9 research outputs found

    IngĂ©nierie et Architecture d’Entreprise et des SystĂšmes d’Information - Concepts, Fondements et MĂ©thodes

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    L'ingĂ©nierie des systĂšmes d'information s'est longtemps cantonnĂ©e Ă  la modĂ©lisation du produit (objet) qu'est le systĂšme d’information sans se prĂ©occuper des processus d'usage de ce systĂšme. Dans un environnement de plus en plus Ă©volutif, la modĂ©lisation du fonctionnement du systĂšme d’information au sein de l'entreprise me semble primordiale. Pendant les deux derniĂšres dĂ©cennies, les pratiques de management, d’ingĂ©nierie et d’opĂ©ration ont subi des mutations profondes et multiformes. Nous devons tenir compte de ces mutations dans les recherches en ingĂ©nierie des systĂšmes d’information afin de produire des formalismes et des dĂ©marches mĂ©thodologiques qui sauront anticiper et satisfaire les nouveaux besoins, regroupĂ©s dans ce document sous quatre thĂšmes:1) Le systĂšme d’information est le lieu mĂȘme oĂč s’élabore la coordination des actes et des informations sans laquelle une entreprise (et toute organisation), dans la diversitĂ© des mĂ©tiers et des compĂ©tences qu’elle met en Ɠuvre, ne peut exister que dans la mĂ©diocritĂ©. La comprĂ©hension des exigences de coopĂ©ration dans toutes ses dimensions (communication, coordination, collaboration) et le support que l’informatique peut et doit y apporter deviennent donc un sujet digne d’intĂ©rĂȘt pour les recherches en systĂšme d’information.2) Le paradigme de management des processus d’entreprise (BPM) est en forte opposition avec le dĂ©veloppement traditionnel des systĂšmes d’information qui, pendant plusieurs dĂ©cennies, a cristallisĂ© la division verticale des activitĂ©s des organisations et favorisĂ© ainsi la construction d’ülots d’information et d’applications. Cependant, les approches traditionnelles de modĂ©lisation de processus ne sont pas Ă  la hauteur des besoins d’ingĂ©nierie des processus dans ce contexte en constant changement, que ce dernier soit de nature contextuelle ou permanente. Nous avons donc besoin de formalismes (i) qui permettent non seulement de reprĂ©senter les processus d’entreprise et leurs liens avec les composants logiciels du systĂšme existant ou Ă  venir mais (ii) qui ont aussi l’aptitude Ă  reprĂ©senter la nature variable et/ou Ă©volutive (donc parfois Ă©minemment dĂ©cisionnelle) de ces processus.3) Les systĂšmes d’information continuent aujourd’hui de supporter les besoins classiques tels que l’automatisation et la coordination de la chaĂźne de production, l’amĂ©lioration de la qualitĂ© des produits et/ou services offerts. Cependant un nouveau rĂŽle leur est attribuĂ©. Il s’agit du potentiel offert par les systĂšmes d’information pour adopter un rĂŽle de support au service de la stratĂ©gie de l’entreprise. Les technologies de l’information, de la communication et de la connaissance se sont ainsi positionnĂ©es comme une ressource stratĂ©gique, support de la transformation organisationnelle voire comme levier du changement. Les modĂšles d’entreprise peuvent reprĂ©senter l’état actuel de l’organisation afin de comprendre, de disposer d’une reprĂ©sentation partagĂ©e, de mesurer les performances, et Ă©ventuellement d’identifier les dysfonctionnements. Ils permettent aussi de reprĂ©senter un Ă©tat futur souhaitĂ© afin de dĂ©finir une cible vers laquelle avancer par la mise en Ɠuvre des projets. L’entreprise Ă©tant en mouvement perpĂ©tuel, son Ă©volution fait partie de ses multiples dimensions. Nous avons donc besoin de reprĂ©senter, a minima, un Ă©tat futur et le chemin de transformation Ă  construire pour avancer vers cette cible. Cependant