704 research outputs found

    Resilience Against Sensor Deception Attacks at the Supervisory Control Layer of Cyber-Physical Systems: A Discrete Event Systems Approach

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    Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) are already ubiquitous in our society and include medical devices, (semi-)autonomous vehicles, and smart grids. However, their security aspects were only recently incorporated into their design process, mainly in response to catastrophic incidents caused by cyber-attacks on CPS. The Stuxnet attack that successfully damaged a nuclear facility, the Maroochy water breach that released millions of gallons of untreated water, the assault on power plants in Brazil that disrupted the distribution of energy in many cities, and the intrusion demonstration that stopped the engine of a 2014 Jeep Cherokee in the middle of a highway are examples of well-publicized cyber-attacks on CPS. There is now a critical need to provide techniques for analyzing the behavior of CPS while under attack and to synthesize attack-resilient CPS. In this dissertation, we address CPS under the influence of an important class of attacks called sensor deception attacks, in which an attacker hijacks sensor readings to inflict damage to CPS. The formalism of regular languages and their finite-state automata representations is used to capture the dynamics of CPS and their attackers, thereby allowing us to leverage the theory of supervisory control of discrete event systems to pose our investigations. First, we focus on developing a supervisory control framework under sensor deception attacks. We focus on two questions: (1) Can we automatically find sensor deception attacks that damage a given CPS? and (2) Can we design a secure-by-construction CPS against sensor deception attacks? Answering these two questions is the main contribution of this dissertation. In the first part of the dissertation, using techniques from the fields of graph games and Markov decision processes, we develop algorithms for synthesizing sensor deception attacks in both qualitative and quantitative settings. Graph games provide the means of synthesizing sensor deception attacks that might damage the given CPS. In a second step, equipped with stochastic information about the CPS, we can leverage Markov decision processes to synthesize attacks with the highest likelihood of damage. In the second part of the dissertation, we tackle the problem of designing secure-by-construction CPS. We provide two different methodologies to design such CPS, in which there exists a trade-off between flexibility on selecting different designs and computational complexity of the methods. The first method is developed based on supervisory control theory, and it provides a computationally efficient way of designing secure CPS. Alternatively, a graph-game method is presented as a second solution for this investigated problem. The graph-game method grants flexible selection of the CPS at the cost of computational complexity. The first method finds one robust supervisor, whereas the second method provides a structure in which all robust supervisors are included. Overall, this dissertation provides a comprehensive set of algorithmic techniques to analyze and mitigate sensor deception attacks at the supervisory layer of cyber-physical control systems.PHDElectrical and Computer EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/166117/1/romulo_1.pd

    MOCAST 2021

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    The 10th International Conference on Modern Circuit and System Technologies on Electronics and Communications (MOCAST 2021) will take place in Thessaloniki, Greece, from July 5th to July 7th, 2021. The MOCAST technical program includes all aspects of circuit and system technologies, from modeling to design, verification, implementation, and application. This Special Issue presents extended versions of top-ranking papers in the conference. The topics of MOCAST include:Analog/RF and mixed signal circuits;Digital circuits and systems design;Nonlinear circuits and systems;Device and circuit modeling;High-performance embedded systems;Systems and applications;Sensors and systems;Machine learning and AI applications;Communication; Network systems;Power management;Imagers, MEMS, medical, and displays;Radiation front ends (nuclear and space application);Education in circuits, systems, and communications

