41 research outputs found

    Fault Prediction Based on Leakage Current in Contaminated Insulators Using Enhanced Time Series Forecasting Models

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    To improve the monitoring of the electrical power grid, it is necessary to evaluate the influence of contamination in relation to leakage current and its progression to a disruptive discharge. In this paper, insulators were tested in a saline chamber to simulate the increase of salt contamination on their surface. From the time series forecasting of the leakage current, it is possible to evaluate the development of the fault before a flashover occurs. In this paper, for a complete evaluation, the long short-term memory (LSTM), group method of data handling (GMDH), adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system (ANFIS), bootstrap aggregation (bagging), sequential learning (boosting), random subspace, and stacked generalization (stacking) ensemble learning models are analyzed. From the results of the best structure of the models, the hyperparameters are evaluated and the wavelet transform is used to obtain an enhanced model. The contribution of this paper is related to the improvement of well-established models using the wavelet transform, thus obtaining hybrid models that can be used for several applications. The results showed that using the wavelet transform leads to an improvement in all the used models, especially the wavelet ANFIS model, which had a mean RMSE of 1.58 × 10−3, being the model that had the best result. Furthermore, the results for the standard deviation were 2.18 × 10−19, showing that the model is stable and robust for the application under study. Future work can be performed using other components of the distribution power grid susceptible to contamination because they are installed outdoors.N/

    Performance Comparison Of Weak And Strong Learners In Detecting GPS Spoofing Attacks On Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (uavs)

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    Unmanned Aerial Vehicle systems (UAVs) are widely used in civil and military applications. These systems rely on trustworthy connections with various nodes in their network to conduct their safe operations and return-to-home. These entities consist of other aircrafts, ground control facilities, air traffic control facilities, and satellite navigation systems. Global positioning systems (GPS) play a significant role in UAV\u27s communication with different nodes, navigation, and positioning tasks. However, due to the unencrypted nature of the GPS signals, these vehicles are prone to several cyberattacks, including GPS meaconing, GPS spoofing, and jamming. Therefore, this thesis aims at conducting a detailed comparison of two widely used machine learning techniques, namely weak and strong learners, to investigate their performance in detecting GPS spoofing attacks that target UAVs. Real data are used to generate training datasets and test the effectiveness of machine learning techniques. Various features are derived from this data. To evaluate the performance of the models, seven different evaluation metrics, including accuracy, probabilities of detection and misdetection, probability of false alarm, processing time, prediction time per sample, and memory size, are implemented. The results show that both types of machine learning algorithms provide high detection and low false alarm probabilities. In addition, despite being structurally weaker than strong learners, weak learner classifiers also, achieve a good detection rate. However, the strong learners slightly outperform the weak learner classifiers in terms of multiple evaluation metrics, including accuracy, probabilities of misdetection and false alarm, while weak learner classifiers outperform in terms of time performance metrics

    Diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease Based on Voice Signals Using SHAP and Hard Voting Ensemble Method

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    Background and Objective: Parkinson's disease (PD) is the second most common progressive neurological condition after Alzheimer's, characterized by motor and non-motor symptoms. Developing a method to diagnose the condition in its beginning phases is essential because of the significant number of individuals afflicting with this illness. PD is typically identified using motor symptoms or other Neuroimaging techniques, such as DATSCAN and SPECT. These methods are expensive, time-consuming, and unavailable to the general public; furthermore, they are not very accurate. These constraints encouraged us to develop a novel technique using SHAP and Hard Voting Ensemble Method based on voice signals. Methods: In this article, we used Pearson Correlation Coefficients to understand the relationship between input features and the output, and finally, input features with high correlation were selected. These selected features were classified by the Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGBoost), Light Gradient Boosting Machine (LightGBM), Gradient Boosting, and Bagging. Moreover, the Hard Voting Ensemble Method was determined based on the performance of the four classifiers. At the final stage, we proposed Shapley Additive exPlanations (SHAP) to rank the features according to their significance in diagnosing Parkinson's disease. Results and Conclusion: The proposed method achieved 85.42% accuracy, 84.94% F1-score, 86.77% precision, 87.62% specificity, and 83.20% sensitivity. The study's findings demonstrated that the proposed method outperformed state-of-the-art approaches and can assist physicians in diagnosing Parkinson's cases

    Predicting Agricultural Commodities Prices with Machine Learning: A Review of Current Research

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    Agricultural price prediction is crucial for farmers, policymakers, and other stakeholders in the agricultural sector. However, it is a challenging task due to the complex and dynamic nature of agricultural markets. Machine learning algorithms have the potential to revolutionize agricultural price prediction by improving accuracy, real-time prediction, customization, and integration. This paper reviews recent research on machine learning algorithms for agricultural price prediction. We discuss the importance of agriculture in developing countries and the problems associated with crop price falls. We then identify the challenges of predicting agricultural prices and highlight how machine learning algorithms can support better prediction. Next, we present a comprehensive analysis of recent research, discussing the strengths and weaknesses of various machine learning techniques. We conclude that machine learning has the potential to revolutionize agricultural price prediction, but further research is essential to address the limitations and challenges associated with this approach

    Una revisión sobre la predicción del rendimiento académico mediante métodos de ensamble

