77,022 research outputs found

    Universality of spectra for interacting quantum chaotic systems

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    We analyze a model quantum dynamical system subjected to periodic interaction with an environment, which can describe quantum measurements. Under the condition of strong classical chaos and strong decoherence due to large coupling with the measurement device, the spectra of the evolution operator exhibit an universal behavior. A generic spectrum consists of a single eigenvalue equal to unity, which corresponds to the invariant state of the system, while all other eigenvalues are contained in a disk in the complex plane. Its radius depends on the number of the Kraus measurement operators, and determines the speed with which an arbitrary initial state converges to the unique invariant state. These spectral properties are characteristic of an ensemble of random quantum maps, which in turn can be described by an ensemble of real random Ginibre matrices. This will be proven in the limit of large dimension.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Generalized Quantum Dynamics as Pre-Quantum Mechanics

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    We address the issue of when generalized quantum dynamics, which is a classical symplectic dynamics for noncommuting operator phase space variables based on a graded total trace Hamiltonian H{\bf H}, reduces to Heisenberg picture complex quantum mechanics. We begin by showing that when H=TrH{\bf H}={\bf Tr} H, with HH a Weyl ordered operator Hamiltonian, then the generalized quantum dynamics operator equations of motion agree with those obtained from HH in the Heisenberg picture by using canonical commutation relations. The remainder of the paper is devoted to a study of how an effective canonical algebra can arise, without this condition simply being imposed by fiat on the operator initial values. We first show that for any total trace Hamiltonian which involves no noncommutative constants, there is a conserved anti--self--adjoint operator C~\tilde C with a structure which is closely related to the canonical commutator algebra. We study the canonical transformations of generalized quantum dynamics, and show that C~\tilde C is a canonical invariant, as is the operator phase space volume element. The latter result is a generalization of Liouville's theorem, and permits the application of statistical mechanical methods to determine the canonical ensemble governing the equilibrium distribution of operator initial values. We give arguments based on a Ward identity analogous to the equipartition theorem of classical statistical mechanics, suggesting that statistical ensemble averages of Weyl ordered polynomials in the operator phase space variables correspond to the Wightman functions of a unitary complex quantum mechanics, with a conserved operator Hamiltonian and with the standard canonical commutation relations obeyed by Weyl ordered operator strings. Thus there is a well--defined sense inComment: 79 pages, no figures, plain te

    Rare-Event Sampling: Occupation-Based Performance Measures for Parallel Tempering and Infinite Swapping Monte Carlo Methods

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    In the present paper we identify a rigorous property of a number of tempering-based Monte Carlo sampling methods, including parallel tempering as well as partial and infinite swapping. Based on this property we develop a variety of performance measures for such rare-event sampling methods that are broadly applicable, informative, and straightforward to implement. We illustrate the use of these performance measures with a series of applications involving the equilibrium properties of simple Lennard-Jones clusters, applications for which the performance levels of partial and infinite swapping approaches are found to be higher than those of conventional parallel tempering.Comment: 18 figure