-els from the SAP Best Practices Explorer for SAP S/4 HANA and applied for the pur-chase-to-pay and order-to-cash process of a manufacturing company

    Privaatsuskaitse tehnoloogiaid Àriprotsesside kaeveks

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    Protsessikaeve tehnikad vĂ”imaldavad organisatsioonidel analĂŒĂŒsida protsesside tĂ€itmise kĂ€igus tekkivaid logijĂ€lgi eesmĂ€rgiga leida parendusvĂ”imalusi. Nende tehnikate eelduseks on, et nimetatud logijĂ€lgi koondavad sĂŒndmuslogid on andmeanalĂŒĂŒtikutele analĂŒĂŒside lĂ€bi viimiseks kĂ€ttesaadavad. Sellised sĂŒndmuslogid vĂ”ivad sisaldada privaatset informatsiooni isikute kohta kelle jaoks protsessi tĂ€idetakse. Sellistel juhtudel peavad organisatsioonid rakendama privaatsuskaitse tehnoloogiaid (PET), et vĂ”imaldada analĂŒĂŒtikul sĂŒndmuslogi pĂ”hjal jĂ€reldusi teha, samas sĂ€ilitades isikute privaatsust. Kuigi PET tehnikad sĂ€ilitavad isikute privaatsust organisatsiooni siseselt, muudavad nad ĂŒhtlasi sĂŒndmuslogisid sellisel viisil, mis vĂ”ib viia analĂŒĂŒsi kĂ€igus valede jĂ€reldusteni. PET tehnikad vĂ”ivad lisada sĂŒndmuslogidesse sellist uut kĂ€itumist, mille esinemine ei ole reaalses sĂŒndmuslogis vĂ”imalik. NĂ€iteks vĂ”ivad mĂ”ned PET tehnikad haigla sĂŒndmuslogi anonĂŒĂŒmimisel lisada logijĂ€lje, mille kohaselt patsient kĂŒlastas arsti enne haiglasse saabumist. KĂ€esolev lĂ”putöö esitab privaatsust sĂ€ilitavate lĂ€henemiste komplekti nimetusega privaatsust sĂ€ilitav protsessikaeve (PPPM). PPPM pĂ”hiline eesmĂ€rk on leida tasakaal vĂ”imaliku sĂŒndmuslogi analĂŒĂŒsist saadava kasu ja analĂŒĂŒsile kohaldatavate privaatsusega seonduvate regulatsioonide (nĂ€iteks GDPR) vahel. Lisaks pakub kĂ€esolev lĂ”putöö lahenduse, mis vĂ”imaldab erinevatel organisatsioonidel protsessikaevet ĂŒle ĂŒhise andmete terviku rakendada, ilma oma privaatseid andmeid ĂŒksteisega jagamata. KĂ€esolevas lĂ”putöös esitatud tehnikad on avatud lĂ€htekoodiga tööriistadena kĂ€ttesaadavad. Nendest tööriistadest esimene on Amun, mis vĂ”imaldab sĂŒndmuslogi omanikul sĂŒndmuslogi anonĂŒĂŒmida enne selle analĂŒĂŒtikule jagamist. Teine tööriist on Libra, mis pakub tĂ€iendatud vĂ”imalusi kasutatavuse ja privaatsuse tasakaalu leidmiseks. Kolmas tööriist on Shareprom, mis vĂ”imaldab organisatsioonidele ĂŒhiste protsessikaartide loomist sellisel viisil, et ĂŒkski osapool ei nĂ€e teiste osapoolte andmeid.Process Mining Techniques enable organizations to analyze process execution traces to identify improvement opportunities. Such techniques need the event logs (which record process execution) to be available for data analysts to perform the analysis. These logs contain private information about the individuals for whom a process is being executed. In such cases, organizations need to deploy Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) to enable the analyst to drive conclusions from the event logs while preserving the privacy of individuals. While PETs techniques preserve the privacy of individuals inside the organization, they work by perturbing the event logs in such a way that may lead to misleading conclusions of the analysis. They may inject new behaviors into the event logs that are impossible to exist in real-life event logs. For example, some PETs techniques anonymize a hospital event log by injecting a trace that a patient may visit a doctor before checking in inside the hospital. In this thesis, we propose a set of privacy-preserving approaches that we call Privacy-Preserving Process Mining (PPPM) approaches to strike a balance between the benefits an analyst can get from analyzing these event logs and the requirements imposed on them by privacy regulations (e.g., GDPR). Also, in this thesis, we propose an approach that enables organizations to jointly perform process mining over their data without sharing their private information. The techniques proposed in this thesis have been proposed as open-source tools. The first tool is Amun, enabling an event log publisher to anonymize their event log before sharing it with an analyst. The second tool is called Libra, which provides an enhanced utility-privacy tradeoff. The third tool is Shareprom, which enables organizations to construct process maps jointly in such a manner that no party learns the data of the other parties.https://www.ester.ee/record=b552434