75 research outputs found

    High Performance Signal Processing-Based Collision Resolution for Random Access Schemes

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    Els darrers anys han experimentat un augment de la demanda de serveis interactius per satèl·lit per al gran consum, cobrint serveis fixes i mòbils, tal i com accés de banda ampla, comunicacions màquina-màquina (M2M), supervisió, control i adquisició de dades (SCADA), transaccions i aplicacions de seguretat crítiques. Aquestes xarxes de comunicacions es caracteritzen per tenir una gran població d’usuaris compartint l’amplada de banda amb unes condicions de tràfic molt dinàmiques. Concretament, en el canal de retorn (de l’usuari a la xarxa) de xarxes d’accés de banda ampla, els usuaris residencials generen grans ràfegues de tràfic amb períodes d’inactivitat freqüents. Una situació similar succeeix en xarxes de comunicacions mòbils per satèl·lit, on una gran població de terminals generen transmissions infreqüents de senyalització, serveis basats en la localització or altres aplicacions de missatgeria. Aquests serveis requereixen el desenvolupament de protocols d’accés múltiple eficients que puguin operar en les condicions descrites anteriorment. Els protocols d´accés aleatori són bons candidats per servir tràfic poc predictiu, amb transmissions infreqüents així com sensibles amb el retard. A més, els protocols d´accés aleatori suporten un gran nombre de terminals compartint el canal de comunicacions i requereixen poca complexitat en el terminals. El protocols d´accés aleatori han estat àmpliament estudiats i desplegats en xarxes terrestres, però les seves prestacions són pobres en el entorn satèl·lital, que està caracteritzat per retards de propagació molt grans. Avui en dia, el seu ús en les xarxes de comunicacions per satèl·lit està principalment limitat a la senyalització d’inici de sessió, transmissió de paquets de control i en alguns casos a la transmissió de petits volums de dades amb unes eficiència d’utilització del canal molt baixa. Aquesta tesi proposa tres noves tècniques d’accés aleatori, bens adaptades per proveir els serveis esmentats anteriorment en un entorn satèl·lital, amb altes prestacions i una complexitat en el terminal d’usuari reduïda. Les noves tècniques d’accés aleatori són Contention Resolution Diversity Slotted Aloha (CRDSA), Asynchronous Contention Resolution Diversity Aloha (ACRDA) i Enhanced Spread Spectrum Aloha (E-SSA), adaptades per un tipus d’accés ranurat, asíncron i d’espectre eixamplat respectivament. Les tres tècniques utilitzen una codificació de canal (FEC) robusta, capaç d’operar en front de interferències elevades, que són típiques en l’accés aleatori, i d’un mecanisme de cancel·lació successiva d’interferència que s’implementa en el receptor sobre els paquets descodificats satisfactòriament. Els nous protocols obtenen un throughput normalitzat superior a 1 bit/s/Hz amb una tassa de pèrdua de paquets inferior a 10-3, el qual representa un factor de millora de 1000 respecte a protocols d’accés aleatori tradicionals com l’ALOHA ranurat. Les prestacions de les noves tècniques d’accés aleatori has estat analitzades per mitjà de simulacions, així com amb nou models analítics desenvolupats en aquesta tesi capaços de caracteritzar el tràfic, la distribució estadística de la potència dels paquets, les prestacions de la codificació de canal (FEC) i el procés de cancel·lació d’interferència successiva.Los últimos años han experimentado un crecimiento de la demanda de servicios interactivos por satélite para el gran consumo, cubriendo servicios fijos i móviles, como el acceso de banda ancha, comunicaciones máquina a máquina (M2M), supervisión, control y adquisición de datos (SCADA), transacciones i aplicaciones criticas de seguridad. Estas redes de comunicaciones se caracterizan por tener una gran población de usuarios compartiendo el ancho de banda en unas condiciones de tráfico muy dinámicas. Concretamente, en el canal de retorno (del usuario a la red) de redes de acceso de banda ancha, los usuarios residenciales generan grandes ráfagas de tráfico con periodos frecuentes de inactividad. Una situación similar ocurre en las redes de comunicaciones móviles por satélite, donde una gran población de terminales generan transmisiones infrecuentes de señalización, servicios basados en la localización u otras aplicaciones me mensajería. Estos servicios requieren el desarrollo de protocolos de acceso múltiple eficientes capaces de operar en las condiciones descritas anteriormente. Los protocolos de acceso aleatorio son buenos candidatos para servir el tráfico poco predictivo, con transmisiones infrecuentes así como sensibles al retardo. Además, los protocolos de acceso soportan un gran número de terminales compartiendo el canal de comunicaciones y requieren poca complejidad en los