planifier/imaginer/se projeter vers une cible unique et, en supposant que l’on y arrive, croire qu’il puisse exister un seul chemin pour l’atteindre semble irrĂ©aliste. Nous devons donc proposer des formalismes qui permettront de spĂ©cifier des scenarii Ă  la fois pour des cibles Ă  atteindre et pour des chemins Ă  parcourir. Nous devons aussi dĂ©velopper des dĂ©marches mĂ©thodologiques pour guider de maniĂšre systĂ©matique la construction de ces modĂšles d’entreprise et la rationalitĂ© sous-jacente.4) En moins de cinquante ans, le propos du systĂšme d’information a Ă©voluĂ© et s’est complexifiĂ©. Aujourd’hui, le systĂšme d’information doit supporter non seulement les fonctions de support de maniĂšre isolĂ©e et en silos (1970-1990), et les activitĂ©s appartenant Ă  la chaĂźne de valeur [Porter, 1985] de l’entreprise (1980-2000) mais aussi les activitĂ©s de contrĂŽle, de pilotage, de planification stratĂ©gique ainsi que la cohĂ©rence et l’harmonie de l’ensemble des processus liĂ©s aux activitĂ©s mĂ©tier (2000-201x), en un mot les activitĂ©s de management stratĂ©gique et de gouvernance d’entreprise. La gouvernance d'entreprise est l'ensemble des processus, rĂ©glementations, lois et institutions influant la maniĂšre dont l'entreprise est dirigĂ©e, administrĂ©e et contrĂŽlĂ©e. Ces processus qui produisent des ‘dĂ©cisions’ en guise de ‘produit’ ont autant besoin d’ĂȘtre instrumentalisĂ©s par les systĂšmes d’information que les processus de nature plus opĂ©rationnels de l’entreprise. De mĂȘme, ces processus stratĂ©giques (dits aussi ‘de dĂ©veloppement’) nĂ©cessitent d’avoir recours Ă  des formalismes de reprĂ©sentation qui sont trĂšs loin, en pouvoir d’expression, des notations largement adoptĂ©es ces derniĂšres annĂ©es pour la reprĂ©sentation des processus d’entreprise.Ainsi, il semble peu judicieux de vouloir (ou penser pouvoir) isoler, pendant sa construction, l’objet “systĂšme d’information” de son environnement d’exĂ©cution. Si le sens donnĂ© Ă  l’information dĂ©pend de la personne qui la reçoit, ce sens ne peut ĂȘtre entiĂšrement capturĂ© dans le systĂšme technique. Il sera plutĂŽt apprĂ©hendĂ© comme une composante essentielle d’un systĂšme socio-technique incluant les usagers du systĂšme d’information technologisĂ©, autrement dit, les acteurs agissant de l’entreprise. De mon point de vue, ce systĂšme socio-technique qui mĂ©rite l’intĂ©rĂȘt scientifique de notre discipline est l’entreprise. Les recherches que j’ai rĂ©alisĂ©es, animĂ©es ou supervisĂ©es , et qui sont structurĂ©es en quatre thĂšmes dans ce document, visent Ă  rĂ©soudre les problĂšmes liĂ©s aux contextes de l'usage (l'entreprise et son environnement) des systĂšmes d’information. Le point discriminant de ma recherche est l'intĂ©rĂȘt que je porte Ă  la capacitĂ© de reprĂ©sentation :(i) de l'Ă©volutivitĂ© et de la flexibilitĂ© des processus d'entreprise en particulier de ceux supportĂ©s par un systĂšme logiciel, d’un point de vue microscopique (modĂšle d’un processus) et macroscopique (reprĂ©sentation et configuration d’un rĂ©seau de processus) : thĂšme 2(ii) du systĂšme d’entreprise dans toutes ses dimensions (stratĂ©gie, organisation des processus, systĂšme d’information et changement) : thĂšme 3Pour composer avec ces motivations, il fallait :(iii) s’intĂ©resser Ă  la nature mĂȘme du travail coopĂ©ratif et Ă  l’intentionnalitĂ© des acteurs agissant afin d’identifier et/ou proposer des formalismes appropriĂ©s pour les dĂ©crire et les comprendre : thĂšme 1(iv) se questionner aussi sur les processus de management dont le rĂŽle est de surveiller, mesurer, piloter l’entreprise afin de leur apporter le soutien qu’ils mĂ©ritent du systĂšme d’information : thĂšme

