8 research outputs found

    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs): Challenges, Solutions, and Future Directions

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    Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) is a novel class of deep generative models which has recently gained significant attention. GANs learns complex and high-dimensional distributions implicitly over images, audio, and data. However, there exists major challenges in training of GANs, i.e., mode collapse, non-convergence and instability, due to inappropriate design of network architecture, use of objective function and selection of optimization algorithm. Recently, to address these challenges, several solutions for better design and optimization of GANs have been investigated based on techniques of re-engineered network architectures, new objective functions and alternative optimization algorithms. To the best of our knowledge, there is no existing survey that has particularly focused on broad and systematic developments of these solutions. In this study, we perform a comprehensive survey of the advancements in GANs design and optimization solutions proposed to handle GANs challenges. We first identify key research issues within each design and optimization technique and then propose a new taxonomy to structure solutions by key research issues. In accordance with the taxonomy, we provide a detailed discussion on different GANs variants proposed within each solution and their relationships. Finally, based on the insights gained, we present the promising research directions in this rapidly growing field.Comment: 42 pages, Figure 13, Table

    An Overview of Deep Semi-Supervised Learning

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    Deep neural networks demonstrated their ability to provide remarkable performances on a wide range of supervised learning tasks (e.g., image classification) when trained on extensive collections of labeled data (e.g., ImageNet). However, creating such large datasets requires a considerable amount of resources, time, and effort. Such resources may not be available in many practical cases, limiting the adoption and the application of many deep learning methods. In a search for more data-efficient deep learning methods to overcome the need for large annotated datasets, there is a rising research interest in semi-supervised learning and its applications to deep neural networks to reduce the amount of labeled data required, by either developing novel methods or adopting existing semi-supervised learning frameworks for a deep learning setting. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive overview of deep semi-supervised learning, starting with an introduction to the field, followed by a summarization of the dominant semi-supervised approaches in deep learning.Comment: Preprin

    A Survey on Deep Semi-supervised Learning

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    Deep semi-supervised learning is a fast-growing field with a range of practical applications. This paper provides a comprehensive survey on both fundamentals and recent advances in deep semi-supervised learning methods from model design perspectives and unsupervised loss functions. We first present a taxonomy for deep semi-supervised learning that categorizes existing methods, including deep generative methods, consistency regularization methods, graph-based methods, pseudo-labeling methods, and hybrid methods. Then we offer a detailed comparison of these methods in terms of the type of losses, contributions, and architecture differences. In addition to the past few years' progress, we further discuss some shortcomings of existing methods and provide some tentative heuristic solutions for solving these open problems.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figure

    Análise de lesões de pele usando redes generativas adversariais

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    Orientador: Sandra Eliza Fontes de AvilaDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: Melanoma é a forma mais letal de câncer de pele. Devido a possibilidade de metástase, o diagnóstico precoce é crucial para aumentar a taxa de sobrevivência dos pacientes. A análise automatizada de lesões de pele pode ter um papel importante ao alcançar pessoas sem acesso a especialistas. Porém, desde que técnicas de aprendizado profundo se tornaram o estado-da-arte para análise de lesões de pele, os dados se tornaram um fator decisivo para avançar as soluções. O objetivo principal dessa tese de mestrado é tratar dos problemas que surgem por lidarmos com poucos dados nesse contexto médico. Na primeira parte, usamos redes generativas adversariais para gerar dados sintéticos para aumentar o conjunto de treino dos nossos modelos de classificação para elevar a performance. Nosso método é capaz de gerar imagens de lesão de pele em alta-resolução com significado clínico, que quando usadas para compor o conjunto de treino de redes de classificação, consistentemente melhoram a performance em diferentes cenários, para diferentes dados. Também investigamos como nossos modelos de classificação interpretam as amostras sintéticas, e como elas são capazes de ajudar na generalização do modelo. Finalmente, analisamos um problema que surge por termos poucos, relativamente pequenos conjuntos de dados que são reusados repetidamente na literatura: bias. Para isso, planejamos experimentos para estudar como nossos modelos usam os dados, verificando como ele explora correlações corretas (com base em algoritmos médicos), e espúrias (com base em artefatos introduzidos durante a aquisição das imagens). Surpreendentemente, mesmo sem contar com nenhuma informação clínica sobre a lesão sendo diagnosticada, nossos modelos de classificação apresentaram performance muito melhor que o acaso (competindo até mesmo com benchmarks de especialistas), sugerindo performances altamente infladasAbstract: Melanoma is the most lethal type of skin cancer. Due to the possibility of metastasis, early diagnosis is crucial to increase the survival rate of those patients. Automated skin lesion analysis can play an important role by reaching people that do not have access to a specialist. However, since deep learning became the state-of-the-art for skin lesion analysis, data became a decisive factor to push the solutions further. The core objective of this Master thesis is to tackle the problems that arise by having limited datasets. In the first part, we use generative adversarial networks (GANs) to generate synthetic data to augment our classification model's training datasets to boost performance. Our method is able to generate high-resolution clinically-meaningful skin lesion images, that when compound our classification model's training dataset, consistently improved the performance in different scenarios, for distinct datasets. We also investigate how our classification models perceived the synthetic samples, and how they are able to aid the model's generalization. Finally, we investigate a problem that usually arises by having few, relatively small datasets that are thoroughly re-used in the literature: bias. For this, we designed experiments to study how our models' use of data, verifying how it exploits correct (based on medical algorithms), and spurious (based on artifacts introduced during image acquisition) correlations. Disturbingly, even in absence of any clinical information regarding the lesion being diagnosed, our classification models presented much better performance than chance (even competing with specialists benchmarks), highly suggesting inflated performancesMestradoCiência da ComputaçãoMestre em Ciência da Computação134271/2017-3CNP

