128 research outputs found

    IP and ATM - a position paper

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    This paper gives a technical overview of different networking technologies, such as the Internet, ATM. It describes different approaches of how to run IP on top of an ATM network, and assesses their potential to be used as an integrated services network

    Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Network System(Junior Level)

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    This open access book follows the development rules of network technical talents, simultaneously placing its focus on the transfer of network knowledge, the accumulation of network skills, and the improvement of professionalism. Through the complete process from the elaboration of the theories of network technology to the analysis of application scenarios then to the design and implementation of case projects, readers are enabled to accumulate project experience and eventually acquire knowledge and cultivate their ability so as to lay a solid foundation for adapting to their future positions. This book comprises six chapters, which include “General Operation Safety of Network System,” “Cabling Project,” “Hardware Installation of Network System,” “Basic Knowledge of Network System,” “Basic Operation of Network System,” and “Basic Operation and Maintenance of Network System.” This book can be used for teaching and training for the vocational skills certification of network system construction, operation, and maintenance in the pilot work of Huawei’s “1+X” Certification System, and it is also suitable as a textbook for application-oriented universities, vocational colleges, and technical colleges. In the meantime, it can also serve as a reference book for technicians engaged in network technology development, network management and maintenance, and network system integration. As the world’s leading ICT (information and communications technology) infrastructure and intelligent terminal provider, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. has covered many fields such as data communication, security, wireless, storage, cloud computing, intelligent computing, and artificial intelligence. Taking Huawei network equipment (routers, switches, wireless controllers, and wireless access points) as the platform, and based on network engineering projects, this book organizes all the contents according to the actual needs of the industry

    Implementing Soak Testing for an Access Network Solution

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    Tietoliikennelaitteiden ohjelmistojen toiminnalle asetetaan erittäin kovat laatuvaatimukset. Operaattoreilla on yleensä asiakkaiden kanssa SLA sopimukset, joiden rikkomisesta operaattorit saattavat joutua maksamaan suuriakin korvauksia. Lisäksi jokainen hetki, jolloin laite ei ole toimintavalmis, tuottaa operaattorille kustannuksia menetettyjen tulojen muodossa. Tämän vuoksi on erittäin tärkeää, että laitteet ovat jatkuvasti toimintakunnossa eikä palvelukatkoksia tule. Tämän diplomityön tavoitteena oli kehittää automatisoitu pitkän ajan testausjärjestelmä IP/MPLS pohjaiselle Tellabs 8600 reititinperheelle. Testattava järjestelmä koostuu useista verkkoelementeistä sekä graafisesta Tellabs 8000 verkonhallintajärjestelmästä. Tämän testausympäristön tavoitteena on paljastaa ongelmia, jotka eivät tule esiin normaalissa toiminnallisessa tai regressiotestauksessa vaan vaativat ilmaantuakseen pidempää ajoaikaa tai useita toistoja. Työssä kehitettiin kehys sille, kuinka testausympäristössä voidaan suorittaa automaattisesti erilaisia operaatioita sekä voidaan ohjelmallisesti havaita mahdollisia ongelmatilanteita. Testausjärjestelmä toteutettiin onnistuneesti ja täyttää sille asetetut tavoitteet. Testausjärjestelmä on otettu käyttöön Tellabsin systeemitestauksessa ja on käyttöönoton jälkeen osoittautunut hyödylliseksi ja tehokkaaksi järjestelmäksi. Systeemitestauksen käyttöön toteutettiin myös toinen täysin identtinen ympäristö.The quality requirements are extremely demanding for telecommunications software. Operators usually have SLA agreements with their customers, and violations to that contract may lead to serious compensations. Furthermore, every moment that equipment or some service is not operating correctly means lost income for the operator. For these reasons, it is extremely important for a telecommunications equipment to continue functioning properly without service affecting breaks. The purpose of this thesis was to design and implement automated soak testing for the IP/MPLS-based Tellabs 8600 router series. The system under test is composed of several network elements and a graphical Tellabs 8000 Network Management System. The purpose of this testing environment is to reveal defects that do not show up immediately in functional or regression testing but may manifest when the system is used for longer periods or operations are executed many times. A framework for automatically operating the test network and detecting problems programmatically was implemented in this thesis. The testing environment was successfully implemented and satisfies the objectives initially set for it. Testing environment has been taken into use in system testing at Tellabs and after deployment has turned out to be useful and effective. Another identical environment was also implemented for the system testing group

    Next Generation Network Routing and Control Plane

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