39 research outputs found

    Diffusion of e-learning as an innovation and economic aspects of e-learning support structures

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    Meanwhile, many universities and educational institutions have implemented an e-learning center or some similar, often smaller institutional units in order to support the usage of new media in teaching and learning processes [1]. This paper addresses questions around the installation of such e-learning support structures at different levels of an institution and also looks at the diffusion of e-learning as an innovation in educational institutions

    The Implications of Applying Total Quality Management (TQM) On E-Learning in Egypt. “Suggested E-Learning Service Quality Model”

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    Egypt is seeking to accelerate comprehensive and sustainable development and to achieve higher growth rates for the interest of all classes and categories of society. According to what was published in 1/7/2013 by the public association for adult education AEA at the information and decision support centre in Egypt; 14.9% of population in age between 15 and 35 years old are illiterate. Here, we have to ask:" How a society where 14.9% of its young working power is illiterate can execute the mentioned adopted strategy of development?!"The Egyptian young working power is poor educated due to the bad education system ranking 131 out of 144 in the world. There is a need for a good High Educational system, affordable to those who does not have the opportunity to leave there jobs, from where they gain to live, in order to have a good education to improve their social life, and help them being part of the required development. Making benefit from the technological revolution and the excitement and passion of using it, can give the chance to offer an E-learning service through which a human development could be achieved. Then, strategies could be well adopted to improve society. In Organizations; Total Quality Management (TQM) has become most widely used management acronym and is considered as the buzz word in the management practices, keeping an eye on details. TQM is mainly concerned with continuous improvement in all work, from high level strategic planning and decision-making, to detailed execution of work elements on the shop floor. On the other hand, Enterprises find ways to set themselves apart in the hyper-competitive global marketplace by applying e-service. E-Service may provide the greatest return on investment (ROI) and sets the foundation for adding and integrating other E-Business functionality in the future. Customers can achieve the service through web page without a need to any help or support at any time. E-service and Total quality management (TQM) seek for same goals, but from different perspectives. Now, what if an organisation offers an E-service while applying Total quality management (TQM)? Hoping to achieve a good affordable High educational E-learning system, it was decided to study “The Implications of applying TQM on E-Learning in Egypt”. This is for the great impact of the E- learning quality on the education as main national issue in Egypt. E-Learning was implemented in the near past few years, through limited programs in national Universities, and the Egyptian E-learning University established in 2009. The Quality management were also taken as essential of management in the higher educational institutes there. This research take a track to suggest Total Quality management Model to improve E-learning service offered in one of the Higher Educational Institutes in Egypt. The suggested e-learning Model emphasize that the eight elements of TQM were engaged in the Baldrige criteria framework. Quality Function Deployment (QFD) the main tool of evaluation of all the processes. The Idea of this model is to use Quality function Deployment (QFD) to translate and plan the‖ voice of the customer‖ into the quality characteristique of the service before enter the market. QFD analyse the client‘s requirements,define how each requirement will be satisfied by the service,organize the needs,illustrate the relationship between the requirement of the customer in the market and the needs to fullfil them. The result will be transmitted to the leadership Management,who will deploy the quality ,and apply the eight Total Quality Management Principles going through the seven categories of the Baldrige Criteria. The result of all the model phases shall affect the learner through the afforded high quality E-learning service. The high qualified personnel educated through the high quality E-learning system, will affect the social culture and environment from where comes the ―voice of cutomer‖, to be analyzed through the QFD, to the leadership management, and the improvement cycle continue.The suggested E-learning service Quality Model represents required emerged recognised set of procedures for validation of quality framework


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    Distance learning is a favourable form of education in all professional fields. The necessity for repeated education and continuous renewal of knowledge and skills is acknowledged to be a fundamental demand in nowadays society. Distance learning is widespread and extensively studied from several aspects in many countries. In Latvia distance learning in medical studies is an underdeveloped sphere, which requires more attention, to acquire such an education strategy goal as lifelong learning. Along with technological development and introduction of distance learning it is essential to maintain quality and efficiency of education. Quality has more importance in open and distance learning, considering the virtual characteristics and physical distance between the trainees and the teaching staff. The literature review displays the significance of the teacher and student support mechanisms, internal and external evaluation processes, as well as strengthens academic culture and provides permanent cooperation and interaction with the interested parties in order to ensure a high quality study process of the distance learning. A competence-based approach is an important aspect in the professional development of medical practitioners and the assessment of knowledge, skills and competences from the student's point of view is an important indicator of the quality of education


