11 research outputs found

    DNA-based client puzzle for WLAN association protocol against connection request flooding

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    In recent past, Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) has become more popular because of its flexibility. However, WLANs are subjected to different types of vulnerabilities. To strengthen WLAN security, many high security protocols have been developed. But those solutions are found to be ineffective in preventing Denial of Service (DoS) attacks. A ‘Connection Request Flooding’ DoS (CRF-DoS) attack is launched when an access point (AP) encounters a sudden explosion of connection requests. Among other existing anti CRF-DoS methods, a client puzzle protocol has been noted as a promising and secure potential solution. Nonetheless, so far none of the proposed puzzles satisfy the security requirement of resource-limited and highly heterogeneous WLANs. The CPU disparity, imposing unbearable loads on legitimate users, inefficient puzzle generation and verification algorithms; the susceptibility of puzzle to secondary attacks on legitimate users by embedding fake puzzle parameters; and a notable delay in modifying the puzzle difficulty – these are some drawbacks of currently existing puzzles. To deal with such problems, a secure model of puzzle based on DNA and queuing theory is proposed, which eliminates the above defects while satisfying the Chen puzzle security model. The proposed puzzle (OROD puzzle) is a multifaceted technology that incorporates five main components include DoS detector, queue manager, puzzle generation, puzzle verification, and puzzle solver. To test and evaluate the security and performance, OROD puzzle is developed and implemented in real-world environment. The experimental results showed that the solution verification time of OROD puzzle is up to 289, 160, 9, 3.2, and 2.3 times faster than the Karame-Capkun puzzle, the Rivest time-lock puzzle, the Rangasamy puzzle, the Kuppusamy DLPuz puzzle, and Chen's efficient hash-based puzzle respectively. The results also showed a substantial reduction in puzzle generation time, making the OROD puzzle from 3.7 to 24 times faster than the above puzzles. Moreover, by asking to solve an easy and cost-effective puzzle in OROD puzzle, legitimate users do not suffer from resource exhaustion during puzzle solving, even when under severe DoS attack (high puzzle difficulty)

    Practice-Oriented Privacy in Cryptography

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    While formal cryptographic schemes can provide strong privacy guarantees, heuristic schemes that prioritize efficiency over formal rigor are often deployed in practice, which can result in privacy loss. Academic schemes that do receive rigorous attention often lack concrete efficiency or are difficult to implement. This creates tension between practice and research, leading to deployed privacy-preserving systems that are not backed by strong cryptographic guarantees. To address this tension between practice and research, we propose a practice-oriented privacy approach, which focuses on designing systems with formal privacy models that can effectively map to real-world use cases. This approach includes analyzing existing privacy-preserving systems to measure their privacy guarantees and how they are used. Furthermore, it explores solutions in the literature and analyzes gaps in their models to design augmented systems that apply more clearly to practice. We focus on two settings of privacy-preserving payments and communications. First, we introduce BlockSci, a software platform that can be used to perform analyses on the privacy and usage of blockchains. Specifically, we assess the privacy of the Dash cryptocurrency and analyze the velocity of cryptocurrencies, finding that Dash’s PrivateSend may still be vulnerable to clustering attacks and that a significant fraction of transactions on Bitcoin are “self-churn” transactions. Next, we build a technique for reducing bandwidth in mixing cryptocurrencies, which suffer from a practical limitation: the size of the transaction growing linearly with the size of the anonymity set. Our proposed technique efficiently samples cover traffic from a finite and public set of known values, while deriving a compact description of the resulting transaction set. We show how this technique can be integrated with various currencies and different cover sampling distributions. Finally, we look at the problem of establishing secure communication channels without access to a trusted public key infrastructure. We construct a scheme that uses network latency and reverse turing tests to detect the presence of eavesdroppers, prove our construction secure, and implement it on top of an existing communication protocol. This line of work bridges the gap between theoretical cryptographic research and real-world deployments to bring better privacy-preserving schemes to end users

