650 research outputs found

    Privacy-aware relationship semantics–based XACML access control model for electronic health records in hybrid cloud

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    State-of-the-art progress in cloud computing encouraged the healthcare organizations to outsource the management of electronic health records to cloud service providers using hybrid cloud. A hybrid cloud is an infrastructure consisting of a private cloud (managed by the organization) and a public cloud (managed by the cloud service provider). The use of hybrid cloud enables electronic health records to be exchanged between medical institutions and supports multipurpose usage of electronic health records. Along with the benefits, cloud-based electronic health records also raise the problems of security and privacy specifically in terms of electronic health records access. A comprehensive and exploratory analysis of privacy-preserving solutions revealed that most current systems do not support fine-grained access control or consider additional factors such as privacy preservation and relationship semantics. In this article, we investigated the need of a privacy-aware fine-grained access control model for the hybrid cloud. We propose a privacy-aware relationship semantics–based XACML access control model that performs hybrid relationship and attribute-based access control using extensible access control markup language. The proposed approach supports fine-grained relation-based access control with state-of-the-art privacy mechanism named Anatomy for enhanced multipurpose electronic health records usage. The proposed (privacy-aware relationship semantics–based XACML access control model) model provides and maintains an efficient privacy versus utility trade-off. We formally verify the proposed model (privacy-aware relationship semantics–based XACML access control model) and implemented to check its effectiveness in terms of privacy-aware electronic health records access and multipurpose utilization. Experimental results show that in the proposed (privacy-aware relationship semantics–based XACML access control model) model, access policies based on relationships and electronic health records anonymization can perform well in terms of access policy response time and space storage

    A Novel Privacy Disclosure Risk Measure and Optimizing Privacy Preserving Data Publishing Techniques

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    A tremendous amount of individual-level data is generated each day, with a wide variety of uses. This data often contains sensitive information about individuals, which can be disclosed by “adversaries”. Even when direct identifiers such as social security numbers are masked, an adversary may be able to recognize an individual\u27s identity for a data record by looking at the values of quasi-identifiers (QID), known as identity disclosure, or can uncover sensitive attributes (SA) about an individual through attribute disclosure. In data privacy field, multiple disclosure risk measures have been proposed. These share two drawbacks: they do not consider identity and attribute disclosure concurrently, and they make restrictive assumptions on an adversary\u27s knowledge and disclosure target by assuming certain attributes are QIDs and SAs with clear boundary in between. In this study, we present a Flexible Adversary Disclosure Risk (FADR) measure that addresses these limitations, by presenting a single combined metric of identity and attribute disclosure, and considering all scenarios for an adversary’s knowledge and disclosure targets while providing the flexibility to model a specific disclosure preference. In addition, we employ FADR measure to develop our novel “RU Generalization” algorithm that anonymizes a sensitive dataset to be able to publish the data for public access while preserving the privacy of individuals in the dataset. The challenge is to preserve privacy without incurring excessive information loss. Our RU Generalization algorithm is a greedy heuristic algorithm, which aims at minimizing the combination of both disclosure risk and information loss, to obtain an optimized anonymized dataset. We have conducted a set of experiments on a benchmark dataset from 1994 Census database, to evaluate both our FADR measure and RU Generalization algorithm. We have shown the robustness of our FADR measure and the effectiveness of our RU Generalization algorithm by comparing with the benchmark anonymization algorithm