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    This paper investigates the students` perceptions and feedback of a language platform in Healthcare and the content available online for individual or collective learning in higher education. The online training programme comprises of 14 medical topics and 6 modules, developing intercultural competence. The contents and the audio-visual materials were rated by forty students in specialized English at the Medical University of Varna, Bulgaria regarding the four language communicative skills (as per CEFR). The HELP 1 questionnaire was adapted and extended for students with no experience abroad to measure what aspects of this course help them improve their English language competence and the extend to which the content meets their interests. Student feedback emphasized the need for speaking and writing activities in professional settings such as hospitals and healthcare centers. Further ideas for the optimization of the Help language programme include custom-made modules that encourage students to process professional information for an improved self-efficacy

    Microfinance, gender and empowerment : meeting practical and strategic needs among low-income women

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    vii, 216 leaves ; 29 cm.Includes abstract.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 198-216).With the international community rallying behind microfinance's uplifting performance, microfinance has become nothing more than a mirage, distorting the realities of its empowering impacts. With poverty concentrated among women, microfinance has been proposed as a mechanism to empower low-income women. As the evidence of three prominent microfinance institutions (BRAC, Pro Mujer and FUCEC) in the Third World suggests, microfinance initiatives have been unable to move beyond meeting women's practical needs and have failed to address discriminatory practices inflicted upon women and the power imbalance that prevents women from accessing capital in the first place. The evidence also indicates that microfinance will be unable to empower Belizean women, where microfinance initiatives are relatively less pervasive and developed


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    The use of e-learning technologies is gaining momentum in all educational institutions of the world, including Saudi universities. In the e-learning context, there is a growing need and concern among Saudi universities to improve and enhance quality assurance for e-learning systems. Practicing quality assurance activities and applying quality standards in e-learning in Saudi universities is thought to reduce the negative viewpoints of some stakeholders and ensure stakeholders’ satisfaction and needs. As a contribution to improving the quality of e-learning method in Saudi universities, the main purpose of this study is to explore and investigate strategies for the development of quality assurance in e-learning in King Khalid University (KKU) in Saudi Arabia, which is considered a good reference university using best and ongoing practices in e-learning systems among Saudi universities. In order to ensure the quality of its e-learning methods, KKU has adopted Quality Matters Standards as a controlling guide for the quality of its blended and full e-course electronic courses. Furthermore, quality assurance can be further improved, if a variety of perspectives are taken into consideration from comprehensive viewpoints of faculty members, administrative staff, and students. This qualitative research involved the use of different types of interviews, as well as documents that contain data related to e-learning methods in the KKU environment. This exploratory case study was undertaken, from the perspectives of various participants, to understand the phenomenon of quality assurance using an inductive technique. The purposive sample comprises a total of 30 female and male participants to answer the research questions and provide robust information in terms of how the quality of e-learning development has been met in the KKU environment. The thematic analysis method developed by (Braun & Clarke, 2006) was carried out to analyse the data from the interviews and documents. The results revealed six main supportive factors that assist in ensuring the quality of e-learning in the KKU environment. Essentially, these factors are: institutional support, faculty member support, evaluation of faculty, quality of e-course design, technology support, and student support, which together have a remarkable positive effect on quality, forming intrinsic columns, connected by bricks leading to quality e-learning. In addition, in the course of improving e-learning quality, KKU encountered various challenges, some of which were overcome while others were not. Generally, Quality Matters standards are considered to have a strong impact on improving faculty members' skills and on the development of high-quality blended and full e-courses. It is, therefore, the recommendations and implications of the present study that quality assurance practices in e-learning methods can be enhanced and that future researches might shed more light on these recommendations