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    Introduction: This article is a product of the research “Ensemble methods to estimate the academic perfor-mance of higher education students”, developed at the Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas in the year 2021, focusing on the review of research work developed in the last five years related to the prediction of academic performance using ensemble algorithms. Objective: The literature review aims to identify the most used algorithms and the most relevant variables in the prediction of academic performance.Methodology: A systematic review of the literature was carried out in different academic databases (Science Direct, Scopus, SAGE Journals, EBSCO, ResearchGate, Google Scholar), using search equations built with keywords.Results: 54 related articles were found that meet the inclusion criteria of the review. Additionally, benefits were found in the application of ensemble methods in the prediction of academic performance.Conclusion: It was found that the most influential variables in academic performance correspond to the aca-demic factor. The algorithm used that presents the best results is Random Forest; in addition to being the most used. The use of these algorithms is an accurate tool to predict academic performance at any stage of university life, and at the same time provide information to generate strategies to improve dropout and academic retention indicators.Introducción: El presente artículo es producto de la investigación “Métodos de ensamble para estimar el ren-dimiento académico de estudiantes de educación superior”, desarrollado en la Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas en el año 2021 y se centra en la revisión de trabajos de investigación desarrollados en los últimos cinco años relacionados a la predicción del rendimiento académico utilizando algoritmos de ensamble.Objetivo: La revisión de la literatura tiene como objetivo identificar los algoritmos más utilizados y las variables más relevantes en la predicción del rendimiento académico.Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en distintas bases de datos académicas (Science Direct, Scopus, SAGE Journals, EBSCO, ResearchGate, Google Scholar), utilizando ecuaciones de bús-queda construidas con palabras claves.Resultados: Se encontraron 54 artículos relacionados que cumplen con los criterios de inclusión de la revisión. Además, se encontraron beneficios en la aplicación de métodos de ensamble en la predicción del rendimiento académico. Conclusión: Se encontró que las variables más influyentes en el rendimiento académico corresponden al factor académico, el algoritmo utilizado que presenta mejores resultados es Random Forest, además de que fue el más utilizado, y que el uso de estos algoritmos es una herramienta precisa para predecir el rendimiento acadé-mico en cualquier etapa de la vida universitaria, y a su vez brindar la información para generar estrategias que permitan mejorar los indicadores de deserción y retención académica

    Ensemble learning with imbalanced data handling in the early detection of capital markets

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    Research aims: This study aims to create an early detection model to predict events in the Indonesian capital market. Design/Methodology/Approach: A quantitative study comparing ensemble learning models with imbalanced data handling detected early capital market events. This study used five ensemble learning models—Random Forest, ExtraTrees, CatBoost, XGBoost, and LightGBM—to detect early events in the Indonesian capital market by handling imbalanced data, such as under sampling (RUS), oversampling (SMOTE, SMOTE-Broder, ADASYN), and over-under sampling (SMOTE-Tomek, SMOTE-ENN), weighted (class weight). Global and regional stock markets, commodities, exchange rates, technical indicators, sectoral indices, JCI leaders, MSCI, net buys of foreign stocks, national securities, and national share ownership all predicted the lowest return of Crisis Management Protocol (CMP) binary responses. Research findings: Hyperparameters and thresholds were tuned to produce the optimum model. The best model had the highest G-mean. ExtraTrees with SMOTE-ENN predicted the highest number of one-day events, with a G-Mean of 96.88%. LightGBM with SMOTE handling best predicted five-day events with an 89.21% G-Mean. With a G-Mean of 89.49%, CatBoost with SMOTE-Border handling was the best for a 15-day event. In addition, LightGBM with SMOTE-Tomek handling and 68.02% G-Mean was best for 30-day events. Further, performance evaluation scores decreased with increased prediction time. Theoretical contribution/Originality: This work relates more imbalance handling methods and ensemble learning to capital market early detection cases. Practitioner/Policy implication: Capital markets can indicate economic stability. Maintaining capital market efficacy and economic value requires a system to detect pressure. Research limitation/Implication: This study used ensemble learning models to predict capital market events 1, 5, 15, and 30 days ahead, assuming Indonesian working days. The model's forecast results are expected to be utilized to monitor the capital market and take precautions

    FedraTrees: a novel computation-communication efficient federated learning framework investigated in smart grids

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    Smart energy performance monitoring and optimisation at the supplier and consumer levels is essential to realising smart cities. In order to implement a more sustainable energy management plan, it is crucial to conduct a better energy forecast. The next-generation smart meters can also be used to measure, record, and report energy consumption data, which can be used to train machine learning (ML) models for predicting energy needs. However, sharing energy consumption information to perform centralised learning may compromise data privacy and make it vulnerable to misuse, in addition to incurring high transmission overhead on communication resources. This study addresses these issues by utilising federated learning (FL), an emerging technique that performs ML model training at the user/substation level, where data resides. We introduce FedraTrees, a new, lightweight FL framework that benefits from the outstanding features of ensemble learning. Furthermore, we developed a delta-based FL stopping algorithm to monitor FL training and stop it when it does not need to continue. The simulation results demonstrate that FedraTrees outperforms the most popular federated averaging (FedAvg) framework and the baseline Persistence model for providing accurate energy forecasting patterns while taking only 2% of the computation time and 13% of the communication rounds compared to FedAvg, saving considerable amounts of computation and communication resources

    Comparison study of machine learning classifiers to detect anomalies

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    In this era of Internet ensuring the confidentiality, authentication and integrity of any resource exchanged over the net is the imperative. Presence of intrusion prevention techniques like strong password, firewalls etc. are not sufficient to monitor such voluminous network traffic as they can be breached easily. Existing signature based detection techniques like antivirus only offers protection against known attacks whose signatures are stored in the database.Thus, the need for real-time detection of aberrations is observed. Existing signature based detection techniques like antivirus only offers protection against known attacks whose signatures are stored in the database. Machine learning classifiers are implemented here to learn how the values of various fields like source bytes, destination bytes etc. in a network packet decides if the packet is compromised or not . Finally the accuracy of their detection is compared to choose the best suited classifier for this purpose. The outcome thus produced may be useful to offer real time detection while exchanging sensitive information such as credit card details