924 research outputs found

    Enriching the fan experience in a smart stadium using internet of things technologies

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    Rapid urbanization has brought about an influx of people to cities, tipping the scale between urban and rural living. Population predictions estimate that 64% of the global population will reside in cities by 2050. To meet the growing resource needs, improve management, reduce complexities, and eliminate unnecessary costs while enhancing the quality of life of citizens, cities are increasingly exploring open innovation frameworks and smart city initiatives that target priority areas including transportation, sustainability, and security. The size and heterogeneity of urban centers impede progress of technological innovations for smart cities. We propose a Smart Stadium as a living laboratory to balance both size and heterogeneity so that smart city solutions and Internet of Things (IoT) technologies may be deployed and tested within an environment small enough to practically trial but large and diverse enough to evaluate scalability and efficacy. The Smart Stadium for Smart Living initiative brings together multiple institutions and partners including Arizona State University (ASU), Dublin City University (DCU), Intel Corporation, and Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA), to turn ASU's Sun Devil Stadium and Ireland's Croke Park Stadium into twinned smart stadia to investigate IoT and smart city technologies and applications

    Understanding packet loss for sound monitoring in a smart stadium IoT testbed

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    The Smart Stadium for Smarter Living project provides an end-to-end testbed for IoT innovation through a collaboration between Croke Park Stadium in Dublin, Ireland and Dublin City University, Intel and Microsoft. This enables practical evaluations of IoT solutions in a controlled environment that is small enough to conduct trials but large enough to prove and challenge the technologies. An evaluation of sound monitoring capabilities during the 2016 sporting finals was used to test the capture, transfer, storage and analysis of decibel level sound monitoring. The purpose of the evaluation was to use existing sound level microphones to measure crowd response to pre-determined events for display on big screens at half-time and to test the end-to-end performance of the testbed. While this is not the specific original purpose of the sound level microphones, it provided a useful test case and produced engaging content for the project. Analysis of the data streams showed significant packet loss during the events and further investigations were conducted to understand where and how this loss occurred. This paper describes the smart stadium testbed configuration using Intel gateways linking with the Azure cloud platform and analyses the performance of the system during the sound monitoring evaluation

    The Digital Transformation of Soccer Clubs and Their Business Models

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    Digital technologies are having a significant impact on the soccer industry, influencing the business models of soccer clubs and industry dynamics. For example, artificial intelligence and big data analytics are being used to improve talent scouting and management, while the internet of things, robotics, and virtual simulation are supporting tactics, training, and performance management. Gamification and augmented reality are also shaping key partnerships, and e-commerce is boosting revenues. Smart arenas are enhancing the consumer experience. The fast diffusion of digital technologies has increased business model complexity and has put firms in the position to assess the value of each technology for integration into their business models. This study maps how digital technologies are transforming each business model building block in the soccer industry and proposes a number of research questions for future research to enhance the current academic debate on the digital transformation of the soccer industry, and on the sports industry in general

    Bibliographic and Text Analysis of Research on Implementation of the Internet of Things to Support Education

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has pervaded practically all aspects of our lives. In this exploratory study, we survey its applications in the field of education. It is evident that technology in general, and, in particular IoT, has been increasingly altering the educational landscape. The goal of this paper is to review the academic literature on IoT applications in education to provide an understanding of the transformation that is underway. Using topic modeling and keyword co-occurrence analysis techniques, we identified five dominant clusters of research. Our findings demonstrate that IoT research in education has mainly focused on the technical aspects; however, the social aspects remain largely unexplored. In addition to providing an overview of IoT research on education, this paper offers suggestions for future research

    Media Enriched Sport Experiences

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    Okos stadionok – Hogyan reformálja a digitális ökoszisztéma a sportinfrastruktúra üzemeltetését és a sportszolgáltatások modelljét

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    Stadiums fundamentally influence the attractiveness of a sporting event, as the facility and the related additional services contribute significantly to increasing consumer interest, so their development and operation directly and indirectly contribute to increasing the scene's determining sources of income. Today's stadiums are facing increasing competition due to the development of home viewing options, which provide a better alternative for the crowd found at the scene. The highly digitizing world offers a range of technological solutions that can provide a competitive advantage in the fierce competition for consumer interest by augmenting various aspects of stadiums. The latest phenomenon of the last few years is the smart stadium, with smart devices integrated into the operation and digitization and cloud based systems, resulting in a renewal of measurement to such an extent that it fundamentally changes the management of sports services and affects every aspect of the stadium itself and the space surrounding it, thus improving consumer experiences and efficient facility management as well.A stadionok alapvetően befolyásolják sportesemény vonzerejét, hiszen a létesítmény és a kapcsolódó kiegészítő szolgáltatások is jelentősen hozzájárulnak a fogyasztói érdeklődés növeléséhez, így azok fejlesztése és üzemeltetése közvetlenül és közvetetten is hozzájárul a szcéna meghatározó bevételi forrásainak növeléséhez. A mai stadionok egyre erősödő versenyben vannak az otthoni megtekintés lehetőségeinek fejlődése miatt, melyek jobb alternatívát nyújtanak a mérkőzést követni kívánó tömeg számára. Az erősen digitalizálódó világ olyan technológiai megoldások tárházát nyújtja, amelyek a stadionok különböző aspektusainak augmentálásával versenyelőnyt jelenthetnek a fogyasztók érdeklődésére irányuló kiélezett versenyben. Az utóbbi évek legújabb fenoménja az okos stadion, az üzemeltetésbe integrált okos eszközökkel és a digitalizáció, illetve a felhő alapú rendszerekkel a mérés olyan mértékű megújulását eredményezte, amely gyökereiben változtatja meg a sportszolgáltatások menedzsmentjét és amely a stadion és az azt körülvevő tér minden egységére kiterjed, így javítva a fogyasztói élményeket vagy éppen a hatékony létesítménygazdálkodást