    Linguistic Refactoring of Business Process Models

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    In the past decades, organizations had to face numerous challenges due to intensifying globalization and internationalization, shorter innovation cycles and growing IT support for business. Business process management is seen as a comprehensive approach to align business strategy, organization, controlling, and business activities to react flexibly to market changes. For this purpose, business process models are increasingly utilized to document and redesign relevant parts of the organization's business operations. Since companies tend to have a growing number of business process models stored in a process model repository, analysis techniques are required that assess the quality of these process models in an automatic fashion. While available techniques can easily check the formal content of a process model, there are only a few techniques available that analyze the natural language content of a process model. Therefore, techniques are required that address linguistic issues caused by the actual use of natural language. In order to close this gap, this doctoral thesis explicitly targets inconsistencies caused by natural language and investigates the potential of automatically detecting and resolving them under a linguistic perspective. In particular, this doctoral thesis provides the following contributions. First, it defines a classification framework that structures existing work on process model analysis and refactoring. Second, it introduces the notion of atomicity, which implements a strict consistency condition between the formal content and the textual content of a process model. Based on an explorative investigation, we reveal several reoccurring violation patterns are not compliant with the notion of atomicity. Third, this thesis proposes an automatic refactoring technique that formalizes the identified patterns to transform a non-atomic process models into an atomic one. Fourth, this thesis defines an automatic technique for detecting and refactoring synonyms and homonyms in process models, which is eventually useful to unify the terminology used in an organization. Fifth and finally, this thesis proposes a recommendation-based refactoring approach that addresses process models suffering from incompleteness and leading to several possible interpretations. The efficiency and usefulness of the proposed techniques is further evaluated by real-world process model repositories from various industries. (author's abstract

    Improving data preparation for the application of process mining

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    Immersed in what is already known as the fourth industrial revolution, automation and data exchange are taking on a particularly relevant role in complex environments, such as industrial manufacturing environments or logistics. This digitisation and transition to the Industry 4.0 paradigm is causing experts to start analysing business processes from other perspectives. Consequently, where management and business intelligence used to dominate, process mining appears as a link, trying to build a bridge between both disciplines to unite and improve them. This new perspective on process analysis helps to improve strategic decision making and competitive capabilities. Process mining brings together data and process perspectives in a single discipline that covers the entire spectrum of process management. Through process mining, and based on observations of their actual operations, organisations can understand the state of their operations, detect deviations, and improve their performance based on what they observe. In this way, process mining is an ally, occupying a large part of current academic and industrial research. However, although this discipline is receiving more and more attention, it presents severe application problems when it is implemented in real environments. The variety of input data in terms of form, content, semantics, and levels of abstraction makes the execution of process mining tasks in industry an iterative, tedious, and manual process, requiring multidisciplinary experts with extensive knowledge of the domain, process management, and data processing. Currently, although there are numerous academic proposals, there are no industrial solutions capable of automating these tasks. For this reason, in this thesis by compendium we address the problem of improving business processes in complex environments thanks to the study of the state-of-the-art and a set of proposals that improve relevant aspects in the life cycle of processes, from the creation of logs, log preparation, process quality assessment, and improvement of business processes. Firstly, for this thesis, a systematic study of the literature was carried out in order to gain an in-depth knowledge of the state-of-the-art in this field, as well as the different challenges faced by this discipline. This in-depth analysis has allowed us to detect a number of challenges that have not been addressed or received insufficient attention, of which three have been selected and presented as the objectives of this thesis. The first challenge is related to the assessment of the quality of input data, known as event logs, since the requeriment of the application of techniques for improving the event log must be based on the level of quality of the initial data, which is why this thesis presents a methodology and a set of metrics that support the expert in selecting which technique to apply to the data according to the quality estimation at each moment, another challenge obtained as a result of our analysis of the literature. Likewise, the use of a set of metrics to evaluate the quality of the resulting process models is also proposed, with the aim of assessing whether improvement in the quality of the input data has a direct impact on the final results. The second challenge identified is the need to improve the input data used in the analysis of business processes. As in any data-driven discipline, the quality of the results strongly depends on the quality of the input data, so the second challenge to be addressed is the improvement of the preparation of event logs. The contribution in this area is the application of natural language processing techniques to relabel activities from textual descriptions of process activities, as well as the application of clustering techniques to help simplify the results, generating more understandable models from a human point of view. Finally, the third challenge detected is related to the process optimisation, so we contribute with an approach for the optimisation of resources associated with business processes, which, through the inclusion of decision-making in the creation of flexible processes, enables significant cost reductions. Furthermore, all the proposals made in this thesis are validated and designed in collaboration with experts from different fields of industry and have been evaluated through real case studies in public and private projects in collaboration with the aeronautical industry and the logistics sector