terminales. Los protocolos de acceso aleatorio han estado ampliamente estudiados i desplegados en las redes terrestres, pero sus prestaciones son pobres en el entorno satelital, que se caracteriza por retardos de comunicaciones muy elevados. Hoy en día, su uso en la redes de comunicaciones por satélite está principalmente limitado a la señalización de inicio de sesión, transmisión de pequeños volumenes de datos con eficiencia de utilización del canal muy baja. Esta tesis propone tres nuevas técnicas de acceso aleatorio bien adaptadas para proveer los servicios mencionados anteriormente en un entorno de comunicaciones por satélite, con altas prestaciones y una complejidad en el terminal de usuario reducida. Las nuevas técnicas de acceso aleatorio son Contention Resolution Diversity Slotted Aloha (CRDSA), Asynchronous Contention Resolution Diversity Aloha (ACRDA) y Enhanced Spread Spectrum Aloha (E-SSA), adaptadas para un tipo de acceso ranurado, asíncrono y de espectro ensanchado respectivamente. Las tres técnicas utilizan una codificación de canal (FEC) robusta, capaz de operar en condiciones de interferencia elevadas, que son típicas en el acceso aleatorio, y de un mecanismo de cancelación sucesiva de interferencias que se implementa en el receptor sobre los paquetes que han sido decodificados satisfactoriamente. Los nuevos protocolos obtienen un throughput normalizado superior a 1 bit/s/Hz con una tasa de pérdida de paquetes inferior a 10-3, lo cual representa un factor de mejora de 1000 respecto a los protocolos de acceso aleatorio tradicionales como el ALOHA ranurado. Las prestaciones de las nuevas técnicas de acceso aleatorio han sido analizadas con simulaciones así como con nuevos modelos analíticos desarrollados en esta tesis, capaces de caracterizar el tráfico, la distribución estadística de la potencia de los paquetes, las prestaciones de la codificación de canal (FEC) y el proceso de cancelación sucesiva de interferencias.Over the past years there has been a fast growing demand for low-cost interactive satellite terminals supporting both fixed and mobile services, such as consumer broadband access, machine-to-machine communications (M2M), supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA), transaction and safety of life applications. These networks, are generally characterized by a large population of terminals sharing the available resources under very dynamic traffic conditions. In particular, in the return link (user to network) of commercial satellite broadband access networks, residential users are likely to generate a large amount of low duty cycle bursty traffic with extended inactivity periods. A similar situation occurs in satellite mobile networks whereby a large number of terminals typically generate infrequent packets for signaling transmission as well for position reporting or other messaging applications. These services call for the development of efficient multiple access protocols able to cope with the above operating conditions. Random Access (RA) techniques are by nature, good candidates for the less predictive, low duty cycle as well as time sensitive return link traffic. Besides, RA techniques are capable of supporting large population of terminals sharing the same capacity and require low terminal complexity. RA schemes have been widely studied and deployed in terrestrial networks, but do not perform well in the satellite environment, which is characterized by very long propagation delays. Today, their use in satellite networks is mainly limited to initial network login, the transmission of control packets, and in some cases, for the transmission of very small volumes of data with very low channel utilization. This thesis proposes three novel RA schemes well suited for the provision of the above-mentioned services over a satellite environment with high performance and low terminal complexity. The new RA schemes are Contention Resolution Diversity Slotted Aloha (CRDSA), Asynchronous Contention Resolution Diversity Aloha (ACRDA) and Enhanced Spread Spectrum Aloha (E-SSA), suited for slotted, unslotted and spread spectrum-based systems respectively. They all use strong Forward Error Correction (FEC) codes, able to cope with heavy co-channel interference typically present in RA, and successive interference cancellation implemented over the successfully decoded packets. The new schemes achieve a normalized throughput above 1 bit/s/Hz for a packet loss ratio below 10-3, which represents a 1000-fold increase compared to Slotted ALOHA. The performance of the proposed RA schemes has been analyzed by means of detailed simulations as well as novel analytical frameworks that characterize traffic and packets power statistical distributions, the performance of the FEC coding as well as the iterative interference cancellation processing at the receiver