    Contribution to privacy-enhancing tecnologies for machine learning applications

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    For some time now, big data applications have been enabling revolutionary innovation in every aspect of our daily life by taking advantage of lots of data generated from the interactions of users with technology. Supported by machine learning and unprecedented computation capabilities, different entities are capable of efficiently exploiting such data to obtain significant utility. However, since personal information is involved, these practices raise serious privacy concerns. Although multiple privacy protection mechanisms have been proposed, there are some challenges that need to be addressed for these mechanisms to be adopted in practice, i.e., to be “usable” beyond the privacy guarantee offered. To start, the real impact of privacy protection mechanisms on data utility is not clear, thus an empirical evaluation of such impact is crucial. Moreover, since privacy is commonly obtained through the perturbation of large data sets, usable privacy technologies may require not only preservation of data utility but also efficient algorithms in terms of computation speed. Satisfying both requirements is key to encourage the adoption of privacy initiatives. Although considerable effort has been devoted to design less “destructive” privacy mechanisms, the utility metrics employed may not be appropriate, thus the wellness of such mechanisms would be incorrectly measured. On the other hand, despite the advent of big data, more efficient approaches are not being considered. Not complying with the requirements of current applications may hinder the adoption of privacy technologies. In the first part of this thesis, we address the problem of measuring the effect of k-anonymous microaggregation on the empirical utility of microdata. We quantify utility accordingly as the accuracy of classification models learned from microaggregated data, evaluated over original test data. Our experiments show that the impact of the de facto microaggregation standard on the performance of machine-learning algorithms is often minor for a variety of data sets. Furthermore, experimental evidence suggests that the traditional measure of distortion in the community of microdata anonymization may be inappropriate for evaluating the utility of microaggregated data. Secondly, we address the problem of preserving the empirical utility of data. By transforming the original data records to a different data space, our approach, based on linear discriminant analysis, enables k-anonymous microaggregation to be adapted to the application domain of data. To do this, first, data is rotated (projected) towards the direction of maximum discrimination and, second, scaled in this direction, penalizing distortion across the classification threshold. As a result, data utility is preserved in terms of the accuracy of machine learned models for a number of standardized data sets. Afterwards, we propose a mechanism to reduce the running time for the k-anonymous microaggregation algorithm. This is obtained by simplifying the internal operations of the original algorithm. Through extensive experimentation over multiple data sets, we show that the new algorithm gets significantly faster. Interestingly, this remarkable speedup factor is achieved with no additional loss of data utility.Les aplicacions de big data impulsen actualment una accelerada innovació aprofitant la gran quantitat d’informació generada a partir de les interaccions dels usuaris amb la tecnologia. Així, qualsevol entitat és capaç d'explotar eficientment les dades per obtenir utilitat, emprant aprenentatge automàtic i capacitats de còmput sense precedents. No obstant això, sorgeixen en aquest escenari serioses preocupacions pel que fa a la privacitat dels usuaris ja que hi ha informació personal involucrada. Tot i que s'han proposat diversos mecanismes de protecció, hi ha alguns reptes per a la seva adopció en la pràctica, és a dir perquè es puguin utilitzar. Per començar, l’impacte real d'aquests mecanismes en la utilitat de les dades no esta clar, raó per la qual la seva avaluació empírica és important. A més, considerant que actualment es manegen grans volums de dades, una privacitat usable requereix, no només preservació de la utilitat de les dades, sinó també algoritmes eficients en temes de temps de còmput. És clau satisfer tots dos requeriments per incentivar l’adopció de mesures de privacitat. Malgrat que hi ha diversos esforços per dissenyar mecanismes de privacitat menys "destructius", les mètriques d'utilitat emprades no serien apropiades, de manera que aquests mecanismes de protecció podrien estar sent incorrectament avaluats. D'altra banda, tot i l’adveniment del big data, la investigació existent no s’enfoca molt en millorar la seva eficiència. Lamentablement, si els requisits de les aplicacions actuals no es satisfan, s’obstaculitzarà l'adopció de tecnologies de privacitat. A la primera part d'aquesta tesi abordem el problema de mesurar l'impacte de la microagregació k-Gnónima en la utilitat empírica de microdades. Per això, quantifiquem la utilitat com la precisió de models de classificació obtinguts a partir de les dades microagregades. i avaluats sobre dades de prova originals. Els experiments mostren que l'impacte de l’algoritme de rmicroagregació estàndard en el rendiment d’algoritmes d'aprenentatge automàtic és usualment menor per a una varietat de conjunts de dades avaluats. A més, l’evidència experimental suggereix que la mètrica tradicional de distorsió de les dades seria inapropiada per avaluar la utilitat empírica de dades microagregades. Així també estudiem el problema de preservar la utilitat empírica de les dades a l'ésser anonimitzades. Transformant els registres originaIs de dades en un espai de dades diferent, el nostre enfocament, basat en anàlisi de discriminant lineal, permet que el procés de microagregació k-anònima s'adapti al domini d’aplicació de les dades. Per això, primer, les dades són rotades o projectades en la direcció de màxima discriminació i, segon, escalades en aquesta direcció, penalitzant la distorsió a través del llindar de classificació. Com a resultat, la utilitat de les dades es preserva en termes de la precisió dels models d'aprenentatge automàtic en diversos conjunts de dades. Posteriorment, proposem un mecanisme per reduir el temps d'execució per a la microagregació k-anònima. Això s'aconsegueix simplificant les operacions internes de l'algoritme escollit Mitjançant una extensa experimentació sobre diversos conjunts de dades, vam mostrar que el nou algoritme és bastant més ràpid. Aquesta acceleració s'aconsegueix sense que hi ha pèrdua en la utilitat de les dades. Finalment, en un enfocament més aplicat, es proposa una eina de protecció de privacitat d'individus i organitzacions mitjançant l'anonimització de dades sensibles inclosos en logs de seguretat. Es dissenyen diferents mecanismes d'anonimat per implementar-los en base a la definició d'una política de privacitat, en el context d'un projecte europeu que té per objectiu construir un sistema de seguretat unificat