    SeaFlows – A Compliance Checking Framework for Supporting the Process Lifecycle

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    Compliance-awareness is undoubtedly of utmost importance for companies nowadays. Even though an automated approach to compliance checking and enforcement has been advocated in recent literature as a means to tame the high costs for compliance-awareness, the potential of automated mechanisms for supporting business process compliance is not yet depleted. Business process compliance deals with the question whether business processes are designed and executed in harmony with imposed regulations. In this thesis, we propose a compliance checking framework for automating business process compliance verification within process management systems (PrMSs). Such process-aware information systems constitute an ideal environment for the systematic integration of automated business process compliance checking since they bring together different perspectives on a business process and provide access to process data. The objective of this thesis is to devise a framework that enhances PrMSs with compliance checking functionality. As PrMSs enable both the design and the execution of business processes, the designated compliance checking framework must accommodate mechanisms to support these different phases of the process lifecycle. A compliance checking framework essentially consists of two major building blocks: a compliance rule language to capture compliance requirements in a checkable manner and compliance checking mechanisms for verification of process models and process instances. Key to the practical application of a compliance checking framework will be its ability to provide comprehensive and meaningful compliance diagnoses. Based on the requirements analysis and meta-analyses, we developed the SeaFlows compliance checking framework proposed in this thesis. We introduce the compliance rule graph (CRG) language for modeling declarative compliance rules. The language provides modeling primitives with a notation based on nodes and edges. A compliance rule is modeled by defining a pattern of activity executions activating a compliance rule and consequences that have to apply once a rule becomes activated. In order to enable compliance verification of process models and process instances, the CRG language is operationalized. Key to this approach is the exploitation of the graph structure of CRGs for representing compliance states of the respective CRGs in a transparent and interpretable manner. For that purpose, we introduce execution states to mark CRG nodes in order to indicate which parts of the CRG patterns can be observed in a process execution. By providing rules to alter the markings when a new event is processed, we enable to update the compliance state for each observed event. The beauty of our approach is that both design and runtime can be supported using the same mechanisms. Thus, no transformation of compliance rules in different representations for process model verification or for compliance monitoring becomes necessary. At design time, the proposed approach can be applied to explore a process model and to detect which compliance states with respect to imposed CRGs a process model is able to yield. At runtime, the effective compliance state of process instances can be monitored taking also the future predefined in the underlying process model into account. As compliance states are encoded based on the CRG structure, fine-grained and intelligible compliance diagnoses can be derived in each detected compliance state. Specifically, it becomes possible to provide feedback not only on the general enforcement of a compliance rule but also at the level of particular activations of the rule contained in a process. In case of compliance violations, this can explain and pinpoint the source of violations in a process. In addition, measures to satisfy a compliance rule can be easily derived that can be seized for providing proactive support to comply. Altogether, the SeaFlows compliance checking framework proposed in this thesis can be embedded into an overall integrated compliance management framework

    Perceived Value and Customer Satisfaction of IT Services in ERP Maintenance and Support Service