    Nanosatellite-5G Integration in the Millimeter Wave Domain: A Full Top-Down Approach

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    This paper presents a novel network architecture for an integrated nanosatellite (nSAT)-5G system operating in the millimeter-wave (mmWave) domain. The architecture is realized adopting a delay/disruption tolerant networking (DTN) approach allowing end users to adopt standard devices. A buffer aware contact graph routing algorithm is designed to account for the buffer occupancy of the nSATs and for the connection planning derived from their visibility periods. At the terrestrial uplink, a coded random access is employed to realize a high-capacity interface for the typically irregular traffic of 5G users, while, at the space uplink, the DTN architecture is combined with the contention resolution diversity slotted Aloha protocol to match the recent update of the DVB-RCS2 standard. To achieve a reliable testing of the introduced functionalities, an accurate analysis of the statistic of the signal to interference-plus-noise ratio and of the capture probability at each mmWave link is developed by including interference, shadowing, fading, and noise. The application of the designed architecture to data transfer services in conjunction with possible delay reduction strategies, and an extension to inter-satellite communication, are finally presented by estimating the resulting loss/delay performance through a discrete-time discrete-event platform based on the integration of Matlab with Network Simulator 3

    Satellite Systems in the Era of 5G Internet of Things

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    In recent years, IoT applications have drawn a great deal of attention, both in academia and industry. A crucial requirement of any infrastructure serving the IoT market will be to guarantee ubiquitous connectivity to the low-cost, low-powered devices distributed all over the globe. It is widely accepted that this requirement will not be met by the terrestrial network alone. There will be, in fact, vast areas of the globe where the terrestrial infrastructure deployment will be unfeasible or not economically viable, thus leaving those areas un- or under-served. For this reason, several studies and projects are addressing the use of a Non-Terrestrial Network component to seamlessly complement and extend the terrestrial network coverage in future systems. The design of these extremely complex systems requires manifold analyses at different levels of abstraction, from satellite constellation and ground segment architecture aspects, to the evaluation of the air interface behaviour, in order to evaluate the system performance. The aim of this work is to perform a detailed analysis of the SatCom system aspects, trying to be as accurate as possible but without getting lost in unnecessary details, in order to provide a comprehensive set of tools, organised in a simulation platform, to support the design and performance evaluation of the system. Notably, simulation softwares play an important role in this framework; however, a full-featured simulation tool does not yet exist for the evaluation of the described emerging technologies. ESA M2M Simulator (ESiM2M) is a System-Level Simulator, developed in collaboration with the European Space Agency, which is intended for closing this gap, as a tool for the design and analysis, from a system-level point of view, of Satellite-IoT systems. This work is primarily focused on the description of the ESiM2M simulation tool and the results derived with the latter from analyses on Satellite-IoT systems

    Energy-efficient diversity combining for different access schemes in a multi-path dispersive channel

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Engenharia Electrotécnica e ComputadoresThe forthcoming generation of mobile communications, 5G, will settle a new standard for a larger bandwidth and better Quality of Service (QoS). With the exploding growth rate of user generated data, wireless standards must cope with this growth and at the same time be energy efficient to avoid depleting the batteries of wireless devices. Besides these issues, in a broadband wireless setting QoS can be severely affected from a multipath dispersive channel and therefore be energy demanding. Cross-layered architectures are a good choice to enhance the overall performance of a wireless system. Examples of cross-layered Physical (PHY) - Medium Access Control (MAC) architectures are type-II Diversity Combining (DC) Hybrid-ARQ (H-ARQ) and Multi-user Detection (MUD) schemes. Cross-layered type-II DC H-ARQ schemes reuse failed packet transmissions to enhance data reception on posterior retransmissions; MUD schemes reuse data information from previously collided packets on posterior retransmissions to enhance data reception. For a multipath dispersive channel, a PHY layer analytical model is proposed for Single-Carrier with Frequency Domain Equalization (SC-FDE) that supports DC H-ARQ and MUD. Based on this analytical model, three PHY-MAC protocols are proposed. A crosslayered Time Division Multiple Access (TDMA) scheme that uses DC H-ARQ is modeled and its performance is studied in this document; the performance analysis shows that the scheme performs better with DC and achieves a better energy efficiency at the cost of a higher delay. A novel cross-layered prefix-assisted Direct-Sequence Code Division Multiple Access (DS-CDMA) scheme is proposed and modeled in this document, it uses principles of DC and MUD. This protocol performs better by means of additional retransmissions, achieving better energy efficiency, at the cost of higher redundancy from a code spreading gain. Finally, a novel cross-layered protocol H-ARQ Network Division Multiple Access (H-NDMA) is proposed and modeled, where the combination of DC H-ARQ and MUD is used with the intent of maximizing the system capacity with a lower delay; system results show that the proposed scheme achieves better energy efficiency and a better performance at the cost of a higher number of retransmissions. A comparison of the three cross-layered protocols is made, using the PHY analytical model, under normalized conditions using the same amount of maximum redundancy. Results show that the H-NDMA protocol, in general, obtains the best results, achieving a good performance and a good energy efficiency for a high channel load and low Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR). TDMA with DC H-ARQ achieves the best energy efficiency, although presenting the worst delay. Prefix-assisted DS-CDMA in the other hand shows good delay results but presents the worst throughput and energy efficiency

    Adaptation of the IEEE 802.11 protocol for inter-satellite links in LEO satellite networks