    Discriminative and Generative Learning with Style Information

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    Conventional machine learning approaches usually assume that the patterns follow the identical and independent distribution (i.i.d.). However, in many empirical cases, such condition might be violated when data are equipped with diverse and inconsistent style information. The effectiveness of those traditional predictors may be limited due to the violation of the i.i.d. assumption brought by the existence of the style inconsistency. In this thesis, we investigate how the style information can be appropriately utilized for further lifting up the performance of machine learning models. It is fulfilled by not only introducing the style information into some state-of-the-art models, some new architectures, frameworks are also designed and implemented with specific purposes to make proper use of the style information. The main work is listed as the following summaries: First, the idea of the style averaging is initially introduced by an example of an image process based sunglasses recovery algorithm to perform robust one-shot facial expression recognition task. It is named as Style Elimination Transformation (SET). By recovering the pixels corrupted by the dark colors of the sunglasses brought by the proposed algorithm, the classification performance is promoted on several state-of-the-art machine learning classifiers even in a one-shot training setting. Then the investigation of the style normalization and style neutralization is investigated with both discriminative and generative machine learning approaches respectively. In discriminative learning models with style information, the style normalization transformation (SNT) is integrated into the support vector machines (SVM) for both classification and regression, named as the field support vector classification (F-SVC) and field support vector regression (F-SVR) respectively. The SNT can be represented with the nonlinearity by mapping the sufficiently complicated style information to the high-dimensional reproducing kernel Hilbert space. The learned SNT would normalize the inconsistent style information, producing i.i.d. examples, on which the SVM will be applied. Furthermore, a self-training based transductive framework will be introduced to incorporate with the unseen styles during training. The transductive SNT (T-SNT) is learned by transferring the trained styles to the unknown ones. Besides, in generative learning with style information, the style neutralization generative adversarial classifier (SN-GAC) is investigated to incorporate with the style information when performing the classification. As a neural network based framework, the SN-GAC enables the nonlinear mapping due to the nature of the nonlinearity of the neural network transformation with the generative manner. As a generalized and novel classification framework, it is capable of synthesizing style-neutralized high-quality humanunderstandable patterns given any style-inconsistent ones. Being learned with the adversarial training strategy in the first step, the final classification performance will be further promoted by fine-tuning the classifier when those style-neutralized examples can be well generated. Finally, the reversed task of the upon-mentioned style neutralization in the SN-GAC model, namely, the generation of arbitrary-style patterns, is also investigated in this thesis. By introducing the W-Net, a deep architecture upgraded from the famous U-Net model for image-to-image translation tasks, the few-shot (even the one-shot) arbitrary-style Chinese character generation task will be fulfilled. Same as the SN-GAC model, the W-Net is also trained with the adversarial training strategy proposed by the generative adversarial network. Such W-Net architecture is capable of generating any Chinese characters with the similar style as those given a few, or even one single, stylized examples. For all the proposed algorithms, frameworks, and models mentioned above for both the prediction and generation tasks, the inconsistent style information is taken into appropriate consideration. Inconsistent sunglasses information is eliminated by an image processing based sunglasses recovery algorithm in the SET, producing style-consistent patterns. The facial expression recognition is performed based on those transformed i.i.d. examples. The SNT is integrated into the SVM model, normalizing the inconsistent style information nonlinearly with the kernelized mapping. The T-SNT further enables the field prediction on those unseen styles during training. In the SN-GAC model, the style neutralization is performed by the neural network based upgraded U-Net architecture. Trained with separated steps with the adversarial optimization strategy included, it produces the high-quality style-neutralized i.i.d. patterns. The following classification is learned to produce superior performance with no additional computation involved. The W-Net architecture enables the free manipulation of the style data generation task with only a few, or even one single, style reference(s) available. It makes the Few-shot, or even the One-shot, Chinese Character Generation with the Arbitrary-style information task to be realized. Such appealing property is hardly seen in the literature