44 research outputs found

    Incremental Disfluency Detection for Spoken Learner English

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    Dialogue-based computer-assisted language learning (CALL) concerns the application and analysis of automated systems that engage with a language learner through dialogue. Routed in an interactionist perspective of second language acquisition, dialogue-based CALL systems assume the role of a speaking partner, providing learners the opportunity for spontaneous production of their second language. One area of interest for such systems is the implementation of corrective feedback. However, the feedback strategies employed by such systems remain fairly limited. In particular, there are currently no provisions for learners to initiate the correction of their own errors, despite this being the most frequently occurring and most preferred type of error correction in learner speech. To address this gap, this thesis proposes a framework for implementing such functionality, identifying incremental self-initiated self-repair (i.e. disfluency) detection as a key area for research. Taking an interdisciplinary approach to the exploration of this topic, this thesis outlines the steps taken to optimise an incremental disfluency detection model for use with spoken learner English. To begin, a linguistic comparative analysis of native and learner disfluency corpora explored the differences between the disfluency behaviour of native and learner speech, highlighting key features of learner speech not previously explored in disfluency detection model analysis. Following this, in order to identify a suitable baseline model for further experimentation, two state-of-the-art incremental self-repair detection models were trained and tested with a learner speech corpus. An error analysis of the models' outputs found an LSTM model using word embeddings and part-of-speech tags to be the most suitable for learner speech, thanks to its lower number of false positives triggered by learner errors in the corpus. Following this, several adaptations to the model were tested to improve performance. Namely, the inclusion of character embeddings, silence and laughter features, separating edit term detection from disfluency detection, lemmatization and the inclusion of learners' prior proficiency scores led to over an eight percent model improvement over the baseline. Findings from this thesis illustrate how the analysis of language characteristics specific to learner speech can positively inform model adaptation and provide a starting point for further investigation into the implementation of effective corrective feedback strategies in dialogue-based CALL systems

    Data-efficient methods for dialogue systems

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    Conversational User Interface (CUI) has become ubiquitous in everyday life, in consumer-focused products like Siri and Alexa or more business-oriented customer support automation solutions. Deep learning underlies many recent breakthroughs in dialogue systems but requires very large amounts of training data, often annotated by experts — and this dramatically increases the cost of deploying such systems in production setups and reduces their flexibility as software products. Trained with smaller data, these methods end up severely lacking robustness to various phenomena of spoken language (e.g. disfluencies), out-of-domain input, and often just have too little generalisation power to other tasks and domains. In this thesis, we address the above issues by introducing a series of methods for bootstrapping robust dialogue systems from minimal data. Firstly, we study two orthogonal approaches to dialogue: a linguistically informed model (DyLan) and a machine learning-based one (MemN2N) — from the data efficiency perspective, i.e. their potential to generalise from minimal data and robustness to natural spontaneous input. We outline the steps to obtain data-efficient solutions with either approach and proceed with the neural models for the rest of the thesis. We then introduce the core contributions of this thesis, two data-efficient models for dialogue response generation: the Dialogue Knowledge Transfer Network (DiKTNet) based on transferable latent dialogue representations, and the Generative-Retrieval Transformer (GRTr) combining response generation logic with a retrieval mechanism as the fallback. GRTr ranked first at the Dialog System Technology Challenge 8 Fast Domain Adaptation task. Next, we the problem of training robust neural models from minimal data. As such, we look at robustness to disfluencies and propose a multitask LSTM-based model for domain-general disfluency detection. We then go on to explore robustness to anomalous, or out-of-domain (OOD) input. We address this problem by (1) presenting Turn Dropout, a data-augmentation technique facilitating training for anomalous input only using in-domain data, and (2) introducing VHCN and AE-HCN, autoencoder-augmented models for efficient training with turn dropout based on the Hybrid Code Networks (HCN) model family. With all the above work addressing goal-oriented dialogue, our final contribution in this thesis focuses on social dialogue where the main objective is maintaining natural, coherent, and engaging conversation for as long as possible. We introduce a neural model for response ranking in social conversation used in Alana, the 3rd place winner in the Amazon Alexa Prize 2017 and 2018. For our model, we employ a novel technique of predicting the dialogue length as the main objective for ranking. We show that this approach matches the performance of its counterpart based on the conventional, human rating-based objective — and surpasses it given more raw dialogue transcripts, thus reducing the dependence on costly and cumbersome dialogue annotations.EPSRC project BABBLE (grant EP/M01553X/1)

    Alzheimer’s Dementia Recognition Through Spontaneous Speech

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    Behavior quantification as the missing link between fields: Tools for digital psychiatry and their role in the future of neurobiology

