2,408 research outputs found

    Vulnerability of deep neural networks for detecting COVID-19 cases from chest X-ray images to universal adversarial attacks

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    Under the epidemic of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), chest X-ray computed tomography imaging is being used for effectively screening COVID-19 patients. The development of computer-aided systems based on deep neural networks (DNNs) has been advanced, to rapidly and accurately detect COVID-19 cases, because the need for expert radiologists, who are limited in number, forms a bottleneck for the screening. However, so far, the vulnerability of DNN-based systems has been poorly evaluated, although DNNs are vulnerable to a single perturbation, called universal adversarial perturbation (UAP), which can induce DNN failure in most classification tasks. Thus, we focus on representative DNN models for detecting COVID-19 cases from chest X-ray images and evaluate their vulnerability to UAPs generated using simple iterative algorithms. We consider nontargeted UAPs, which cause a task failure resulting in an input being assigned an incorrect label, and targeted UAPs, which cause the DNN to classify an input into a specific class. The results demonstrate that the models are vulnerable to nontargeted and targeted UAPs, even in case of small UAPs. In particular, 2% norm of the UPAs to the average norm of an image in the image dataset achieves >85% and >90% success rates for the nontargeted and targeted attacks, respectively. Due to the nontargeted UAPs, the DNN models judge most chest X-ray images as COVID-19 cases. The targeted UAPs make the DNN models classify most chest X-ray images into a given target class. The results indicate that careful consideration is required in practical applications of DNNs to COVID-19 diagnosis; in particular, they emphasize the need for strategies to address security concerns. As an example, we show that iterative fine-tuning of the DNN models using UAPs improves the robustness of the DNN models against UAPs.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures, 3 table

    Beware the Black-Box: on the Robustness of Recent Defenses to Adversarial Examples

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    Many defenses have recently been proposed at venues like NIPS, ICML, ICLR and CVPR. These defenses are mainly focused on mitigating white-box attacks. They do not properly examine black-box attacks. In this paper, we expand upon the analysis of these defenses to include adaptive black-box adversaries. Our evaluation is done on nine defenses including Barrage of Random Transforms, ComDefend, Ensemble Diversity, Feature Distillation, The Odds are Odd, Error Correcting Codes, Distribution Classifier Defense, K-Winner Take All and Buffer Zones. Our investigation is done using two black-box adversarial models and six widely studied adversarial attacks for CIFAR-10 and Fashion-MNIST datasets. Our analyses show most recent defenses (7 out of 9) provide only marginal improvements in security (<25%<25\%), as compared to undefended networks. For every defense, we also show the relationship between the amount of data the adversary has at their disposal, and the effectiveness of adaptive black-box attacks. Overall, our results paint a clear picture: defenses need both thorough white-box and black-box analyses to be considered secure. We provide this large scale study and analyses to motivate the field to move towards the development of more robust black-box defenses

    IRAD: Implicit Representation-driven Image Resampling against Adversarial Attacks

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    We introduce a novel approach to counter adversarial attacks, namely, image resampling. Image resampling transforms a discrete image into a new one, simulating the process of scene recapturing or rerendering as specified by a geometrical transformation. The underlying rationale behind our idea is that image resampling can alleviate the influence of adversarial perturbations while preserving essential semantic information, thereby conferring an inherent advantage in defending against adversarial attacks. To validate this concept, we present a comprehensive study on leveraging image resampling to defend against adversarial attacks. We have developed basic resampling methods that employ interpolation strategies and coordinate shifting magnitudes. Our analysis reveals that these basic methods can partially mitigate adversarial attacks. However, they come with apparent limitations: the accuracy of clean images noticeably decreases, while the improvement in accuracy on adversarial examples is not substantial. We propose implicit representation-driven image resampling (IRAD) to overcome these limitations. First, we construct an implicit continuous representation that enables us to represent any input image within a continuous coordinate space. Second, we introduce SampleNet, which automatically generates pixel-wise shifts for resampling in response to different inputs. Furthermore, we can extend our approach to the state-of-the-art diffusion-based method, accelerating it with fewer time steps while preserving its defense capability. Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method significantly enhances the adversarial robustness of diverse deep models against various attacks while maintaining high accuracy on clean images

    DISCO: Adversarial Defense with Local Implicit Functions

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    The problem of adversarial defenses for image classification, where the goal is to robustify a classifier against adversarial examples, is considered. Inspired by the hypothesis that these examples lie beyond the natural image manifold, a novel aDversarIal defenSe with local impliCit functiOns (DISCO) is proposed to remove adversarial perturbations by localized manifold projections. DISCO consumes an adversarial image and a query pixel location and outputs a clean RGB value at the location. It is implemented with an encoder and a local implicit module, where the former produces per-pixel deep features and the latter uses the features in the neighborhood of query pixel for predicting the clean RGB value. Extensive experiments demonstrate that both DISCO and its cascade version outperform prior defenses, regardless of whether the defense is known to the attacker. DISCO is also shown to be data and parameter efficient and to mount defenses that transfers across datasets, classifiers and attacks.Comment: Accepted to Neurips 202

    Rethinking Adversarial Training with A Simple Baseline

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    We report competitive results on RobustBench for CIFAR and SVHN using a simple yet effective baseline approach. Our approach involves a training protocol that integrates rescaled square loss, cyclic learning rates, and erasing-based data augmentation. The outcomes we have achieved are comparable to those of the model trained with state-of-the-art techniques, which is currently the predominant choice for adversarial training. Our baseline, referred to as SimpleAT, yields three novel empirical insights. (i) By switching to square loss, the accuracy is comparable to that obtained by using both de-facto training protocol plus data augmentation. (ii) One cyclic learning rate is a good scheduler, which can effectively reduce the risk of robust overfitting. (iii) Employing rescaled square loss during model training can yield a favorable balance between adversarial and natural accuracy. In general, our experimental results show that SimpleAT effectively mitigates robust overfitting and consistently achieves the best performance at the end of training. For example, on CIFAR-10 with ResNet-18, SimpleAT achieves approximately 52% adversarial accuracy against the current strong AutoAttack. Furthermore, SimpleAT exhibits robust performance on various image corruptions, including those commonly found in CIFAR-10-C dataset. Finally, we assess the effectiveness of these insights through two techniques: bias-variance analysis and logit penalty methods. Our findings demonstrate that all of these simple techniques are capable of reducing the variance of model predictions, which is regarded as the primary contributor to robust overfitting. In addition, our analysis also uncovers connections with various advanced state-of-the-art methods.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figures, 6 table
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