    Lean Media Production : Konzept und Unterstützung durch das Autorensystem LernBar

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    In der modernen Hochschullehre haben sich eLearning-Elemente als ein Teil des Lehrrepertoires etabliert. Der Einsatz interaktiver webbasierter Selbstlernmodule (Web Based Trainings (WBT)) ist dabei eine Option. Hochschulen und Unternehmen versprechen sich dadurch neue Möglichkeiten des Lehrens und Lernens, um z. B. einen Ausgleich heterogener Vorerfahrungen sowie eine stärkere aktive Beteiligung der Lernenden zu bewirken. Damit die Erstellung und Strukturierung dieser Inhalte mit möglichst geringem Aufwand erfolgen kann, bieten Autorensysteme Unterstützung. Zu den Grundfunktionen von Autorensystemen gehören unter anderem, das Einbinden gebräuchlicher Medienformate, die einfache Erstellung von Fragen sowie verschiedene Auswertungs- und Feedbackmöglichkeiten. Obwohl Autorensysteme schon vor vielen Jahren ihre erste praktische Anwendung fanden, gibt es nach wie vor Schwachstellen, die sich auf den gesamten Erstellungsprozess wie auch auf einzelne Funktionen beziehen. Im Detail wird bemängelt, dass die Werkzeuge zu komplex und unflexibel sind. Darüber hinaus fehlt häufig eine zufriedenstellende Verknüpfung der vielen Werkzeuge entlang der Prozesskette zu einer Gesamtlösung. Des Weiteren wird die Konzentration auf die Produktionsphase kritisiert, wodurch andere wichtige Prozesse in den Hintergrund treten bzw. außer Acht gelassen werden. Im Rahmen der Zusammenarbeit mit einem Automobilhersteller, für den die erste Version des Autorensystems LernBar weiterentwickelt wurde, spielte der Begriff „Lean Production“ inhaltlich in der Umsetzung der WBTs eine wesentliche Rolle. Die Lean Production, die über viele Jahre für die Automobilindustrie entwickelt, verbessert und angepasst wurde, liefert Optimierungsansätze für den Produktionsbereich. Ein wirtschaftlicher Nutzen des Lean-Ansatzes wird auch in anderen Bereichen gesehen wie z. B. in der Softwareentwicklung („Lean Software Development“) oder im Management („Lean Management“). Dabei bietet die Wertschöpfungsorientierung Lösungen für die widersprüchlichen Ziele mehr Leistungen zu geringeren Kosten, schneller und in höherer Qualität zugleich zu liefern. Aus der Grundidee der Lean Production entwickelte sich vorliegendes Dissertationsthema in Bezug darauf, inwiefern sich diese Prinzipien auf den WBT-Produktionsprozess übertragen lassen und die LernBar (das hierfür weiterentwickelnde Autorensystem) dabei Unterstützung bieten kann. Zunächst wurde analysiert, welche Werkzeuge und Hilfestellungen benötigt werden, um unter dem Aspekt der Lean Production WBTs im universitären Umfeld erstellen zu können. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden Merkmale einer „Lean Media Production“ definiert sowie konzeptionell und technisch umgesetzt. Zur Verbesserung der Prozesse flossen Ergebnisse aus empirischer und praktischer Forschung ein. Im Vergleich zu anderen Entwicklungen bei denen häufig das Hauptziel eine umfangreiche Funktionalität ist, werden u.a. folgende übertragbare Ziele bei der Umsetzung verfolgt: Verschwendung vermeiden, eine starke Einbeziehung der Kunden, Werkzeuge die nahtlos ineinandergreifen, eine hohe Flexibilität und eine stetige Qualitätsverbesserung. Zur Erreichung dieser Zielsetzungen wurden alle Prozesse kontinuierlich verbessert, sich auf das Wesentliche und die Wertschöpfung konzentriert sowie überflüssige Schritte eliminiert. Demnach ist unter dem Begriff „Lean Media Production“ ein skalierbarer, effizienter und effektiver Produktionsprozess zu verstehen, in dem alle Werkzeuge ineinandergreifen. Die Realisierung der „Lean Media Production“ erfolgte anhand des Autorensystems LernBar, wobei die typischen Softwareentwicklungsphasen Entwurf, Implementierung und Evaluierung mehrfach durchlaufen wurden. Ausschlaggebend dabei war, dass der „Lean“-Aspekt berücksichtigt wurde und dies somit eine neue Vorgehensweise bei der Umsetzung eines Autorensystems darstellt. Im Verlauf der Entwicklungen ergaben sich, durch eine formative Evaluation, den Einsatz in Projekten und eine empirische Begleitforschung, neue Anforderungen an das System. Ein Vergleich der zwei Produktionssysteme, Automobil vs. WBT-Produktion, zeigt und bestätigt die Erwartung, dass nicht alle Prinzipien der Lean Production übertragbar sind. Dennoch war diese Untersuchung notwendig, da sie Denkanstöße zur Entwicklung und Optimierung des Erstellungsprozesses eines WBTs gab. Auch die Ergebnisse der abschließenden Online-Befragung ergaben, dass die Ziele der Arbeit erreicht wurden, dass aber weiterer Optimierungsbedarf besteht. Die LernBar Release 3 bietet für alle Produktionsphasen Werkzeuge an, durch die eine effektive und effiziente Erstellung von WBTs von der Idee bis zur Distribution möglich ist. Stand noch vor fünf Jahren zu Beginn dieser Arbeit das Endprodukt bei der LernBar Entwicklung im Vordergrund, verlagerte sich durch den Einfluss dieser Dissertation der Schwerpunkt auf den gesamten Produktionsprozess. Unter Berücksichtigung der in diesem Zusammenhang entwickelten Prinzipien einer „Lean Media Production“, nehmen bspw. die Wirtschaftlichkeit und die starke Kundenorientierung während des Produktionsprozesses einen wichtigen Stellenwert ein. Dieser Ansatz ist eine neue Vorgehensweise im Bereich der Entwicklung von Autorensystemen, der seine Anerkennung und Professionalität durch die Ergebnisse des selbstentwickelten Evaluationsbogens sowie dem stetig wachsenden Einsatz in Schulen, Hochschulen und Unternehmen belegen kann. In weiteren Forschungsarbeiten ist zu untersuchen, welche Lean Production Prinzipien zu verwenden oder anzupassen sind, wenn z. B. in größeren Teams oder mobil produziert wird. Des Weiteren sollte überprüft werden, inwieweit die Lernenden mit dem Endprodukt zufrieden sind und in ihrem Lernprozess unterstützt werden. Durch diese Forschungsarbeit wurde ein Beitrag dazu geleistet, die Lehre und Ausbildung zu optimieren, indem die Autoren/Lehrende in der Erstellung ihrer digitalen Lerninhalte im gesamten Prozess von aufeinander abgestimmten Werkzeugen unterstützt werden