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    Tutkimus tarkastelee ERP-jĂ€rjestelmĂ€n tuki- ja yllĂ€pitopalvelun asiakastyytyvĂ€isyyteen ja arvokokemukseen vaikuttavia tekijöitĂ€. Tutkimuksen strategia on laadullinen tutkimus, jonka toteutustapa on teemahaastattelu. Tutkimuksessa haastatellaan 12:a ERP-jĂ€rjestelmiin liittyvien tuki- ja yllĂ€pitopalvelujen parissa työskentelevÀÀ asiantuntijaa. Haastatellut asiantuntijat edustavat IT-palvelutoimittajan myyntiorganisaatiota ja palvelupÀÀlliköitĂ€ sekĂ€ tuki- ja yllĂ€pitopalvelua kĂ€yttĂ€vien yritysten IT-johtoa, palvelupÀÀlliköitĂ€ ja sovellusasiantuntijoita. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys perustuu pÀÀosin DeLonen ja McLeanin (2003) teoriaan tietojĂ€rjestelmien menestystekijöistĂ€, sekĂ€ Lawin, Chenin ja Wun (2009) ERP-jĂ€rjestelmien tuki- ja yllĂ€pitopalvelujen kriittisten menestystekijöiden viitekehykseen. Teoreettinen viitekehys on edelleen johdettu kymmeneksi teemaksi jotka muodostavat tutkimuksen rungon. Tutkimuksen tarkoitus on selvittÀÀ, mitkĂ€ tekijĂ€t tutkittavan kohderyhmĂ€n mielestĂ€ vaikuttavat tuki- ja yllĂ€pitopalvelua kĂ€yttĂ€vien yritysten asiakastyytyvĂ€isyyteen ja arvokokemukseen sekĂ€ tutkimusteemojen merkitystĂ€ nĂ€iden toteutumiselle. Tutkimuksen otanta on rajallinen, mutta se tarjoaa syvĂ€llistĂ€ tietoa palvelutuotannon eri rooleissa toimivien henkilöiden nĂ€kemyksistĂ€ sekĂ€ niiden yhtĂ€lĂ€isyyksistĂ€ ja eroista. Tutkimus lisĂ€ksi tarkastelee miten nĂ€kemykset eroavat, kun haastateltava henkilö työskentelee IT-palvelutoimittajalla tai tuki- ja yllĂ€pitopalvelua kĂ€yttĂ€vĂ€n yrityksen IT-organisaatiossa. Tutkimuksen johtopÀÀtös on, ettĂ€ haastateltujen nĂ€kemykset vastaavat heidĂ€n asiakkaalla tai toimittajalla työskentelevien vastinpariensa nĂ€kemyksiĂ€. AsiakastyytyvĂ€isyyden parantamiseksi IT-toimittajien tulisi paremmin huomioida liiketoimintaa ja loppukĂ€yttĂ€jiĂ€ edustavat tahot palvelunhallinnassa ja palvelun vaatimusten mÀÀritellyssĂ€, eikĂ€ tyytyĂ€ vain kanssakĂ€ymiseen IT-organisaatioiden vĂ€lillĂ€. Sopimuksellisten ja kirjallisesti mÀÀriteltyjen vaatimusten tĂ€yttĂ€minen on palvelun arvokokemuksen toteutumiselle kriittinen minimiehto. IT-toimittajien tulisi pystyĂ€ joustamaan ja mukauttamaan palvelutuotantoaan asiakastarpeiden mukaan riippumatta siitĂ€, onko kyseisiĂ€ tarpeita tai vaatimuksia mÀÀritelty sopimuksissa tai palvelutasodokumenteissa. LisĂ€ksi asiakkaat pitĂ€vĂ€t toimittajan teknistĂ€ osaamista kriittisenĂ€ tekijĂ€nĂ€ palvelun laadulle, minkĂ€ lisĂ€ksi asiakkaan liiketoiminnan ja prosessien tuntemus on olennainen tekijĂ€ palvelun lisĂ€arvon toteutumiselle. Palvelutoimituksen fyysinen sijainti ei ole asiakkaan maksuhalukkuutta lisÀÀvĂ€ tekijĂ€. Toimittajan tulisi tehokkaiden prosessien avulla minimoida palvelutoimituksen sijainnin ja henkilöstön vaihtuvuuden vaikutukset palvelun laatuun.This research considers factors affecting customer satisfaction and value perception of ERP maintenance and support service. The research strategy is qualitative and it is carried out as a semi-structured interview study. In the study 12 experts working with maintenance and support services for ERP systems are interviewed. The interviewees represent IT vendor sales organization and service managers and the customer-side IT management, service managers and application experts. The theoretical framework of the research is primarily based on DeLone and McLean (2003) IS Success theory and framework of Critical Success Factors for ERP Maintenance Support by Law, Chen and Wu (2009). The theoretical framework is subsequently converted to ten themes which comprise the core of this research. The purpose of the research is to find out what factors affect the satisfaction and value perception of companies using ERP maintenance and support services and what is the effect of the research themes. The research sample is limited; however it provides in-depth insights into similarities and differences between viewpoints of people working in different roles related maintenance and support service. The study also considers how the viewpoints differ when the interviewee is working for an IT vendor or for a customer company IT organization. The conclusion of the research is that the interviewee viewpoints match with that of their counterpart at the customer or the vendor. To improve customer satisfaction, IT vendors should better involve parties representing customer business and end users in management of the service and in definition of service requirements, and not satisfied to collaborate between IT organizations only. Fulfilling contractual and written obligations is critical for realizing service value. IT vendors should be able to be flexible and adjust their service delivery according to customer requirements, regardless of if these requirements are captured in contracts or service level documents. Customers consider the vendor technical competence to be critical for service quality, in addition to which competence in customer business and processes is essential for realizing added value in the service. The physical location of service delivery does not increase the customer’s willingness to pay. The vendor should use efficient processes to minimize the effect of service delivery location and personnel turnover for service quality