    대용량 데이터 탐색을 위한 점진적 시각화 시스템 설계

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    학위논문(박사)--서울대학교 대학원 :공과대학 컴퓨터공학부,2020. 2. 서진욱.Understanding data through interactive visualization, also known as visual analytics, is a common and necessary practice in modern data science. However, as data sizes have increased at unprecedented rates, the computation latency of visualization systems becomes a significant hurdle to visual analytics. The goal of this dissertation is to design a series of systems for progressive visual analytics (PVA)—a visual analytics paradigm that can provide intermediate results during computation and allow visual exploration of these results—to address the scalability hurdle. To support the interactive exploration of data with billions of records, we first introduce SwiftTuna, an interactive visualization system with scalable visualization and computation components. Our performance benchmark demonstrates that it can handle data with four billion records, giving responsive feedback every few seconds without precomputation. Second, we present PANENE, a progressive algorithm for the Approximate k-Nearest Neighbor (AKNN) problem. PANENE brings useful machine learning methods into visual analytics, which has been challenging due to their long initial latency resulting from AKNN computation. In particular, we accelerate t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding (t-SNE), a popular non-linear dimensionality reduction technique, which enables the responsive visualization of data with a few hundred columns. Each of these two contributions aims to address the scalability issues stemming from a large number of rows or columns in data, respectively. Third, from the users' perspective, we focus on improving the trustworthiness of intermediate knowledge gained from uncertain results in PVA. We propose a novel PVA concept, Progressive Visual Analytics with Safeguards, and introduce PVA-Guards, safeguards people can leave on uncertain intermediate knowledge that needs to be verified. We also present a proof-of-concept system, ProReveal, designed and developed to integrate seven safeguards into progressive data exploration. Our user study demonstrates that people not only successfully created PVA-Guards on ProReveal but also voluntarily used PVA-Guards to manage the uncertainty of their knowledge. Finally, summarizing the three studies, we discuss design challenges for progressive systems as well as future research agendas for PVA.현대 데이터 사이언스에서 인터랙티브한 시각화를 통해 데이터를 이해하는 것은 필수적인 분석 방법 중 하나이다. 그러나, 최근 데이터의 크기가 폭발적으로 증가하면서 데이터 크기로 인해 발생하는 지연 시간이 인터랙티브한 시각적 분석에 큰 걸림돌이 되었다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 확장성 문제를 해결하기 위해 점진적 시각적 분석(Progressive Visual Analytics)을 지원하는 일련의 시스템을 디자인하고 개발한다. 이러한 점진적 시각적 분석 시스템은 데이터 처리가 완전히 끝나지 않더라도 중간 분석 결과를 사용자에게 제공함으로써 데이터의 크기로 인해 발생하는 지연 시간 문제를 완화할 수 있다. 첫째로, 수십억 건의 행을 가지는 데이터를 시각적으로 탐색할 수 있는 SwiftTuna 시스템을 제안한다. 데이터 처리 및 시각적 표현의 확장성을 목표로 개발된 이 시스템은, 약 40억 건의 행을 가진 데이터에 대한 시각화를 전처리 없이 수 초마다 업데이트할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째로, 근사적 k-최근접점(Approximate k-Nearest Neighbor) 문제를 점진적으로 계산하는 PANENE 알고리즘을 제안한다. 