395 research outputs found

    Reflective inductive inference of recursive functions

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    AbstractIn this paper, we investigate reflective inductive inference of recursive functions. A reflective IIM is a learning machine that is additionally able to assess its own competence.First, we formalize reflective learning from arbitrary, and from canonical, example sequences. Here, we arrive at four different types of reflection: reflection in the limit, optimistic, pessimistic and exact reflection.Then, we compare the learning power of reflective IIMs with each other as well as with the one of standard IIMs for learning in the limit, for consistent learning of three different types, and for finite learning

    Adaptive Context Encoding Module for Semantic Segmentation

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    The object sizes in images are diverse, therefore, capturing multiple scale context information is essential for semantic segmentation. Existing context aggregation methods such as pyramid pooling module (PPM) and atrous spatial pyramid pooling (ASPP) design different pooling size or atrous rate, such that multiple scale information is captured. However, the pooling sizes and atrous rates are chosen manually and empirically. In order to capture object context information adaptively, in this paper, we propose an adaptive context encoding (ACE) module based on deformable convolution operation to argument multiple scale information. Our ACE module can be embedded into other Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) easily for context aggregation. The effectiveness of the proposed module is demonstrated on Pascal-Context and ADE20K datasets. Although our proposed ACE only consists of three deformable convolution blocks, it outperforms PPM and ASPP in terms of mean Intersection of Union (mIoU) on both datasets. All the experiment study confirms that our proposed module is effective as compared to the state-of-the-art methods
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