    Polymeric Biomaterials Approaches for Engineering the in Vitro Cellular Microenvironment for MSCs

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    Cell therapy is a technology that relies on replacing diseased or dysfunctional cells with healthy functioning ones. One of the cells used for such advanced therapies are stem cells, owing to their ability to differentiate into specific cells required for repairing damaged or defective tissues or cells. The majority of cell-based products are intended to transiently persist in the patient, secreting factors which then allow the patient’s body to heal; in these products, the cells are subsequently eliminated from the body. Furthermore, unique manufacturing platforms, in addition to novel commercialization strategies, will be required to create a successful, sustainable cell therapy industry. Currently in cell manufacturing companies, need to produce adherent cells, that bind to a solid surface such as tissue culture- treated plastic. In some cases, the growth surface needs to be treated or coated with a matrix (such as natural proteins) to facilitate cell adhesion. Cells can be grown on large flat surfaces or on spherical microcarriers for suspension?based culture in bioreactors. However, those proteins leading to batch-to-batch variability and concerns regarding contamination and affects the cell therapeutic potency. This thesis aims to develop techniques based on the merger of novel materials approaches to manipulate cell microenvironments in culture. For controlling cell-cell interaction and cell-soluble factor interactions, layer-by-layer deposition of ionic biopolymers were developed (Heparin as a negative charge polymer, collagen and Poly-L-Lysin are used as positive charge polymers). In addition, techniques were developed to control the viability of cells under hypoxic conditions within collagen hydrogels by controlling the three-dimensional properties of hydrogels and oxygen delivery (Perfluorocarbon-based oxygen carriers). In addition, to control cell-soluble factor interactions, Metal-Organic-Frameworks (MOFs) nanocarriers application was discussed as a carrier for delivering interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) to cells