근사적 k-최근접점 문제는 여러 기계 학습 기법에서 쓰임에도 불구하고 초기 계산 시간이 길어서 인터랙티브한 시스템에 적용하기 힘든 한계가 있었다. PANENE 알고리즘은 이러한 긴 초기 계산 시간을 획기적으로 개선하여 다양한 기계 학습 기법을 시각적 분석에 활용할 수 있도록 한다. 특히, 유용한 비선형적 차원 감소 기법인 t-분포 확률적 임베딩(t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding)을 가속하여 수백 개의 차원을 가지는 데이터를 빠른 시간 내에 사영할 수 있다. 위의 두 시스템과 알고리즘이 데이터의 행 또는 열의 개수로 인한 확장성 문제를 해결하고자 했다면, 세 번째 시스템에서는 점진적 시각적 분석의 신뢰도 문제를 개선하고자 한다. 점진적 시각적 분석에서 사용자에게 주어지는 중간 계산 결과는 최종 결과의 근사치이므로 불확실성이 존재한다. 본 연구에서는 세이프가드를 이용한 점진적 시각적 분석(Progressive Visual Analytics with Safeguards)이라는 새로운 개념을 제안한다. 이 개념은 사용자가 점진적 탐색에서 마주하는 불확실한 중간 지식에 세이프가드를 남길 수 있도록 하여 탐색에서 얻은 지식의 정확도를 추후 검증할 수 있도록 한다. 또한, 이러한 개념을 실제로 구현하여 탑재한 ProReveal 시스템을 소개한다. ProReveal를 이용한 사용자 실험에서 사용자들은 세이프가드를 성공적으로 만들 수 있었을 뿐만 아니라, 중간 지식의 불확실성을 다루기 위해 세이프가드를 자발적으로 이용한다는 것을 알 수 있었다. 마지막으로, 위 세 가지 연구의 결과를 종합하여 점진적 시각적 분석 시스템을 구현할 때의 디자인적 난제와 향후 연구 방향을 모색한다.CHAPTER1. Introduction 2 1.1 Background and Motivation 2 1.2 Thesis Statement and Research Questions 5 1.3 Thesis Contributions 5 1.3.1 Responsive and Incremental Visual Exploration of Large-scale Multidimensional Data 6 1.3.2 ProgressiveComputation of Approximate k-Nearest Neighbors and Responsive t-SNE 7 1.3.3 Progressive Visual Analytics with Safeguards 8 1.4 Structure of Dissertation 9 CHAPTER2. Related Work 11 2.1 Progressive Visual Analytics 11 2.1.1 Definitions 11 2.1.2 System Latency and Human Factors 13 2.1.3 Users, Tasks, and Models 15 2.1.4 Techniques, Algorithms, and Systems. 17 2.1.5 Uncertainty Visualization 19 2.2 Approaches for Scalable Visualization Systems 20 2.3 The k-Nearest Neighbor (KNN) Problem 22 2.4 t-Distributed Stochastic Neighbor Embedding 26 CHAPTER3. SwiTuna: Responsive and Incremental Visual Exploration of Large-scale Multidimensional Data 28 3.1 The SwiTuna Design 31 3.1.1 Design Considerations 32 3.1.2 System Overview 33 3.1.3 Scalable Visualization Components 36 3.1.4 Visualization Cards 40 3.1.5 User Interface and Interaction 42 3.2 Responsive Querying 44 3.2.1 Querying Pipeline 44 3.2.2 Prompt Responses 47 3.2.3 Incremental Processing 47 3.3 Evaluation: Performance Benchmark 49 3.3.1 Study Design 49 3.3.2 Results and Discussion 52 3.4 Implementation 56 3.5 Summary 56 CHAPTER4. PANENE:AProgressive Algorithm for IndexingandQuerying Approximate k-Nearest Neighbors 58 4.1 Approximate k-Nearest Neighbor 61 4.1.1 A Sequential Algorithm 62 4.1.2 An Online Algorithm 63 4.1.3 A Progressive Algorithm 66 4.1.4 Filtered AKNN Search 71 4.2 k-Nearest Neighbor Lookup Table 72 4.3 Benchmark. 78 4.3.1 Online and Progressive k-d Trees 78 4.3.2 k-Nearest Neighbor Lookup Tables 83 4.4 Applications 85 4.4.1 Progressive Regression and Density Estimation 85 4.4.2 Responsive t-SNE 87 4.5 Implementation 92 4.6 Discussion 92 4.7 Summary 93 CHAPTER5. ProReveal: Progressive Visual Analytics with Safeguards 95 5.1 Progressive Visual Analytics with Safeguards 98 5.1.1 Definition 98 5.1.2 Examples 101 5.1.3 Design Considerations 103 5.2 ProReveal 105 5.3 Evaluation 121 5.4 Discussion 127 5.5 Summary 130 CHAPTER6. Discussion 132 6.1 Lessons Learned 132 6.2 Limitations 135 CHAPTER7. Conclusion 137 7.1 Thesis Contributions Revisited 137 7.2 Future Research Agenda 139 7.3 Final Remarks 141 Abstract (Korean) 155 Acknowledgments (Korean) 157Docto