    Vereinigung von detaillierten Teilmodellen in einer flexiblen Enterprise Architecture zur ĂŒbergreifenden Analyse: Ableitung des Bedarfs an Handlungen fĂŒr einen durch Kennzahlen beschriebenen Untersuchungskontext

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    Modelle haben sich zu Dokumentationszwecken bewĂ€hrt, existieren in der Praxis aber oftmals losgelöst voneinander. Durch die wachsende KomplexitĂ€t in den Unternehmen reicht jedoch eine getrennte Betrachtung nicht mehr aus. Das Zusammenspiel der Unternehmensbestandteile muss bei Entscheidungen berĂŒcksichtigt werden. Eine Enterprise Architecture (EA) eignet sich zur Herstellung einer ĂŒbergreifenden Sichtweise. Wobei hauptsĂ€chlich aggregierte Inhalte enthalten sind, die manuell erstellt werden. Damit ist die EA ein weiteres Datensilo. Durch das Fehlen detaillierter Informationen in der EA sind außerdem die Möglichkeiten einer ganzheitlichen Analyse begrenzt. Die vorliegende Arbeit entwickelt daher ein Gesamtkonzept, um Detailinhalte zu vernetzen und ĂŒbergreifende Analysen zu ermöglichen. Insbesondere werden auch Datenwerte (z.B. Kosten) einbezogen. Eine Indirektstufe kann die Teilmodelle lose verknĂŒpfen. Zugleich dient ein einfaches EA-Vokabular als neutrale Begriffsschicht. Mithilfe der Technologien des Semantic Web entsteht so eine integrierte Datenbasis. Sie positioniert sich als Ebene oberhalb der Datenquellen. Anschließend kann eine ĂŒbergreifende Analyse erfolgen, in der alle Inhalte kombiniert werden. Zur Konkretisierung des Ansatzes fokussiert sich die Arbeit auf die Ableitung des Bedarfs an Handlungen. Mit der Importance-Performance-Analyse wird ein Verfahren aus dem QualitĂ€tsmanagement von Dienstleistungen entliehen und auf die EA-Analyse ĂŒbertragen. Die Berechnung basiert auf flexibel zu beschreibenden Kennzahlen, bei deren Definition das EA-Vokabular verwendet wird. Als Ergebnis werden Gesamtratings fĂŒr alle Untersuchungsobjekte ausgewiesen. Sie sagen etwas ĂŒber einen Handlungsbedarf und die Dringlichkeit aus. Auch die Analyse basiert auf Technologien des Semantic Web. Als Nachweis der Realisierbarkeit wurde der Ansatz in einem Prototyp umgesetzt. Außerdem wird ein praxisnaher Anwendungsfall einer Digitalisierungsinitiative bei einer Versicherung skizziert

    Marco y antecedentes para crear biografĂ­as en una biblioteca digital interoperable sobre cientĂ­ficos y humanistas valencianos. Vestigium

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    Este estudio se ha realizado como trabajo de investigaciĂłn en el programa de Doctorado “TĂ©cnicas y MĂ©todos actuales en InformaciĂłn y DocumentaciĂłn” del Departamento de ComunicaciĂłn Audiovisual, DocumentaciĂłn e Historia del Arte (DCADHA), de la Universidad PolitĂ©cnica de Valencia. En este trabajo de investigaciĂłn, se estudian en profundidad estos aspectos -normativas, tecnologĂ­a y proyectos actuales- para el tipo de informaciĂłn sobre personas -que denominamos biogrĂĄfica o de autoridades-, con sus tradiciones propias en cuanto a la forma de registrarse y sus escenarios clĂĄsicos. Esta informaciĂłn es tratada como objeto digital, como entidad propia, a efectos de aplicar las recomendaciones para la Web SemĂĄntica. Los escenarios de trabajo habituales para este tipo de informaciĂłn han sido las bibliotecas, archivos y museos, mientras que las recomendaciones se producen para el entorno web, sin que exista una instituciĂłn a la que haya que supeditar las nuevas formas de trabajo.GarzĂłn FarinĂłs, MF. (2011). Marco y antecedentes para crear biografĂ­as en una biblioteca digital interoperable sobre cientĂ­ficos y humanistas valencianos. Vestigium. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/50761.Archivo delegad