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    The great behavioral heterogeneity observed between individuals with the same psychiatric disorder and even within one individual over time complicates both clinical practice and biomedical research. However, modern technologies are an exciting opportunity to improve behavioral characterization. Existing psychiatry methods that are qualitative or unscalable, such as patient surveys or clinical interviews, can now be collected at a greater capacity and analyzed to produce new quantitative measures. Furthermore, recent capabilities for continuous collection of passive sensor streams, such as phone GPS or smartwatch accelerometer, open avenues of novel questioning that were previously entirely unrealistic. Their temporally dense nature enables a cohesive study of real-time neural and behavioral signals. To develop comprehensive neurobiological models of psychiatric disease, it will be critical to first develop strong methods for behavioral quantification. There is huge potential in what can theoretically be captured by current technologies, but this in itself presents a large computational challenge -- one that will necessitate new data processing tools, new machine learning techniques, and ultimately a shift in how interdisciplinary work is conducted. In my thesis, I detail research projects that take different perspectives on digital psychiatry, subsequently tying ideas together with a concluding discussion on the future of the field. I also provide software infrastructure where relevant, with extensive documentation. Major contributions include scientific arguments and proof of concept results for daily free-form audio journals as an underappreciated psychiatry research datatype, as well as novel stability theorems and pilot empirical success for a proposed multi-area recurrent neural network architecture.Comment: PhD thesis cop

    Analyse und Korrektur von Disfluenzen in gesprochener Sprache

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    Disfluenzen sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil von spontan gesprochenen Äußerungen. Bei Disfluenzen handelt es sich um Unterbrechungen des normalen Sprechflusses, die durch Fehler, Wortwiederholungen, Füllwörter oder ähnliche andere Wörter entstanden sind. Sie erschweren die Bearbeitung einer Äußerung und müssen daher korrigiert werden. Eine automatisierte Korrektur dieser Disfluenzen erweist sich jedoch aufgrund des unregelmäßigen Aufbaus solcher Disfluenzen als schwierig. Deshalb wird in dieser Arbeit die Erkennung und Korrektur von Disfluenzen in natürlichsprachlichen Äußerungen erarbeitet. Hierzu wird mit Hilfe eines maschinellen Lernverfahrens ein Klassifikator entwickelt, der diese Disfluenzen erkennt und korrigiert. Das maschinelle Lernverfahren basiert auf einem rekurrenten neuronalen Netzwerk mit langen Kurzzeitgedächtnis (engl. long short-term memory - LSTM). Die Funktionalität des entworfenen Werkzeugs wird anhand von händischen Transkriptionen sowie einem Testdatensatz des Switchboard-Korpus getestet. Auf diesen beiden Datensätzen wird entsprechend ein F1-Wert von 0,710 beziehungsweise 0,792 erreicht

    Speech-based automatic depression detection via biomarkers identification and artificial intelligence approaches

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    Depression has become one of the most prevalent mental health issues, affecting more than 300 million people all over the world. However, due to factors such as limited medical resources and accessibility to health care, there are still a large number of patients undiagnosed. In addition, the traditional approaches to depression diagnosis have limitations because they are usually time-consuming, and depend on clinical experience that varies across different clinicians. From this perspective, the use of automatic depression detection can make the diagnosis process much faster and more accessible. In this thesis, we present the possibility of using speech for automatic depression detection. This is based on the findings in neuroscience that depressed patients have abnormal cognition mechanisms thus leading to the speech differs from that of healthy people. Therefore, in this thesis, we show two ways of benefiting from automatic depression detection, i.e., identifying speech markers of depression and constructing novel deep learning models to improve detection accuracy. The identification of speech markers tries to capture measurable depression traces left in speech. From this perspective, speech markers such as speech duration, pauses and correlation matrices are proposed. Speech duration and pauses take speech fluency into account, while correlation matrices represent the relationship between acoustic features and aim at capturing psychomotor retardation in depressed patients. Experimental results demonstrate that these proposed markers are effective at improving the performance in recognizing depressed speakers. In addition, such markers show statistically significant differences between depressed patients and non-depressed individuals, which explains the possibility of using these markers for depression detection and further confirms that depression leaves detectable traces in speech. In addition to the above, we propose an attention mechanism, Multi-local Attention (MLA), to emphasize depression-relevant information locally. Then we analyse the effectiveness of MLA on performance and efficiency. According to the experimental results, such a model can significantly improve performance and confidence in the detection while reducing the time required for recognition. Furthermore, we propose Cross-Data Multilevel Attention (CDMA) to emphasize different types of depression-relevant information, i.e., specific to each type of speech and common to both, by using multiple attention mechanisms. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed model is effective to integrate different types of depression-relevant information in speech, improving the performance significantly for depression detection