    Interiors of the Giant Planets

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    The biophysics of bacterial collective motion: Measuring responses to mechanical and genetic cues

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    Mechanobiology is an emerging field investigating mechanical signals as a necessary component of cellular and developmental regulation. These mechanical signals play a well-established role in the differentiation of animal cells, whereby cells with identical genes specialize their function and create distinct tissues depending on the physical properties of their environment, such as shear stiffness. These differences arise from the cell’s ability to use those incoming signals to inform which genes it expresses and what molecular machinery it builds and activates. Understanding the various missing factors that cause cells with specific genes to express an emergent phenotype is termed the genotype-to-phenotype problem, and mechanical signaling pathways present themselves as a significant piece of this puzzle. Despite the strong evidence for mechanosensing in eukaryotes, the pathways by which prokaryotes respond to mechanical stimuli are still largely unknown. Bacteria are among the simplest and yet most abundant forms of life. Many of their survival strategies depend on multicellular development and the coordinated formation of a colony into functional structures that may also feature cellular differentiation. This dissertation employs bacteria as a model system to investigate multiple biophysical questions of collective motion through novel experimental and analytical techniques. This work addresses the understudied mechanical relationship between a bacterial colony and the substrate it colonizes by asking “what is the effect of substrate stiffness on colony growth?” This is done by measuring bacterial growth on hydrogel substrates that decouple the effects of substrate stiffness from other material properties of the substrate that vary with stiffness. We report a previously unobserved effect in which bacteria colonize stiffer substrates faster than softer substrates, in opposition to previous studies done on agar, where permeability, viscoelasticity, and other material properties vary with stiffness.A second theme of this work probes the genetic inputs to the genotype-to-phenotype problem in multicellular development. The bacterial species Myxococcus xanthus producing macroscopic aggregates called fruiting bodies is used as a model organism for these studies. It has long been conjectured that genes may stand in for each other functionally, allowing for development to be more consistent and stable, but the extent of this redundancy has resisted measurement. We approach the question “how does redundancy among related genes lead to robust collective behavior?” by quantifying developmental phenotype in a large dataset of time lapse microscopy videos that show development in many mutant strains. We observe that when knocking out multiple genes that have a common origin (i.e. homologous genes), the resulting phenotypes differ from wild-type in a similar way. These phenotype clusters also differ from knockouts from other homologous gene families. These distinct phenotypic clusters provide evidence for the existence of networks of redundant genes that are larger than could previously be tested directly. Because of this robustness, the effects of individual gene mutations can be hidden or damped. We thus develop our analytical techniques further to address the question “how can subtle changes in phenotype be measured?” This involves quantifying the breadth of variation observed in wild-type development and creating a statistical technique to distinguish probabilistic distributions of phenotypic outcomes. We present a coherent method of visualizing large phenotypic datasets that include multiple metrics that we use to distinguish small developmental differences from wild-type, giving each mutant strain a phenotypic fingerprint that can be used in future studies on gene annotation and environmental impacts on phenotype

    Management and display of four-dimensional environmental data sets using McIDAS

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    Over the past four years, great strides have been made in the areas of data management and display of 4-D meteorological data sets. A survey was conducted of available and planned 4-D meteorological data sources. The data types were evaluated for their impact on the data management and display system. The requirements were analyzed for data base management generated by the 4-D data display system. The suitability of the existing data base management procedures and file structure were evaluated in light of the new requirements. Where needed, new data base management tools and file procedures were designed and implemented. The quality of the basic 4-D data sets was assured. The interpolation and extrapolation techniques of the 4-D data were investigated. The 4-D data from various sources were combined to make a uniform and consistent data set for display purposes. Data display software was designed to create abstract line graphic 3-D displays. Realistic shaded 3-D displays were created. Animation routines for these displays were developed in order to produce a dynamic 4-D presentation. A prototype dynamic color stereo workstation was implemented. A computer functional design specification was produced based on interactive studies and user feedback