    Contribution to privacy-enhancing tecnologies for machine learning applications

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    For some time now, big data applications have been enabling revolutionary innovation in every aspect of our daily life by taking advantage of lots of data generated from the interactions of users with technology. Supported by machine learning and unprecedented computation capabilities, different entities are capable of efficiently exploiting such data to obtain significant utility. However, since personal information is involved, these practices raise serious privacy concerns. Although multiple privacy protection mechanisms have been proposed, there are some challenges that need to be addressed for these mechanisms to be adopted in practice, i.e., to be “usable” beyond the privacy guarantee offered. To start, the real impact of privacy protection mechanisms on data utility is not clear, thus an empirical evaluation of such impact is crucial. Moreover, since privacy is commonly obtained through the perturbation of large data sets, usable privacy technologies may require not only preservation of data utility but also efficient algorithms in terms of computation speed. Satisfying both requirements is key to encourage the adoption of privacy initiatives. Although considerable effort has been devoted to design less “destructive” privacy mechanisms, the utility metrics employed may not be appropriate, thus the wellness of such mechanisms would be incorrectly measured. On the other hand, despite the advent of big data, more efficient approaches are not being considered. Not complying with the requirements of current applications may hinder the adoption of privacy technologies. In the first part of this thesis, we address the problem of measuring the effect of k-anonymous microaggregation on the empirical utility of microdata. We quantify utility accordingly as the accuracy of classification models learned from microaggregated data, evaluated over original test data. Our experiments show that the impact of the de facto microaggregation standard on the performance of machine-learning algorithms is often minor for a variety of data sets. Furthermore, experimental evidence suggests that the traditional measure of distortion in the community of microdata anonymization may be inappropriate for evaluating the utility of microaggregated data. Secondly, we address the problem of preserving the empirical utility of data. By transforming the original data records to a different data space, our approach, based on linear discriminant analysis, enables k-anonymous microaggregation to be adapted to the application domain of data. To do this, first, data is rotated (projected) towards the direction of maximum discrimination and, second, scaled in this direction, penalizing distortion across the classification threshold. As a result, data utility is preserved in terms of the accuracy of machine learned models for a number of standardized data sets. Afterwards, we propose a mechanism to reduce the running time for the k-anonymous microaggregation algorithm. This is obtained by simplifying the internal operations of the original algorithm. Through extensive experimentation over multiple data sets, we show that the new algorithm gets significantly faster. Interestingly, this remarkable speedup factor is achieved with no additional loss of data utility.Les aplicacions de big data impulsen actualment una accelerada innovació aprofitant la gran quantitat d’informació generada a partir de les interaccions dels usuaris amb la tecnologia. Així, qualsevol entitat és capaç d'explotar eficientment les dades per