    Security in peer-to-peer communication systems

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    P2PSIP (Peer-to-Peer Session Initiation Protocol) is a protocol developed by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) for the establishment, completion and modi¿cation of communication sessions that emerges as a complement to SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) in environments where the original SIP protocol may fail for technical, ¿nancial, security, or social reasons. In order to do so, P2PSIP systems replace all the architecture of servers of the original SIP systems used for the registration and location of users, by a structured P2P network that distributes these functions among all the user agents that are part of the system. This new architecture, as with any emerging system, presents a completely new security problematic which analysis, subject of this thesis, is of crucial importance for its secure development and future standardization. Starting with a study of the state of the art in network security and continuing with more speci¿c systems such as SIP and P2P, we identify the most important security services within the architecture of a P2PSIP communication system: access control, bootstrap, routing, storage and communication. Once the security services have been identi¿ed, we conduct an analysis of the attacks that can a¿ect each of them, as well as a study of the existing countermeasures that can be used to prevent or mitigate these attacks. Based on the presented attacks and the weaknesses found in the existing measures to prevent them, we design speci¿c solutions to improve the security of P2PSIP communication systems. To this end, we focus on the service that stands as the cornerstone of P2PSIP communication systems¿ security: access control. Among the new designed solutions stand out: a certi¿cation model based on the segregation of the identity of users and nodes, a model for secure access control for on-the-¿y P2PSIP systems and an authorization framework for P2PSIP systems built on the recently published Internet Attribute Certi¿cate Pro¿le for Authorization. Finally, based on the existing measures and the new solutions designed, we de¿ne a set of security recommendations that should be considered for the design, implementation and maintenance of P2PSIP communication systems.Postprint (published version

    Security for Decentralised Service Location - Exemplified with Real-Time Communication Session Establishment

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    Decentralised Service Location, i.e. finding an application communication endpoint based on a Distributed Hash Table (DHT), is a fairly new concept. The precise security implications of this approach have not been studied in detail. More importantly, a detailed analysis regarding the applicability of existing security solutions to this concept has not been conducted. In many cases existing client-server approaches to security may not be feasible. In addition, to understand the necessity for such an analysis, it is key to acknowledge that Decentralised Service Location has some unique security requirements compared to other P2P applications such as filesharing or live streaming. This thesis concerns the security challenges for Decentralised Service Location. The goals of our work are on the one hand to precisely understand the security requirements and research challenges for Decentralised Service Location, and on the other hand to develop and evaluate corresponding security mechanisms. The thesis is organised as follows. First, fundamentals are explained and the scope of the thesis is defined. Decentralised Service Location is defined and P2PSIP is explained technically as a prototypical example. Then, a security analysis for P2PSIP is presented. Based on this security analysis, security requirements for Decentralised Service Location and the corresponding research challenges -- i.e. security concerns not suitably mitigated by existing solutions -- are derived. Second, several decentralised solutions are presented and evaluated to tackle the security challenges for Decentralised Service Location. We present decentralised algorithms to enable availability of the DHTs lookup service in the presence of adversary nodes. These algorithms are evaluated via simulation and compared to analytical bounds. Further, a cryptographic approach based on self-certifying identities is illustrated and discussed. This approach enables decentralised integrity protection of location-bindings. Finally, a decentralised approach to assess unknown identities is introduced. The approach is based on a Web-of-Trust model. It is evaluated via prototypical implementation. Finally, the thesis closes with a summary of the main contributions and a discussion of open issues

    Context adaptivity for selected computational kernels with applications in optoelectronics and in phylogenetics