    Navigation system based in motion tracking sensor for percutaneous renal access

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    Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia BiomédicaMinimally-invasive kidney interventions are daily performed to diagnose and treat several renal diseases. Percutaneous renal access (PRA) is an essential but challenging stage for most of these procedures, since its outcome is directly linked to the physician’s ability to precisely visualize and reach the anatomical target. Nowadays, PRA is always guided with medical imaging assistance, most frequently using X-ray based imaging (e.g. fluoroscopy). Thus, radiation on the surgical theater represents a major risk to the medical team, where its exclusion from PRA has a direct impact diminishing the dose exposure on both patients and physicians. To solve the referred problems this thesis aims to develop a new hardware/software framework to intuitively and safely guide the surgeon during PRA planning and puncturing. In terms of surgical planning, a set of methodologies were developed to increase the certainty of reaching a specific target inside the kidney. The most relevant abdominal structures for PRA were automatically clustered into different 3D volumes. For that, primitive volumes were merged as a local optimization problem using the minimum description length principle and image statistical properties. A multi-volume Ray Cast method was then used to highlight each segmented volume. Results show that it is possible to detect all abdominal structures surrounding the kidney, with the ability to correctly estimate a virtual trajectory. Concerning the percutaneous puncturing stage, either an electromagnetic or optical solution were developed and tested in multiple in vitro, in vivo and ex vivo trials. The optical tracking solution aids in establishing the desired puncture site and choosing the best virtual puncture trajectory. However, this system required a line of sight to different optical markers placed at the needle base, limiting the accuracy when tracking inside the human body. Results show that the needle tip can deflect from its initial straight line trajectory with an error higher than 3 mm. Moreover, a complex registration procedure and initial setup is needed. On the other hand, a real-time electromagnetic tracking was developed. Hereto, a catheter was inserted trans-urethrally towards the renal target. This catheter has a position and orientation electromagnetic sensor on its tip that function as a real-time target locator. Then, a needle integrating a similar sensor is used. From the data provided by both sensors, one computes a virtual puncture trajectory, which is displayed in a 3D visualization software. In vivo tests showed a median renal and ureteral puncture times of 19 and 51 seconds, respectively (range 14 to 45 and 45 to 67 seconds). Such results represent a puncture time improvement between 75% and 85% when comparing to state of the art methods. 3D sound and vibrotactile feedback were also developed to provide additional information about the needle orientation. By using these kind of feedback, it was verified that the surgeon tends to follow a virtual puncture trajectory with a reduced amount of deviations from the ideal trajectory, being able to anticipate any movement even without looking to a monitor. Best results show that 3D sound sources were correctly identified 79.2 ± 8.1% of times with an average angulation error of 10.4º degrees. Vibration sources were accurately identified 91.1 ± 3.6% of times with an average angulation error of 8.0º degrees. Additionally to the EMT framework, three circular ultrasound transducers were built with a needle working channel. One explored different manufacture fabrication setups in terms of the piezoelectric materials, transducer construction, single vs. multi array configurations, backing and matching material design. The A-scan signals retrieved from each transducer were filtered and processed to automatically detect reflected echoes and to alert the surgeon when undesirable anatomical structures are in between the puncture path. The transducers were mapped in a water tank and tested in a study involving 45 phantoms. Results showed that the beam cross-sectional area oscillates around the ceramics radius and it was possible to automatically detect echo signals in phantoms with length higher than 80 mm. Hereupon, it is expected that the introduction of the proposed system on the PRA procedure, will allow to guide the surgeon through the optimal path towards the precise kidney target, increasing surgeon’s confidence and reducing complications (e.g. organ perforation) during PRA. Moreover, the developed framework has the potential to make the PRA free of radiation for both patient and surgeon and to broad the use of PRA to less specialized surgeons.Intervenções renais minimamente invasivas são realizadas diariamente para o tratamento e diagnóstico de várias doenças renais. O acesso renal percutâneo (ARP) é uma etapa essencial e desafiante na maior parte destes procedimentos. O seu resultado encontra-se diretamente relacionado com a capacidade do cirurgião visualizar e atingir com precisão o alvo anatómico. Hoje em dia, o ARP é sempre guiado