obtenir utilitat, emprant aprenentatge automàtic i capacitats de còmput sense precedents. No obstant això, sorgeixen en aquest escenari serioses preocupacions pel que fa a la privacitat dels usuaris ja que hi ha informació personal involucrada. Tot i que s'han proposat diversos mecanismes de protecció, hi ha alguns reptes per a la seva adopció en la pràctica, és a dir perquè es puguin utilitzar. Per començar, l’impacte real d'aquests mecanismes en la utilitat de les dades no esta clar, raó per la qual la seva avaluació empírica és important. A més, considerant que actualment es manegen grans volums de dades, una privacitat usable requereix, no només preservació de la utilitat de les dades, sinó també algoritmes eficients en temes de temps de còmput. És clau satisfer tots dos requeriments per incentivar l’adopció de mesures de privacitat. Malgrat que hi ha diversos esforços per dissenyar mecanismes de privacitat menys "destructius", les mètriques d'utilitat emprades no serien apropiades, de manera que aquests mecanismes de protecció podrien estar sent incorrectament avaluats. D'altra banda, tot i l’adveniment del big data, la investigació existent no s’enfoca molt en millorar la seva eficiència. Lamentablement, si els requisits de les aplicacions actuals no es satisfan, s’obstaculitzarà l'adopció de tecnologies de privacitat. A la primera part d'aquesta tesi abordem el problema de mesurar l'impacte de la microagregació k-Gnónima en la utilitat empírica de microdades. Per això, quantifiquem la utilitat com la precisió de models de classificació obtinguts a partir de les dades microagregades. i avaluats sobre dades de prova originals. Els experiments mostren que l'impacte de l’algoritme de rmicroagregació estàndard en el rendiment d’algoritmes d'aprenentatge automàtic és usualment menor per a una varietat de conjunts de dades avaluats. A més, l’evidència experimental suggereix que la mètrica tradicional de distorsió de les dades seria inapropiada per avaluar la utilitat empírica de dades microagregades. Així també estudiem el problema de preservar la utilitat empírica de les dades a l'ésser anonimitzades. Transformant els registres originaIs de dades en un espai de dades diferent, el nostre enfocament, basat en anàlisi de discriminant lineal, permet que el procés de microagregació k-anònima s'adapti al domini d’aplicació de les dades. Per això, primer, les dades són rotades o projectades en la direcció de màxima discriminació i, segon, escalades en aquesta direcció, penalitzant la distorsió a través del llindar de classificació. Com a resultat, la utilitat de les dades es preserva en termes de la precisió dels models d'aprenentatge automàtic en diversos conjunts de dades. Posteriorment, proposem un mecanisme per reduir el temps d'execució per a la microagregació k-anònima. Això s'aconsegueix simplificant les operacions internes de l'algoritme escollit Mitjançant una extensa experimentació sobre diversos conjunts de dades, vam mostrar que el nou algoritme és bastant més ràpid. Aquesta acceleració s'aconsegueix sense que hi ha pèrdua en la utilitat de les dades. Finalment, en un enfocament més aplicat, es proposa una eina de protecció de privacitat d'individus i organitzacions mitjançant l'anonimització de dades sensibles inclosos en logs de seguretat. Es dissenyen diferents mecanismes d'anonimat per implementar-los en base a la definició d'una política de privacitat, en el context d'un projecte europeu que té per objectiu construir un sistema de seguretat unificat.Postprint (published version

    KBD-Share: Key Aggregation, Blockchain, and Differential Privacy based Secured Data Sharing for Multi-User Cloud Computing