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    Computational Kernels sind der kritische Teil rechenintensiver Software, wofür der größte Rechenaufwand anfällt; daher müssen deren Design und Implementierung sorgfältig vorgenommen werden. Zwei wissenschaftliche Anwendungsprobleme aus der Optoelektronik und aus der Phylogenetik, sowie dazugehörige Computational Kernels motivieren diese Arbeit. Im ersten Anwendungsproblem werden Komponenten zur Berechnung komplex-symmetrischer Eigenwertprobleme diskutiert, welche in der Simulation von Wellenleitern in der Optoelektronik auftreten. LAPACK und ScaLAPACK beinhalten sehr leistungsfähige Referenzimplementierungen für bestimmte Problemstellungen der linearen Algebra. In Bezug auf Eigenwertprobleme werden ausschließlich reell-symmetrische und komplex-hermitesche Varianten angeboten, daher sind effiziente Codes für komplex-symmetrische (nicht-hermitesche) Eigenwertprobleme sehr wünschenswert. Das zweite Anwendungsproblem behandelt einen parallelen, wissenschaftlichen Workflow zur Rekonstruktion von Phylogenien, welcher entworfen, umgesetzt und evaluiert wird. Die Rekonstruktion von phylogenetischen Bäumen ist ein NP-hartes Problem, welches äußerst viel Rechenkapazität benötigt, wodurch ein paralleler Ansatz erforderlich ist. Die grundlegende Idee dieser Arbeit ist die Untersuchung der Wechselbeziehung zwischen dem Kontext der behandelten Kernels und deren Effizienz. Ein Kontext eines Computational Kernels beinhaltet Modellaspekte (z.B. Struktur der Eingabedaten), Softwareaspekte (z.B. rechenintensive Bibliotheken), Hardwareaspekte (z.B. verfügbarer Hauptspeicher und unterstützte darstellbare Genauigkeit), sowie weitere Anforderungen bzw. Einschränkungen. Einschränkungen sind hinsichtlich Laufzeit, Speicherverbrauch, gelieferte Genauigkeit usw., möglich. Das Konzept der Kontextadaptivität wird für ausgewählte Anwendungsprobleme in Computational Science gezeigt. Die vorgestellte Methode ist ein Meta-Algorithmus, der Aspekte des Kontexts verwendet, um optimale Leistung hinsichtlich der angewandten Metrik zu erzielen. Es ist wichtig, den Kontext einzubeziehen, weil Anforderungen gegeneinander ausgetauscht werden könnten, resultierend in einer höheren Leistung. Zum Beispiel kann im Falle einer niedrigen benötigten Genauigkeit ein schnellerer Algorithmus einer bewährten, aber langsameren, Methode vorgezogen werden. Speziell für komplex-symmetrische Eigenwertprobleme zugeschnittene Codes zielen darauf ab, Genauigkeit gegen Geschwindigkeit einzutauschen. Die Innovation wird durch neue algorithmische Ansätze belegt, welche die algebraische Struktur ausnutzen. Bezüglich der Berechnung von phylogenetischen Bäumen wird die Abbildung eines Workflows auf ein Campusgrid-System gezeigt. Die Innovation besteht in der anpassungsfähigen Implementierung des Workflows, der nebenläufige Instanzen von Computational Kernels in einem verteilten System darstellt. Die Adaptivität bezeichnet hier die Fähigkeit des Workflows, die Rechenlast hinsichtlich verfügbarer Rechner, Zeit und Qualität der phylogenetischen Bäume anzupassen. Kontextadaptivität wird durch die Implementierung und Evaluierung von wissenschaftlichen Problemstellungen aus der Optoelektronik und aus der Phylogenetik gezeigt. Für das Fachgebiet der Optoelektronik zielt eine Familie von Algorithmen auf die Lösung von verallgemeinerten komplex-symmetrischen Eigenwertproblemen ab. Unser alternativer Ansatz nutzt die symmetrische Struktur aus und spielt günstigere Laufzeit gegen eine geringere Genauigkeit aus. Dieser Ansatz ist somit schneller, jedoch (meist) ungenauer als der konventionelle Lösungsweg. Zusätzlich zum sequentiellen Löser wird eine parallele Variante diskutiert und teilweise auf einem Cluster mit bis zu 1024 CPU-Cores evaluiert. Die erzielten Laufzeiten beweisen die Überlegenheit unseres Ansatzes -- allerdings sind weitere Untersuchungen zur Erhöhung der Genauigkeit notwendig. Für das Fachgebiet der Phylogenetik zeigen wir, dass die phylogenetische Baum-Rekonstruktion mittels eines Condor-basierten Campusgrids effizient parallelisiert werden kann. Dieser parallele wissenschaftliche Workflow weist einen geringen parallelen Overhead auf, resultierend in exzellenter Effizienz.Computational kernels are the crucial part of computationally intensive software, where most of the computing time is spent; hence, their design and implementation have to be accomplished carefully. Two scientific application problems from optoelectronics and from phylogenetics and corresponding computational kernels are motivating this thesis. In the first application problem, components for the computational solution of complex symmetric EVPs are discussed, arising in the simulation of waveguides in optoelectronics. LAPACK and ScaLAPACK contain highly effective reference implementations for certain numerical problems in linear algebra. With respect to EVPs, only real symmetric and complex Hermitian codes are available, therefore efficient codes for complex symmetric (non-Hermitian) EVPs are highly desirable. In the second application problem, a parallel scientific workflow for computing phylogenies is designed, implemented, and evaluated. The reconstruction of phylogenetic trees is an NP-hard problem that demands huge scale computing capabilities, and therefore a parallel approach is necessary. One idea underlying this thesis is to investigate the interaction between the context of the kernels considered and their efficiency. The context of a computational kernel comprises model aspects (for instance, structure of input data), software aspects (for instance, computational libraries), hardware aspects (for instance, available RAM and supported precision), and certain requirements or constraints. Constraints may exist with respect to runtime, memory usage, accuracy required, etc.. The concept of context adaptivity is demonstrated to selected computational problems in computational science. The method proposed here is a meta-algorithm that utilizes aspects of the context to result in an optimal performance concerning the applied metric. It is important to consider the context, because requirements may be traded for each other, resulting in a higher performance. For instance, in case of a low required accuracy, a faster algorithmic approach may be favored over an established but slower method. With respect to EVPs, prototypical codes that are especially targeted at complex symmetric EVPs aim at trading accuracy for speed. The innovation is evidenced by the implementation of new algorithmic approaches exploiting structure. Concerning the computation of phylogenetic trees, the mapping of a scientific workflow onto a campus grid system is demonstrated. The adaptive implementation of the workflow features concurrent instances of a computational kernel on a distributed system. Here, adaptivity refers to the ability of the workflow to vary computational load in terms of available computing resources, available time, and quality of reconstructed phylogenetic trees. Context adaptivity is discussed by means of computational problems from optoelectronics and from phylogenetics. For the field of optoelectronics, a family of implemented algorithms aim at solving generalized complex symmetric EVPs. Our alternative approach exploiting structural symmetry trades runtime for accuracy, hence, it is faster but (usually) features a lower accuracy than the conventional approach. In addition to a complete sequential solver, a parallel variant is discussed and partly evaluated on a cluster utilizing up to 1024 CPU cores. Achieved runtimes evidence the superiority of our approach, however, further investigations on improving accuracy are suggested. For the field of phylogenetics, we show that phylogenetic tree reconstruction can efficiently be parallelized on a campus grid infrastructure. The parallel scientific workflow features a moderate parallel overhead, resulting in an excellent efficiency