com recurso a sistemas imagiológicos, na maior parte das vezes baseados em raios-X (p.e. a fluoroscopia). A radiação destes sistemas nas salas cirúrgicas representa um grande risco para a equipa médica, aonde a sua remoção levará a um impacto direto na diminuição da dose exposta aos pacientes e cirurgiões. De modo a resolver os problemas existentes, esta tese tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de uma framework de hardware/software que permita, de forma intuitiva e segura, guiar o cirurgião durante o planeamento e punção do ARP. Em termos de planeamento, foi desenvolvido um conjunto de metodologias de modo a aumentar a eficácia com que o alvo anatómico é alcançado. As estruturas abdominais mais relevantes para o procedimento de ARP, foram automaticamente agrupadas em volumes 3D, através de um problema de optimização global com base no princípio de “minimum description length” e propriedades estatísticas da imagem. Por fim, um procedimento de Ray Cast, com múltiplas funções de transferência, foi utilizado para enfatizar as estruturas segmentadas. Os resultados mostram que é possível detetar todas as estruturas abdominais envolventes ao rim, com a capacidade para estimar corretamente uma trajetória virtual. No que diz respeito à fase de punção percutânea, foram testadas duas soluções de deteção de movimento (ótica e eletromagnética) em múltiplos ensaios in vitro, in vivo e ex vivo. A solução baseada em sensores óticos ajudou no cálculo do melhor ponto de punção e na definição da melhor trajetória a seguir. Contudo, este sistema necessita de uma linha de visão com diferentes marcadores óticos acoplados à base da agulha, limitando a precisão com que a agulha é detetada no interior do corpo humano. Os resultados indicam que a agulha pode sofrer deflexões à medida que vai sendo inserida, com erros superiores a 3 mm. Por outro lado, foi desenvolvida e testada uma solução com base em sensores eletromagnéticos. Para tal, um cateter que integra um sensor de posição e orientação na sua ponta, foi colocado por via trans-uretral junto do alvo renal. De seguida, uma agulha, integrando um sensor semelhante, é utilizada para a punção percutânea. A partir da diferença espacial de ambos os sensores, é possível gerar uma trajetória de punção virtual. A mediana do tempo necessário para puncionar o rim e ureter, segundo esta trajetória, foi de 19 e 51 segundos, respetivamente (variações de 14 a 45 e 45 a 67 segundos). Estes resultados representam uma melhoria do tempo de punção entre 75% e 85%, quando comparados com o estado da arte dos métodos atuais. Além do feedback visual, som 3D e feedback vibratório foram explorados de modo a fornecer informações complementares da posição da agulha. Verificou-se que com este tipo de feedback, o cirurgião tende a seguir uma trajetória de punção com desvios mínimos, sendo igualmente capaz de antecipar qualquer movimento, mesmo sem olhar para o monitor. Fontes de som e vibração podem ser corretamente detetadas em 79,2 ± 8,1% e 91,1 ± 3,6%, com erros médios de angulação de 10.4º e 8.0 graus, respetivamente. Adicionalmente ao sistema de navegação, foram também produzidos três transdutores de ultrassom circulares com um canal de trabalho para a agulha. Para tal, foram exploradas diferentes configurações de fabricação em termos de materiais piezoelétricos, transdutores multi-array ou singulares e espessura/material de layers de suporte. Os sinais originados em cada transdutor foram filtrados e processados de modo a detetar de forma automática os ecos refletidos, e assim, alertar o cirurgião quando existem variações anatómicas ao longo do caminho de punção. Os transdutores foram mapeados num tanque de água e testados em 45 phantoms. Os resultados mostraram que o feixe de área em corte transversal oscila em torno do raio de cerâmica, e que os ecos refletidos são detetados em phantoms com comprimentos superiores a 80 mm. Desta forma, é expectável que a introdução deste novo sistema a nível do ARP permitirá conduzir o cirurgião ao longo do caminho de punção ideal, aumentado a confiança do cirurgião e reduzindo possíveis complicações (p.e. a perfuração dos órgãos). Além disso, de realçar que este sistema apresenta o potencial de tornar o ARP livre de radiação e alarga-lo a cirurgiões menos especializados.The present work was only possible thanks to the support by the Portuguese Science and Technology Foundation through the PhD grant with reference SFRH/BD/74276/2010 funded by FCT/MEC (PIDDAC) and by Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), Programa COMPETE - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade (POFC) do QREN

    Modeling and rendering for development of a virtual bone surgery system

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    A virtual bone surgery system is developed to provide the potential of a realistic, safe, and controllable environment for surgical education. It can be used for training in orthopedic surgery, as well as for planning and rehearsal of bone surgery procedures...Using the developed system, the user can perform virtual bone surgery by simultaneously seeing bone material removal through a graphic display device, feeling the force via a haptic deice, and hearing the sound of tool-bone interaction --Abstract, page iii