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    In today's era of widespread cloud computing and data sharing, the demand for secure and privacy-preserving techniques to facilitate multi-user data sharing is rapidly increasing. However, traditional approaches struggle to effectively address the twin objectives of ensuring privacy protection while preserving the utility of shared data. This predicament holds immense significance due to the pivotal role data sharing plays in diverse domains and applications. However, it also brings about significant privacy vulnerabilities. Consequently, innovative approaches are imperative to achieve a harmonious equilibrium between the utility of shared data and the protection of privacy in scenarios involving multiple users. This paper presents KBD-Share, an innovative framework that addresses the intricacies of ensuring data security and privacy in the context of sharing data among multiple users in cloud computing environments. By seamlessly integrating key aggregation, blockchain technology, and differential privacy techniques, KBD-Share offers an efficient and robust solution to protect sensitive data while facilitating seamless sharing and utilization. Extensive experimental evaluations convincingly establish the superiority of KBD-Share in aspects of data privacy preservation and utility, outperforming existing approaches. This approach achieves the highest R2 value of 0.9969 exhibiting best data utility, essential for multi-user data sharing in diverse cloud computing applications

    Utility-Based Privacy Preserving Data Publishing

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    Advances in data collection techniques and need for automation triggered in proliferation of a huge amount of data. This exponential increase in the collection of personal information has for some time represented a serious threat to privacy. With the advancement of technologies for data storage, data mining, machine learning, social networking and cloud computing, the problem is further fueled. Privacy is a fundamental right of every human being and needs to be preserved. As a counterbalance to the socio-technical transformations, most nations have both general policies on preserving privacy and specic legislation to control access to and use of data. Privacy preserving data publishing is the ability to control the dissemination and use of one's personal information. Mere publishing (or sharing) of original data in raw form results in identity disclosure with linkage attacks. To overcome linkage attacks, the techniques of statistical disclosure control are employed. One such approach is k-anonymity that reduce data across a set of key variables to a set of classes. In a k-anonymized dataset each record is indistinguishable from at least k-1 others, meaning that an attacker cannot link the data records to population units with certainty thus reducing the probability of disclosure. Algorithms that have been proposed to enforce k-anonymity are Samarati's algorithm and Sweeney's Datafly algorithm. Both of these algorithms adhere to full domain generalization with global recording. These methods have a tradeo between utility, computing time and information loss. A good privacy preserving technique should ensure a balance of utility and privacy, giving good performance and level of uncertainty. In this thesis, we propose an improved greedy heuristic that maintains a balance between utility, privacy, computing time and information loss. Given a dataset and k, constructing the dataset to k-anonymous dataset can be done by the above-mentioned schemes. One of the challenges is to nd the best value of k, when the dataset is provided. In this thesis, a scheme has been proposed to achieve the best value of k for a given dataset. The k-anonymity scheme suers from homogeneity attack. As a result, the l-diverse scheme was developed. It states that the diversity of domain values of the dataset in an equivalence class should be l. The l-diversity scheme suers from background knowledge attack. To address this problem, t-closeness scheme was proposed. The t-closeness principle states that the distribution of records in an equivalence class and the distribution of records in the table should not exceed more than t. The drawback with this scheme is that, the distance metric deployed in constructing a table, satisfying t-closeness, does not follow the distance characteristics. In this thesis, we have deployed an alternative distance metric namely, Hellinger metric, for constructing a t-closeness table. The t-closeness scheme with this alternative distance metric performed better with respect to the discernability metric and computing time. The k-anonymity, l-diversity and t-closeness schemes can be used to anonymize the dataset before publishing (releasing or sharing). This is generally in a static environment. There are also data that need to be published in a dynamic environment. One such example is a social network. Anonymizing social networks poses great challenges. Solutions suggested till date do not consider utility of the data while anonymizing. In this thesis, we propose a novel scheme to anonymize the users depending on their importance and take utility into consideration. Importance of a node was decided by the centrality and prestige measures. Hence, the utility and privacy of the users are balanced

    Privacy in Microdata Release: Challenges, Techniques, and Approaches

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    Releasing and disseminating useful microdata while ensuring that no personal or sensitive information is improperly exposed is a complex problem, heavily investigated by the scientific community in the past couple of decades. Various microdata protection approaches have then been proposed, achieving different privacy requirements through appropriate protection techniques. This chapter discusses the privacy risks that can arise in microdata release and illustrates some well-known privacy-preserving techniques and approaches