247 research outputs found

    Generic Trace Semantics via Coinduction

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    Trace semantics has been defined for various kinds of state-based systems, notably with different forms of branching such as non-determinism vs. probability. In this paper we claim to identify one underlying mathematical structure behind these "trace semantics," namely coinduction in a Kleisli category. This claim is based on our technical result that, under a suitably order-enriched setting, a final coalgebra in a Kleisli category is given by an initial algebra in the category Sets. Formerly the theory of coalgebras has been employed mostly in Sets where coinduction yields a finer process semantics of bisimilarity. Therefore this paper extends the application field of coalgebras, providing a new instance of the principle "process semantics via coinduction."Comment: To appear in Logical Methods in Computer Science. 36 page

    Relation lifting, with an application to the many-valued cover modality

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    We introduce basic notions and results about relation liftings on categories enriched in a commutative quantale. We derive two necessary and sufficient conditions for a 2-functor T to admit a functorial relation lifting: one is the existence of a distributive law of T over the "powerset monad" on categories, one is the preservation by T of "exactness" of certain squares. Both characterisations are generalisations of the "classical" results known for set functors: the first characterisation generalises the existence of a distributive law over the genuine powerset monad, the second generalises preservation of weak pullbacks. The results presented in this paper enable us to compute predicate liftings of endofunctors of, for example, generalised (ultra)metric spaces. We illustrate this by studying the coalgebraic cover modality in this setting.Comment: 48 pages, accepted for publication in LMC

    Relation Liftings on Preorders and Posets

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    The category Rel(Set) of sets and relations can be described as a category of spans and as the Kleisli category for the powerset monad. A set-functor can be lifted to a functor on Rel(Set) iff it preserves weak pullbacks. We show that these results extend to the enriched setting, if we replace sets by posets or preorders. Preservation of weak pullbacks becomes preservation of exact lax squares. As an application we present Moss's coalgebraic over posets

    The Positivication of Coalgebraic Logics

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    We present positive coalgebraic logic in full generality, and show how to obtain a positive coalgebraic logic from a boolean one. On the model side this involves canonically computing a endofunctor T\u27: Pos->Pos from an endofunctor T: Set->Set, in a procedure previously defined by the second author et alii called posetification. On the syntax side, it involves canonically computing a syntax-building functor L\u27: DL->DL from a syntax-building functor L: BA->BA, in a dual procedure which we call positivication. These operations are interesting in their own right and we explicitly compute posetifications and positivications in the case of several modal logics. We show how the semantics of a boolean coalgebraic logic can be canonically lifted to define a semantics for its positive fragment, and that weak completeness transfers from the boolean case to the positive case

    Relation Liftings on Preorders and Posets

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    The category Rel(Set) of sets and relations can be described as a category of spans and as the Kleisli category for the powerset monad. A set-functor can be lifted to a functor on Rel(Set) iff it preserves weak pullbacks. We show that these results extend to the enriched setting, if we replace sets by posets or preorders. Preservation of weak pullbacks becomes preservation of exact lax squares. As an application we present Moss's coalgebraic over posets

    Quantitative Hennessy-Milner Theorems via Notions of Density

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    The classical Hennessy-Milner theorem is an important tool in the analysis of concurrent processes; it guarantees that any two non-bisimilar states in finitely branching labelled transition systems can be distinguished by a modal formula. Numerous variants of this theorem have since been established for a wide range of logics and system types, including quantitative versions where lower bounds on behavioural distance (e.g. in weighted, metric, or probabilistic transition systems) are witnessed by quantitative modal formulas. Both the qualitative and the quantitative versions have been accommodated within the framework of coalgebraic logic, with distances taking values in quantales, subject to certain restrictions, such as being so-called value quantales. While previous quantitative coalgebraic Hennessy-Milner theorems apply only to liftings of set functors to (pseudo)metric spaces, in the present work we provide a quantitative coalgebraic Hennessy-Milner theorem that applies more widely to functors native to metric spaces; notably, we thus cover, for the first time, the well-known Hennessy-Milner theorem for continuous probabilistic transition systems, where transitions are given by Borel measures on metric spaces, as an instance of such a general result. In the process, we also relax the restrictions imposed on the quantale, and additionally parametrize the technical account over notions of closure and, hence, density, providing associated variants of the Stone-WeierstraĂź theorem; this allows us to cover, for instance, behavioural ultrametrics.publishe

    Weak bisimulation for coalgebras over order enriched monads

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    The paper introduces the notion of a weak bisimulation for coalgebras whose type is a monad satisfying some extra properties. In the first part of the paper we argue that systems with silent moves should be modelled coalgebraically as coalgebras whose type is a monad. We show that the visible and invisible part of the functor can be handled internally inside a monadic structure. In the second part we introduce the notion of an ordered saturation monad, study its properties, and show that it allows us to present two approaches towards defining weak bisimulation for coalgebras and compare them. We support the framework presented in this paper by two main examples of models: labelled transition systems and simple Segala systems.Comment: 44 page

    Kantorovich Functors and Characteristic Logics for Behavioural Distances

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    Behavioural distances measure the deviation between states in quantitative systems, such as probabilistic or weighted systems. There is growing interest in generic approaches to behavioural distances. In particular, coalgebraic methods capture variations in the system type (nondeterministic, probabilistic, game-based etc.), and the notion of quantale abstracts over the actual values distances take, thus covering, e.g., two-valued equivalences, (pseudo-)metrics, and probabilistic (pseudo-)metrics. Coalgebraic behavioural distances have been based either on liftings of SET-functors to categories of metric spaces, or on lax extensions of SET-functors to categories of quantitative relations. Every lax extension induces a functor lifting but not every lifting comes from a lax extension. It was shown recently that every lax extension is Kantorovich, i.e. induced by a suitable choice of monotone predicate liftings, implying via a quantitative coalgebraic Hennessy-Milner theorem that behavioural distances induced by lax extensions can be characterized by quantitative modal logics. Here, we essentially show the same in the more general setting of behavioural distances induced by functor liftings. In particular, we show that every functor lifting, and indeed every functor on (quantale-valued) metric spaces, that preserves isometries is Kantorovich, so that the induced behavioural distance (on systems of suitably restricted branching degree) can be characterized by a quantitative modal logic
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