    Private and censorship-resistant communication over public networks

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    Society’s increasing reliance on digital communication networks is creating unprecedented opportunities for wholesale surveillance and censorship. This thesis investigates the use of public networks such as the Internet to build robust, private communication systems that can resist monitoring and attacks by powerful adversaries such as national governments. We sketch the design of a censorship-resistant communication system based on peer-to-peer Internet overlays in which the participants only communicate directly with people they know and trust. This ‘friend-to-friend’ approach protects the participants’ privacy, but it also presents two significant challenges. The first is that, as with any peer-to-peer overlay, the users of the system must collectively provide the resources necessary for its operation; some users might prefer to use the system without contributing resources equal to those they consume, and if many users do so, the system may not be able to survive. To address this challenge we present a new game theoretic model of the problem of encouraging cooperation between selfish actors under conditions of scarcity, and develop a strategy for the game that provides rational incentives for cooperation under a wide range of conditions. The second challenge is that the structure of a friend-to-friend overlay may reveal the users’ social relationships to an adversary monitoring the underlying network. To conceal their sensitive relationships from the adversary, the users must be able to communicate indirectly across the overlay in a way that resists monitoring and attacks by other participants. We address this second challenge by developing two new routing protocols that robustly deliver messages across networks with unknown topologies, without revealing the identities of the communication endpoints to intermediate nodes or vice versa. The protocols make use of a novel unforgeable acknowledgement mechanism that proves that a message has been delivered without identifying the source or destination of the message or the path by which it was delivered. One of the routing protocols is shown to be robust to attacks by malicious participants, while the other provides rational incentives for selfish participants to cooperate in forwarding messages

    Enhancing ZRTP by using Computational Puzzles

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    In this paper we present and discuss a new approach for securing multimedia communication, which is based on three innovations. The first innovation is the integration of a challenge-response scheme for enhancing the Diffie-Hellman based ZRTP protocol. When being called, a callee must present the result of a computational puzzle (a "token") within a short amount of time. A Man-in-the-Middle (MitM) would not be able to compute such a token within the required time, and thus fail to get into the media path. The scheme works best in situations when ZRTP is most vulnerable to so-called Mafia Attacks, i.e., if both caller and callee do not know each other. The second innovation complements the first one on those occasions where the above scheme may fail. The call is delayed for a certain amount of time which depends on the agreed session key. Since during a MitM attack two different keys (and thus waiting times) exist, caller and callee would not start their call at the same time and the MitM attack would fail. The third innovation is in the definition of a new computational puzzle which forms the basis of the challenge-response scheme. We propose a computational puzzle which is based on computing selected eigenvectors of real symmetric matrices. In contrast to existing puzzles, the one we propose does not rely on a shared secret, can be validated quickly, and existing solution methods exhibit limited scalability so that the threat from attacks based on massively parallel computing resources can be controlled