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    Knowledge of the coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of a ceramic material is important in many application areas. Whilst the CTE can be measured, it would be useful to be able to predict the expansion behaviour of multiphase materials.. There are several models for the CTE, however, most require a knowledge of the elastic properties of the constituent phases and do not take account ofthe microstructural features of the material. If the CTE could be predicted on the basis of microstructural information, this would then lead to the ability to engineer the microstructure of multiphase ceramic materials to produce acceptable thermal expansion behaviour. To investigate this possibility, magnesia-magnesium aluminate sp~el (MMAS) composites, consisting of a magnesia matrix and magnesium aluminate s~ne'l (MAS) particles, were studied. Having determined a procedure to produce MAS fr alumina and magnesia, via solid state sintering, magnesia-rich compositions wit ~ various magnesia contents were prepared to make the MMAS composites. Further, the l\.1MAS composites prepared from different powders (i.e. from an alumina-magnesia mixture ahd from a magnesia-spinel powder) were compared. Com starch was added into the powder mixtures before sintering to make porous microstructures. Microstructural development and thermal expansion behaviour ofthe MMAS composites were investigated. Microstructures of the MAS and the MMAS composites as well as their porous bodies were quaritified from backscattered electron micrographs in terms of the connectivity of solids i.e. solid contiguity by means of linear intercept counting. Solid contiguity decreased with increasing pore content and varied with pore size, pore shape and pore distribution whereas the phase contiguity depended strongly on the chemical composition and was less influenced by porosity. ' The thermal expansion behaviour of the MAS and the MMAS composites between 100 and 1000 °C was determined experimentally. Variation in the CTE ofthe MAS relates to the degree of spinel formation while the thermal expansion of the MMAS composites depends strongly on phase content. However, the MMAS composites with similar phase compositions but made from different manufacturing processes showed differences in microstructural features and thermal expansion behaviour. Predictions of the CTE values for composites based on a simple rule-of-mixtures (ROM) using volume fraction were compared with the measured data. A conventional ROM accurately predicted the effective CTE of a range of dense alumina-silicon carbide particulate composites but was not very accurate for porous multiphase structures. It provided an upper bound prediction as all experimental values were lower. Hence, the conventional ROM was modified to take account of quantitative microstructural parameters obtained from solid contiguity. The modified ROM predicted lower values and gave a good agreement with the experimental data. Thus, it has been shown that quantitative microstructural information can be used to predict the CTE of multiphase ceramic materials with complex microstructures.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Compressive Sensing-Based Grant-Free Massive Access for 6G Massive Communication

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    The advent of the sixth-generation (6G) of wireless communications has given rise to the necessity to connect vast quantities of heterogeneous wireless devices, which requires advanced system capabilities far beyond existing network architectures. In particular, such massive communication has been recognized as a prime driver that can empower the 6G vision of future ubiquitous connectivity, supporting Internet of Human-Machine-Things for which massive access is critical. This paper surveys the most recent advances toward massive access in both academic and industry communities, focusing primarily on the promising compressive sensing-based grant-free massive access paradigm. We first specify the limitations of existing random access schemes and reveal that the practical implementation of massive communication relies on a dramatically different random access paradigm from the current ones mainly designed for human-centric communications. Then, a compressive sensing-based grant-free massive access roadmap is presented, where the evolutions from single-antenna to large-scale antenna array-based base stations, from single-station to cooperative massive multiple-input multiple-output systems, and from unsourced to sourced random access scenarios are detailed. Finally, we discuss the key challenges and open issues to shed light on the potential future research directions of grant-free massive access.Comment: Accepted by IEEE IoT Journa

    Internet of Things and Sensors Networks in 5G Wireless Communications

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    This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue Internet of Things and Sensors Networks in 5G Wireless Communications that was published in Sensors

    Internet of Things and Sensors Networks in 5G Wireless Communications

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    The Internet of Things (IoT) has attracted much attention from society, industry and academia as a promising technology that can enhance day to day activities, and the creation of new business models, products and services, and serve as a broad source of research topics and ideas. A future digital society is envisioned, composed of numerous wireless connected sensors and devices. Driven by huge demand, the massive IoT (mIoT) or massive machine type communication (mMTC) has been identified as one of the three main communication scenarios for 5G. In addition to connectivity, computing and storage and data management are also long-standing issues for low-cost devices and sensors. The book is a collection of outstanding technical research and industrial papers covering new research results, with a wide range of features within the 5G-and-beyond framework. It provides a range of discussions of the major research challenges and achievements within this topic

    Internet of Things and Sensors Networks in 5G Wireless Communications

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    This book is a printed edition of the Special Issue Internet of Things and Sensors Networks in 5G Wireless Communications that was published in Sensors

    Creating urban viability and vitality : the vision of the Downtown Improvement Association

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    Thesis (M.U.R.P.)--University of Hawaii at Manoa, 1998