    Recinto desportivo 2.0: referencial para a utilização de tecnologias IOT na melhoria da experiência dos espectadores em eventos desportivos

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    Dissertation presented as the partial requirement for obtaining a Master's degree in Information Management, specialization in Information Systems and Technologies ManagementEsta dissertação apresenta um referencial de utilização de tecnologias Internet Of Things (IoT) com o propósito de melhorar a qualidade da experiência dos espectadores em eventos desportivos. Cada vez existe um maior distanciamento dos adeptos dos clubes desportivos em relação aos seus recintos devido à existência de meios multimédia alternativos que são mais económicos, com melhor qualidade e comodidade. Como tal, os recintos desportivos devem inovar e melhorar a experiência dos espectadores de forma a serem mais competitivos através do uso da tecnologia. O referencial proposto tem como base uma classificação em cinco níveis que permite melhorar a experiência do espectador. Este modelo permite avaliar um recinto com base nas implementações tecnológicas IoT existentes. Além disso, cada nível contém um conjunto de benefícios para a experiência do espectador e um conjunto de recomendações de tecnologias IoT a serem implementadas de forma a ser denominado como um Recinto Desportivo 2.0. Este referencial foi alvo de um questionário realizado a 205 espectadores de eventos desportivos de forma a entender que tipo de experiências num recinto são mais importantes para estes e, de forma a avaliar o mesmo, foi efetuado um conjunto de entrevistas a dois grupos de indivíduos no qual se incluem espectadores de eventos desportivos e agentes desportivos no qual se pode concluir a importância e aplicabilidade do referencial para a melhoria da experiência dos espectadores num recinto.This dissertation presents a framework for the use of Internet of Things technologies in order to improve supporters’ experience in sports events. Currently, there is a bigger distance between sports fans and their club’s stadium due to the existence of alternative ways to watch a game, for example, television broadcasts or streaming, that are more economic and with better comfort. The sport’s stadiums must innovate and improve the sports fans’ experience in order to be more competitive through the use of technology. The proposed framework is based on a five level classification that allows the improvement of the sports fans’ experience. This model allows the evaluation of a certain sports stadium based on existing IoT implementations. In addition, each level contains a set of benefits to the sports fan’s experience and a set of technological recommendations to be implemented in order to a certain venue level up and be called as Stadium 2.0. A questionnaire was done to 205 sports fans in order to assess which experiences are more important in a sports event. In order to evaluate the proposed framework, a set of interviews was carried out with two groups: spectators of sports events and sports events management staff (sports club, national federations), so as to ascertain the importance and applicability of this reference in real context and also to improve the spectators’ experience

    The Evolution of Smart Buildings: An Industrial Perspective of the Development of Smart Buildings in the 2010s

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    Over the course of the 2010s, specialist research bodies have failed to provide a holistic view of the changes in the prominent reason (as driven by industry) for creating a smart building. Over the 2010s, research tended to focus on remaining deeply involved in only single issues or value drivers. Through an analysis of the author’s peer reviewed and published works (book chapters, articles, essays and podcasts), supplemented with additional contextual academic literature, a model for how the key drivers for creating a smart building have evolved in industry during the 2010s is presented. The critical research commentary within this thesis, tracks the incremental advances of technology and their application to the built environment via academic movements, industrial shifts, or the author’s personal contributions. This thesis has found that it is demonstrable, through the chronology and publication dates of the included research papers, that as the financial cost and complexity of sensors and cloud computing reduced, smart buildings became increasingly prevalent. Initially, sustainability was the primary focus with the use of HVAC analytics and advanced metering in the early 2010s. The middle of the decade saw an economic transformation of the commercial office sector and the driver for creating a smart building was concerned with delivering flexible yet quantifiably used space. Driven by society’s emphasis on health, wellbeing and productivity, smart buildings pivoted their focus towards the end of the 2010s. Smart building technologies were required to demonstrate the impacts of architecture on the human. This research has evidenced that smart buildings use data to improve performance in sustainability, in space usage or for humancentric outcomes

    Käyttökokemuksen suunnittelu jääkiekkosovellukseen

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    Mobile applications are becoming the norm of digital content. One recently emerged application area is sports. This thesis describes a study and design conducted for an ice hockey themed application. The application's main objective is to enhance the spectator experience of ice hockey fans. The main research objective of this thesis is finding out what kind of user experience needs are there in a live spectating setting for a mobile application. Secondly, based on these findings, a design is proposed and the success of this design is validated using a questionnaire. This study uses several methods for creating the application design. First, a literature review for existing theory is conducted. Using SWOT analysis, a competitor analysis is performed. User research is conducted using interviews and prototype evaluations. Based on these findings, information guiding the application design is constructed in form of personas, experience goals and context scenarios. User needs in the application context corroborate previous research: watching ice hockey is more than passive entertainment. Spectators view the game as a social event. They want to meet friends and family. Avid fans of ice hockey wish to know more detailed information of the game and its events. They also want a centralized location to fetch this data from. For this, this thesis presents a technological solution. The main finding regarding the created solution is that while the solution has potential and arouses users' interest, there is a want for more detailed data. Further research should be done in the direction of creating an application that spectators can use as a tool for creating co-experiences. Spectators are also interested in seeing the play situations in more detail, and for this, the proposed solution should incorporate video material of the plays delivered to the spectators phone
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