    Proposta de curso no âmbito dos Cursos de Educação e Formação de Adultos de Nível Secundário : utilização da plataforma Canvas na formação escolar e profissional

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    Tese de mestrado, Educação (TIC e Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Instituto de Educação, 2013O presente estudo consistiu na análise da aplicação da plataforma de gestão de aprendizagem Canvas na lecionação de um curso de Educação e Formação de Adultos de Nível Secundário (EFA-NS) organizado pela Escola Básica Integrada da Quinta do Conde, durante o ano letivo de 2012/2013. O propósito principal foi o de elaborar um curso nessa plataforma, identificar as dimensões que relacionam e explicam a sua utilização pedagógica, recolher dados e analisar a perceção dos formandos relativamente às soluções tecnológicas e didáticas que lhes foram propostas no período em que realizaram a formação. Foi utilizada uma metodologia quantitativa de recolha e análise dos dados na sequência da aplicação de um questionário aos formandos do curso. Os resultados permitiram concluir pela avaliação global favorável do curso e da plataforma e que a modalidade de blended learning se afigura adequada à formação dos adultos no âmbito dos cursos EFA.The role of Learning Management Systems (LMS) is central in educational activities and there are a number tools, both open-source solutions such as CANVAS and proprietary solutions, such as Blackboard. In this study an analysis of the implementation of the platform Canvas in a Secondary Education and Training course for adults was set up in the Quinta do Conde School, during the academic year 2012 / 2013. The main purpose was to develop a course with CANVAS LMS, to identify the dimensions that relate and explain its educational use, to collect data and analyze the learners’ perceptions about the adopted educational and technological solutions proposed. A quantitative methodology was used for collecting and analyzing the data following the application of a questionnaire to the students attending the course.The results showed a favourable evaluation, both of the course and the platform and that the blended learning modality seems appropriate to the EFA adult education courses

    Polymeric Biomaterials Approaches for Engineering the in Vitro Cellular Microenvironment for MSCs

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    Cell therapy is a technology that relies on replacing diseased or dysfunctional cells with healthy functioning ones. One of the cells used for such advanced therapies are stem cells, owing to their ability to differentiate into specific cells required for repairing damaged or defective tissues or cells. The majority of cell-based products are intended to transiently persist in the patient, secreting factors which then allow the patient’s body to heal; in these products, the cells are subsequently eliminated from the body. Furthermore, unique manufacturing platforms, in addition to novel commercialization strategies, will be required to create a successful, sustainable cell therapy industry. Currently in cell manufacturing companies, need to produce adherent cells, that bind to a solid surface such as tissue culture- treated plastic. In some cases, the growth surface needs to be treated or coated with a matrix (such as natural proteins) to facilitate cell adhesion. Cells can be grown on large flat surfaces or on spherical microcarriers for suspension?based culture in bioreactors. However, those proteins leading to batch-to-batch variability and concerns regarding contamination and affects the cell therapeutic potency. This thesis aims to develop techniques based on the merger of novel materials approaches to manipulate cell microenvironments in culture. For controlling cell-cell interaction and cell-soluble factor interactions, layer-by-layer deposition of ionic biopolymers were developed (Heparin as a negative charge polymer, collagen and Poly-L-Lysin are used as positive charge polymers). In addition, techniques were developed to control the viability of cells under hypoxic conditions within collagen hydrogels by controlling the three-dimensional properties of hydrogels and oxygen delivery (Perfluorocarbon-based oxygen carriers). In addition, to control cell-soluble factor interactions, Metal-Organic-Frameworks (MOFs) nanocarriers application was discussed as a carrier for delivering interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) to cells